May 10, 2008 Ship of Thieves! Stealing the Magic..AGAIN!!! Panama Canal FL to CA!!! Part 9

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I weighed myself after almost one week of no smoking today and I only lost 2 lbs. I usually lose 5-6 lbs. each week. I didn't do anything different with the diet program. So I have to attribute it to stopping changed my metabolism and slowed it down since smoking increases your metabolism as a stimulant. It's good that I didn't gain but that's not a big loss in a week. So far I have lost 34 lbs in 3 months and went down 2 sizes. I need to go down 2 more sizes in the next 4 months. I would have done it with the weight loss while smoking, I'm concerned about the weight loss without smoking, since it's now decreasing....will I still make it?

Deb & John.....:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: Keep up the Great work!!!!

Deb...losing weight while quitting smoking is HUGE!!!! That is Great! :cool1: Don't be discouraged by the numbers, just cheer the direction.


Deb they say 2lbs a week is the correct way to go so you are well on target. I think that is great.


Deb, it isn't quit smoking and only lost 2 lbs but quit smoking and STILL lost 2 lbs:cheer2: That is awesome:cool1: You are doing wonderful!
This is a strange question. I just tried to match up socks. I have 133 socks with no matches....(over months) I have no idea what happened to the other socks....but I have a hard time tossing these in the trash.

What do you guys do with piles of unmatched socks?

I usually buy all the same kind of socks, so when they don't match up.....I only have one to throw out.
Deb, it isn't quit smoking and only lost 2 lbs but quit smoking and STILL lost 2 lbs:cheer2: That is awesome:cool1: You are doing wonderful!

Thanks Kathe and everybody.....I guess it's all about how you look at it....but I got spoiled and I want to lose more each week. I'm determined to wear my two new dresses both 4 sizes smaller than were I started. I will just have to get more active......gotta finish my front room and turn it into a dance studio for me to use. Then we'll see how much weight I can lose.
Hi Lisa, yes, GreatWhiteNorth (Angie) is also dining with us, although I haven't seen her post for quite a while. I know I have missed a lot of posts too though...I try to keep up but:rolleyes: She has two teenage daughters but is cruising solo.

I have started working Sundays again, so six days a week, now that my back is feeling better. I want to earn that extra money for all of the excursions, DOD and all:woohoo:

How is Frank doing? Did he wake up for your date? Hope he is feeling some better and that you are getting some rest too:goodvibes


Oh cool, just another single lady!! That should be so much fun!! Isn't she from Canada as well?

Six days a week of work is hard, but the extra in the paycheck is good!! :goodvibes I am so glad your back is better. :goodvibes I have never had back problems and I am so thankful!!

I have the night shift for Frank today, so I haven't seen him today. Yesterday, the doctor said he would be moved out of CVICCCU this morning at 5am. They changed their mind during the night and did not move him. But the have just now moved him...(just called the hospital).

Yes, they did bring him out of the coma in time for our date....such that it was (Redskins lost). They gave him morphine for his pain after the first quarter and the nurse said it would knock him out.....NOPE.....he stayed awake for the entire game!!

If he stays on this track...he will be transfered back to the other hospital on Thursday. Then it will be back on the Rehab track.
I remember when I did WW which was the last time I weighed on a diet that some weeks I lost half or 1 lb, then another it would be 6!!!
Oh cool, just another single lady!! That should be so much fun!! Isn't she from Canada as well?

Six days a week of work is hard, but the extra in the paycheck is good!! :goodvibes I am so glad your back is better. :goodvibes I have never had back problems and I am so thankful!!

I have the night shift for Frank today, so I haven't seen him today. Yesterday, the doctor said he would be moved out of CVICCCU this morning at 5am. They changed their mind during the night and did not move him. But the have just now moved him...(just called the hospital).

Yes, they did bring him out of the coma in time for our date....such that it was (Redskins lost). They gave him morphine for his pain after the first quarter and the nurse said it would knock him out.....NOPE.....he stayed awake for the entire game!!

If he stays on this track...he will be transfered back to the other hospital on Thursday. Then it will be back on the Rehab track.

That is marvellous isn't it really?
I am so excited about this. It is no problem to have cash that day! Thanks for doing this.

We will be swimming with the Sea Lions too. I am very excited, I have swam with dolphins, rays, and sea turtles.

We did a Zip Line. I will post pics later.

I love all of the pics!

Thanks for the prayers for my grandmother. We are visiting tomarrow.

Deb- DH picked me up from work and said he got a pm from you. He is IAMAHIDDENMICKEY, he is with me.

Here is a picture of the Zip Line:

Deb- I will PM you soon. Thanks for all you are doing!

Jill, How did your visit with your grandmother go:goodvibes I hope you were able to have a nice visit. It's hard when loved ones are sick, isn't it:hug:

Thank you for your feedback on the zip line. Great pic:thumbsup2 Do you think this would be hard for someone who has some issues with back pain? That is my concern. I really want to do this, but have had a lot of back pain in the last couple of months. I'm feeling much better, but it comes and goes. Normally I'm pretty active, all summer, early fall I walked 30 to 90 min a day. Not rugged exercise but up and down hill somewhat:confused3

Oh cool, just another single lady!! That should be so much fun!! Isn't she from Canada as well?

Six days a week of work is hard, but the extra in the paycheck is good!! :goodvibes I am so glad your back is better. :goodvibes I have never had back problems and I am so thankful!!

I have the night shift for Frank today, so I haven't seen him today. Yesterday, the doctor said he would be moved out of CVICCCU this morning at 5am. They changed their mind during the night and did not move him. But the have just now moved him...(just called the hospital).

Yes, they did bring him out of the coma in time for our date....such that it was (Redskins lost). They gave him morphine for his pain after the first quarter and the nurse said it would knock him out.....NOPE.....he stayed awake for the entire game!!

If he stays on this track...he will be transfered back to the other hospital on Thursday. Then it will be back on the Rehab track.

Lisa, sounds like Frank has had a good day then!I can't imagine what a strain this is on everyone, but I'm glad he's showing progress:goodvibes Good luck with your night shift, Frank is so lucky to have you:goodvibes

You are right, Angie is Canadian too, but she lives in Alberta, a long way from me, same province my son and granddaughter are in :goodvibes
That is marvellous isn't it really?

Yes, I think so, thanks.

I just want the grumpy old Frank back!:goodvibes :goodvibes

You know I have not told you guys this, but Frank and my DMIL (passed away 2 years ago) took us on our first Disney cruise for Daniel's 13th birthday. It was August so I guess 5 years and 5 months ago. :goodvibes :goodvibes

I thank him often for that.....he says he can not believe the monster he created!!:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Well, Tyler and I did the glass bottom boat at CC and I wish we hadn't. It was really boring and the only fish we saw was when they stopped the boat and threw oatmeal over the side, then swarms of some tiny fish came up. Not very exciting.

I'm so glad to hear this from someone else. I did a trip like this in Aruba and I thought it was a waste of time and money. I really do not get the attraction to these boats. I should have spent the afternoon on the catamaram. Live and learn I guess.
Just checked our reservation on and we now have a stateroom when it has been GTY since we booked back on the day it opened up.

Just thought those of you with GTY would like to know that rooms are being assigned.

Don't get excited LifeBoat doesn't mean us. I just checked my GTY and I'm still unassigned and in those darn lifeboats!

Ken/MouseFaninQueue could you please PM me your assigned stateroom number so that I can update my list. Thank you.

Good job Gydell isn't here or there would be comments about the sanity of the three of us lifeboat crew!!!:lmao:

Wish I was assigned to a stateroom too, but I'm still GTY as well. Not sure where I'll be, I did suggest the all-nighter on deck when we go through the Panama Canal, didn't realize at the time I'd be there all 15 nights though:eek:

This is a strange question. I just tried to match up socks. I have 133 socks with no matches....(over months) I have no idea what happened to the other socks....but I have a hard time tossing these in the trash.

What do you guys do with piles of unmatched socks?

Use them as dusting cloths ... slip your hand in one and everything you touch gets dusted. When you are done, toss it in the wash and who knows, it may find it's mate in self defense when it sees the alternative is work - lol.
Wish I was assigned to a stateroom too, but I'm still GTY as well. Not sure where I'll be, I did suggest the all-nighter on deck when we go through the Panama Canal, didn't realize at the time I'd be there all 15 nights though:eek:


Come on with us Kathe....I'm sure there's room for one more in our life boat and my roomies won't mind. It's better than being on deck since it has a cover, you won't get wet in the rain.

How are you at remembering things.....Do you have many senior moments....just curious since it will help if we could remember where our lifeboat is when we have to leave for showers.

I just finished up my fist Lien was ok, not great, but ok.


The dietstogo people didn't return my phone call(s) or answer my email. I figured they are down for the holiday or swamped, either way, can't start it this week. I'll call them Monday and hope to get a person during the day to reply. When you started was it over the phone?
I just finished up my fist Lien was ok, not great, but ok.


The dietstogo people didn't return my phone call(s) or answer my email. I figured they are down for the holiday or swamped, either way, can't start it this week. I'll call them Monday and hope to get a person during the day to reply. When you started was it over the phone?

I did it online. I'm sure they are busy now. You might try calling again during the weekdays and see if you get a person.

I found out that you need to use a code that I have when placing your first order as a referral and then you will get a 10% discount on your first order and I will get 20% on my next order. I'll PM you the code to use. Good Luck getting through to them. I have usually not had any problems, just try calling again.
I'm so glad to hear this from someone else. I did a trip like this in Aruba and I thought it was a waste of time and money. I really do not get the attraction to these boats. I should have spent the afternoon on the catamaram. Live and learn I guess.
I think the problem with these areas are that they don't have many great reefs and tropical/colorful fish around. We did one in the Bahamas and Key West - big waste. But Samantha was like 9 months old so it was fine.

What a day.....we went to Publix and BAM, I got two new Jodi Picoult books and I am halfway through The Pact right now. And I got a Far side calendar and a new 08 Bad Girls Desk calendar. Came home and forgot I had put the water on in the pool since it was low and it was almost oevrflowing! The girls swam while I began my 2008 base freckle. I didn't watch the Bucs game...and guess I am glad I didn't. Samantha is in bed, DH is asleep on the couch and Haley is eating a pound of strawberries with Tebow at her feet waiting for any crumbs.
we're watching the game now....Haley is content to sit with me. And I am going back to my book. There is a new Desp Housewives tonight.

Deb - congrats on the weight loss....anything is good....and 1lb a week is very healthy and a good indicator that it will stay off!

SOCKS ---- OH MY, I have like 3 laundry baskets full of mis matches. ---I;m the only one that will put on two different ones. I just keep buying more! Now with Tebow, it's even worse!

Come on with us Kathe....I'm sure there's room for one more in our life boat and my roomies won't mind. It's better than being on deck since it has a cover, you won't get wet in the rain.

How are you at remembering things.....Do you have many senior moments....just curious since it will help if we could remember where our lifeboat is when we have to leave for showers.

Deb!!!!I accept your generous offer, quickly, before any one can object!Senior moments...hmmm....non that I can remember;)
Hello All,
I have about umm say 2,000 posts to read to get up to speed here. :) I wanted to jump in here now that the holiday season is over I can start obsessing about the cruise. I am a single mom aged 32 bringing my daughter 9, and my son 4. I will catch up on the posts little by little but am hoping to get a little help here too. I am interested in a few things.

1. Fish mail I would like to give treats and get some too, so who do I need to speak with?
2. Champagne Girls I saw who to pm for that so I shall
3. dis meets- any in my area? California Bay Area
4. Custom clothes can I get pm's with ebay sellers info for real cute kids clothes or dis members who sew for profit
5. My daughter is a Junior Girl Scout, any other scouts onboard, maybe work on a badge while cruising?
6. Anything else special? any groups, meeting events, stuff to buy, whatever I am game!!! PM me or post here and I will reply asap.

Thanks to any and everyone in advance. I know my post will be off the radar in an hour seeing how often you all post but I will keep up to date with all new posts and try to read all the old ones for info too. Oh and me my name is really hard to spell and say sooo the phonetic pronunciation is easier........ Mar-Asia. :thanks:
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