Marathon Weekend 2022

That'll be a big difference.. Touring Plans is trying to give you the experience you want. The Mouse has their own agenda.
100% this. I've been using TP since its earliest inception, way back before smart phones and apps, and I'll continue to do so in the era of Genie because I have no doubt Disney's goals for my touring do not align with my own!

The only thing is the convenience of the getting to the race in the morning… how early did you have to leave to get to the race? I have heard horror stories about driving to the race from off property.
I've not stayed at Universal, but I nearly always stay somewhere offsite for races and have almost never had any issues with driving. The key is really to be early, or risk getting stuck in traffic. I usually aim to be driving through the EP toll both by 3:15-3:30 for a 5:30 race start and only once have I hit traffic - they did something screwy with traffic and buses for the 2020 marathon that made for a ton of extra traffic. I waited to get into the EP lot maybe 15 minutes, whereas for years and years I drove right through. But I still made it to the start with plenty of time to spare.
She is encouraged to walk as much as possible to aid in her recovery so she thinks she will be able to do the 10k's but we were discussing whether or not they sweep people in the 10k? I told her I would ask y'all. Thanks!
They definitely sweep during 10K races. I was placed in the last corral for Dark Side 2017 10K. I played it safe for stops meaning until I came to the Emperor's Throne from Return of the Jedi. I had to stop for that. When I was third in line, the runDisney bicyclists came up and told us that the balloon ladies were 5 minutes behind us and when they got to us, we could either join the balloon ladies or stay in line for the photo, but staying in line for the photo would result in being swept. I was confident enough in my training and experience that I knew I could stay with the balloon ladies worst case scenario so I stayed in line, got my photo, and continued on. Perhaps 5 minutes or so later, I saw the buses pull up to form a V with a few runners still on the course. So they sweep, but will give you warning that it could happen. My sister ran the 2020 Marathon untrained and heard frequent warnings about being 30 seconds to a minute ahead of the balloon ladies. Since she had a proof of time of under 5 hours from 2019, she was able to avoid being swept, but her per mile average was a lot higher than 16 minutes.
I think my longest WDW 10K to date was over 2 hours, for reference, and the earliest corral I've started in was B.
I ran the 2019 WDW 10K as part of Dopey and had a 2+ hour 10K finish. Nary a peep about being swept and I was nowhere near Corral B. Once again I was placed in the last corral for the 2020 WDW 10K and heard the warnings, but never had to worry. I did have to skip any and all character stops, but I was fine with that.
I’m going to go back and look through the thread, but does anyone remember if the kids’ races registration were announced beforehand or if they just randomly showed up one day for the early 2021 races? @Sleepless Knight do you remember?
I honestly do not remember. I vaguely remember registering my nephews for the 2021 kids races the same day I registered myself for the virtual races, but that could be my mind playing tricks on me.

SAFD Where to Stay:

As much as I love Epcot, I really like the Poly and Wilderness Lodge. Also, I know it's insanely expensive, but the Galaxy's Edge resort is my dream.

SAFD Who to Run the Marathon With:

Honorable Mention 1: Belle. Talking about my favorite stories and books seems like a very enjoyable way to pass 26.2 miles.

Honorable Mention 2: Animal and Sam Eagle. Mostly because Animal's wanton love of going crazy and/or destroying things would be a very entertaining way to destress over 26.2 miles. So long as he does not destroy the water stations. And Sam Eagle will always be there to remind you that stopping in the middle of a race is distinctly unpatriotic.

Honorable Mention 3: Mr. Incredible. Because whenever it would be tempting to fold, he would remind me that running a marathon is not a celebration of mediocrity.

Actual Choice: Rey Skywalker. She knows a thing or two about finding the strength to keep going even when you feel like you've given everything. Plus, we can discuss the ways of the Force, the sacred Jedi texts and teachings of Master Yoda for 26.2 miles. I might not want the marathon to end.

SAFD Favorite Park:

Disneyland. Disneyland. And Disneyland.

Favorite park at WDW remains Epcot. Even though Galaxy's Edge is taking up so much of my time these days.
For anyone doing Dopey/Goofy/Marathon, have you started training yet? The Galloway Dopey plan was at 9 miles on Saturday. Got it done but it was super humid and not pretty. I’m really going to need fall to show up soon! I don’t know how any of you Florida runners do it.
For anyone doing Dopey/Goofy/Marathon, have you started training yet? The Galloway Dopey plan was at 9 miles on Saturday. Got it done but it was super humid and not pretty. I’m really going to need fall to show up soon! I don’t know how any of you Florida runners do it.
I'm running Goofy, but I also have a marathon in November that I'm training for. I'm in PA not FL but can agree it sure is hot. I never trained for a fall marathon before, in part because I could never imagine training in this heat. I think this is going to be my last time running a marathon other than January.
For anyone doing Dopey/Goofy/Marathon, have you started training yet? The Galloway Dopey plan was at 9 miles on Saturday. Got it done but it was super humid and not pretty. I’m really going to need fall to show up soon! I don’t know how any of you Florida runners do it.

I’ve got a 50k on Labor Day Weekend and will roll into Dopey training as soon as it’s done. I’m in central NC, not FL, but this summer has seen some of the highest temperature and dew points (T+Ds) I’ve run in. It’s gotten up to 172 for T+D (”feels like” temp of 107). The best advice I can give is take more water than normal, slow down and power through as best you can. As bad as it is now, it will pay off when cooler temps roll around.
For anyone doing Dopey/Goofy/Marathon, have you started training yet? The Galloway Dopey plan was at 9 miles on Saturday. Got it done but it was super humid and not pretty. I’m really going to need fall to show up soon! I don’t know how any of you Florida runners do it.
Just a bit to get my legs back into it but nothing serious. Doing Dopey with Nike's Marathon plan (used it for my first marathon), which starts at 18 weeks out. I have a 10 miler in late September, almost times perfectly with the plan, so I'll be starting formal training runs probably this weekend.
For anyone doing Dopey/Goofy/Marathon, have you started training yet? The Galloway Dopey plan was at 9 miles on Saturday. Got it done but it was super humid and not pretty. I’m really going to need fall to show up soon! I don’t know how any of you Florida runners do it.

I am also currently training for a fall marathon, so I'm out there slogging through this crap, just in PA not FL. I also stupidly gave blood about two weeks ago and got a cold too, so I've really felt those 130 T+D even at 6am when I do most of my runs. Those weren't wise decisions on my part (I know, saving lives blah blah).

I'm not sure which is worse - training for a fall marathon in the heat or a spring marathon when the snow forces long runs on the treadmill.
For anyone doing Dopey/Goofy/Marathon, have you started training yet? The Galloway Dopey plan was at 9 miles on Saturday. Got it done but it was super humid and not pretty. I’m really going to need fall to show up soon! I don’t know how any of you Florida runners do it.

Florida runner here training for the Chicago Marathon. I run as early in the morning as possible and bring lots of water. It’s more humid in the early morning hours, but temps are lower and the sun isn‘t trying to kill me. My body really needs a break from the heat so I took an extra rest day yesterday and plan on using the treadmill at least twice this week.
I started the 9 miles at 6 am, so that definitely helped. I wish I could run early on weekdays but with work it’s just too much of a rush and I don’t feel comfortable running alone in the dark.

Every little bit helps. I just can’t bring myself to get up early enough to run before work, so my weekday runs generally start around 5pm.
For anyone doing Dopey/Goofy/Marathon, have you started training yet? The Galloway Dopey plan was at 9 miles on Saturday. Got it done but it was super humid and not pretty. I’m really going to need fall to show up soon! I don’t know how any of you Florida runners do it.
I run in central Florida so I feel you on the humidity. On Saturday I went out at 5:30AM and took a small backpack with two extra water bottles to help get me through. I can't wait for October and November when it might become bearable.
For anyone doing Dopey/Goofy/Marathon, have you started training yet? The Galloway Dopey plan was at 9 miles on Saturday. Got it done but it was super humid and not pretty. I’m really going to need fall to show up soon! I don’t know how any of you Florida runners do it.
Georgia runner here! 👋 Hills, Heat & Humidity! It's been brutal. I'm training for my first Dopey (and first Marathon)! I've done well at sticking with the Galloway plan. Also very much looking forward to cooler months. I am grateful that the "low mileage" weeks coincide with the hot months. And there is the added benefit of building more endurance during this heat that will transfer over to longer runs in cooler weather!
I've been trying to maintain a sub 11 minute pace on my long 8 mile+ runs, but this past Saturday was brutal. Ended up walking at least a mile of the 9. I'm less worried about the balloon ladies and more just worried about hitting that wall around mile 17 or so of the marathon and what it will be like to power through that. Any tips other than proper fuel/nutrition and hydration?
I'm less worried about the balloon ladies and more just worried about hitting that wall around mile 17 or so of the marathon and what it will be like to power through that. Any tips other than proper fuel/nutrition and hydration?
The guidance around carb loading has changed quite a bit over the last few years - not that we shouldn't but in how to go about it. I recommend that you do some research on how to carb load. I use a 3 day process - used to do it in 2 days. I have found that the 3 day process works better for me, but we are all different.

If you approach carb loading properly and eat 2-3 hours before the race starts, there is no reason to worry about the wall. And the good news - you can practice the process to see what works for you during training.
For anyone doing Dopey/Goofy/Marathon, have you started training yet? The Galloway Dopey plan was at 9 miles on Saturday. Got it done but it was super humid and not pretty. I’m really going to need fall to show up soon! I don’t know how any of you Florida runners do it.
Yes I'm doing a kind of self-modified Galloway Dopey schedule as I'm getting ready to run the Calgary Marathon Sep 19th and also camping over an extra long September long weekend so I likely won't be running then. Basically I've started doing some walks Saturdays then a run Sundays (13 miles two days ago). I will jump into the training fully after the Calgary Marathon.
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For anyone doing Dopey/Goofy/Marathon, have you started training yet? The Galloway Dopey plan was at 9 miles on Saturday. Got it done but it was super humid and not pretty. I’m really going to need fall to show up soon! I don’t know how any of you Florida runners do it.
Dopey here, in west-central FL. How do we do it? Slowly. Very slowly. :rotfl:
My body likes a long, slow buildup of mileage, so I'm already into the back-to-backs with a 2/10 two weeks ago, and a 3/11 this week. I get about 1.5 hours in before sunrise, and then can manage around 45 minutes after sunrise, while the sun is still low enough that I can run in shade. If my run goes longer than that, I finish the last couple miles on a treadmill in AC or in my pool doing deep water running. I walk a lot and walk even more if I feel overheated. Until late Octoberish, my primary goal is time on my feet and avoiding heat stress, so pace is tossed out entirely: whatever it is, it is.
Dopey here, in west-central FL. How do we do it? Slowly. Very slowly. :rotfl:
My body likes a long, slow buildup of mileage, so I'm already into the back-to-backs with a 2/10 two weeks ago, and a 3/11 this week. I get about 1.5 hours in before sunrise, and then can manage around 45 minutes after sunrise, while the sun is still low enough that I can run in shade. If my run goes longer than that, I finish the last couple miles on a treadmill in AC or in my pool doing deep water running. I walk a lot and walk even more if I feel overheated. Until late Octoberish, my primary goal is time on my feet and avoiding heat stress, so pace is tossed out entirely: whatever it is, it is.
In 2018 and 2019 I trained for 5 weeks in Aug-Sept for the NYC marathon. I did exactly what you describe for my long runs - got up hours before sunrise and tried to finish just after sunrise. Some of those runs were hell to get through. I set up a route that had me passing the house every 4 miles and grabbed a new water bottle from an ice bucket. By the time my run was over, the bucket was full of warm water. Should have used a cooler, but never did. :upsidedow
For anyone doing Dopey/Goofy/Marathon, have you started training yet? The Galloway Dopey plan was at 9 miles on Saturday. Got it done but it was super humid and not pretty. I’m really going to need fall to show up soon! I don’t know how any of you Florida runners do it.

I'm doing the full and my plan (a Hanson's 20 week plan) started Monday. No real workouts of substance start until September 14th (unless you count some end of run strides) so it is just easy runs or long runs until then. I do have a few races (one trail and two road half marathons along with a few 5Ks) sprinkled in but I'll just work those into the plan and adjust the days around them if necessary.


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