Magical Moments Trip Report COMPLETED!!

Mum to Belle

<font color=royalblue>Thinks she may know someone
Jul 6, 2009
Monday 6th June 2011

It was finally here!!!!! All packed and ready to go by 5am, with one very excited 4 year old, we had a smooth journey to the airport, dropped off our luggage and had time for breakfast. Then through security where we all set off the metal detectors and had to be searched, even Isabelle! :confused: A short flight later and we landed in Paris, Orly. Ezyshuttle were waiting to whisk us & our luggage off to the Hotel New York. :cool1: Oh my, that hotel smells divine, even DH wanted to ask them what the smell was & bring it home!

While I was going through check-in and collecting our tickets, Isabelle came running over, jumping up and down :yay: saying something about wanting Mickey’s autograph, and I was like, yes dear I’m sure we’ll see him soon, at which point DH showed me the photo he’d just taken of her meeting the Main Mouse, she’d come back to get her autograph book! A perfect start to the trip then! :wizard:

We were in the park by 11am and headed for the Castle, it was looking good, despite the clouds today. DD was all for going to visit the dragon first, until she spotted the signs for Adventureland, so we wandered round there and found these guys...

Baloo & King Louis

DD had a go on the bongos while we were there

Then DH said he wanted to go on a ride and as we were there we thought it would be rude if we didn’t make it Pirates! pirate: As we were walking through the queuing area (5 minute queue) DD & I both joined in singing, “Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me...!” I had forgotten how much I loved this ride!!! :love:

Time for lunch now so we headed for Toad Hall where I got fish & chips and DH got chicken burger meal. DD ate our chips & the ice cream. I did take a photo of this, but alas, I had to delete it...

Next it had to be It’s A Small World, Isabelle’s favourite ride. I was just taking the obligatory photo of DH & DD on the boat when my camera flashed up, “Internal Memory Full” which was not a good sign on Day 1! :scared1: As I processed what this meant, I realised that the previous evening when I had been transferring all the photos from the camera to the laptop and formatting the memory, I had neglected to put the SIM card back in the camera!!!!!!! Ooooops. :rolleyes: Being the person that I am, of course I had a spare, sadly, it was currently locked away inside my suitcase back at the hotel baggage area. Thus, today would be a day of few photos, and photos taken by our phones. Oh well, 4 more days to take photos!

We had time for a ride on the carousel before joining the queue for Rapunzel. DH was not impressed. We spent longer sitting on the horses waiting for the ride to start than the actual ride! Short & sweet, the girls liked it!

In the queue for Rapunzel I decided to be ruthless in the photo selection. I had space for 5 photos, so in order to get some of Rapunzel, the food ones had to go. Sorry, but hey, you know what fish & chips look like!! :lmao: While we queued and hoped the clouds wouldn’t empty themselves, we were very pleased to meet this handsome young thief...!

Flynn Rider

Finally our time came and we realised why the queue was moving so slowly, she was really spending time with everyone to make the meet & greet special. I had taken DD’s invite with us to show Rapunzel, and she made a big show of thanking DD for coming to visit her and giving her the biggest hug before she would sign her autograph book, which was also a message to her! Then she talked to her for a few more minutes before posing for several photos (how much was I kicking myself now for not having the memory card?!!!!) and then introducing DD to Pascal. DD was absolutely over the moon – totally worth the queue!!

We had a go on the tea cups next as the other rides were looking a bit busy, always guaranteed to make DD smile..

We decided to take a ride on the Rail Road around the park. What can I say, that’s an hour of my life I’ll never get back again! Not a big hit with us, but I’m glad we did it.

Back to the hotel to grab the SD card, unpack, and change for dinner at Annette’s. DD decided she would be Mulan this evening. She was really taken with the little stage in the middle of Disney Village and insisted on dancing on it every time we walked past...

For dinner I had the Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich, DH had the Rock & Roll Burger and DD had shepherds pie. Forgot to take photos as we were just too hungry! She was mostly interested in our chips, this became a theme through the week, bread rolls & French fries! Oh well, it’s a holiday after all! Forgot to take photos as we were just too hungry! I ordered a caramel donut for dessert and it was huge and very tasty! Got a photo of this though...

After this we headed back to the hotel, DH via the train station shop for some wine, and DD & I via the shops in the village and the hotel gift shop for my postcards. I also picked up the photo voucher pack as recommended by Adam. We managed to find the fairy stories on the Hotel TV, I have always had trouble getting the TV to work in the past but at HNY it seemed much easier. DD insisted on watching even though there is nothing to see, just audio book versions of Disney films. :happytv: Then it was time for bed.

We had brought DD’s portable DVD player for us to watch after she went to sleep and DH had brought his Band of Brothers Box Set. He made the mistake of bringing it on Blu Ray though, so he was stuck with DD’s Disney collection instead!!! :rotfl2: Tonight it was Finding Nemo, but I fell asleep soon after the run in with the sharks.....
LOL I felt the same way about our trip around the park on the Disney railroad - but last time we did it my feet were killing me and we needed to kill some time, so I guess it was good for that :rotfl:.

Lovely pics of Rapunzel - and doesn't Flynn look great!
LOL I felt the same way about our trip around the park on the Disney railroad - but last time we did it my feet were killing me and we needed to kill some time, so I guess it was good for that :rotfl:.

Lovely pics of Rapunzel - and doesn't Flynn look great!

We had to go on the train as ds was desparate. We were on it 5 mins before he said he was bored. It was a very sloooowwww train. Think we'll miss it out next time.

It was sooooo slow and seemed to wait ages at each station almost encouraging you to get off!! :rotfl2:

Flynn had clearly been practising his smoulder Elaine!! ;)
What a great start and I'm so impressed at you getting your trippie up so quickly! Lovely photos - Isabelle looks so happy that I think we can forgive you for not providing the food ones. ;)

Tell me, what does the New York smell of? We went in there a few years ago but I can't remember a smell.
He made the mistake of bringing it on Blu Ray though, so he was stuck with DD’s Disney collection instead!!! :rotfl2:
LOL!! :lmao:
Yay you started you TR :thumbsup2

Rapunzel is so beautiful as is Isabelle (bless her:cutie:) and I'm loving Flynn Rider he has so studied the part.

How was the fish and chips? mum has always said she wanted to go here and try them as we have heard they are yummy.

Did you enjoy Annettes? I can't remember was this a first for you?

Can't wait to read more :worship:
Lovely start - a great welcome for Isabelle at HNY with Mickey.

The Rapunzel meet looks fab - it's so nice when they spend time with each kid.

We've never done the full train ride around the park, it was on my to do list, maybe not any more!! First day you would all be desperate to get going.

Glad you liked the HNY :goodvibes
Tell me, what does the New York smell of? We went in there a few years ago but I can't remember a smell. LOL!! :lmao:

It was lovely, sort of a vanilla smell I think, not quite as heady as the DLH.

How was the fish and chips? mum has always said she wanted to go here and try them as we have heard they are yummy.

Did you enjoy Annettes? I can't remember was this a first for you?

Fish & chips were good, I took photos on our last trip (see review thread)! My Mum enjoyed them too.

Annette's was a first for us. We did see a waiter on roller skates, not ours though, he was a bit... well, he didn't look thrilled to be there! :rotfl:

Food was what you'd expect for a diner, filled us up! :)
Great start!
Flynn looks great, and seems good that he came round whilst queuing. And what a wonderful Rapunzel you met :goodvibes

Oh my gosh that pudding looks delicious... I may have to order dessert at Annette's!
Whenever I go with family mum always insists the first thing we do is get the rail road around the park. She's a little forgetful and likes to 'get her bearings'. :laughing:

Needless to say I'd much rather get stuck in!

What a wonderful first day, I'm even more excited now about going to HNY for the first time, and that donut from Anette's looks wonderful. :lovestruc
thank you so much for starting your TR already im loving it :D fabulous photos and Isabelle is getting soo big! Looks like she's having a ball, delighted she got to meet Rapunzel so quickly.
We loved the railroad! but maybe that was because the weather was so horrific when we were there and it provided a bit of respite from battling the elements. Also there was xmassy stuff to look at so maybe it was more interesting when we went. :rolleyes1 *embarrassed railroad fan*
Really appreciate you writing this so quickly as I'm hungry for DLP info before my trip on Wednesday :worship: you are a star!
Day Two – Tuesday 7th June 2011

The alarms woke us up and we looked out of the window to see rain, lots of it! Still, EMH was on the plan for today, so we headed off for breakfast. I was really pleased with the breakfast at HNY and at 7am (ish) there was no queue. So after bacon, scrambled eggs, potatoes, fruit salad & yoghurt, bread roll with butter & marmalade and a Danish pastry it was back to the room to grab our waterproofs. Except that DH hadn’t packed one! :rolleyes: So while I waited with DD to meet

DH went to look in the shop for an attractive DLP poncho, but came back empty handed. (They had them but he did the whole man-in-a-shop kind of looking, it didn’t jump out at him waving and calling “Here I am!” so he didn’t find one.) Unperturbed by this we got the bus to the park and headed to the station shop, where we found ponchos but realised that I had neglected to pick up today’s spending money!! :rolleyes1 We went into the park and stopped at the stroller hire shop to get a poncho & charge it to our bill. Suitably attired now we headed out into the park to find out that the torrential rain was now easing off – typical!

We headed for our first go on the Buzz ride where DH got to Level 4, I made Level 3 and DD was just happy to spin the car around! Then we went to IASW which according to the EMH guide was open this week, but it was still roped off. :confused3 Promising DD we would come back later we rode Peter Pan twice and then I suggested Star Tours. DH wasn’t sure but, as it was raining and Dumbo was closed and he had no intention of going on the Carousel again, off we set. DD loved the queue area with all the droids! We settled into our seats ready for take-off on our galactic flight. DD absolutely LOVED this ride! She was squealing and laughing all the way through, it was so funny, we had no idea she would enjoy it so much, but this was now her new favourite ride!

DH rode on Space Mountain twice as there was no queue while DD & I explored Videopolis which we had never been in before. We watched some cartoons and had a hot chocolate before venturing back out into the park.

We were going to Fantasyland via Frontierland to pick up a Fast Pass for BTM but when we got there the wait time was showing 20 minutes so we thought, why not, and joined the queue. :) This was a first for us with DD and a ride I’d not been on since our honeymoon 11 years ago so I didn’t remember much about the ride or the queuing area so had no idea how far away the ride was. 20 minutes? They lied! :mad: An hour later we got to the front of the queue! :sad2: Not funny with a 4 year old! I have to admit that the ride made up for it though. :thumbsup2:thumbsup2 We all loved it and DD was riding with her arms in the air and squealing with delight by then end of it! The long queue was forgotten! :goodvibes

As we were in Frontierland DH suggested we do Phantom Manor next and then we returned as promised to ride IASW. We were on our way when we came across the Disney Dance Express which was just departing. I didn’t think much of this when I saw the first clips on YouTube, but Disney know their target demographic and as soon as DD heard the music she was dancing along...!:dance3: She got a lot of waves from the dancers when they saw her, I watched the video back today and it was very sweet. :cutie:

After the promised ride on IASW we finally found time for lunch. We stopped at the Cable Car Bake shop for a cheese & ham roll, crisps, drinks & an apple. After lunch, we decided to try some new rides and first up was Pinocchio and next was Snow White. Both rides were enjoyed and no scary bits which was good.

We headed round to POTC but it was closed :sad1: We caught the Dance Express again and this time DD got a chance to dance with the characters, but I think she was confused about not being able to have a hug & get autographs, it was just a quick dance and then back to your place in the crowd. After this we headed back to the hotel for DD & I to try the pool and DH to head to the gym. I got a shock when I realised there was no shallow end and I couldn’t touch the bottom :eek: so after a while I made DD put on arm bands so I could relax a little! ;) She made friends with a little boy which was nice, as an only child I think she misses her friends a lot while she’s away and is always looking to make new ones. :hug:
Day Two - Part Two

Dinner tonight was at Cafe Mickey, so DD wore her Minnie dress. We were seated upstairs and after other reviews I wondered what this would be like. On reflection, I think I preferred it for a family meal. We didn’t have the dancing or birthday cake mayhem but it was much more relaxed which was better for us. DD ate far more too! We saw Pluto, Tigger, Eeyore, Chip, Dale, Captain Hook, and last but not least Mickey Mouse!

He was messing around with DD pretending she was the real Minnnie, comparing their bows, and generally making her evening perfect! The characters were all lovely, even when DD tried pulling their tails... :rolleyes:

DH ate the chicken ceasar salad

I chose the carbonara

DD had the chicken fingers

All very tasty and better than on our last visit. Our waiter was very attentive and funny. Our food arrived at the same time as our drinks, in other words, very quickly! We all thought this was one of the best value meals of our trip and it certainly wasn’t the most expensive either.

All very happy we headed back to the hotel for another bedtime story and then DH put on the DVD of Cars – but I was already asleep by this point!
Another happy day :goodvibes especially love your Cafe Mickey photos - we all know meals can be hit or miss in there so its great that you enjoyed it.
Thats rubbish about having to wait for so long for BTM but it sounds like generally your queue times weren't too bad?
I'm all packed for my trip on Wednesday except my camera which I appear to have lost :scared1: about to tear house apart looking for it, I can't return with no photos for you lot!! x
Isabelle looks like she is having so much fun.:cutie:

I neeeeeed more please Jenny :surfweb:, I waiting here patiently for the next instalment :lmao:

loladelorean, Please find your camera I really do need to see pics and lots of them :rotfl2:
Great trip report so far. Your little girl is a sweetie.

How deep is the pool at Hotel New York? We're going next month and my son has only just learn't to swim. Could be fun if I can't reach the bottom either!

Clayre :goodvibes
Thats rubbish about having to wait for so long for BTM but it sounds like generally your queue times weren't too bad?
I'm all packed for my trip on Wednesday except my camera which I appear to have lost :scared1: about to tear house apart looking for it, I can't return with no photos for you lot!! x

Yes, that was the only thing we had to queue for apart from Rapunzel, so we were really lucky!

How deep is the pool at Hotel New York? We're going next month and my son has only just learn't to swim. Could be fun if I can't reach the bottom either!

I think it was 1m 60cm but I am 5ft 6in and couldn't touch the bottom. They have a table of arm bands, floats, etc - I would recommend grabbing some! :thumbsup2


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