MAY W.I.S.H Thread:

Also thinking about my late July Disney trip and motivated to get these pounds off. Would like to be at my WW goal by July 4th and then a couple more pounds for insurance by our trip in late July.

So I will continue to track meals and walk 5x a week.
Motivation this week...

Giving the food management thing another go. I spent a lot of money on food last week and threw a lot of it out. Again.

Getting my water consumption back up, even pulled my jug with hourly marking on it out... and filled it with water.

Getting my step count up, well, actually getting some steps in. I've been so sore lately and I think a lot of it has to do with not moving enough.
I was down a pound this week and that is pretty exciting! I'm going to try to hold onto that feeling when I want to eat something not so healthy!

We've decided we will go to Florida if DS2's performances are on days we can get there--so not a Thursday or Friday! He said they'll decide this week. Really hoping we'll be able to see him perform! This will be the least planned trip we've ever taken and I do so like to have everything planned! The suspense is killing me!!!
Personally, I am good with the planning. I have a morning routine for my workouts and I make a meal plan each week. I have identified barriers and worked around them. I know I’m not as good at working out after school or going to a gym. I need to have my meals planned and prepped or else I’m quick to do fast food once I’m hungry. And I try to eat when planned as opposed to when I’m hungry (when I can) because once I’m hungry I tend to over eat.

Some things I need to work on are focusing on the positives, watching my portions (I’ve done this and it works, but I’m not consistent anymore with it), and eat slowly. I’m a quick eat and move on to the next thing…possibly from being a teacher with a “30 minute” lunch break that is really usually about 10 minutes.
Budgeting has become the word of the month for me. When I was visiting with my Sister she gave me the name of the financial planner she has worked with, so I have someone to help me with my financial goals... except it has caused me stress because I realized I wouldn't even be able to tell him what my monthly expenditures are, only that I'm doing better than I ever have before.

So I'm working on figuring out my financial budget, but also need to figure out my nutritional budget. What am I going to spend my money on and what am I going to spend my calories on. I did do really well drinking more water yesterday and did get more steps in, as I finally got my new little mower out of the box and worked on the front yard. I'm also working on detoxify, mostly focussed on soaks for my feet, but need to expand into the quality of food I'm putting in to my body.
What are some things you do that help with weight loss? What are some things you would like to try?

What I do:

Have small portions of anything I want. - My motto is “The first three bites are the best anyway!”

Try to drink enough water. - I know I do better when I do this, but I still fall short sometimes.

Associate exercise with something I like. - For example, I watch a favorite show or something really interesting on the treadmill. It makes me look forward to the routine and makes the time go faster.

What I would like to do this summer:

Add in some outdoor walking with others.

What am I going to spend my money on and what am I going to spend my calories on.

I love that analogy!! It’s what my DH is working on right now. He has to watch his sugar, so he’s experimenting with consciously planning for treats by surrounding them with healthy choices. It’s just like cutting the budget in one place to increase it in another.
What I do:
Plan meals-it has taken some time but I get the things needed for at least 3 or 4 meals. I make those meals before shopping for anything else. I like Oneanne’s analogy of a nutritional budget. I don’t eliminate anything from my diet but budget for higher calorie items.

Walking 5x a week is non negotiable.

What I would like to do:
Drink more water.
Add in more exercise with weights
Work with a trainer at least once a week
I am back to tracking my food in my fitness pal. Right now it is just on my tablet at home, but I think I need to put it on my phone so I can easier add foods. Sometimes I'm falling asleep and think, "Oh! I forgot I had that Hershey's kiss today." If it had been on my phone I would have just popped it in at the time.
Woohoo - I’m seeing some decrease on the scale after my over indulgence on Mother’s Day.

Woohoo - I’m seeing the light at the end of this longest school year ever!

Bittersweet Woohoo - this is the last week for lacrosse and next Tuesday is the last baseball game. Glad to get the season in. I absolutely LOVE watching my kids on their activities. But I will welcome the break from rushing to games and coordinating rides to practices since they have to share a car. I’m hoping my son will sign up for summer ball. But I also know he’s busy with work and mowing lawns. So we’ll see.
Woohoo-we’re at the beach! Weather looks nice, so we thought why not? And our (small) lawn needed cutting and I couldn’t believe all the weeds. We have a good bit covered with broken oyster shells so they really show up. So spent a good half hour doing yard work before my walk.

Woohoo that I am still tracking (even after a disastrous fast food lunch on the road). Still had 3 points left for a small glass of wine on the deck.
I am woohoo that I have appointments for both kids to get the vaccine. Our school district is doing it while they are in school on the 20th. We have to sign forms and such but I don't need to be there when DS gets his. It is at his high school. DD I will need to pick her up from school and take her to the high school. I am just so happy that we will all be vaccinated here very soon.
I’m grateful for the nicer weather.
I’m grateful my daughter is feeling better and it wasn’t Covid.
I’m grateful to have my mother/son Disney trip to look forward to.
I’m grateful for my body to be able to run and train for the Phillies virtual 5k next week.
Good morning!

Sorry to have been MIA. Surgery was Tuesday, and I have been highly medicated and feeling rather miserable. I am out of school for the rest of the week per doctor's orders. I love my new surgeon. He and his entire staff really helped to make me feel at ease, which is a tough task given my fears caused by past traumatic experiences. I originally was going to go back to my original surgeon for the implant because I like him, but after having such a positive experience with this new surgeon and nurses, I will go back to him when it is time for the implant. The dental office I go to will just be for the crown and 6 month cleanings. I do like my new dentist, but there are serious issues with some of the other staff members in his practice.

So, on to the thankfuls, in no particular order...

I'm thankful for Dr. F., his caring and gentle bedside manner, and his lovely nurses, and staff.

I'm thankful that my surgery is done, and I can now concentrate on healing instead of feeling pain and misery in a state of limbo.

I'm thankful that he gave me a note to return next Monday, since I cannot imagine dealing with my wild class in my current condition.

I'm thankful that my daughter is OFFICIALLY IMMUNE TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm thankful that one of her friends is visiting tonight, and even though I am not well enough to join them for dinner outside in the gazebo, I will get to witness my daughter's long awaited reunion with one of her best friends. I'm looking forward to seeing her again too as I consider her one of my many surrogate daughters.

I'm thankful that there are so many wonderful things to look forward to this summer, and I have only 5 more weeks of school.

I'm thankful for all of you, your daily support, and our accountability with one another.
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