May 18, 2013 MAGIC EBTA - Who is with us?

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I've updated the roll call spreadsheet with all the info I've received. Let me know if I've missed anything or need to correct any errors.

I don't know if it is this web site, my AT&T DSL or my computer, but access has been horrible so I haven't been on the thread.

I've been trying to think of a clever name from our group. In addition to the title on our page, we could use this for a number of things, shirt images, magnets, etc. So I wanted to come up with something that is not only clever but would lend itself to finding images that go along with it. Any ideas?
I've updated the roll call spreadsheet with all the info I've received. Let me know if I've missed anything or need to correct any errors.

I don't know if it is this web site, my AT&T DSL or my computer, but access has been horrible so I haven't been on the thread.

I've been trying to think of a clever name from our group. In addition to the title on our page, we could use this for a number of things, shirt images, magnets, etc. So I wanted to come up with something that is not only clever but would lend itself to finding images that go along with it. Any ideas?

It's the Boards. It's been extremely slow for the past few weeks I believe WM Alex is in the process of upgrading the servers, it should be better when that is done.
Hey everyone!

We're planning on this cruise but we haven't booked it yet. We're taking a trip to Scotland and England this May/June and have decided to put a deposit down after that.

We'll have extended family coming with us also. Looking forward to getting to know you all!

My family is
Me - Kristen
DH - Kevin
DD - 19
DS - 17

Extended family will be my sister and her husband and my mom -- who cried on the phone when I told her about this cruise. She's in! :thumbsup2


Hi Kristen,

I'm from England and have travelled all over England and Scotland so if you would like any tips etc, please let me know :)

Sorry for going off topic everyone :-)
Hi Kristen,

I'm from England and have travelled all over England and Scotland so if you would like any tips etc, please let me know :)

Sorry for going off topic everyone :-)

No apology needed, in fact, that you, sharing info is what we are all here for. I am sure there will be others who would enjoy your info, if not for this trip for another one in the future.

I made my reservations myself and then had the reservation turned over to my TA. I received my invoice from my TA today and discovered that the amount DCL quoted me is different from the amount they indicate on the invoice. The downpay amounts quoted, charged to my credit card and reflected on the invoice are all three different and none are 10% of any of the total amounts quoted nor any amount on the invoices. My TA is looking into it but thought I mention here so in case you all want to check your credit card activity against your invoices.
I've been trying to think of a clever name from our group. In addition to the title on our page, we could use this for a number of things, shirt images, magnets, etc. So I wanted to come up with something that is not only clever but would lend itself to finding images that go along with it. Any ideas?

Wish I could help with this. When we did our last TA, our theme (just dd and me) was based off the old sail away party- Adventures Away. We did a door magnet with the house from Up floating over the Magic. But creativity isn't our strong point.

We have a cruise on the Fantasy coming up this Fall, and I'm ready to blow right passed it to get on this TA cruise. Horrible, isn't it?
We have a cruise on the Fantasy coming up this Fall, and I'm ready to blow right passed it to get on this TA cruise. Horrible, isn't it?

Me, too. I have one in June on the Fantasy. I have been trying to decide whether or not I want to keep it. On a whim, yesterday I looked for airfare. I found some really cheap price on Priceline. Since I don't have vacation confirmation I didn't book it. Now, it's nowhere to be found! (but I knew that would happen) I just am very ambivalant about that cruise but I can't wait for this one!
The Magical EBTA Dis-ers.

Yes, that really is the full extent of my creativity. :P
Not very creative here either:
Crossing the Atlantic on the Magic
Magically crossing the Atlantic
Taking the Magic to the Med

I don't know just a few ideas to get started, we'll think of something!
We just booked this! I am beyond excited :)

It will be me, DH, DSS (14), DS (3) and my parents. We were going to do med+greece but this seems more fun (and more economical :)
We just booked this! I am beyond excited :)

It will be me, DH, DSS (14), DS (3) and my parents. We were going to do med+greece but this seems more fun (and more economical :)


Gotta love the price......about the same price as a 7-day! Will your DS be 3 or is he 3 now??
Me, too. I have one in June on the Fantasy. I have been trying to decide whether or not I want to keep it. On a whim, yesterday I looked for airfare. I found some really cheap price on Priceline. Since I don't have vacation confirmation I didn't book it. Now, it's nowhere to be found! (but I knew that would happen) I just am very ambivalant about that cruise but I can't wait for this one!

We'd seriously consider canceling the Fantasy if it weren't for the fact my sister and brother-in-law are coming. And since I'm the one who hooked them on Disney cruises by taking them on the Dream last Fall, I can't back out now. Unfortunately, they can't get the time in Spring to come on the TA.
We just booked this! I am beyond excited :)

It will be me, DH, DSS (14), DS (3) and my parents. We were going to do med+greece but this seems more fun (and more economical :)

Welcome to you and others who have joined! I've had problems getting on the boards. You won't be disappointed in the EBTA. If you have any questions, feel free to ask away, there are a few of us who have done it before. Beware, it will become addicting. ;)
Has anyone done the Disney air and land for a cruise not out of Orlando? I am having my TA look into the prices but was wondering how it works. We would like to stay overnight in Barcelona and see the sights and figure if I secure the prices now and find cheaper then I can cancel out. Just wondering how it works. Thanks!!!:cheer2:
Hi everyone

Just signed up for this cruise this morning.

Lawrence DH

Mary DW

Elizabeth 13 (at time of cruise) DD

01/26/11 Disney Dream - Maiden Voyage
10/29/09 Disney Wonder - 3 day
03/28/09 Disney Magis - 7 day - Western Caribbean

Welcome to all the new shipmates.

Anyone have experience with travel in Southern Spain? We're thinking of heading to Granada for a few days after the cruise, depending on the cost of flights.
Good morning!! Welcome to everyone who has joined us recently! :woohoo:

It looks like we are going to have quite a few kids in the 10-12 range, my girls will be thrilled with that.

Will most of your kid's return to school after the cruise? We usually get out the first week of June, so my girls will miss basically the last two weeks of school. The good thing is that all testing is done and those last couple weeks are just field trips, field days and such. Not much active learning taking place.

When we did the WBTA in 2007 my oldest DD missed the first 8 days of school, for attendance purposes the school did not officially register her until the day she came back. That way it didn't affect her attendance or the schools funding. I haven't talked to the school yet, but I have a feeling we will probably do something similar except this time withdraw them and re-register them during the summer for the upcoming school year.
Will most of your kid's return to school after the cruise? We usually get out the first week of June, so my girls will miss basically the last two weeks of school. The good thing is that all testing is done and those last couple weeks are just field trips, field days and such. Not much active learning taking place.

Hunter will return on the 3rd of June for the last three days of school. Luckily, we don't have to worry about stringent attendance policies because he attends a private school but I know he wouldn't want to miss the last few days with his schoolmates before summer so I'm not planning on tacking any extra days onto this trip.

What grade will your girls be in next year? Hunter will be a fifth grader (doesn't seem possible) but will still be 10 at the time of the cruise.

Welcome to all the new cruisers! Our little group is growing on a daily basis, it seems. :)
Hannah probably won't have to return to school after the cruise. Our schools are usually out by May 25th or so depending on snow days. Last year we had several and this year we haven't had any so far, they tack them on to the end of the year. We don't have the school calendar for next year yet so I'm not sure if she'll miss any school at all. If it were this year, she would only miss the last day of school which is a day you go pick up your report card and leave. Last year she missed the last 7 days of school but all of her work and testing was completed. Her teacher said the only thing she would be missing was field day, movies, and fun times. She wasn't too upset, after all she was cruising!!! I never thought about taking her out and re-registering her for attendance purposes, that's a great idea. I'll have to talk to the school about that if it becomes an issue. Last year, someone did mention that we could be turned in for truancy but I told them we would pull her out and home school her for the last few days of school and suddenly it was no longer a problem. hmmmm!

Hannah will be in finishing 4th grade when we go on this trip. My little baby is growing up too fast.

Kasey- Where is Lake Villa, IL? We are from IL also but near St. Louis.

Have a great weekend everyone! And welcome aboard!
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