marcia's journal (comments welcome!)


i want to drive the zamboni
Apr 21, 2003
i've been reading this board for a long time now, and i decided to finally post and become a part of wish, and also to start a journal, because i have seen how much of a help it has been to al of you!

i am a recent college graduate (nyu, may 03), trying to figure out what i want to do with my life. right now, i'm working as a receptionist, with the same company i've worked for since i was 15. kinda sucks, but i can access the boards during work hours most of the time!

i'm 22, 5'6", 132. yes, i know, that it well within a healthy limit, but i am not happy with it. the number i'm more concerned about is the size 12 pants that i wear. granted, i wear them loose, but i'm not comfortable with how tight the 10s are. my goal is to get to a size 6, and once i'm there, i'll see if i'm comfortable with that.

i was trying to just do portion control and exercise, but i decided to join ww online on sunday night on the spur of the moment. i have read a lot about the plan prior to joining. because i had just splurged on sat and sun, i wanted some sort of plan to follow. in the past, whenever i splurge, i've though it's been a deal breaker, but i joined online, filled in all the points, and figured out that if i started my week on sat, used my activity points sat and sun, that i'd be dipping into 33.5 flex points, leaving me 1.5 for the rest of the week.

this made me feel much better, because even though i felt like i had "let myself go", i knew that for the rest of the week, i'd either stay at my 20 points, or eat more if i earned the aps. simple as that. i'd still meet my ww goals. and since those 2 days, i haven't used any flex points. i have earned and eaten some aps (i run 5 days a week... 3.5 mi/run at the current time...working on adding more distance). so i know i can do this. i like planning out my meals and sticking to my plan. i just want to be comfortable in my own skin. and i'm on my way!

sorry this was so long! i tend to get long winded sometimes. i'm going to try to post at least once a day, so that i'm not only accountable to myself, but to you guys as well!
today was a wonderful day.

i had yummy leftovers from my sat night out that i knew i wanted to eat for lunch. i started out the day thinking i was going to earn some aps, but i ended up having to work late and by the time i got out, the gym was closed. it's okay, i adjusted accordingly. since i knew my lunch was goign to be high points, i planned on just eating a salad and soup for dinner, but i eliminated the soup (along with a snack) to make up for no aps. i could've just eliminated dessert, but my mom brought home these smart ones peanut butter fudge ice cream cups...and i really wanted one! so here's what i ate:

b: carnation instant breakfast packet with 1.5 cups skim milk (4.5)
s: 5 baby carrots (0)
l: leftover pasta with shrimp and broccoli (11)
d: yummy salad of romaine, cucumbers, starkist light chunk pouch tuna, and 2 tbsp ff ital dressing (2)
dessert!: .5 cup sf jello w/2tbsp whipped cream (.5)
ww smart ones giant sundae pb and fudge (2)

i wasn't going to have the jello, but i realized i had .5 points leftover, and i could get that in my whipped cream (i really love whipped cream), so i decided to do it.

and so there's my 20 points for the day. i really love all the food i ate today. and i don't feel deprived at all! i have to say, the salad i make, i absolutely love. and that's a great and filling 2 point meal if i ever saw one! tomorrow is pretty planned out, but i need to head to bed. i will try to post in the morning.
Marcia, welcome to the WISH Journal board!! :wave2:

Thanks for stopping by my journal - that was so sweet of you! I'm glad you've decided to de-lurk and start your own journal. Since you've been reading mine (and some others) you must know how much of a help we all find them to be. We write it ALL down - the good, the bad, and the ugly! :p We share in the journey toward healthy living!!

It sounds like you are well on your way! Lots of people here do WW, either going to meetings, online, or just following the points system on their own. Isn't it great when you can eat healthy food and actually ENJOY it, knowing you're eating on plan and not feeling deprived?

I'm impressed with your exercise! I've been walking 3-4 miles about 4 times a week. I have started to incorporate some running but not much! I'm looking forward to spring, when I can do more outside and less at the fitness center on the treadmill! Do you ever get to run outside?

I hate to be nosey, and you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but what was your major at NYU? What do you want to be when you "grow up"?? I always giggle at that question! I'm within a few weeks of turning 40, have a degree in computer science, work in that field, and I'm STILL asking myself what I want to be when I "grow up".....:laughing: I wonder if I'll ever know! :p

OK, I've written enough here! Have a wonderful day, Marcia! :sunny:
yes, this is wonderful! i know i'm just in the beginning (well, kinda...i've been watching the calories since about november and i've dropped some pounds since then, but this is where i'm really all in), so i hope i can continue on as well as i have been.

i get to run outside on the weekends, but it's been so cold lately that i've been using saturday and sunday as my 2 off days per week. not this week though, that late night at work and no running yesterday means i will definitely be running on saturday, i don't care how cold it is! and i am also going to try to run more outside once the weather is warmer and the days are longer. (i'm in nj, btw)

and you're not being nosey at all! my major at nyu was communication studies. i pretty much had no idea what i wanted to do, so i just went with something pretty broad. i enjoyed it, but i don't know if i'm going to even end up in that field. i'm not really sure what the heck i want to do. there's this possibility in the back of my head of going back to school and getting my masters in early education (i love kids!), but right now i'm just trying to get by making my payments for the degree from nyu!

i guess while i'm adding info about myself, i'll add a few more things. i have a few obsessions in my life. dave matthews band and the yankees are tops on my list, along with disney of course! i'm in the process of convincing my dad that we need to take a disney trip this year...we used to go every other year, my grandfather lives in st cloud, but we skipped last year and went to hawaii instead. so i told him, it's disney time! and i want to stay at a disney hotel! he likes the idea of the poly, since he's such a big hawaii fan, so i'm hoping this all works out. wouldn't be till september, but that's a light at the end of the tunnel for me!

yeesh, i need to cut down my length of posts! and i'm gonna post another one with my plan for the day after this!
alright, plan for the day.

breakfast is already done, had some cheerios with sliced banana with skim milk. that's a more filling breakfast than usual, so i don't know if i'm going to even need my snack of 10 baby carrots that i brought. had my morning cup of decaf tea with splenda and a splash of skim milk. lunch, i'm planning to make english muffin pizzas. and dinner will be a ww frozen dinner my mom bought, along with a nice big salad. i know i have some leftover points, so i'll throw in a snack or dessert. may not even eat the aps i'll earn running tonight. we'll see.

oh yeah, and i took my multivitamin with breakfast. and i have no problems getting in my minimum of water. my boss gave me a tumbler from borders, it holds about 12 oz, and i fill that thing up at least 6 times a day, plus i drink 34 oz while running, and at least 34 after running. i do wonder whether i'm getting the minimum of 3 servings of "milk". i need to find a page that tells me exactly what counts as a serving.

total points eaten so far - 5.5

b: 1.5 cups cheerios (3) + .5 cup skim milk (1) + 1 small banana (1.5) = 5.5
alright, so we have this awesome bakery near hear, and on the way into work, sometimes this one guy stops and gets fresh bread. guess is a bread day. it's all sitting out in the kitchen, looking nice and yummy. i was going to ignore it, but ya know what? i know i have a couple points to work with, so there is no need to deprive myself.

i'm going to go grab a slice of rye, toast it, and add a little butter. i'm gonna figure 2.5 points for the bread (it's a pretty large loaf), and 1.5 point for butter, since i will only use 2 teaspoons (it's whipped salted butter). and instead of making 1.5 english muffin pizzas for lunch, i'll just make 1. i love the online points tracker, so easy to figure out what i can eliminate, exactly how much i can "splurge" and all that good stuff.

s: 1 large slice rye bread (2.5) + 2 tsp butter (1.5) = 4

total so far today: 9.5

yeah, that is almost half of my daily, but i know dinner is only gonna be 4, and lunch around 6. i guess i might dip into my aps later. but maybe not. we'll see!
this is kinda funny, well to me at least, but i was gonna start this off with "alright", but then i looked up and saw i started the last 2 posts like that. ah, i amuse myself. you can just ignore me if you don't get my humor :)

anyway, here's my after workout and after dinner report.

little bit of a bummer...i realized that i really underestimated the points on the rye bread i ate. realized this after looking at a loaf we have here at home, and the nutritional info on it. plugged it into the points calculator, and for the amount i ate, it's 4 points, not 2.5, so i have to add on 1.5. not such a huge deal, i'm still good because of my aps. and i'll know better for next time to take a much thinner slice.

lunch was english muffin pizzas like i planned. 1 english muffin, 1/3 cup pizza sauce, 1/2 cup part skim mozz. throw it in the toaster oven. that's a total of 6 points. also, a cup of steamed broccoli, which is 0.

also, tom hit today, and i got a bit of a chocolate craving. just so happened to be oreos in the kitchen. i checked my points, 1 oreo = 1 point. i said hell yes. this will satisfy me and i won't go crazy! also had a cup of coffee w/splenda and a dash of skim milk, cause it smelled soooo good!

workout: ran 4.5 miles in just under 45 minutes. did most of it at a 6 mph pace, then upped it to 6.2 for a while, up to 6.5 near the end, then back down to 6 for the end. i had such a great run! i felt awesome, i'm so excited about it! then walked 3.8 and 3.6 for 15 minutes. the points tracker only has an 11.5 min mile, and a 9 min mile, and i run at around 10 min. so i guestimate. figured 5 points for the run and 1 point for the walk. total ap: 6
(also did abs and lifted arms, but i have no idea if those would qualify for aps, doesn't really matter anyway)

dinner as planned:
0 point salad - 2 cups romaine, .5 cup cucumber, .25 cup green peppers, 2 tbsp ff ital dressing
4 point ww frozen dinner, creamy rigatoni with broccoli & chicken (this was pretty yummy, i didn't know what to expect!)

so here's my totals so far:
b: cheerios w/banana and skim milk - 5.5
s: rye bread w/butter, tea w/dash skim milk - 5.5
l: english muffin pizzas and broccoli - 6
s: 1 oreo, 1 cup coffee w/dash milk - 1
d: ww meal and salad - 4
total: 22

eeeeexcellent! with my 20 target and 6 aps, i have 4 leftover. my mom bought fresh strawberries today, so i'm thinking about treating myself to some of those! 2 cups are 1 point. that will satisfy my sweet tooth, and they're good for me because they're fruit.

alright, so that's it for the day. no way am i going to eat 4 more points, so i'm going to change my cheat free clippie to 2 days (even though the link seems to be dead at the moment and just showing up the dreaded red "x")

next up: plan out tomorrow!

edit at 11:15pm - had a half cup of strawberries (0) and 1/4 cup of whipped cream (1). 3 leftover aps, and i'm done for the night. tomorrow is all planned out, but it is bed time for me, i'll post in the am!
morning check in, but this has to be short as i have lots of work to do today!

breakfast is down the hatch. dannon light n fit and an apple. have a half cup of cheerios that i'm gonna add skim milk to for a snack around 11. lunch and dinner are all planned out, with room for changes/substitutions if necessary. i forgot to take my vitamin w/breakfast, so i'll do that with lunch. already had my morning decaf tea, next it's onto my water. and after work, i'll be hitting the gym for a 40 minute run and however much walking i feel like after that.

i'll try to check in again later today. hope everyone is having a good day! if you got snow like i did, enjoy it!
ok, here i am at the end of a looooong day. gonna try to be short, cause i wanna go to bed!

b: dannon light n fit blueberry (2) + 1 medium apple (1) = 3
s: 1/2 cup cheerios (1) + 1/4 cup skim milk (.5) = 1.5
l: sandwich - 2 slices whole wheat (2.5) + 4 slices deli turkey (2) + cucumber slices (0) + green pepper slices (0) + 2 tbsp ff ital (0)
soup - 1 cup potato soup (3) = 7.5
s: choc covered macadamia nut (1)
d: cup chicken rice soup (1) + grilled chicken breast (3) + 1/8 cup marinara (.5) + 1/2 cup mozz cheese (4) = 8.5
dessert: 1 cup strawberries (.5) + smart ones vanilla orange creme (1) = 1.5

total: 23

target points used - 20, ap used - 3

i earned 5 aps running and walking, so i'm under again! yay!

funny how i had this whole day planned out to leave myself room for a "big" dessert, but totally scrapped dinner and changed plans because my best friend wanted to go out for dinner. i haven't seen her in a few days, so i figured i'd switch it up. breakfast, snack, and lunch were what i planned, but i'm happy about dinner as well, i went with the flow pretty well. just decided to order a chicken parm sandwich, but with grilled chicken instead of the breaded, and i didn't eat the bun. and it was good :)

ok, i have to go plan out tomorrow then head to bed.
Good morning, Marcia! :sunny:

You did great yesterday, especially with the last minute change in plans!! It would have been easy to declare it a special occasion and throw caution (and eating plan :p ) to the wind, but you were able to stay focused and find delicious food that was healthy for you as well!! Give yourself a pat on the back!! ::yes::

Hope you have a wonderful day! :sunny:
hey doe, thanks for coming to check in on me! i was definitely very very tempted to go all out, but i held back. we went to our town diner (jersey thing :p ), and they make the best dessert, called a brownie delight. well, it surely is delightful...large fudge walnut brownie heated up, heaps of vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce and whipped cream, yikes! so glad i didn't do it! i just thought about my cheat free clippie, and it was so not worth giving that up :)

today i've been op, that'll continue with dinner. no time right now to really report it all out, as i've gotta finish this stuff up at work then head to the gym. but i will be back with a full report of my day later in the evening.
ok, here i am, just like i said i'd be! meals are done for the day, thinking about dessert, but not sure.

b: 1 cup cheerios (2) + .5 cup skim milk (1) + 1 med banana (1.5) = 4.5
s: .5 cup carrots (0)
l: 1/2 pbj: 1 slice wheat (1) + 1 tbsp pb (2.5) + 1 tbsp jam (1)
+ oatmeal: .5 cups dry oatmeal (2.5) + 1/4 cup skim milk (.5) + 2 tsp br sugar (.5) + 1 packet splenda = 8
d: mom's homemade chicken soup!: broth (1) + 2 oz chicken (2) + 2 oz potato (1) + 1 cup broccoli (0) + 1 pillsbury golden layers buttermilk biscuit (3) + 1 tsp butter (1) = 8

total (so far) : 20.5

that's 20 target, plus .5 activity.

i earned 5 aps today running and walking, i also did crunches. today, there was another woman who was walking while i was running, so apart from teh tv distraction, i also had someone to talk to. now normally, i like to be by myself and not talking to anyone while i run, but this was a nice change. :bounce:

and now i think i'm on my way out the door to go shopping for an exercise video of some sort. i have come to the realization that it may be just a little too cold to run outside this weekend, and my gym is closed on teh weekends. so i'm going to get one just in case. i'll watch the temperature, and if it's lower than 30, there's no way i'm running outside. i hate this cold weather! i want it to go away! it's making me want to move to florida. hehe, well, i've always wanted to move to florida, get me that much closer to the mouse :teeth:

edit: ok, so now it's 10:45pm. my mom bought this unbelievable crumb cake from a bakery we used to go to all the time as kids. she bought one last week too, and i didn't have any. but it's been calling my name. and so i decided that with the last of my points, i was going to have a piece of that cake! figured a 2 oz piece to be about 6 points, approximating it with an entenman's point value. and i had 4.5 aps left from today, and those 1.5 flex points i hadn't touched since last weekend. and tomorrow my week begins again.

so that's it for today. used up all my points this week. interested to see what the scale reads in the morning. i'm not gonna be bummed if i didn't lose anything. we'll see!
:sunny: :sunny: Good morning, Marcia!:sunny: :sunny: So what does this scale say this a.m.? No matter what the number reads, know that you had a FANTASTIC week! :Pinkbounc You're doing so well on the WW plan--you're motivating me to stay within my points today. I'm going to be cheat free today because of YOUR dedication and enthusiasm. Thanks!

Keep us posted on how you're doing--
i'm a late riser ;) we'll credit that to the fact that i must still be in teenage/college ager phase :p

but aaaaanyway. drumroll pleeeeease! scale says, 131! that's down one pound. i'm very very pleased. i think i may attempt to try on those size 10 jeans that i havne't been a fan of cause they were too tight. i was noticing that my work pants were feeling pretty loose all week. so i'm gonna try it, and if i still think they're too tight, that's ok, because it just gives me more motivation for this week!

thank you erin for your wonderful post! i'm so glad i could be of any help to you, you have no idea how much i've gotten from your journaling! this is so great, all helping each other. ah, i love this place :teeth: ::yes:: i also love smilies, hehe :crazy:

today i have to clean the bathroom at some point (can you say ick!), get in my exercise (probably the tapes i bought since it looks pretty chilly out), do some other random errands, and gear up for family dinner out night. i'm saving up my points and earning my aps in preparation for this one! we always go to the same place, so i know their menu, and i'll be just fine. lots of fish, shrimp, steamed dishes, and they let you substitute a heaping plate of broccoli instead of a heaping bowl of pasta. love that! very much looking forward to another cheat free day. hope everyone else is having a great day!!!

so it's 11am, i think i am going to eat breakfast now. nice warm bowl of oatmeal is headed my way :)
breakfast eaten. 1/4 cup dry oatmeal (i measure dry cause it's so much easier to measure that way and not when it's all cooked up), with 1/4 cup milk and splenda and cinnamon on top. mmmmm. that's 1.5 points so far. i think i'm gonna eat an apple after i go clean the bathroom. motivation to actually get that bathroom done ;)

and my mom is catching on to this ww thing. she knows i need to plan ahead, so she let me know that we're not going to our normal sat night restaurant, but we're going to a japanese hibatchi place instead. hmm, i'm gonna have to do some research to figure out how to eat and figure out points there. should be fun though. those hibatchi chefs like to do those cheesy but fun stunts like the onion volcano. hehe. i hope we get some kids at our table, they make it more fun :)

ok, i'm off to tackle my day. i'll check back in later in the afternoon or evening.
got all my stuff done today. cleaned the bathroom and my bedroom. also did the watp 3 mile video. actually did it and then some, because i didn't feel it was enough of a workout, so i rewound and did the last mile again. also did a denise austin pilates for everybody dvd (45 minutes). that pilates stuff is hard! yowsers! so i got 3 aps for the watp, and 2 for the pilates.

ah, now that dinner was worth it! i found someone who gave me a guestimate of what my meal would be points wise, and i figured it from there. had chicken and shrimp on teh hibatchi with some veggies. had a small piece of shrimp tempura and the cup of broth that they give you. also, half a cup of japanese noodles and half a cup of white rice. then finished it off with a scoop of chocolate ice cream, because i was prepared for this!

and over dinner, i decided to talk to my parents about the disney half marathon next year. i've been thinking about doing it, give me some purpose for my running (as if getting in better shape wasn't good enough!). anyway, they were pleased with the idea! i know my dad can't come with me, because jan and feb are the worst times of the year for him at work, but my mom is excited! she really wants to come and cheer me on! so there you have it. i decided after i came home from dinner to go and register, and it's done! i'm registered, and i'm running the disney half marathon in 05! i can't believe how excited i am!!! so now i think i need to go and get me one of those count down clocks. i just hope this doesn't impeed on dad's possibility of the family trip down in september. hopefully, i'll get both!!! :hyper:

oh man, so much just happened, i'm on a high. i feel like i'm crazy, but at the same time, i'm so determined!

haha, ok, let's try to remain calm and type out what i ate today!

b: 1/4 cup oatmeal uncooked (1) + 1/4 cup skim milk (.5) = 1.5
s: 1 apple (1) = 1
l: broth from mom's chicken soup (1) + 1 cup cooked broccoli (0) + 1 cup raw carrots (0) = 1
s: .5 ounces milk chocolate (1.5) = 1.5
d: japanese soup (1) + 1 small shrimp tempura (2) + chicken/shrimp/veggies hibatchi (9) + 1/2 cup japanese noodles (2) + 1/2 cup rice (2) + 1/2 cup chocolate ice cream (3) = 19

total: 24

that's 20 target, plus 4 aps, with 1 ap left over! yesssss! i thought for sure i'd go into my flex at least a little bit, but i didn't! i'm so excited! haha, now i'm excited about all sorts of stuff! what a great day! :bounce:

tomorrow will be interesting. i know i'm gonna use flex tomorrow, because sunday is girls night with my best friend. we go to friendly's and get sundaes to take out and watch sex and the city. but i think what i'm gonna do is get a kids size hot fudge sundae (instead of the 2 or 3 scoop i usualy get!), and that won't be too bad. i'll just eat good food the rest of the day, hopefully get out into the cold to run, and it'll be all good.

alright, i think this was a really long post! i'm gonna try to go figure out how to relax and calm myself down before heading to bed. catch ya in the morning! (or the afternoon, depending when i wake up :p)
i woke up this morning (i say morning...i slept till 11 :p) totally oblivious to the snow outside. i came downstairs, pulled up my ww online, started planning out my food for the day. ate my choc. carnation instant breakfast and a small banana, and said to myself, ok, ate food at 11:30, give my stomach a couple hours to settle, and head out for a run at around 2, which should be the warmest part of the day.

riiiiight. my mom comes down and says "look at all that snow!" what snow? i haven't looked out the window. oh crap man. it's all over the place! no way the roads i run on are plowed. and running in snow = getting wet and even more cold. not gonna happen! this is the time that i wish i had a treadmill. actually, i've always wished i had a treadmill. my mom actually thinks it's a good idea to have one, but we just have no room in our house for it, whatsoever!

so i guess i'm going to do the same thing i did yesterday. although, that 3 mi watp tape is way not enough for me. i think what i'm going to do today is start the video, go through the tape right up until the cool down, then rewind and start again from after the warm up. i may not feel like it's intense enough for me, but at least i will log some more miles. and maybe i'll try to do the pilates dvd again. we'll see how much i feel like it after i spend so much time on that walking tape though. i guess i need to buy a different vid for next weekend. tae bo maybe? cardio kickboxing? maybe they'll be more of a workout for me.

so i'm pretty planned out for the day. with tonight being girls night, i'm saving up a few points for the ice cream. but i have decided i'm getting a one scoop cup of low fat vanilla with rainbow sprinkles, and a little whipped cream. much better than reg vanilla with hot fudge. well, at least better, if not *much* better ;)

so far, i've been drinking my water, took my vitamin, and had my breakfast. i'm trying to get more milk in, because i've been realizing i don't think i get the 3 servings i'm supposed to per day. although, i do take a calcium pill (caltrate) every day, along with my multivitamin.

b: 1 packet choc instant breakfast (2) + 1.5 cups skim milk (2.5) + 1 small banana (1.5) = 6

lunch and dinner i have a rough idea, but they may change. i'll check back later.
Marcia!! I'm so excited about meeting you and your Mom at the half marathon next January!!! You go, girl!!

I'm also excited about that pound :Pinkbounc you got to wave bye-bye :wave2: to!! You're walkin' the walk, girlfriend!!

You've been really considering your food choices and that's awesome! You've also been finding ways to allow yourself small treats within your point limits and that's a healthy way to eat for the rest of your life.

Keep it up, Marcia! You're doing great!! :sunny: :sunny:
:sunny: Hey, Marcia, here's some sunshine to melt all the snow that's out there today!:sunny: Congratulations on signing up for the half marathon! It's going to be lots of fun meeting you and your mom. Maybe your mom would like to walk the half marathon with some of us walkers? Go ahead, get that treadmill, put it in your living room for a year and get mom in shape, too!:p

You're doing an amazing job of making those points work for you! I ALWAYS dive into my flexpoints, but this week I'm going to take a page from your journal and try to have a couple of non-flex days, just to boost things along.

Enjoy every bit of that ice cream, girl; you've earned it!

hey doe and erin! thanks for coming and checking in on me! i sure did enjoy my ice cream :p (even though i ended up opting for ff frozen yogurt instead :teeth: )

gonna make this quick, cause i gotta go to bed!!!

had a good day, the breakfast i already posted. then i hung out for a while waiting for my stomach to settle. around 2:30, i started the 3 mi watp vid. got through it and decided to rewind and do it again. so i was doing that till about 4. came downstairs, played on teh computer for a while, my friend called me, so i didn't get around to "lunch" till 5pm. had a big bowl of soup.

after that, i decided to go out and shovel the driveway. man oh man! i feel like that was a workout! i was out there for about an hour. felt real good to come in from the cold! finally got to take a shower. ended up having a yogurt and some raw veggies for "dinner". so i was pretty low on points. so i decided to have about an ounce of chocolate :) had my frozen yogurt, then came home and got a huge girl scout cookies craving. had 2 peanut butter patties and 2 pinatas (like oatmeal with strawberry topping, mmmm). also a half cup of strawberries to make me feel like it was a healtheir snack :p. it was a conscious decision to dip into the flex (only 3 points), so it's another cheat free day. here it is detailed out:

b: carnation instant breakfast packet (2) + 1.5 cups skim milk (2.5) + 1 small banana (1) = 6
l: chicken soup w/ 2 oz chicken, 2 oz potato, 1 cup broccoli = 4
s: 1 oz chocolate (3.5) = 3.5
d: dannon light n fit (2) + 1/4 cup cucumbers + 1/2 cup green peppers + 1 cup carrots = 2
dessert: 1 cup van. frozen yogurt (4) + 1 tbsp rainbow sprinkles (1) + 1/2 cup whipped cream (1.5) = 6.5
dessert #2: 1/2 cup strawberries (0) + 2 pb patties (3) + 2 pinatas (3) = 6

total: 28

target - 20, aps - 5, flex - 3

yippee! 32 flex left for the next 5 days. i'll use em if i need em :)

that's it for me, i'll catch you all tomorrow :wave:


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