Marathon Weekend 2023

SAFD: I used to think I could never run w/out music. Now, I usually use either nothing or podcasts (How Did This Get Made - I'm working through years of their back catalog, lol). If I'm forced to the treadmill I'm def listening to podcasts, but if I'm outside, especially racing, I'd say more often then not I'm not listening to anything
and due to my addiction to The Challenge I also listen to Challenge Mania
Does this mean you’re also a Big Brother fan? That (and recently, Survivor) is my guilty pleasure. I spend so much time watching Big Brother I am thinking of getting a treadmill this summer and only allowing myself to watch while I am also watching.

I am looking forward to the new Paramount+ season of The Challenge. I have never watched the show before but a few of my favorite BB houseguests will be on it.
SAFD: always always always music. I hated timed trials in high school since I couldn’t use headphones and music. I’ve recently been listening to podcast when I’m strength training, and I’ll throw in Rise and Run too. I’ve listened to it in the mornings when I start work, and last week I changed things up since the morning kicked off with a lot of things at work.
Music almost always. I have a Playlist that's really long, that I only listen on long runs, races. Otherwise I try random amazon music stations, Playlist to find new songs to add to the long run Playlist.

I also have a shorter like 25 of the songs that make me go faster/lift my spirits the most that I refer to as my death lineup ( yes I created it during peak golden state warriors) I try not use it too much so it doesn't lose its power. I rarely change the songs.

I switch it up between music, podcasts, and listening to nothing. Headphones aren’t allowed during triathlons so I like to practice without them sometimes.

My favorite podcasts are Rob Has a Podcast, Dear Hank and John, No Meat Athlete Radio, the Rich Roll Podcast, and I’ve recently started listening to the runDisney podcasts— Rise and Run, etc.

I am in the market for a new pair of wireless headphones. I lost my wireless sports beats (idk what they’re called) last year.
SAFD: 99% podcasts and audiobooks. I sometimes use a burst of music at the end of a run, or if I'm struggling and need a beat as a pick-me-up, but otherwise I like a good book, or an interesting podcast topic.

I listen to a TON of podcasts, many topics. But the best is when I get really absorbed in a good audiobook with a great narrator. Sometimes I will run several miles beyond what I had planned, because I just don't want to stop listening (Once I get into an audiobook, I force myself to save it for runs only!).

And I pretty much always listen at 1.5+ speed, unless I really don't want the audiobook to end and want to drag it out.

I had one marathon training cycle when the first season of the Serial podcast came out. That got me through my long runs so I may revisit that. I like the audiobook idea!

Disney parks loops are usually my main go-to for long runs, I’ve also been making a 90s pop playlist to get in the Marathon Weekend throwback mindset. 😁

I listen to NBA (and some other sports) podcasts all day at work. It feels weird listening at anything less than 1.5x now. I think my speaking in everyday life has increased in pace as a result of listening to things faster than normal

That said, it’s music for my runs. Celine and metal.
SAFD: Mostly music. What music varies. I usually make a run playlist at the beginning of the year and mostly stick with that most of the year but the genre(s) vary by year. And sometimes I'll listen to a work playlist instead. Or if I'm feeling mellow, sometimes I'll go acapella.

Occasionally I'll listen to my favorite baseball podcast, R2C2 with Ryan Ruocco and CC Sabathia.

So yes I listen to something, but what really varies.
SAFD: I never use headphones. If I were forced to use a treadmill, I would them but it’s been over 2 years since I used one so I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
I tried podcasts and they just didn’t do anything for me while running. I listen to them sometimes at work. True crime stuff mostly and the occasional random thing I am recommended. I used to listen to music but just got kind of bored with it. And I had someone suggest to me trying to do an occasional run without music to focus on your breath, footfall, the signals your body gives you. I did that with a few shorter runs and pretty quickly just gave up on music. Now I just think through things and talk to myself a lot.
I think not being used to having distractions really gives me a serious race day energy bump. Even boring sections of a race aren’t boring because there are other people around and new things to look at. Maybe that’s why those highway stretches everyone hates don’t bother me. And it helps me really absorb the energy of race day.
SAFD: I run using bone-conduction headphones, so I can still hear what's going on around me reasonably well. For shorter runs I'll usually listen to podcasts. Some favorites: What a Day, Disney Dish, Lovett or Leave It, Another Mother Runner, How Was Your Run Today. For runs longer than 90 minutes I'll usually go with an audio book; the Libby app from my local library usually has lots of good stuff to choose from but I'll occasionally buy myself a book from Audible. The last audio book I finished was Hollywood Park, a well-written and often-unsettling memoir (by the lead singer of Airborne Toxic Event).
SAFD: I do a mix of music and podcasts or nothing for runs depending on how long the run is, or if I'm running off an exceptionally bad day, etc. I have built a couple of playlists on spotify using bpmfm that have the same number of beats per minute (or within 2 +/- my target) to help keep my cadence steady. The one I use the most is a ridiculous mix of late 90s/early 2000s country, assorted pop/stadium rock, some tom petty, and hip hop. Oh, and some oddballs like offspring are in there too.

For podcasts I have knocked out most of the MTA podcasts that are on spotify at this point, and I've started listening to Runners without Limits. I feel like we are in a weird spot for rundisney-based podcasts with a 6mo gap until the next races, and pretty much all of them covered the debacle that was registration day. I tried listening to This American Life but I feel like I have to pay too close attention to it to also not have my pace all over the place.

I will say this: if you're working on tackling your first marathon and you are not a "fast" runner, be VERY SELECTIVE with your running podcasts. I tried a couple and the overarching theme that I got out them were that marathons should ONLY be done by people who have been running for YEARS, have done X number of races already, be running 30+miles/wk at a minimum, and are going to be RACING the distance. The notion that someone might want to do a marathon to just *finish* it never entered their conversations. I was so turned off by those podcasts and it really made me doubt myself for a while. The Disney-based ones seem to be a lot less elite-ist about the marathon distance.
I will say this: if you're working on tackling your first marathon and you are not a "fast" runner, be VERY SELECTIVE with your running podcasts. I tried a couple and the overarching theme that I got out them were that marathons should ONLY be done by people who have been running for YEARS, have done X number of races already, be running 30+miles/wk at a minimum, and are going to be RACING the distance. The notion that someone might want to do a marathon to just *finish* it never entered their conversations. I was so turned off by those podcasts and it really made me doubt myself for a while. The Disney-based ones seem to be a lot less elite-ist about the marathon distance.
Good advice! I already have issues trying to keep myself from being competitive with other people. I'm really trying to focus my running on just myself and my own goals. It doesn't matter how fast or slow I am compared to other people. Sounds like a podcast like you are describing would only discourage me.

Good Morning runDisney Allstars! Got a two part question for you all today. Do you like to run with music and/or Podcasts? And if you said yes what do you like to listen to; any recommendations?

I seem to be in the minority (but good company!!) in that I don’t listen to anything on runs. Short, long, inside, outside; it doesn‘t matter. I prefer the ambiance of the scenery or the sound of my thoughts. Those aren’t always peaceful sounds, especially those in my head. My podcasts are reserved for my commute, and it‘s almost all news & politics, with a few long-form interview comedy/entertainment selections (***, Conan Needs a Friend) to clear the palate.

Edit: Apparently the DISBoard algorithm doesn’t care for the name of Mark Maron’s podcast as it subbed in “***”.

Good Morning runDisney Allstars! Got a two part question for you all today. Do you like to run with music and/or Podcasts? And if you said yes what do you like to listen to; any recommendations?

I run with music/podcasts when I run alone. When I'm with others (I'm almost always with others) I listen to nothing.

My podcast of choice is always My Favorite Murder.

For music, I've listened to an excellent Taylor Swift Running playlist. I also like show tunes and have a playlist I created of my favorites.
Does this mean you’re also a Big Brother fan? That (and recently, Survivor) is my guilty pleasure. I spend so much time watching Big Brother I am thinking of getting a treadmill this summer and only allowing myself to watch while I am also watching.

I am looking forward to the new Paramount+ season of The Challenge. I have never watched the show before but a few of my favorite BB houseguests will be on it.

I have not watched Big Brother but know of a few of the players who have been on The Challenge before. But I am a long time Survivor fan. I am very excited about the new season on Paramount+ coming later this month!
I listen to music when I run. I make playlists on Spotify and usually listen to the same one regularly (I like the familiarity). My most recent one was made when I was training for MW, so the majority of it is Disney music. I do listen to music for local races, but never for WDW races.

I’ve tried listening to podcasts during training runs a few times, but it just doesn’t work for me. The first time I listened to an episode of Serial, but it made my pace slower and I found it a little hard to concentrate on it. The next two times I listened to two different DIS podcasts, which was better because I could zone out a little bit without being completely lost, but it still wasn’t the same.

One thing I do enjoy if I want a total change of routine is listening to a Peloton outdoor run. They’re guided runs (with music), so I like them when I’m not following a specific training plan. It almost feels like you’re running with the instructor, which is a nice change every once in a while for me as a solo runner.
For music, I've listened to an excellent Taylor Swift Running playlist. I also like show tunes and have a playlist I created of my favorites.
We have similar tastes in music! Also you are brave for listening to My Favorite Murder while running alone.
but know of a few of the players who have been on The Challenge before.
Fessy is the worst 😭 sorry if you like him lol


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