Marathon Weekend 2022

SAFD Park: Epcot! I love Disney but don't particularly love amusement parks, so it's always been a favorite. DHS is probably in second place because I really like ToT and @mateojr's reaction to Mickey and Minnie's Railroad makes me so very happy.

Train slow to race fast.

My @DopeyBadger training plan resulted in a half marathon PR in the middle of the plan and a marathon PR at the end of it. Not only did this advice work from a goal perspective (met both of my long-term running goals) but I was able to continue loving running throughout the training process.

SAFD Training: I've been maintenance running low mileage 6 days per week since the start of COVID and happy with that. Very excited to start training for Wine and Dine in two weeks - following the first half of my @DopeyBadger Goofy plan for that!
SAFD: I learned the hard way I’m not coordinated enough to be a trail runner. Twisted my ankle on a rock within 5 minutes. Right now, I’m two weeks completely off running. Pain is gone but it’s still a little puffy. I’m mostly trying not to be stupid by talking myself into running again yet…and trying not to stress about all the time off.
Haven't started Dopey training yet. I have a half marathon in two weeks that I need to get through first and then will pickup the Dopey training.

Had many ups and down over the past two months dealing with a Shin Splint injury. It has sidelined me multiple times and has impacted my fitness and cardio. I am almost questioning if I should be doing the Half in two weeks.

The upside is I have finally discovered the power of foam rolling out the shin splints. I think this will help me get back on track.
SAFD: I am going through a dip. Work is absolutely insane right now and the weather has been so HOT! I have never been a morning person so that leaves running to after work and weekends. So I am struggling some with sticking to the milage I set out. But hoping for a better month in September to get back into the grove. Thank goodness for CRAW, it has given me some structure to get out when I would rather collapse after a 12 hour day and it is still hot.
SAFD: I had to limit/quit running in May and June due to knee pain. MRI and sports medicine doc indicated that I have 3 issues all converging on the same area of my right knee; old meniscus tears, arthritis, and IT band. Combination of better stretching, icing, rolling, and anti-inflammatory meds have all but eliminated the pain.

Once I started back up, I gave @DopeyBadger an impossible challenge; a 9-week training plan to get me to the Des Plaines River Trail Marathon on October 17th. Billy of course came through, at least to get me to the starting line. We will figure out paces and miles as we get closer to the race. I ran a 10 nautical mile (11.5 miles) race last week at my easy / long run pace with no drama at all.

I hope to run/walk at least the first 17-20 miles of the DPRT marathon before walking, but it's still too early to predict anything. That should at least give me a smooth transition to the W&D HM in November and the Marathon in January.
SAFD: I have Memphis Ironman 70.3 coming up in 5 weeks, so I have been focused on that. My long run is up to 11miles, and weekly run mileage is in the 20-25 range so I should be pretty well set to jump into Goofy training mid-October after I recover from the 70.3 (banning any major injury or illness!). I honestly haven't even mapped out a Goofy training strategy yet - this SAFD is a reminder to get on that!
SAFD: I'm training for my first Dopey, and I switched from the Galloway training plan to a much-improved @DopeyBadger plan a few weeks ago. I'm not fast, so splitting up the mileage across multiple days is working much better for me (and my schedule).
Quoting @The Expert because this is practically my answer, except I'm training for my first marathon (not Dopey). I started with the Galloway plan, which seemed totally manageable and reasonable considering I use the run/walk method. However, looking ahead at the increasing long run mileage made me so anxious. I started to get that "Can I actually do this?" feeling, and I was worried that I was setting myself up to fail. Dedicating more time to running allowed me to switch to a @DopeyBadger plan, which has already brought me more confidence and motivation!

Today's run was a feel good run, which was needed after a not-so-feel-good run yesterday. I'm loving "train slow to run fast;" I look forward to running even on the hotter days! This summer I ended up purchasing a lot of different gear (new sneakers, a handheld water bottle, fuel, new leggings...) and while it has been costly, I already know it's worth it. I'm still only in the beginning of my plan, but the idea of running a marathon is already starting to feel more possible than ever before. I'm prioritizing me and the miles, and thinking ahead about how to get them done. I'm really looking forward to Marathon Weekend!
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SAFD: Just about to enter the peak of my training for a marathon October 24th (Vermont City). Did a 16 mile run in Lake Placid that was one of the hardest (over 1,100 feet of incline) but maintained a < 9 min/mi pace. Was very happy with that given how hilly it was. Following the same plan that I used to PR Dopey 2020 after running NYC in 2019.
Did 16 miles today for my second-longest week run up to the Wineglass Marathon in early October. I felt good through about mile 12 but then was blah the rest of the way. 1. I didn't eat enough carbs last night - I like to have spaghetti or pizza for anything about 10 miles and simply forgot. 2. It was muggy as all get out - 70 degrees + 70 dew point at 6:30 a.m. and 10 degrees warmer when I finished.

Otherwise, I'm feeling much better about where I'm at compared to the stupid giving blood/cold combo I did two weeks ago. My HR has finally dropped back down and my VO2 max went back up a point. I think today was just a combo of bad things - my four earlier runs this week went very well. I'll be smarter when I do my 16 again in two weeks.
SAFD: week 9 of Dopey training done. I’m following a modified Galloway plan - a little behind in the long runs due to some vacation but have a plan to catch up over the next 4-6 weeks. I’m feeling pretty good. Have done the Goofy and this will be my third Disney marathon.

The training plan I really need though is getting up in time to make the last bus at 3am 4 days in a row…..
SAFD: my son tested positive for Covid last weekend. Between quarantining, his isolation, virtual learning for 2 kids, no kids to help with chores, work and crazy heat- after not doing anything all week I decided it would be a roll back week for me. Did 6 mi Galloway yesterday and it went pretty well. Had my magic mile this morning, but I really don’t understand what that means since this is my first time doing the training 😁. But we are out of quarantine (except my son)!!
I generally stay in good running shape year-round so to start training for a January marathon this early doesn't work for me.
I will up my mileage come late October and go from there.
I never really do longer runs than 12 milers so I applaud those running twenties! Yikes!
If you are doing that distance this far out, isn't that peaking a bit early?

My lack of mileage of course makes 26 miles so much more the adventure.
I always figure that I can tough out that distance regardless of my training.
My way is definitely not for everyone but it works for me.

BTW, I live in Vegas and it's still 110 in the afternoons when I run so I'm a bit of a sadist...
I LOVE running in the heat!
That said, the two 26 degree Disney marathons and the 26 degree half will always be an incredible adventure!
Is is too early to speculate on January weather?
SAFD: Im in the "Need motivation" camp!.

Currently training for a HM on 12th September, done 11 miles last week and doing one last big run (Possibly the full distance) on Wednesday before lots of rest days!.

I then switch to the galloway training as i am signed up for my first ever disney race and i thought id be utterly bonkers and jump in at the deep end with a dopey challenge.

However, im a UK resident and as things stand right now, i cant enter the US. I am double jabbed (And apparently we will be rolling out booster jabs from September over here, so i may even have a third jab by November/December time!), ive booked everything, hotel, flight, etc.... ive done everything i can thats in my hands.

With everything currently happening over there at the moment though i dont see the US government lifting the travel exemptions for visitors and thats where its hard to get my motivation going to run longer distances. I'll be honest and say i dont really enjoy running more than about 10 miles in any one run but when there is a clear goal and target it gives me the strength to get my trainers laced up and go for it....... as of right now, once this current HM ends on 12 September, the want to go out and run further distances.... just isnt there (I do have another HM in October, but i'll keep my training on "tick over" at around 9/10 mile runs usually)

I look at the galloway plan and i see a 15 mile run in a few weeks time.... a distance i have never covered in one run (HM is my PB) and the motivation to go out and do it..... 0%. If i knew dopey was 100% on for me, no worries.... give my trainers and ill probably grumble all 15 miles but i will do it..... but right now...... the willing just isnt there (Think Sadness from "Inside out" when joy is literally having to drag her around whilst they look for Riley's memories!).

Sorry for the negative nelly post but its nice to share my running feelings (And in particular Disney running feelings) with like minded runners
SAFD: I'm a year-round runner who aims for 40-50 mpw, so I'm not really "training" for Dopey in Jan. I'm building up into the 60-70 mpw range for a target marathon in November, and then I'll drop back down to 40-50 again in Dec. RunDisney events have never been target races for me, so as long as I have enough fitness to finish, that's all that matters.
SAFD: Hopefully it’s going as well as I think it is. I’ve been running regularly for the past few years as I find habits easier to keep than to start and upped it to 4 weekdays with a long run on Saturday when races started getting scheduled again. My ‘A’ race marathon is in 5 weeks and I am on target with my made up plan.
Doing 5.2 miles every M-Th AM and have a couple 17 mile Sat runs completed. Next Sat will be 20. Tried something new this past weekend, ran a half with the first 10 at long run pace (10’45”) and the last 3 at 8’30” to get a feel for running on tired legs. My goal is a sub 4 and everything says that I can do it so we will see.
The trick will be running the virtual Boston 6 days later and then W&D weekend before some rest and jumping into Dopey training.
Glad it seems to be going good for most, hope to see you all in 127 days.
I generally stay in good running shape year-round so to start training for a January marathon this early doesn't work for me.
I will up my mileage come late October and go from there.
I never really do longer runs than 12 milers so I applaud those running twenties! Yikes!
If you are doing that distance this far out, isn't that peaking a bit early?

My lack of mileage of course makes 26 miles so much more the adventure.
I always figure that I can tough out that distance regardless of my training.
My way is definitely not for everyone but it works for me.

I think some of us are training for Marathons in October and November. That's why I'm putting long miles in. You go from 12 to 26.2? I can't image not having those 20 mile training runs.


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