MAY 2013 - PTR....hooray!!!


30 days until we leave - so excited, yet I kind of don't want it to come because the sooner it starts the sooner it ends. :(

I have found an amazing rooftop bar in NYC for DH and I to have a drink at before dinner on the night that SIL has the kids, and my fabulous dress is on the packing list!! :cutie:

Things are planned and documented to death and the holiday is all that we talk about. Tomorrow DD8 and I are going to make a countdown calendar (or just get 29 post-it notes a la Battymum)!!! :laughing:

Look at Tinkerbell - it feels like only a week ago she was chasing the boat!! Go Tink go!! :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes

30 days until we leave - so excited, yet I kind of don't want it to come because the sooner it starts the sooner it ends. :(

I have found an amazing rooftop bar in NYC for DH and I to have a drink at before dinner on the night that SIL has the kids, and my fabulous dress is on the packing list!! :cutie:

Things are planned and documented to death and the holiday is all that we talk about. Tomorrow DD8 and I are going to make a countdown calendar (or just get 29 post-it notes a la Battymum)!!! :laughing:

Look at Tinkerbell - it feels like only a week ago she was chasing the boat!! Go Tink go!! :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes

I know what you mean about the sooner it starts - the sooner it ends
I thinks the month before the holiday is the best bit ... So much to look forward to....
Phew, another day of work over...this is such a crazy time for us here (I think I need a holiday)!! ;)

27 sleeps!!

During these school holidays I am very busy at work, and my amazing DH (who works for himself) has been juggling meetings, phone calls and hours on the computer while dealing with 2 kids off school. Our DS15 has also been fabulous with DD8 - helping out when DH has to head off (as well as juggling his own busy social life!!).

I love my DD - she is such a good girl (almost all the time)! :lovestruc

I love my DS - he doesn't whinge that he has to babysit in the mornings, then he can be with his friends in the afternoon. :love:

I love my DH - he is down in his office now (10pm) and will be there for hours to come. All so that we can go away with no pressures, a fully paid off credit card, and nothing to do but enjoy being together in amazing places. :hug:

I know how lucky I am to be able to go on another amazing holiday in just 26 days - but I think that I was even luckier on the day that this tall, funny, always right (don't tell him I said that), ex-football hooligan turned kids soccer and cricket coaching Pom came into my life!! :cutie: :cutie: :cutie:

PS......I hope none of you ate just before reading this.... :sick:

During these school holidays I am very busy at work, and my amazing DH (who works for himself) has been juggling meetings, phone calls and hours on the computer while dealing with 2 kids off school. Our DS15 has also been fabulous with DD8 - helping out when DH has to head off (as well as juggling his own busy social life!!).

I love my DD - she is such a good girl (almost all the time)! :lovestruc

I love my DS - he doesn't whinge that he has to babysit in the mornings, then he can be with his friends in the afternoon. :love:

I love my DH - he is down in his office now (10pm) and will be there for hours to come. All so that we can go away with no pressures, a fully paid off credit card, and nothing to do but enjoy being together in amazing places. :hug:

I know how lucky I am to be able to go on another amazing holiday in just 26 days - but I think that I was even luckier on the day that this tall, funny, always right (don't tell him I said that), ex-football hooligan turned kids soccer and cricket coaching Pom came into my life!! :cutie: :cutie: :cutie:

PS......I hope none of you ate just before reading this.... :sick:

:) it's great that you appreciate your family so much.
Not long now :yay:

During these school holidays I am very busy at work, and my amazing DH (who works for himself) has been juggling meetings, phone calls and hours on the computer while dealing with 2 kids off school. Our DS15 has also been fabulous with DD8 - helping out when DH has to head off (as well as juggling his own busy social life!!).

I love my DD - she is such a good girl (almost all the time)! :lovestruc

I love my DS - he doesn't whinge that he has to babysit in the mornings, then he can be with his friends in the afternoon. :love:

I love my DH - he is down in his office now (10pm) and will be there for hours to come. All so that we can go away with no pressures, a fully paid off credit card, and nothing to do but enjoy being together in amazing places. :hug:

I know how lucky I am to be able to go on another amazing holiday in just 26 days - but I think that I was even luckier on the day that this tall, funny, always right (don't tell him I said that), ex-football hooligan turned kids soccer and cricket coaching Pom came into my life!! :cutie: :cutie: :cutie:

PS......I hope none of you ate just before reading this.... :sick:

Ewwww! PDA. :faint:

(Happy happy family :thumbsup2)
OMG - I am alone I my own house...this NEVER happens!! :crowded:

DH and DS have gone out to watch the football (which I am comfortably watching in my loungeroom) and DD is playing next door. So, I am updating my lists and making sure that I haven't forgotten anything.

We will get the suitcases out this week :cheer2: which is always an exciting moment. I have a basket to put things into for packing, but at the moment there are only 2 things in it. The weather has been so nice that we are still wearing the summer gear that I plan to pack!! I'll get the basket figured out and then only take half of it - I'm going to be ruthless because I plan to S H O P !!! ::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes::

22 sleeps......breathe, Tracey, breathe!!! :upsidedow

PS....RE: ALeague final - I love that you support your team - but do you need to light a flare in the middle of thousands of people?! Ratbags.
You sound so excited BusyBusy :thumbsup2 . Yay to your trip being almost here. I hope you and your family have an amazing time :goodvibes
I absolutely love when it is time to get the suitcases out. We have 9 weeks and 4 days to go - is it too soon? ;)
Hahahaha, I'm way behind then!! :upsidedow

I now have about 6 things in my "to pack" basket, and I have a list of things to do inside and outside of the house before we leave. I'm also looking forward to school going back so that the kids can stop wearing the clothes that I want to pack! Work is crazy and sometimes I wonder if there is a light at the end of the tunnel.....BUT:

DH is working away downstairs.... :lovestruc
DH15 is writing an essay for school.... :faint:
DD8 is reading me One Direction fun facts.... :cutie:

....and, this time in 3 weeks we will be out over the Pacific Ocean on our way to meet DH and SIL in my beloved NEW YORK I have nothing to pout about!! :goodvibes
I know - Tink just keeps on floating towards the right - I love it!! princess:

I booked the character breakfast at 'Ohana for our first morning in WDW - we will stuff our faces, jump on the monorail and then spend all day at the Magic Kingdom. We then have dinner at Be Our Guest at 4.40pm. :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes

After that we will head back to POR and relax in the pool for about 5 hours!!

My family are going to be up and at it that morning - no moaning - just GET OUT OF BED!!!
I know - Tink just keeps on floating towards the right - I love it!! princess:

I booked the character breakfast at 'Ohana for our first morning in WDW - we will stuff our faces, jump on the monorail and then spend all day at the Magic Kingdom. We then have dinner at Be Our Guest at 4.40pm. :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes

After that we will head back to POR and relax in the pool for about 5 hours!!

My family are going to be up and at it that morning - no moaning - just GET OUT OF BED!!!

Sounds like a great 1st day.


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