Mandalorian Season 3

It’s not that people here don’t value your opinions on the matter and I’m sorry if you were made to feel that way by this discussion. I can understand *why* you feel the way that you do about it but don’t necessarily agree with it myself or agree that some of the “evidence” you provided had any relevance on what was being discussed at the time. It’s just that the way you were trying to get your opinions across was very forceful and off putting (you spoke down to and tried to belittle me several times and I don’t appreciate that) and the way you were going about it felt like, to me at least anyway, like you were acting like you spoke for everyone who’s a fan of Star Wars with what you were saying so definitively here and other people here were just trying to get the point across to you that there’s actually a lot more people out there in the real world than you realise that don’t actually believe or agree with that rhetoric about Luke/Rey/the sequels etc.

You keep saying “50,000 people this” and “half the fan base that” who all think and agree with these specific arguments when you can’t substantiate that because a good chuck of people who are fans of and like the franchise aren’t even publicly engaging with it in that kind of way. Of course people who all think the same way about something or have the same opinions are going to flock together and seek each other out where they can and carve out a place on the internet where they can all validate each others criticisms and dislikes and in turn feel like the majority by doing that and through the algorithms bringing up similar content to what they’re already posting about so that’s all that they end up seeing about it. As I previously said, there’s also a lot YouTubers out there that don’t even really believe the snake oil their selling but just do it because they enjoy stirring things up and causing the divide in the fandom and know it’s going to get people hate-watching them or they know that appealing to a certain demographic of fans is going to get them the views they want and in turn keep bringing the money in for them too.

Not everyone who is a fan is going to be interviewed on their thoughts and have them published and nor are they going to be on the internet talking about SW 24/7 or making video content or podcasts for it etc so there’s a lot of voices, thoughts and opinions on the subject that really aren’t being heard so you can’t say that everyone thinks this or that way about the franchise and the direction it’s going in and be so black and white about it because you don’t actually know that for a fact.

There’s A LOT of valid criticisms out there about the mess that the sequels were and what happened behind the scenes making them that I absolutely agree with but there’s a lot that don’t make sense if you watched the films or hold any weight realistically when you think it through logically and realise that not everything is always going to cater to you specifically.

Everyone complained that The Force Awakens was too rooted in nostalgia and was too similar to A New Hope and that it didn’t take enough risks when it originally came out and people were expecting something new and exciting from SW with it and then what happened when Lucasfilm took a chance on Rian Johnson and made something different that took the franchise in an unexpected direction? Everyone cried about it and ripped it to shreds because it wasn’t what they’d been headcanoning for the last 40 years and then we ended up with the mess that was The Rise of Skywalker with Disney frantically trying to course correct with that film and then giving in to too much fanservice again and them having to scramble on how to change a major part of the story that they’d originally been leading up to and planning to tell due to the unfortunate real life tragedy of losing Carrie. They absolutely could have executed the sequels in a better way and had them all properly planned out before going into production and maybe taking a longer gap between films and having consistent direction could have aided in that and stopped them from being all over the place at times but they didn’t and that’s what caused them a lot of problems in the end.
Agreed, and very fair assessment. I apologize for belittling you, not my intention at all.

I certainly agree with you about how Rian Johnson went a completely different path and wanted to basically do what no one expected him to do. Kill the big bad too early. Have Rey be a nobody, and confuse everyone about force sensitivity flowing through bloodlines. Give the OT fans nothing they wanted / expected from the OT hero. Kill the OT Hero in a confusing way that many didn't really understand. He accomplished his goal I think of having half the fans loving / hating his movie.

The backlash was very real, and Disney got scared. JJ was demanded to course correct to make the fans that Rian ticked off happy. JJ tried really hard, I think. He just had an impossible tasks at that point to make it all make sense and bring back in the OT fans. Bringing Palpatine back was a terrible idea, but what choice did JJ have. Rian had killed off his big bad that JJ planned on being around until the 3rd movie. JJ also tried to redeem a dead Luke, and that proved pretty hard to do.
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Everyone complained that The Force Awakens was too rooted in nostalgia and was too similar to A New Hope and that it didn’t take enough risks when it originally came out and people were expecting something new and exciting from SW with it and then what happened when Lucasfilm took a chance on Rian Johnson and made something different that took the franchise in an unexpected direction? Everyone cried about it and ripped it to shreds because it wasn’t what they’d been headcanoning for the last 40 years and then we ended up with the mess that was The Rise of Skywalker with Disney frantically trying to course correct with that film and then giving in to too much fanservice again and them having to scramble on how to change a major part of the story that they’d originally been leading up to and planning to tell due to the unfortunate real life tragedy of losing Carrie. They absolutely could have executed the sequels in a better way and had them all properly planned out before going into production and maybe taking a longer gap between films and having consistent direction could have aided in that and stopped them from being all over the place at times but they didn’t and that’s what caused them a lot of problems in the end.

The weird thing is that TLJ didn't really subvert anything. At the end of the day it's a pretty by the numbers Star Wars movie and it totally flows from TFA and into ROTS. It's like this treatise of "being wrong" but it knows that. It reaffirms everything it supposedly bucked against by the end of it. Yeah, the Sequels could have been a bit smoother overall, and I agree that timing was a big factor, but it still works reasonably well enough. I mean, it's not like the OT had some big master plan either - it pivots a couple of times.
George had no clue if he would even make another movie after the first. Many expected it to be a complete bomb at the box office, a cowboy style western set in space with laser swords instead of six shooters, WTH was he thinking? Of course he had to scramble when it became apparent that it's massive success would demand a sequel or two.

Disney went into things planning to specifically make a trilogy.

Big difference.
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True but George did also have a lot of backstory written down when originally writing the first film that he and Lawrence Kasdan could at least draw from and integrate into the later OT films and what became the PT.

I mean, you could also argue that Disney not having a solid plan from the get-go for the sequels was also a good thing in some aspects because it gave them some wiggle room and allowed for them to expand the roles of characters like Poe Dameron in the later films once they realised how popular he was after TFA.
The weird thing is that TLJ didn't really subvert anything. At the end of the day it's a pretty by the numbers Star Wars movie and it totally flows from TFA and into ROTS. It's like this treatise of "being wrong" but it knows that. It reaffirms everything it supposedly bucked against by the end of it. Yeah, the Sequels could have been a bit smoother overall, and I agree that timing was a big factor, but it still works reasonably well enough. I mean, it's not like the OT had some big master plan either - it pivots a couple of times.
I just don't understand your logic with this response. The director specifically stated that his vision was to flip Star Wars on its head and not do what people expected. His goal was to have 1/2 the fans think it was the best thing they had ever seen and the other half to hate it passionately. He specifically told Mark Hammill multiple times that he preferred to do the unexpected instead of what Mark felt Luke would have done in a situation. There are hours and hours of interviews with both Rian and Mark saying that Rian's vision for this film was not in line with what the fans or Mark expected to happen. His goal seemed to be to flip Star Wars on its head and break all the rules. I just don't see how you can say it doesn't subvert anything.

- Everyone expected Luke to train Rey (he didn't really, she pretty much trained herself with a grumpy old man nosing around occasionally)
- Everyone expected Snoke to be the big bad that finally dies in episode 9, nope kill him now
- Everyone expected Luke to die a heroes death in episode 9, nope kill him now
- Everyone expected Rey to struggle with her training just like Anakin and Luke had done before her, nope it was a breeze
- Everyone expected Rey to have a very significant blood line tie to the force, nope she's a nobody (JJ had to later frantically and clumsily try and fix this)
It doesn't matter what he said, it matters what he actually put on film. In the movie, Luke specifically says, "this isn't going to go the way you think," - that he's not going to show up with a laser sword to save the day. And yet, that's EXACTLY what he did. Kylo Ren says to "let the past die," and that Rey is holding on to to too much, and yet it is in holding on to the things and people that she loves that gives her the victory. Those things are LIES. They are intentional misdirection and minupulation - not only toward Rey, but toward the audience. People say that Rise of Skywalker repudiates The Last jedi, but in fact the third act of TLJ repudiates itself.
I saw the finale of The Mandalorian Season 3 this morning and it was a flawless finale and it was so wonderful that Grogu "now Din Grogu" got fully adopted by Mando and I thought it was so precious and it was also great that Grogu got his chance to fight and battle and he did a great job. I think Disney did an awesome job on Season 3 and this is most likely the best The Mandalorian season yet. I can't wait to see what Season 4 of The Mandalorian will bring
I thought season 3 took a really big dip in quality of story to me. Seasons 1-2 were significantly better in my opinion. All of the celebrity cameo stuff just seemed incredibly cringy to me.
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