Marathon Weekend 2022

So a race-day logistics question for potentially cold weather. How do you juggle all of the "stuff" for the full? Like fuel, your phone, a possible battery pack for your phone, hat/gloves, etc.

I know there have been discussions about "throw away" sweatshirts (that disney collects and donates), garbage bags, etc for pre-race. And that sometimes people wear gloves and/or hats for the beginning of the race. Do you plan for these items to be "throw away" as well? If you're not running with a vest or belt, where would you stash these during the race if you DON'T discard them along the way? I know that there has been a big discussion about not "needing" a vest or big belt because of the number of aid stations, but if you don't have a vest or bigger belt, where do you put everything? It seems like just planning on taking my vest seems like the most "logical" thing to do. But I also don't want my vest to cover up a potential costume.

I hope those ramblings are coherent enough that you can see what I'm getting at. :crazy:

Almost everything I run in has at least a pocket or two anyway. Even my shorts have a zippered back waist pocket big enough to hold gloves. I run really hot so it is unusual for me to need a real cold weather hat; usually a baseball style running hat or a headband is good for me and I don’t remove it.
For race day, if it’s cold enough for a hat, I wear a buff as a headband and pull it over my ears. Then when I warm up, I just fold it back to uncover my ears and it is cool enough. Gloves go in A pocket. I have a long sleeve shirt/jacket thing that I love for cold races that has 2 front pockets and a large back pocket. I almost always wear it for my cold HMs because I can fit fuel, gloves, tissues, etc easily. I also have several pairs of running tights with thigh pockets. It probably looks ridiculous with all the stuff loaded in, but IDC, it’s functional.
I don’t usually run with a phone but I will carry it for Disney races. It fits in the back pocket of all my running shorts or in any of the above mentioned pockets.
So a race-day logistics question for potentially cold weather. How do you juggle all of the "stuff" for the full? Like fuel, your phone, a possible battery pack for your phone, hat/gloves, etc.

I know there have been discussions about "throw away" sweatshirts (that disney collects and donates), garbage bags, etc for pre-race. And that sometimes people wear gloves and/or hats for the beginning of the race. Do you plan for these items to be "throw away" as well? If you're not running with a vest or belt, where would you stash these during the race if you DON'T discard them along the way? I know that there has been a big discussion about not "needing" a vest or big belt because of the number of aid stations, but if you don't have a vest or bigger belt, where do you put everything? It seems like just planning on taking my vest seems like the most "logical" thing to do. But I also don't want my vest to cover up a potential costume.

I hope those ramblings are coherent enough that you can see what I'm getting at. :crazy:

When I ran, I always had running bottoms with pockets to hold a phone, fuel items if needed. Sometimes a hydration belt or handheld bottle if I wanted my own drink. For warm clothing etc we always just bought the cheapest stuff we could find at walmart for gloves, hats and then old sweatshirts etc and would just throw them down once we warmed up. It probably never amounted to more than about $10 worth of stuff and well worth it just to dump it rather than carry it around with us for the race.
So a race-day logistics question for potentially cold weather. How do you juggle all of the "stuff" for the full? Like fuel, your phone, a possible battery pack for your phone, hat/gloves, etc.

I know there have been discussions about "throw away" sweatshirts (that disney collects and donates), garbage bags, etc for pre-race. And that sometimes people wear gloves and/or hats for the beginning of the race. Do you plan for these items to be "throw away" as well? If you're not running with a vest or belt, where would you stash these during the race if you DON'T discard them along the way? I know that there has been a big discussion about not "needing" a vest or big belt because of the number of aid stations, but if you don't have a vest or bigger belt, where do you put everything? It seems like just planning on taking my vest seems like the most "logical" thing to do. But I also don't want my vest to cover up a potential costume.

I hope those ramblings are coherent enough that you can see what I'm getting at. :crazy:
My running skirts have two large pockets (and a smaller zippered pocket). When it is cold, I still wear them, I just put tights underneath them. My phone and chapstick go in one pocket. My fuel usually goes in my OrangeMud HydraQuiver. If it is really cold I might move my Chews to my other skirt pocket to warm them up a little. When they are cold, they are sometimes hard to chew! 😆
As for gloves, I usually wear a cheap pair with the idea that I could toss them if I want to, but they usually end up in my skirt pocket. If it is cold enough for an ear warmer headband, it usually stays on the whole time, but if it really warms up, there is plenty of room to stuff it in my skirt pocket.
So a race-day logistics question for potentially cold weather. How do you juggle all of the "stuff" for the full? Like fuel, your phone, a possible battery pack for your phone, hat/gloves, etc.

I know there have been discussions about "throw away" sweatshirts (that disney collects and donates), garbage bags, etc for pre-race. And that sometimes people wear gloves and/or hats for the beginning of the race. Do you plan for these items to be "throw away" as well? If you're not running with a vest or belt, where would you stash these during the race if you DON'T discard them along the way? I know that there has been a big discussion about not "needing" a vest or big belt because of the number of aid stations, but if you don't have a vest or bigger belt, where do you put everything? It seems like just planning on taking my vest seems like the most "logical" thing to do. But I also don't want my vest to cover up a potential costume.

I hope those ramblings are coherent enough that you can see what I'm getting at. :crazy:
This is why God gave us sports bras: to jam your hat and/or gloves and/or mask into :joker:
What do you consider cold weather? My son and I ran the Marathon in 2018. It was about 40 degrees with a nice breeze. :D
We were lucky to have his girlfriend and my other son with us. We left our heavier clothes with them when we walked to the
start. We wore short sleeves & shorts. We are from the Northeast, it was about 30 degrees colder when we left Boston 3 days
before. We relied on water and aid stations on the course. I have never enjoyed Chews.
Any clothing that I might want to keep me warm before the race, I consider expendable and toss. So I use old race shirts, old Disney MW volunteer windbreakers, clothes I pick up at school garage sale, etc. The weather would have to be "unusual" for me to not pitch pre-race clothes prior to the start. (like nasty rain)

As for in-race items, I wear a Nathan belt that has a pocket that will hold my phone, gels (if using), and a first aid item that I will spare you the details of ;). I never count fully on a race's aid stations, so I always carry my belt for 1/2 or full.

For something like my running headband (which is not something I would pitch), I would either stuff it down my bra or double it and wear it like a wrist band. ETA: Actually my Nathan pack has straps that will hold things--I use them to hold running gloves.
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So a race-day logistics question for potentially cold weather. How do you juggle all of the "stuff" for the full? Like fuel, your phone, a possible battery pack for your phone, hat/gloves, etc.

I know there have been discussions about "throw away" sweatshirts (that disney collects and donates), garbage bags, etc for pre-race. And that sometimes people wear gloves and/or hats for the beginning of the race. Do you plan for these items to be "throw away" as well? If you're not running with a vest or belt, where would you stash these during the race if you DON'T discard them along the way? I know that there has been a big discussion about not "needing" a vest or big belt because of the number of aid stations, but if you don't have a vest or bigger belt, where do you put everything? It seems like just planning on taking my vest seems like the most "logical" thing to do. But I also don't want my vest to cover up a potential costume.

I hope those ramblings are coherent enough that you can see what I'm getting at. :crazy:

The most I've ever taken with me for a full is a few gells and they go in a pocket. I don't need a lot of stuff for a race. If I start with a hat and gloves, which I do a lot at home, I throw them in a pocket as well. My race shorts have two side pockets and a rear pocket so plenty of room for that stuff.

I've never brought a phone or any electronics other than my watch to a race, not even a trail race.

I will probably have some cheap sweatpants and sweatshirt that I'll just throw away as a donation if the weather is where I hope the weather is for the race (no warmer than 45°).
I have a running belt. For a marathon, I take attach both water bottles (8oz each), put 5 packs of sport beans into the pocket, and a room/car key that I will need after the race.

For my phone, I have sport bras with a pocket in the back. I find that more comfortable than more weight/pressure around my mid-section.

If it is below 40, I plan on wearing gloves and my ear band the whole time. If I get warm, I tuck them on the side of the belt. I always wear a hat when running.

I also use throw-away clothes if it is too cold to sit around in my running outfit, but I don't want pants/jackets when running. Usually a zip-up sweatshirt (so I can easily show my bib number) and some sweatpants with loose cuffs to slide over my shoes.
So a race-day logistics question for potentially cold weather. How do you juggle all of the "stuff" for the full? Like fuel, your phone, a possible battery pack for your phone, hat/gloves, etc.

I know there have been discussions about "throw away" sweatshirts (that disney collects and donates), garbage bags, etc for pre-race. And that sometimes people wear gloves and/or hats for the beginning of the race. Do you plan for these items to be "throw away" as well? If you're not running with a vest or belt, where would you stash these during the race if you DON'T discard them along the way? I know that there has been a big discussion about not "needing" a vest or big belt because of the number of aid stations, but if you don't have a vest or bigger belt, where do you put everything? It seems like just planning on taking my vest seems like the most "logical" thing to do. But I also don't want my vest to cover up a potential costume.

I hope those ramblings are coherent enough that you can see what I'm getting at. :crazy:

Out the 4 marathon weekends I have done, three of them were cold (one was what I found to be super cold), and one was hot. The biggest problem was not running the race in which you are warm within half a mile, but rather the waiting several hours doing nothing before. So, I would consider how prepare in several stages: The waiting time before the corrals, the corrals themselves, and then the race. I don't use my running vest because not only is it heavy and the course is well supported, but also I don't think they actually allow hydration vests on the course— I think I remember it being in the race guide.

For before the corrals, I will wear everything I have and plan to check the heavier coat and gear at gear check. Then I keep things a little more paired down for the corrals and think something like a plastic bag and maybe a packable jacket/windbreaker/etc. probably is the cheapest/easiest solution for keeping warm at the corrals. Then, you can ditch it all and just run with your costume...will likely be plenty warm once you get moving. I think for any extraneous stuff and/or jackets a flip belt, an ultimate direction utility belt or "comfort belt," or Naked Sports running band, or the nathans hipster will all work. I use the flip belt, since that is what I bought awhile ago, but I think the naked sports band (belt) and ultimate direction belts that I have seen more recently are probably the best ones in terms of overall comfort and usability.
So a race-day logistics question for potentially cold weather. How do you juggle all of the "stuff" for the full? Like fuel, your phone, a possible battery pack for your phone, hat/gloves, etc.
I carry all of my own nutrition, and I cannot handle cold, so here's my experience with needing a lot...

Phone: goes in a skirt/tights leg pocket. No battery pack needed; I run iSmoothRun with music and take some pics, never had my battery run out.

Car key fob, driver's license, room key card: all go in a zippered pocket in my skirt or tights.

Nutrition/health: 9 gels and a couple Nuun tabs if it's hot - gels go into the little loops on a Fuel Belt, which I find to be really convenient, as I can pull layers off under it. I attach my bib to the belt, too, so bib is always on the outside of layers. Nuun tabs get individually wrapped in plastic wrap and put in the little pouch on my handheld water bottle, along with my asthma inhaler. I carry a little stick of sunscreen and a lip balm/sunscreen in a second leg pocket.

Throw-away layers: I wear them until I'm warm enough to take them off on the side of the course. Old PJ bottoms, fleece jackets, cheap knit gloves (2 pair, with hand warmer packs between). So far, a running hat with a Bondi Band or fleece ear warmer has been enough for my head, and I haven't needed to toss those, but I do have a couple old, knit hats I could add on top if it gets really cold. Over all the layers, I wrap up in a Mylar blanket until just before the start line.
I use a running belt pretty much for any run above six miles, largely because I hate holding my phone. It has two bottles (10 oz, I think) and a pouch large enough for my phone, two sleeves of clif chews and a little wiggle room.

When it comes to costumes, here’s a pro tip: design your costume to be able to wear compression tops/leggings/etc. underneath. The weather for MW is unpredictable and can change dramatically in a matter of days.
So a race-day logistics question for potentially cold weather. How do you juggle all of the "stuff" for the full? Like fuel, your phone, a possible battery pack for your phone, hat/gloves, etc.

I know there have been discussions about "throw away" sweatshirts (that disney collects and donates), garbage bags, etc for pre-race. And that sometimes people wear gloves and/or hats for the beginning of the race. Do you plan for these items to be "throw away" as well? If you're not running with a vest or belt, where would you stash these during the race if you DON'T discard them along the way? I know that there has been a big discussion about not "needing" a vest or big belt because of the number of aid stations, but if you don't have a vest or bigger belt, where do you put everything? It seems like just planning on taking my vest seems like the most "logical" thing to do. But I also don't want my vest to cover up a potential costume.

I hope those ramblings are coherent enough that you can see what I'm getting at. :crazy:
You're going to have to prioritize functionality or fashion/costume.

Unless it's going to be really really cold, any cold weather gear I wear is throw away. Gloves, hats, sweatshirts, garbage bags, etc. Stop at wal mart when the weather gets colder and buy a few pair of cheap $1 gloves and then hit up a second hand store for something warm. Just take the entire thought on race day out of your have enough to worry about

Also, ditch the battery pack, you shouldn't need it. If you planned to run with a phone to stream music maybe consider making a playlist from iTunes instead of streaming or waiting until like after Magic Kingdom to turn it on and use those first few miles to settle in, be social, etc. The race doesnt even really start until you exit MK...everything to that point is a giant build up of anticipation.

As said before, you can find some running shorts that have small pockets for gels, nutrition, etc.
What do you consider cold weather? My son and I ran the Marathon in 2018. It was about 40 degrees with a nice breeze. :D
We were lucky to have his girlfriend and my other son with us. We left our heavier clothes with them when we walked to the
start. We wore short sleeves & shorts. We are from the Northeast, it was about 30 degrees colder when we left Boston 3 days
before. We relied on water and aid stations on the course. I have never enjoyed Chews.
I raced the full in 2018 as well and had a throwaway scull cap on top of my running hat and ditched it in less than a mile. Other than that, I raced in shorts and a singlet but started with a button up surgery coat and that lasted maybe a mile. The gloves I wore until after MK.

Other ideas are to use cheap socks as arm warmers (just cut a hole in the feet)
mylar blankets wrapped around your legs
newspaper stuffed under your race clothes acts as insulation
I will also say that cold in humid conditions like Florida feel much colder than the thermometer reading. We stood around before the 2017? maybe race and absolutely froze even though it was maybe 40 degrees and we were dressed warmly. But the humidity combined with a breeze made it feel bitterly cold. We learned our lesson and brought more stuff to stay warm the next time the forecast was like that. Florida cold and sitting around for hours waiting for the race to start was horrible and we are used to running in colder temps.


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