Meme's skinny jeans journal

MeMe, when you go to the shore, just put on a blindfold and stick a clothespin on your nose and I'm sure you'll be fine. Just kidding! Seriously though, I 'd do what Karen suggested, bring some snacks with you that you know you can eat. Remember, focus, focus, focus. If you must cheat, I wouldn't cheat with sugar or any white flour. You know what to do MeMe. I have confidence in you!

Karen, maybe try adding 5 carbs and see how it goes. You can always go back on induction. I'm scared too, but I need more variety. Remember, this is a lifestyle change. If you have more options of what to eat, you're more likely to stick to the plan. Maybe try adding a little fruit or macadamia nuts, maybe an additional serving of veggies.
Thanks Karen for all the POR info. I am requesting the bayou I think bldg 15, I have a list of the recommended ones. And I've read about the lounge guy, is it ok to take a toddler?

So far today
b-1 sl atkins, 2 egg whites, 1 sl canadian bacon w/ low carb ketchup coffee w/cream, crystal light
s- water & part of lw carb bar
l-cheesburger no bun, water
s-water, part of low carb bar, small salad creamy parm dressing, piece sharp cheese & pepperoni

Dinner will be a struggle going to in-laws and don't know what is cooking. But will remember my new mantra- I didn't work this hard for the sake of one?(I love that, thanks Karen)

I'm still debating the shore thing, so many snacks it's so tempting and I don't think my parents would like it if I wore a blind fold, maybe they'd be ok with a bag over my head???

I'm off to do my new watp dvd, yeah.
Originally posted by Auntmeme
Thanks Karen for all the POR info. I am requesting the bayou I think bldg 15, I have a list of the recommended ones. And I've read about the lounge guy, is it ok to take a toddler?

It's absolutely fine to take a toddler!!! Grab the little one something to eat at the food court and bring it to the lounge and park yourselves at a table up front...little ones really seem to enjoy Bob's sill antics!!! :)

I think the bag on your head would be unsafe, but there's no reason you can't go with the clothespin on your nose...that will help a LOT! Great advice!!! :bounce:

Karen :smooth:
I'm cracking up right now and I woke up my poor husband.:p I still think the blindfold was a better idea MeMe, the bag will cause you to suffocate.

You did really well today with what you ate. I'm sure you'll be fine when you go to the shore. Just think positive.:) FOCUS!
Hey, MeMe, how are you today? Did you get in your workout yesterday? What about today? I'm behind on my journal and I need to hit the treadmill, but I wanted to check in with you and let you know I'm thinking about you and hoping you have another one of those amazing cheat free days of yours!

Thanks for all the birthday ideas. I'm going to have to sit down and think them all through. Yesterday we got our Disney excursion stuff in the mail, but I don't think I'll sign up for anything. Later on today, when I have a minute, I'll tell you about our plans for the Comfort Suites/Atlantis.

How did the meal with the in-laws go? I'm sorry to say that being
with my inlaws drives me to eat. I can be careful when I'm in their presence, but something happens afterwards and I'm driven to eat. Talk about an emotional eating response!!! However, if they offered me frozen margaritas I might have a real good time!:)

Honey, you've got to go to the shore. I know the anxiety you're facing--we're visiting my mom this weekend and will be gone from Thurs.-Sun. I'm so afraid that I'll lose my focus! Still, we have to meet these challenges, and I'm confident that you'll be able to go to the beach and remember all of us rooting for you. . .you'll be strong and successful, because this time (this moment in your weight loss history) is different from all the others that came before. You're committed to leading a healthy life and nothing--not even frenchfries and carmel popcorn on the boardwalk--can stop you.

Yikes, gotta run. Will talk to you later. Have a great day, MeMe!
I did it.
d-at inlaws - chicken w/ mushroom sauce and a few pieces of canteloupe, it was that or peas or rice, glass red wine, no cake or icecream, coffee w/ cream

Did the WATP express dvd that I bought and loved it, will have to find others she's great.

Did not get up this am to exercise, besides son waking me at 2 & 4 am my alarm did not go off, ahhh! So I commit to doing something after work. Are you sure typing at the computer isn't enough?

Thanks for the encouragement LULU:Pinkbounc
We also received our excursion book, my dh is not interested in any of them, boo. So maybe I can convince to go to the Atlantis, the aquarium, the beach, the casino, something for each of us.

I'm thinking about leaving on Friday afternoon and bringing my own snacks and some crystal light, I can mix with something if I feel the urge. We are outside of ocean city so probably won't do the boardwalk, way too much temptation. I'll wait till disney to have those fries.

I love these boards, thanks for keeping my focused:D
Hi, MeMe:) Just read on the cruise boards that some people on our 10/5 cruise have heard from their TA that they should have their "docs in hand" by Thursday! I hope we get ours; maybe it'll help me stay focused while we're visiting my mom. She's very supportive, but there's just something about being out of my routine that makes me want to splurge! You did a FANTASTIC job at your in-laws! Your strength is so inspiring!

As far as the Atlantis goes. . .we got a great rate at the Comfort Suites for a day room which allows us to have total access to the pools (as well as the beaches, restaurants, etc. ) at the nearby Atlantis. DD and I have seen the Mary-Kate and Ashley movie set in the Bahamas, and it all looks so cool!:smooth: Besides, she's a real pool nut, and from what I've read on the DIS and seen on the Travel Channel presentations on the cruise, the pools onboard are often crowded. With all the pools at the Atlantis complex, she's bound to have a good time--as long as the weather holds out. We got the rate of 136.50 by booking directly with Comfort Suites and asking for their GOLD rate (as suggested on the boards); if it looks like the ship won't dock at Nassau we can cancel as long as we let them know two days before. If you have any other questions, just let me know. . .you might like doing this, particularly 'cause it could give you and your little guy a chance to crash in the middle of the day if you needed to.

You're liking the WATP program, too? Hmmm, something I'll have to think about. Karen seems to love it as well.

GOTTA get to my journal,

Woo hoo! You did great at your in-laws MeMe. See, you CAN stay focused. Don't worry too much about the exercise, tomorrow is another day. I sure remember those days when my boys were little and those middle of the night wake up calls. I was so glad when they were over, but as I look back I kind of miss those times.

You might want to try diet Snapple if you haven't already. They're pretty good, especially raspberry and cranberry. Keep up the good work MeMe!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc
Up to cheat free day 6 - wow can't believe it. and yesterday a reeses cup was calling my name but stayed steadfast and threw it away(son did not finish it).

b-atkind breakfast bar YUM couldn't believe it coffee w/cream
s- eas vanilla shake
l- slices of mozz & prosciutto
s- part of low carb bar
d-hot wings, bl cheese & broccoli w/ ch sauce, sf jello wh cream

Walked through the neighbor w/ ds. My legs are feeling 3 days of exercise in a row, I'm sure their in shock:p I know I am!

late start again, but figured I need a little break or my legs my fall off:p
b- sl atkins toast, 2 egg wh, 1 sl can bacon, low carb ketchup, coffe w/ cream

Did abs, stretching & push ups. Will try to add something else after work.

I'll look into the diet snapple, I think some of them have carbs. I'm lucky because I've always been a water drinker, all day. Once in a while I like a diet dr. pepper and rarely do I switch brands. for variety I have added crystal light.

I'm not going down the shore, I feel some what relieved. My sister is not going so my ds would not have other kids to play with. Any how it will be easier to stay focused at home.

I hope I get my cruise info soon. I hear the ship is sold out, ahh. I can't wait to get there. I'm still looking into transportation between MCo, resort & port, any thoughts?

And thanks for helping me stay focused.
Meme! Day 6!!! Look at YOU!!! WOOHOO!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Good job resisting the evil peanut butter cup! Have you seen the atkins ones? My fiance and I haven't had anything sweet for 2 weeks and I saw them in the store...2 net carbs for 3 cups. I gave one to Kevin after dinner the other night, it's a tasty morsel...and one in his lunch....the third one is mine and I can take a teeny nibble every day and make it last for a number of days! LOL They aren't bad!

I haven't been able to find the breakfast bars :mad:

Good job with the exercising, it won't be long before you can do it with no pain!
It's probably best you didn't go to the shore at this'll get stronger as you go and your cravings will dissipate. You'll find it easier and easier to stay focused and you'll have so many cheat free days, you'll lose count! :)

You're going to have SO much fun on the cruise! When I went, we rented a car...we got a really great rate (watch them!) and then parked it at the port. It was pretty cheap to park when we went (we were on the 4 day, and it was like $30 or something). The thing with it is, you can go to the store and get all kinds of good stuff to bring along. At the time, we brought lots of beer and cans of soda, but that doesn't sound good for YOU...but you get the point...we had a duffle just packed with that stuff. You pay for drinks that you want, with the exception of coffee, tea, soda, etc. that comes with your meals, and it adds up!
I wish I still had my van...I could be your driver! But, we're down to a pickup truck and no adult would fit in the back seat very well.... :rolleyes:

You must be SO excited though! I can't wait to take the 7 night cruise someday...the 4 was great and it just left me wanting more! Castaway Cay is just's truly paradise!

Keep up the good work and have a great day!

Karen :smooth:
Hi, MeMe! Wait a minute. . .you threw away a reese cup AND you did ab exercises (like Karen)?! Just the fact that you do ab exercises makes you one of my heroes! Talk about strength. . .good for you.:Pinkbounc

We're using yourride to take us from MCO to WDW to the port to MCO. How did you find out that your cruise was sold out? I know that the cat. 11s on ours are gone. Makes me hope even more for that pixie dust upgrade!

It sounds like you're doing great, MeMe and really staying focused. Keep it up!

Have a good weekend, MeMe. Remember that cruise and that'll keep you on track this holiday weekend. Think of me as I struggle with four days of restaurant eating! Yikes!:eek:
See you next week. . .
Can't believe cheat free day 7.

S-low carb muffin - pretty good
L-sls of salami & hot pepper cheese, chive cc
D-gr. turkey w/ch cheese, salsa, sc & guacamole - delicious

Did not get in any other exercise except sweeping & mopping, yuck!

Came of the boards and did the trip countdown but somehow lost the wish clip, what do I do???

up at 5:45am, and boy it is still dark. Did 3/4 of the WATP and abs.
B-coffee w/c, 3 egg whites, 3 sausage, low carb ketchup

I can feel the fat slipping away, thank goodness. I need to fit into some shorts & dresses. I can't afford to keep buying new ones:p

LULU - on the cruise board someone else has been checking about our cruise and states that it is sold out. I also hope for that upgrade, I really want a verandah. But if not now then I can plan the next trip. And you be good at those restuarants, no bread!!! Yourride quoted me way too much. Still looking though.

Karen, I have tried the low carb p cups & choc bars, they're ok. They do hit that sweet craving! Everytime I check for a rental car the $$ is almost 300. I can't find a good deal.

Here's to an downward holiday weekend! I hit the scale in 2 days and it better be lower or else everyone better duck:p
Meme, you've been doing so GREAT! I'm sure the scale will agree with me and show you a lower number! Have you taken your measurements? Sometimes I lose inches even when I haven't lost pounds. That keeps me motivated when the scale is being nasty.

Enjoy the holiday weekend and keep up the good work!!
Today is the 7th cheat free day and it was hard.

L-(red robin) turkey w/ bacon & cheese no bun, he brought ff, ahhh! My lunchmate offered to eat them, how nice of him:p & salad w/ bl cheese
S-coffee w/cream
D-crab meat, cream cheese & low carb kethcup

Lunchmate also brought gifts from Hershey Park - the new inside out reese cup, everyone was eating them at work but not me, can you believe it.

No extra exercise, ds is sick & I had a chiro appt. Today was a busy day- keep moving right.

Thanks Doe for you words. Yes I do measure probably more than the scale, and the numbers are lower & my clothes fit great but for some reason we have that obsession with those magic numbers. I will need your support for this long weekend. Please check back & make sure I'm behaving!
Can't believe it. Got up late due to sick ds, up throughout the nite. So tired today.

B-1 egg white(need to go shpg), 1 can bacon, 2 sausage, 2 sl atkins bread w/ low carb ket. coffee w/ cream
S-1/2 atkins bar, water

Need to exercise today/tonight - weigh in tomorrow should be good. Will not shop for clothes for another 4 weeks so must stay focused!
So, MeMe, did you make the 9th day cheat free??? I'm hoping so! You are such an inspiration to me! I've got to start counting those cheat free days! Your menus look great too!

Hang in there over the weekend - that cruise will be here before you know it and I just know you'll look great!

I'm gonna be good today - hope you're doing the same!
Made it to #9:Pinkbounc

B -atkins b-bar, coffee w/cream.
L- 1egg, 3 sausage, low carb ketchup, crystal light

No exercise yesterday, ds still sick & is taking almost all my attention. I will exercise today! Weighed in and down 3 lbs, YEAH! Total of 6 since started wish, finally get the 5 clippie.

Thanks Doe for checking in, it helps me to stay on track. We hit POR 5 weeks from tomorrow and then the cruise, so hoping to keep going downward.
Day 9 is fading fast, yeah!

Went grocery shoping so have lots of stuff for myself to stay on track.

Went to the gym, it was empty, go figure on a holiday weekend in the middle of the afternoon:p Did 10 min bike & 35 treadmill, whoa my legs are burning. Also did abs & stretching.


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