Marathon Weekend 2018

I am also running a fall marathon (Detroit, Oct 15) and will likely have a rest period and ramp up similar to what @DopeyBadger said. Right now I'm questioning my sanity training for a marathon in the summer heat! At 5:00am this morning it was 73 degrees with Florida-like humidity - I was dying during my easy 3 mile run! :crazy2:

I feel your pain. We are on day 3 of a heatwave here in New Jersey and it is supposed to break tomorrow. My "easy " run this morning was quite ugly! Hope it cools down a bit for you.
I am also running a fall marathon (Detroit, Oct 15) and will likely have a rest period and ramp up similar to what @DopeyBadger said. Right now I'm questioning my sanity training for a marathon in the summer heat! At 5:00am this morning it was 73 degrees with Florida-like humidity - I was dying during my easy 3 mile run! :crazy2:

The Detroit Free Press half is great! Over and under the river and visiting another country!
Happy Sunday everyone!
If you could go to a Disney park overseas which one would it be and why?
I'd driven by Tokyo's parks. Japan is so wonderful and I would definitely return one day but not necessarily with Disney as my goal. I would probably go with Paris only because I could get a cool Castle to Chateau medal and if I went a few weeks early I could do Marathon Du Medoc.
Okay so... I'm curious how everyone's training is coming along so far. Have we started or do you guys start in another month or two?

Can't help with your second question but your first question, I'm not really training for the 10K since I'm already pretty much there on my long runs I'm good. :)

DH just started his marathon training this week-it's that long and most of the summer he's just doing "conditioning" type runs, nothing more than a 10K until September.

I feel your pain. We are on day 3 of a heatwave here in New Jersey and it is supposed to break tomorrow. My "easy " run this morning was quite ugly! Hope it cools down a bit for you.

Yup...heatwave here too. It was ugly on Monday for me. Luckily I didn't have anything else planned until today which I'm bailing on because my DDs have dress rehearsal tonight for the dance recital and I'm already pooped since I slept like crap last night.
Does anyone have a favourite running snack/meal they enjoy more when training?

I mentioned in an earlier post that I'm trying to improve my diet as I train for the marathon this year. Overnight oats (rolled oats, Greek yogurt, fruit & chia seeds) are my favourite breakfast option now!
I have been following a custom Jeff Galloway 6 month training plan that ends in August with my long run built up to 17 miles. I am trying to figure out how to transition that into a Dopey plan. I am probably not going to do another custom plan with them. I did like it but don't think I got enough personal attention to justify the cost. So I am already training but I will be floundering in August, lol.

Sunday question: Probably Tokyo or Hong Kong. But I also would have to be heavily medicated for a flight that long so it really isn't likely. :)
It's been really interesting reading about everyone's training plans! I don't start formally training for the marathon until September (based on a Hal Higdon plan) but right now I'm using a Garmin plan to work on heart rate training and increasing from three runs per week to 4 runs per week. I figure that will help for building a good base for when marathon training officially starts. My plan with the heart rate training is to really learn what an easy pace feels like, etc. so that I can use that information when training for the marathon, even if the training plan itself doesn't have the heart rate information.
It's been really interesting reading about everyone's training plans! I don't start formally training for the marathon until September (based on a Hal Higdon plan) but right now I'm using a Garmin plan to work on heart rate training and increasing from three runs per week to 4 runs per week. I figure that will help for building a good base for when marathon training officially starts. My plan with the heart rate training is to really learn what an easy pace feels like, etc. so that I can use that information when training for the marathon, even if the training plan itself doesn't have the heart rate information.
I've used Hal's ever since i started running 10+ years ago and feel his training is easy to follow for different levels. I also read his Marathon book when I did my first full and it definitely helped.
I've used Hal's ever since i started running 10+ years ago and feel his training is easy to follow for different levels. I also read his Marathon book when I did my first full and it definitely helped.
Thanks! I really liked his training plans for half marathons and how it seemed there was something for every level. I figured it made sense to stick with one of his plans for my full too. I hadn't even thought to look to see if he had a book. I'm going to go look for that now :)
It's been really interesting reading about everyone's training plans! I don't start formally training for the marathon until September (based on a Hal Higdon plan) but right now I'm using a Garmin plan to work on heart rate training and increasing from three runs per week to 4 runs per week. I figure that will help for building a good base for when marathon training officially starts. My plan with the heart rate training is to really learn what an easy pace feels like, etc. so that I can use that information when training for the marathon, even if the training plan itself doesn't have the heart rate information.

Figuring out the run easy part now is a really good idea. I wish I'd have figured out much sooner than this and before getting burned out that you really do need to run slow to run fast.
Oh too add to my training over the summer, I'm really trying to work on looking up & my form. I realized I pay too much attention to my shoes since I look down & can see them, and it's not like I'm running on trails either. I'm not sure when I started this looking down habit, but over the summer I'm working on looking up more & overall form too. It's hard trying to break/change a habit for sure!

Does anyone have a favourite running snack/meal they enjoy more when training?

I mentioned in an earlier post that I'm trying to improve my diet as I train for the marathon this year. Overnight oats (rolled oats, Greek yogurt, fruit & chia seeds) are my favourite breakfast option now!
I eat oatmeal mixed with honey & rice crispies, it's odd but it is my go to breakfast lately before running.
I ran a half marathon 3 weeks ago, and I'm enjoying some reduced mileage. I've been doing about 4 miles on the weekends, just to maintain some fitness, but I'll start back up at the end of this month with Jeff Galloway's Dopey training.

I have one more half marathon on November 4, and I'm trying to figure out how I want to handle it. This has traditionally been a very fast course for me, and I'd love to try for a PR. I'd have 2 full months between this and Dopey. Is it a bad idea to run hard for a half marathon 2 months before Dopey, while at the same time increasing mileage in preparation for that event?

Let me know if you have an answer to this...I may have signed up for Savannah's full marathon on November 4. After some issues, I've been cleared to start training - but now I don't have as much time as I wanted, and I still don't really know how to go from one marathon to another.

Hal Higdon does have an 8-week multiple marathons plan that I'm considering using, but I just have no clue.
I am intrigued by this! What prompted you to try that mix in the first place?
Well, I can't really eat many cereals on their own cause I have jaw issues (Tight mouth jaw or whatever it's called, like I can't eat chips either or chew gum) over the last few years now, so I went to mostly just oatmeal, but that was getting boring so I started experimenting with mixing cereals in and rice crispies work well cause they aren't chewy or too hard at all. And honey now because it's 'healthier' than brown sugar and not as sweet which I prefer. The oatmeal sits with the honey while I shower than I pour in the crispies and an extra splash of milk & stir it up! The crispies add enough crunch to help with boring oatmeal! And I can run on it without any problems! I think it's tasty!
I just spent a ton of time creating my first marathon training plan, and I'm so excited! :dogdance: I can't remember if it was on here or the running thread, but someone mentioned changing their 7 day cycle to a 9 day cycle. This intrigued me quite a bit, so after doing some research, I decided to try the 9 day. I adjusted the Hal Higdon beginner marathon plan to fit a 9 day cycle, by adding a 30-45 minute tempo run and an extra rest day. So I have 8-9 days between each "long run." Anyway, I figured that you guys are the just about the only people that could be as excited at the thought of calendaring out their marathon training schedule as I am, so I wanted to share! :D
Happy Sunday everyone! As always Sunday's are for Disney but this Sunday is also for Father's.

Today's question: What is your favorite Disney related memory that includes your father or includes you as a father with your kids?

My answer: Well one of my favorite Disney memories with my dad is when I was about 6 years old. We were in Frontierland and my dad got pooped on by a bird. He had it everywhere and had to get a new shirt. I don't really have any huge sentimental memories as my dad isn't the Disney fan in the family my mom is. This was one of those funny moments though.
Happy Sunday everyone! As always Sunday's are for Disney but this Sunday is also for Father's.

Today's question: What is your favorite Disney related memory that includes your father or includes you as a father with your kids?

My answer: Well one of my favorite Disney memories with my dad is when I was about 6 years old. We were in Frontierland and my dad got pooped on by a bird. He had it everywhere and had to get a new shirt. I don't really have any huge sentimental memories as my dad isn't the Disney fan in the family my mom is. This was one of those funny moments though.

I can remember going to Disney with my old man when I was about 12 and ... he did not enjoy it. So, I'm going to flip the script a little bit and post my favorite memory as a dad at Disney.

I loved our first trip to Disney with my two oldest girls. We did the princess breakfast in the castle and their eyes lit up every time they saw a new princess. I loved the way they believed in the magic of Philharmagic. It was a great introduction of Disney for them and my first trip back in about 15 years.
Today's question: What is your favorite Disney related memory that includes your father or includes you as a father with your kids?

My favorite memory with my dad was our first trip to WDW when I was a kid. We weren't overly wealthy, so going to WDW was a huge deal for us. My parents had been planning it forever and we were incredibly excited. Two weeks before we left my dad completely shattered his ankle while running across a driveway at work after a big ice storm. He had multiple surgeries and plates put into his ankle to restore it, but it was going to be a 6-month+ recovery.

He and my mom were still determined to make the trip happen and he soldiered through. I was about 10-11 years old so I don't remember all the specifics of how his injury impacted the trip for him and my mom. I know it must have been far more difficult and stressful than I remember. What I do remember is getting to go to the front of the line of every attraction that he could safely ride. That was pretty darn cool.

My dad doesn't particularly enjoy theme parks so I appreciate all of the sacrifices he made to make that trip happen.
Today's question: What is your favorite Disney related memory that includes your father or includes you as a father with your kids?

My dad took me to see beauty and the beast when it was first released in theaters. i remember sitting in the theater in awe holding my popcorn and drink - because it was the best movie ever. Dad had to keep leaning over to remind me to eat my popcorn since I literally was :bitelip: the entire time. He was worried ;)
Today's question: What is your favorite Disney related memory that includes your father or includes you as a father with your kids?
My favorite memory was when my dad took me and my brother to see The Jungle Book. I was 6 at the time and I remember getting so upset and crying when I thought Baloo was dead after the fight with Shere Khan. My father held me in his lap to comfort me and dry my tears. Makes me smile every time I think about it.


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