Marathon Weekend 2018

I wasn't knocking Galloway, just the 30/30, 60/30 ratio for 4:30-5:00 finish times.

The chart posted here doesn't jive with his program.

From the Galloway WDW Training Program on the runDisney website:

Run-walk-run ratio should correspond to the pace
used. Here are suggested strategies:

9 min/mi: run 4 minute/walk 1 minute (4/1)
10 min/mi: 3/1
11 min/mi: 2:30/1
12 min/mi: 2/1
13 min/mi: 1/1
14 min/mi: 30 seconds/30 seconds
15 min/mi: run 30 seconds/walk 45 seconds, or run 20
seconds/walk 40 seconds
16 min/mi: run 20 seconds/walk 40 seconds
17 min/mi: run 15 seconds/walk 45 seconds
No one will be right on with that chart, it's a guide for getting started I guess, but everyone will vary on their overall pace because their runs and walks can be much faster or slower than what chart equates too. I can do the :90/:30 and hit 9:30/mile easily so it all just varies on the person and what they are pacing during their runs & walks.
I wasn't knocking Galloway, just the 30/30, 60/30 ratio for 4:30-5:00 finish times.

The chart posted here doesn't jive with his program.

From the Galloway WDW Training Program on the runDisney website:

Run-walk-run ratio should correspond to the pace
used. Here are suggested strategies:

9 min/mi: run 4 minute/walk 1 minute (4/1)
10 min/mi: 3/1
11 min/mi: 2:30/1
12 min/mi: 2/1
13 min/mi: 1/1
14 min/mi: 30 seconds/30 seconds
15 min/mi: run 30 seconds/walk 45 seconds, or run 20
seconds/walk 40 seconds
16 min/mi: run 20 seconds/walk 40 seconds
17 min/mi: run 15 seconds/walk 45 seconds

My friend ran 60/30 for Marathon his year and finished under 5:00 (4:47 to be exact), so ...:confused3
No one will be right on with that chart, it's a guide for getting started I guess, but everyone will vary on their overall pace because their runs and walks can be much faster or slower than what chart equates too. I can do the :90/:30 and hit 9:30/mile easily so it all just varies on the person and what they are pacing during their runs & walks.

Exactly. I can run 2mins/walk 1min and hit 12:00min pace. I've also been know to walk 2mins/run 1 min and still hit the 12:00 pace. There are lots of variables that are person dependent. I just try to keep track of the pace signs in the air for reference and just do me.
The past few years I have tried various run/walk strategies and I know they work.
I am not disputing that at all. Nor am I knocking it as not running, never said that.
I can't recall knowing or seeing anyone do a 30/30 routine?
It just seems too short for the run portion.
Right as you get cruising speed you stop and walk.
During crowded races and bottlenecks do you at least vary your plan?

To me the best part of the run/walk strategy is the "FINISH STRONG" ability.
At the end of the race my legs aren't locked up and I can blow by mile 24, running to the finish.
It feels fantastic not requiring Frankenstein form to get to the finish line.
I used a 4 min run/1 min walk combo for my long runs this training cycle and I think it served me well. :30 walk breaks were just too abrupt for me. I feel like it took 10 of those seconds just to transition from run to walk.

Meanwhile, two people that sit near me at work have come down with the flu in the last 5 days. And both had the flu shot. I asked my boss if I could work from home the next 2 weeks - only half joking. :crazy2::cold:
I'm proof. I ran 3:55 marathon using run/walk.

Yeah you did!!!!!!!!


Seriously, though. To echo what @PrincessV said, there are a small few people now posting in this thread that are taking the spirit and purpose in a sad direction.

@Grumpy_42K - I’m sure some of our Galloway pacers will pop in to give more insight! Personally, I started with Galloway when I started stretching out for longer distances and challenges - or multiple race weekends back-to-back. It wasn’t for me in the long run, as I need something to mix it up to keep me interested in long runs - but I can DEFINITELY see how it works for many.

These threads are about supporting our fellow runners, about helping first-timers plan and train and toe the line for a challenge that once seemed incredibly impossible to them.

However they choose to cover the 3.1, 6.2, 9.3, 13.1, 19.3, 22.4, 36.9 or 48.6 miles over Marathon Weekend is not for you or me or ANYONE to judge. Shame on anyone for doing otherwise, especially in a race series that features Jeff Galloway and his run/walk method prominently in race marketing and training materials.

So, can we take a chill on the judgment in the spirit of the holidays?

I’m so proud of everyone on this thread and I’m incredible excited to join you on your journey through Marathon Weekend. I can’t wait to meet each of you and buy you a celebratory/pre-celebratory beverage during the weekend.
@Keels, I'm am sorry you thought I was judging anyone's strategy.
*Sigh :(
I wasn't judging, please read closely my past few posts and you will see.

I was actually just curious about 30/30 or 60/30 paces?
The ratio may match but the duration seems wrong.

For instance, a 2/1 ration could be 2 minutes running 1 minute walking.
This seems more like what I have read about Galloway.
A 1 minute run and 30 second walk is technically the same.
However, it seems to be less efficient.

As for the 30/30, 30 seconds running/ 30 seconds walking, does ANYONE on this board use this strategy?
I am genuinely curious.
Doing that for a Disney race seems cumbersome.
I used the term annoying earlier, I was speaking for myself, if I were to try that rate.

I am also curious if the Galloway pacers ratio numbers are just that.
Will they do 60s/30s or apply that as 2m/1m?

So please, I was not knocking anyone.
Perhaps you misjudged me?
If I can't ask questions of fellow runners that is disappointing.
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Those numbers can't be right?
60 seconds running then 30 seconds walking?
That much starting and stopping would annoy me.

The shorter walk break intervals are new to his method, he says it makes you faster. I personally could never get them to work for me. :(
I will normally have headphones in while I run, whether it's listening to a podcast or music. However, during races, I never use headphones. I don't think people "need" a playlist when they run, but on bad days it definitely helps power through.

For the marathon, I was considering popping in my headphones the last 6 miles or so when I need that boost.
Personal question: what qualifies you to decide what is and is not running?

Remember how you were upset about your corral placement and people jumped in with tips and assurances that it would still be a fun race? Two things on that:

1.) THAT - those tips and encouragement - is the spirit of these boards, not being judgmental over how someone chooses to cover those 3.1/6.2/13.1/26.2 miles, and
2.) Some of those very nice people use the very intervals you are maybe you’ll want to encourage them the way they encouraged you?

Last thing: Jeff Galloway, Olympian and runDisney Training Consultant and run/walk/run guru, ran a Boston Qualifier using :30/:15 intervals (4:09ish). He’ll likely be at the expo in January...lots of people will want to meet him as he, and his run/walk/run method, are what got them running. Are you gonna tell him his BQ isn’t valid because he used intervals?
@Keels, I'm am sorry you thought I was judging anyone's strategy.
*Sigh :(
I wasn't judging, please read closely my past few posts and you will see.

I was actually just curious about 30/30 or 60/30 paces?
The ratio may match but the duration seems wrong.

For instance, a 2/1 ration could be 2 minutes running 1 minute walking.
This seems more like what I have read about Galloway.
A 1 minute run and 30 second walk is technically the same.
However, it seems to be less efficient.

As for the 30/30, 30 seconds running/ 30 seconds walking, does ANYONE on this board use this strategy?
I am genuinely curious.
Doing that for a Disney race seems cumbersome.
I used the term annoying earlier, I was speaking for myself, if I were to try that rate.

I am also curious if the Galloway pacers ratio numbers are just that.
Will they do 60s/30s or apply that as 2m/1m?

So please, I was not knocking anyone.
Perhaps you misjudged me?
If I can't ask questions of fellow runners that is disappointing.
I use 30/30 for middle distance runs (10k-10 miles) and 15/30 or sometimes 15/45 for longer runs. It works excellent for me. I used these ratios for Goofy in 2015 and plan to do the same for Dopey in a couple weeks. Though I might cut it back to 15/60 for the half just to slow my pace down some.
Here day dreaming about the weather because it's taper time and I have nothing else to do.

1/3 H - 78 L - 55
1/4 H - 72 L - 52
1/5 H - 75 L - 53
1/6 H - 74 L - 53
1/7 H - 72 L - 52


Drop it 10 degrees on both ends and that would be perfect! (For me.)

At least 10 degrees maybe more on those highs.

Finishing 26.2 at 72 degrees in FL humidity not my thing so hoping for just a little bit of a cool down.
A girl I know qualified for Boston (3:22:24) doing run/walk intervals. They personally don't work very well for me, but I do not understand knocking other people down for what works for them. Someone who runs, walks, crawls, bunny hops or rolls 26.2 miles is still a marathoner to me, and that is all that really matters! :thumbsup2

Also, I really need them to add an eye roll emoji to these boards.
I’m a Galloway runner and, yes, I consider it running. :)

Anyway @Grumpy_42K I didn’t find your remarks offensive. When I first started Galloway, we did 1 minute walk breaks and then after reading some of his new recommendations we changed to running with 30 second walk breaks. It was a tough transition for exactly the reasons you mention. But over time we got used to the shorter walk and found our overall pace improved by over 1:00 m/m. I honestly zone out running doing intervals just like continuous runners do. I’m like Pavlov’s dog with that beep. I don’t even think about it. It feels perfectly natural and automatic.

We currently do either :90/:30 Intervals or 2:00/:30 Intervals. I’ve played with :60/:30 and :30/:30 but they haven’t been great for me. I really think interval runners have a sweet spot with ratios and it’s just a matter of finding it.


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