Marathon Weekend 2018

I really wish they still had the regular pacers to compliment the Galloway ones. I just cannot do the Galloway method at all.

Good news is the marathon 4:45 pacers are in corral D with me, and the 5:00 pacers are back in E. I know I want to try and finish between 4:45 and 5:00, so as long as the 4:45 group is in sight, and I don't eventually get passed by the 5:00 group, I know I am doing good.

For the marathon, I'll definitely plan on lining up on the left side of the corral so as to not be caught behind the pace group one minute after the race starts.
I've been training with 3 min run and 1 min walk and that seems like a good pace for me, 5 hour goal. I don't know how people do a 60/30 sec pace. That's a lot of watches beeping for walk breaks
Playlist? Qu'est-ce que c'est?

If I ever need a playlist to make it through a run, it's time to stop running. (spoken like the old ***** that I am)
I will normally have headphones in while I run, whether it's listening to a podcast or music. However, during races, I never use headphones. I don't think people "need" a playlist when they run, but on bad days it definitely helps power through.

For the marathon, I was considering popping in my headphones the last 6 miles or so when I need that boost.
I've been training with 3 min run and 1 min walk and that seems like a good pace for me, 5 hour goal. I don't know how people do a 60/30 sec pace. That's a lot of watches beeping for walk breaks
There was a recent article I read (can't find it now) that showed 2:30/:30 as the optimal combination, basically saying that longer runs than 2:30 degraded the ability to recover during the walk portion, and that walking longer than :30 had diminishing returns on the recovery. Wish I could find that link...
PLENTY of us use run-walk intervals. Really, if it's good enough for an Olympian, why wouldn't it be good enough for we mere mortals? I know plenty of people don't use walk intervals and that's fine, too; different strokes for different folks, we're all an experiment of one, 26.2 miles is 26.2 miles, and so on. I'll be happily doing the :30/:30 intervals that allow me to run long distances at all as an aging ex-athlete, TYVM.

Honestly, some of the elitist comments here lately are getting to be a real drag. And you know it's getting bad when I say something - folks who've known me here for years and years know I'm usually Suzy Sunshine, trying always to give every post's intent and tone the benefit of the doubt.
I use intervals of 2 minutes running and 30 seconds walking. I basically just chose that ratio because it goes evenly into 5 and it's easy for me to track, but I lucked out and it works well for me. When I get tired toward the end of a marathon training long run, I might change to shorter run intervals but the walk intervals never go over 30 seconds for me because then I find it harder to get started with running again. But everyone should do whatever works best for them and whatever gets them to the finish healthy! I've certainly been passed by people rocking super short intervals and I've seen them go on and pass people who are doing a continuous run.
I am 100% certain I'd be faster with the Galloway method but I like to be in la la land while I run and mentally I can't be reminded every minute of the fact that I'm running and not lying on a beach somewhere. The DopeyBadger method has forced me to be much more in tune with my running pace and not in my happy place in my mind so maybe this is a good gateway to Galloway.
I am 100% certain I'd be faster with the Galloway method but I like to be in la la land while I run and mentally I can't be reminded every minute of the fact that I'm running and not lying on a beach somewhere. The DopeyBadger method has forced me to be much more in tune with my running pace and not in my happy place in my mind so maybe this is a good gateway to Galloway.

I prefer to straight run for the same reason you do - I like getting in a Zen-like state where I'm almost hypnotized by the rhythm of breathing and running. People are different. Some people are very analytical (hello @DopeyBadger), others are "feel" runners who want to zone out. Whatever works for the individual. Walk/run works for some people and more power to them.

It's a good bet I'll be doing some walk/running at the marathon because of my injury. I've already got my "mind right" about it and am looking forward to Goofy however it takes me to get across the finish line.
While I can run straight through, I actually love doing Galloway intervals & try to incorporate them into my weekly runs at least once for a different kind of run. I'll do anywhere from :90/:30 to 2:30/:30 and my paces can be pretty close or at times right on to running straight through. I end up running faster on the run parts because I get that :30 recovery of switching to different muscles & don't get tired because I'm taking that :30 before I'm tired (if that makes sense). I haven't decided how to do the marathon yet because I do want to stop for some characters & I'll have to walk the water stops for sure (never can master drinking and running still) & want to grab a pic of each mile marker, so those could end up being all my walk breaks instead of the set beeper going off. Although, having the beeper I kind of like cause I zone out to it as well.
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How do you guys get the different speeds for 60/30. I’m having trouble figuring out the different speeds?

Not sure unless they can tell you the walking pace that you could figure out the running pace. You need one of the two paces to do the math. Otherwise, there are so many possible combinations. I just showed three here as an example:

Screen Shot 2017-12-20 at 3.54.23 PM.png

Whenever I help someone setup run/walk pacing I try to compare the necessary run pace based on their normal walking pace. Then I try to find the relevance of that run pace to normal "pace zones" for a continuous runner. Therefore, if someone was doing a 3 min run interval at one mile pace I might get worried, because that's really really tough. Just becomes a number game and trying to find what works individually. Not sure this helps answer your original question though.

Some people are very analytical (hello @DopeyBadger), others are "feel" runners who want to zone out.

Funny enough, I'm SUPER analytical in training. But on race day, I've found I perform best when I'm blind to GPS/pace feedback. So I dabble a bit on both!
I wasn't knocking Galloway, just the 30/30, 60/30 ratio for 4:30-5:00 finish times.

The chart posted here doesn't jive with his program.

From the Galloway WDW Training Program on the runDisney website:

Run-walk-run ratio should correspond to the pace
used. Here are suggested strategies:

9 min/mi: run 4 minute/walk 1 minute (4/1)
10 min/mi: 3/1
11 min/mi: 2:30/1
12 min/mi: 2/1
13 min/mi: 1/1
14 min/mi: 30 seconds/30 seconds
15 min/mi: run 30 seconds/walk 45 seconds, or run 20
seconds/walk 40 seconds
16 min/mi: run 20 seconds/walk 40 seconds
17 min/mi: run 15 seconds/walk 45 seconds


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