Make-A-Wish and DisneyHand valentine E-card


<font color=red>Proud Redhead<br><font color=blue>
Sep 8, 2004
Hi all-
Just want to share an E-card I received recently from the Make-A-Wish foundation. I'm on their email list. The e-card brought tears to my eyes because my dd had her WDW trip wish granted almost 2 yrs ago. My dd and our family are not pictured in the e-card, but just want to share the joy to all of you! Some of us here on this board have had our dd or ds's wishes granted, so this e-card will probably be extra special, remembering the wish trip.
Ok, here's the link.

Rosemarie :flower:
That is really cool. Thanks for sharing.
I was NOT going to cry, but I couldn't help myself.... if it had only been about 30 seconds shorter, I might have made it.
SueM in MN said:
That is really cool. Thanks for sharing.
I was NOT going to cry, but I couldn't help myself.... if it had only been about 30 seconds shorter, I might have made it.

You're welcome. I know, I wasn't going to cry, either. ;)

Thank you so much for sharing. I needed a good cry . My DD had her wish granted this past Nov. so I know that I am super sensitive. Make-A-Wish is amazing. After we got home from the cruise we were invited to a christmas party. They just keep giving.
Thanks, it made my day! Julia changes her wish every time you ask her, but it always involves princesses and Minnie Mouse!
My first trip to Disney ever was my wish from the Make-a-Wish Foundation. Now I'm 12 and am going on my fourth trip to Disney in March!
It brought tears to my eyes too! Thanks for sharing with us. I have told my husband if there was one job I would love to do at Disney (we always talk about working there), it would be working with Make a Wish to grant the wishes of children at WDW. What a wonderful job that would be!

Okay I cried like a baby LOL! Thanks!


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