"Magical Tears"....


Loves all things POOH!
Feb 26, 2002
Hubby Fred & I decided to go back to Disney after church this afternoon. We went there yesterday, but didn't get to spend alot of time there. I still needed MORE!!!!

So we went to AK first to get our Lanyards, then I talked Hubby into going to Magic Kingdom after checking at guest services to make sure Scoop would be around so we could visit with him. Hubby wasn't sure if he wanted to go to MK, but as always, I got my way. I was driving!! Found out he would be out between 2:30 and 3PM.

Got to MK started down Main Street. It was filling up with people finding their places for the parade. We saw the Dapper Dans and a little further down...there he was...Scoop.
We caught up to him and made our greetings and salutations.
A lady named Basille and her husband approached and Scoop played his matching pin game. She did good and found a match. Scoop gave her a pin and made her day! I then gave Fred a pin so he could play, and with the slightest bit of help from our favorite reporter, he made a match of 2 safety pins.

The Scoop awarded him his prize....

Scoop took his own Scoop pin off of his vest and pinned it on FRED!!!!!! AND!!!!! It is pin number........
DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #750!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my gosh!!! My eyes welled up and I just started a cryin right there! I was over-whelmed and Fred, poor thing, was speechless to say the least. Miss. Penelope came up about then and asked Scoop what he did to make me cry..LOL!
Anyway, and me without a camera OR a Kleenex!!

Scoop just hugged me and I told him in his ear that the tears were what my pastor called holy water, but these were more like "magical tears".

I didn't cry when I was awarded my Scoop pin, but I sure lost it today. And it was great.

By the way, we also talked about the "seminars", and hang on to your hats, Good news is comin soon. I think I'll save it for Scoop to share though.

So thank you so much for today Scoop. And yes, there are so many CM's who share the magic each and everyday. Many have blessed my life, and I'm forever grateful. But today you shined as my Magic Maker and I just want to say thank you and Many Many Blessings I pray for you and yours!!!

Blessings to all,
HI Winnie,
That is great. Congrats Fred. I can't wait for Scoop to start doing seminars again. Maybe for the first time I can finally go to one. Fred congrats again.

Hugs to you both,
That is a fantastic story.... Congrats Fred.
Congrats Fred!!!!!.....you see; and you thought paying for all those pins, carrying the bags, going from park to park would not payoff in the long run!!!!!!
Manny, Michelle, Dylan


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