Magical Miles to the Marathon! Comments welcomed

It's so funny how we runners want to beat round numbers. There's no real difference in 2:40:04 and 2:39:57, but 2:39 just sounds so much better.
Right? I keep telling myself that.

So originally, I had planned on doing my first marathon on Oct 9th Long beach. My training was a bit hit and miss. I have switched back to Hal Higdon's novice one, and I picked up the training where I would be on his plan. The mileage is pretty close to what I was doing so I am going to see how training goes for the next couple weeks. My mom wants to visit her family again up in provo so I amy be able to do another half marathon in August. They have so many races there!

One of the AC's is out at the library where I work. So I have the fun of meeting the AC guy @ 7 am. So I will do my long run on Sunday instead. It's that time of year where I like to be running before 6 if not earlier.

I saw a Gila Monster! They are native to our area, but not alot of them are around.gila.jpg
Well, I decided that I don't think I should do the marathon on Oct 9th. My training just hasn't been consistent enough. With all the stress at work and tips to tucson for my mom's Dr's, my eating too has been all over the place. Sometimes I don't eat at all and other times too much. I will drop to the half i think. Which means my first marathon is part of Goofy. I know that many have done their first marathon as part of goofy and even Dopey but it makes me nervous. it is so much easier to train in the fall. And ( in theory at least) work should slow down at the end of the month.

I know I have been stressed as I have been buying too many Disney things. I did get the springtime surprise ears; the price had dropped quite a bit since they first showed up on the secondary sites. They are super cute.
Running has been going well. Thanks to @DopeyBadger , I tried the new paces he so kindly figured out for me. I had been slowing down, but not as much as he suggested, it is still a work in progress to keep the paces. I signed up for a half marathon in Albuquerque mid sept, so I can see how it is going.

I'm thinking of doing some Rock n roll races. I like travelling to new places and having a race, as it seems they may have some fun atmosphere. for 199 you can do three races. I am considering half's at Las Vegas, Nashville and DC in 2023. I haven't been to either Nashville or DC. Has anyone done them?

Work still has been crazy, but the library is kinda opposite of school. Summer is super crazy and school year is calmer.

I was stung by a scorpion, right by my knee, so there is that.
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I'm thinking of doing some Rock n roll races. I like travelling to new places and having a race, as it seems they may have some fun atmosphere. for 199 you can do three races. I am considering half's at Las Vegas, Nashville and DC in 2023. I haven't been to either Nashville or DC. Has anyone done them?
I have not done any of these rock n roll races but I hear a lot of good things about the one in Vegas.

However, I did run a rnr race in St Louis and it was fine. I picked it over the local race because it was in the fall vs the spring. I've now run the local one and it is MUCH better.

Before you commit, I recommend picking what cities you want to visit and what races their local running organizations manage. At least then you can compare and make a decision.
I am considering half's at Las Vegas, Nashville and DC in 2023.

I live in DC although the timing hasn't worked out for me to do RnR just yet (but I might do it next year). The route is great. I would say it's one of the best HM courses in the city. It goes all the way around the city, through downtown and lots of other areas that many DC-area races do not touch (not even Marine Corps!). The RnR full marathon hasn't returned since pre-pandemic, but that was also an interesting course - it followed the half marathon, then continued on east of the Anacostia river, which is definitely some rare race mileage. RnR closes a bunch of streets, whereas most other HMs here will largely follow a trail or some other route away from downtown.

The HM begins at the Stadium-Armory metro and ends on the National Mall near the Smithsonian metro, so as long as you pick a hotel on the Blue/Orange/Silver line, you're golden. That would also give you good access to many of the typical DC sights.

Even the RnR 5k is kinda weird, as it's an out-and-back from the Stadium-Armory metro up 13th St NE to H St and back. These are very residential areas and it's not typical to race through them.
The last few weeks have really messed with me. I have missed way more runs than i would like, our small town flooded, while my house was ok some of my friends were not, though in most the water did not get very high. Work has been super stressful too, though I think there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm trying to not get too worried about the Marathon.
I have decided to use the Hansons from scratch marathon play. I do run/walk and looked at some others but because I'm slow the 20 long runs would take me forever. And I can't see how two short runs and one long run would work for me. It's an 18-week plan, with this being week one. I'm a little disappointed in the marathon medals. I do love the 10 K (I'm not doing that) but the Marathon medal is my least favorite. I think because it does look a 30-mile race.
The last few weeks have really messed with me. I have missed way more runs than i would like, our small town flooded, while my house was ok some of my friends were not, though in most the water did not get very high. Work has been super stressful too, though I think there may be a light at the end of the tunnel. I'm trying to not get too worried about the Marathon.
I have decided to use the Hansons from scratch marathon play. I do run/walk and looked at some others but because I'm slow the 20 long runs would take me forever. And I can't see how two short runs and one long run would work for me. It's an 18-week plan, with this being week one. I'm a little disappointed in the marathon medals. I do love the 10 K (I'm not doing that) but the Marathon medal is my least favorite. I think because it does look a 30-mile race.
The generic galloway plans are pretty clear that they are intended to get you across the start line healthy, and to be able to finish. And that's it. Since it's only 3 days a week it kind of eliminates the excuses to skip runs because you didn't have time because it's "only" 3 days a week.

I hear you on missing runs and just want to give the reminder that finding a plan that fits into your life, that you will actually DO (and not have to miss a bunch of runs, although life does happen) is always a better choice than a plan that you have to juggle and re-arrange your life to try to make work.

And yeah. I'm hoping that marathon medal grows on me.....I feel like it's too wide, or maybe it's the 0 that looks more like an O, or how wide the 3 is. I'm not sure, but it's definitely not what I expected.
I'm excited to hear how Hanson's works out for you. It is a LOT of running, but I find it much more manageable than the traditional plans with 20 milers. Finding that much time on any one day plus the motivation is very difficult. For some reason, the 16 milers don't fill me with near as much dread.

I'm starting my Hanson's plan in a few weeks. Maybe we can compare notes 😊
In checking out the d23 stuff, I'm so excited for disenchanted! The little Mermaid too.

Also I really wanted the snow white ears they had, but last I checked they weren't on I'll keep checking.

I have a 10k Sunday in albuquerque. It's a bit of a drive away, I wasn't sure if I was going to make it as I have to take Monday off with how busy work has been, but I was to get ahead with enough to be able to go and not be worried about missing work.My run schedule is only for 5 miles that day but I plan on going nice and slow. . And I finally bought bibboards! They have a cute little running mickey. No more pin holes. Most tech gear the holes don't really bother me, but I like raw threads and it seems for me at least the holes are very noticeable.
The 10k went well, Ill write more about it later

I' have just planned a goofy simulation training! Alone again, though I do kind wish I knew someone who was also running. I'm running the 5k on Saturday, and the half marathon on Sunday at the long beach marathon. After the 5k I plan on going to the aquarium thing, and after the half on Sunday shuttling to Disneyland and going to Disney that night, Monday and Tuesday. I fly home Tuesday night so I will probably have to leave the park about 4 or so. And I am running in a Minnie Sparkle skirt, I haven't picked which top for the half. Not sure about the 5k maybe Olaf? I need to practice in costumes too, right?

I decided I had been stress drinking more than I would like, so no more until I get the free beer at the end of the half.
Hi, My name is Ashlee and I am a running clothes addict. And a Disney clothes addict. And a running Disney clothes addict.

Which means I have way, way too many running clothes. It doesn't help that I also am an Ellie subscriber. You don't think getting an outfit a month would push you over the edge, but that's 12 outfits a year plus all the other stuff I buy. I have been collecting Rundisney clothes, I finally almost have all the I am collection (I wish they did more of them, the tanks are especially cute. The tink one is so lovely), but I found the sizing on those really wildly inconsistent, so i have some in various sizes. I have a full-size dresser just for running/workout clothes and I can't even fit everything in it. And that doesn't even include my winter stuff which is packed up. I have decided to face the music and do a big clear out. I was considering listing stuff on Mercari/posh mark, but it seems a bother. Especially since they brought the tax limit down to 600. I think I will just donate them, unless they are in almost new condition. I have a lot of Raw threads, but same as the pin holes from safety pins seem noticeable to me, same goes with cat claw holes. I have been saving my race shirts for one of those quilts. but honestly, I'm not so sure I want that. I think I will just keep Disney race ones.

Oh, I was accidentally mailed the shirts from Dopey 2019 instead of what I ordered, the seller told me to just keep them. I have no use for races I didn't run, so if any wants them let me know. I think they are woman's large. I can double check if anybody wants them.
Goofy training: Trip 1

I decided i needed to get use to travelling and running. I signed up for a 10k in Albuquerque, (My plan called for a 5 mile). It was a fairly easy drive it ended up taking about 5.5 hours. I went first to the packet pickup which was at a Fleet feet running store. Bare bones, just the bib and a shirt. I bought body glide, I hardly get the chance to go to running dedicated stores.
cs shirt.jpg

Here is the shirt. I don't know who approved that font.

Next, I got sushi for lunch (which I love but am always hungry in like an hour if seems (it was carrot, avocado, cucumber). Then I went to the hotel for bit to chill.

I headed out to the biggest Hobby lobby I had ever been too. It had a section just for wax sealing! and miniatures, anything you could think of. I keep thinking I will scrapbook my Disney trips, so I like to buy stickers, paper etc. and then I hoard them. I stopped by the fabric section to see if they had any of that cute, haunted mansion fabric but they didn't. There was this super prety sequin fabric that was on clearance, it would have been a great color for an Elsa skirt. I decided to think about it and come back the next day if I still wanted it. I forgot Hobby lobby was closed on Sunday, so it wasn't meant to be. (Honestly it would have probably ended up in my stash anyway). Next door was Marshall's, and I bought an Ariel Wet brush. If only My mom had that when I was little the tears it would have saved.
ariel brush.jpg

I was excited to finally try Panda express beyond meat orange chicken. I have been vegetarian since I was in college, ages and ages ago now, but one of the few things I remember liking of meat was the orange chicken. It was pretty good, but it could have used more sauce. It was a ton of food, I had plenty for another meal. Went back to hotel for a chill night.

Flat lay:

flay lay.jpg
I'm terrible at taking pictures. This is the only one I grabbed. The course was described as flat and fast. it was flat, but at times it was down to a single track, not too long after the start. 10k alb.jpg

Some of the route was along a ditch, thru fields, and on the side of the road. The neighborhood was pretty interesting, there even was a vineyard or two. I had real problems with my intervals. I was using this as a supported training run and was going to try out shorter intervals run walk (45:30 60:30 45:30 60:30 ) and repeat. The start was pick where you think you should be, so I was pretty close to the back. I find that small local races tend to have a higher percentage of faster runners. I wonder if that is actually true or not. Once the gun shot, we were off! It went from how wide it was in the pic to single track quickly after the start, so I couldn't do intervals comfortably. I figured I would wait until it the runners spread out. a few minutes in I noticed my watch wasn't buzzing me like it was supposed. Then I realized, I didn't set it to repeat. I decided to run continuous. It has been a while since I did that. I did have to keep reminding myself to slow down. I found running nonstop very enjoyable and am now going to try much longer run segments. Not to run faster really, but it just felt smoother, if that makes sense. It was a gun start, everyone's time begin at the gun instead of when the start line was crossed, and then chip timed at the finish. Not exact I'm sure but my watch had 1:11:20. Which is faster than I meant. But it was a no cough drop race! One of the things I do when it is hot when I am running is carry sugar free cooling cough drops. It is amazing how much cooler it feels when your mouth feels cool, and it makes the water feel cold too. Albuquerque is higher and cooler than where I live. I wore my Saucony endorphin pro that had the carbon plate, I can't tell if they made me faster or cut down on recovery since it wasn't that hard of an effort. The next day the muscles on the side of my ankles were sore, especially the left one the side of the road was banked quite a bit, so I don't know if that was the reason or if they are just a little more unstable than my normal shoes. No medal, but they did have breakfast burritos! It was a nicely run local race, but I'm not sure I would make the long drive (11 hours there and back total) again. If there was a medal, I might. love the bling!

Back to hotel, cleaned up, then I went to the lovely Zoo. What is more like a theme park than a zoo? I didn't really feel like shopping even though I was in the big city, so after that went back to the hotel for an uneventful evening of leftovers and football.

Got up early the next day for the drive home, and my gen x/ millennial pride (I'm right on the edge) got the best of me. I thought I didn't need navigation and could go off memory. I was looking for exit 26, instead of Highway 26 and missed my turn off. It was like 20 miles before there was a place to turn around (legally, those cop turn arounds are so tempting but I saw lots of highway patrol that day.) But I still got home early enough to do laundry etc.

All in all pretty enjoyable.
Week 2 of Hanson's From Scratch Marathon training plan. This week I was focusing on slowing down my paces.

Mon: 4 miles: Done! If there is someone on this board in charge of giving gold stars (And I feel like there should be) I demand one! I ran in the rain!!! Usually I would just avoid it, but since there is a chance that it might rain during the races in Florida, I thought I should give it a go. It was a pretty hard monsoon rain and came in at an angle, so it got me right in my face on my way out but was fine on my way home. I ended up a bit faster than I planned because I didn't really like running in the rain. @ 12:50 avg

Tuesday: 4 miles: Done @ 14:08 avg

Wednesday: 4 miles (the way the plan is written Weds and Friday are rest days. But I decided for my schedule Tues and Thursday would be a better fit for me for rest days. So I moved Thursday's run to weds: Done @ 14:29

Thursday: Rest. I meant to do some Yoga, but I didn't. I did start to clean out my running clothes, and got rid of a trash bag of mostly running clothes and another bag of stuff out of my linen closest, Since on Friday I was going to the "Big City" where there is a thirft store I could donate to.

Laid out my outfit for the next day as it was going to be very early for me as I needed to be ready very early to take my mom to the dr.

Friday: 4 miles: Done @12:56 I was up and at 'em very early for me (before 6 am) and got to run in Middle earth

Laid out outfit for next day (I have so many Disney themed running clothes and no one in my day-to-day life appreciates them)

Sat Long run: 6 miles @ 14:33. I was too lazy and by the time I got out the door it was hot. I love this time of year in AZ where I live. When you wake up it can be in the fifties and in the afternoon 90's. You can run in whatever temp you prefer. I hadn't run this route in a while so I found quite a bit of copper. About 40 miles away there is a very large open pit copper mine and the trucks come thru our town to eventually hook up with the I 10. I love to gather the copper. My parents own a shop, and my mom has sold them to tourists for a couple of bucks. I should have put something in for scale,

Flat me, I wish they made more of the "in training" shirts. I think it would sale well, and they could make it specific to each weekend. It seems in the past they had more shirts?


Sunday 4 miles: done @ 13:41.

A good week. Next week my plan is to focus on a warm up. I'm going to try jumping rope....
I had a nervous race dream!! Already. And it was for the marathon, as I was in the corrals just like at Springtime Surprise, not even the half I have in the next couple of weeks. For some reason the only shoes I had were bowling shoes. I can't even remember the last time I went bowling, but those would be so awful to run in.

I found a wallet today, it's like the 3rd one I have found in the last 2 years. I have known all the people, a benefit of tiny towns, (not well but enough I can get ahold of them to come get it) I love finding things. I also found a Texas license plate.


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