MICKEY & US. Day 8 - Seaside and the Pops!


<font color=6666CC>Ya-ya sister!<br><font color=gr
Dec 12, 2001
Carol (40, British) – dangerously Disney obsessed.
Roland (35, German) – puts up with me somehow.

Mickey – our beanie, on his first trip `home´.

Sunday 27 April 2002

Up early for big doin’s – Magic Kingdom!!!! We just missed a bus and had to wait for 20 mins, trying hard to be patient. Ooh it was hard. We didn’t do too badly – we got to MK at 9:20 and security didn’t take long. The security guard pointed at Mickey and yelled, “Hey, that’s my boss. You got my boss there.” Mickey beamed back at him -. He's a well brought up little mouse. (The aunt who gave us him says I'm mad – she may be right!)
My first glance of the castle was sad – I'd promised to say hello from somebody who’ll never be able to do so again herself. Made me appreciate being there even more.
We managed to side step the photographers – or maybe they sidestepped us… Main St didn’t look too busy and there were characters everywhere. If I had kiddies I'd definitely make sure I got there early for that alone..
Now Magic Kingdom was the most detailed of all our park plans (the Epcot plan took all of three seconds to draw up – go right first time, go left next time). Having done the Disneylands we had a fair idea of what we did and didn’t want to do though we didn't necessarily agree on that. We had agreed on the first one however – Alien Encounter and we were both very impressed with it! It was a walk on too, which was great. I told Roland all about breathing in so the harness didn’t come down too far and it worked well for him but not for me. It came down more than the twice I'd been expecting, really hard, and I ended up completely squashed. In order to breathe (always a good idea) I had to sit in a very contorted position – so I missed the aliens breath/tongue on the back of my neck completely. Roland said he also had blood dripping on him but all I felt were the entrails – that was SO realistic. Not that it’s ever happened to me before you understand, but if I were to imagine entrails… er, never mind, we’ll skip that for now. By the way, we covered Mickey’s eyes up for this one. It was far too scary for such a little mouse.
Buzz had a 5 min wait so we didn’t bother with FP. I managed to not hit anything at all – I got an unbelievable 3000 points. Roland hadn’t realised that the big circles were targets and still managed to get 12,000. Life can be so unfair. I wanted to go straight back on again with that score but decided I was being silly. We'd stick to the plan – but we'd be back!
We headed for Splash Mountain next. The wait time was half an hour and so was the FP so we got the latter and headed over to Big Thunder Mountain with it’s 20 min posted time that might have just been 10 in reality, no more. One of us likes this more than the other but I'd picked up a new tip that worked well for me – relax into the ride’s movements as if your bones are made of jelly. It definitely made it better – I almost enjoyed it.
Back to Splash then, walking past all those people in the normal queue. FP is just wonderful! Now when we got to the front we looked carefully at all the people getting off – dry as a bone every one of them. I had been going to be chicken and wear my banana but I decided there was no need to make a spectacle of myself after all. I did spread the poncho across the seat, which was a little damp - good idea that. Off we went – can you say `lulled into a false sense of security?´ We got completely drenched. As Roland said, “You may get wet is a complete and utter understatement.” We got drenched when we went down the drops, we got drenched by other boats going down the drops and we got drenched the most because we were at the front. The couple behind us were as amazed as we were – how on earth did the other people manage to stay dry? But we all loved it and the four of us giggled all the way round! As we squelched our way off I heard a woman in the queue say `Nobody’s wet at all´. I was going to tap her on the shoulder or maybe just drip on it but I didn't – why spoil the surprise. (Said with an evil grin) The weirdest thing though was the effect Splash had on our hair – after it had dried it looked the best it did all holiday. Can I have a Splash to take home please?
Pirates of the Caribbean was a walk on. It’s one of my favourites and I loved this version best – it was SO big. The galleon scene is wonderful – not being able to see a wall behind the ship makes it so much more realistic. And it has more scenes. I complained that they’d cut my favourite scene - the jail one - but I'd just done my usual trick and looked the wrong way. So we’d just have to come back! Such hardship.
Roland was hungry so we looked for somewhere to eat. I got mixed up about what was where but as soon as I saw the toppings bar at Pecoe Bill’s I knew that was one of the good places. We weren’t disappointed. Roland had a cheeseburger and I had a hot dog. I think we had half the toppings bar each. (This is making me hungry) I had carrots with mine – they were delicious, much nicer than fries.
Whilst we were eating we had another shake your head in disbelief moment. Two parents left their children (aged about 3-4 and 4-5) on their own, saving a table, whilst they both went in for the food. The kiddies were bored and start playing with the bits of food left on the table. It could have been worse, a lot worse.
We were getting a FP for Haunted Mansion (FP= 45 mins, standby = 20 mins) when the couple next to us started complaining. Turns out they’d thought they could whiz round all the attractions collecting FPs and then do them at their leisure. They were really upset when I explained the system. But it’s a good system I shouted as they disappeared with faces like thunderclouds. Well we like it!
We did a few shops in the interim and the Hall of Presidents. I enjoyed this a lot though I'd no idea who half the `cast´ was. Roland once again liked the air conditioning best – it was all he could do to stay awake.
With perfect timing we went up to the Mansion. This is one of my favourite rides too but this was the only time I preferred the Paris one, not WDW. It’s so much spookier in Paris and you get to walk past some bits you ride past in WDW, giving you a better look at things. The hitchhiking ghost is better at WDW though. He’s behind the buggy in Paris.
Standby for Peter Pan (my favourite Disneylands ride) was 50 mins and FP was 1½ hours – we knew we’d be needing a break by then so we skipped it. Small World on the other hand was a walk on – we never stopped walking till we got on the boat and almost everyone got their own boat it was so empty. Roland was happy to be sitting down in the cool and I was just happy! I'm not sure why I like it so much – it defies logic. But I always come off it feeling so good. One of our favourite Paris memories is a little French boy singing the song and dancing on a wall.
We were beginning to wilt again so we decided to head back to Riverside for a break. I got a crispy chocolate thing on Main St – Roland had to help me eat it as it was melting quicker than I could chew.
Now comes the part of the report I'm least proud of. But I'm an honest truthful soul (and Roland’s reading them) so in it goes. I threw a complete strop. (If there’s anyone who doesn’t know what that is, think of a two-year-old when you tell it no – I managed not to throw myself on the floor but it was close thing). We thought it would be nice to catch the monorail to Epcot and then the bus to Riverside - I REALLY wanted to ride in the front. But we’d have to wait 25 mins and though Roland said we could if I wanted to I knew he didn’t want to (you know what I mean - the tone says more than the words) so we got on. And we were facing backwards and I wanted to watch us coming into Epcot and Roland didn’t want to move as he thought they’d be closing the doors and all of a sudden, I just snapped. My bottom lip came out and I scowled and I muttered. I was just SO disappointed – I'd dreamed of riding in the front for so long. I stormed off the train when it arrived, one very unhappy bunny. I realised once I'd calmed down a bit I was angry with myself really. If there’s something I really want to do I should say so instead of giving way all the time. And things might have turned out differently if Roland had understood me properly – he didn’t know that `riding in the front´ meant with the driver. And then of course there's the heat – always a good thing to blame when throwing a strop! But we sorted it out and were friends again by the time we caught a near empty bus to Riverside without any wait at all. It was nice that things were going right again.
Back at Riverside, Roland chilled out whilst I ironed, something I find very soothing. (I know I'm in the minority here but I inherited this trait – from my dad!) The original plan had been half a day at MK and then half a day at the Studios but we’d been given a nice surprise that morning – MK was open late and there’d be a Spectromagic and Fantasy in the Sky! I think you can guess what we did!
Once back our first stop was Winnie the Pooh, something I was really looking forward to – I like the cute rides best. We got a FP for about an hour and a quarter away as standby was almost as long a wait. We got to act as experts again when a man said, “Excuse me, is Fastpass really worth it?” “Yes!” We shouted in unison. He told us how they were fed up with queues and were frightened this was just a pass for another one. We assured him he wouldn’t regret getting one so he did.
What to do now? We were amazed how much of our plan we’d got through that morning and weren’t sure what to do next. Because we were near Toontown we decided to go there. I liked the WDW one best because I thought the houses were so much better. Roland was disappointed with it because the Californian one had more interactive stuff and Roger Rabbit's ride. We’d seen Mickey in his Californian house (I have the photo up in the biscuit cupboard as a reminder of how fat I can get – I put SO much weight on in that holiday!) with almost no wait at all but as we were rushed through it was a bit disappointing. I couldn’t believe my luck when we got round the house and there was only a 5-minute queue again. I put on my most pleading (I didn't get to ride the monorail so pretty pretty please can we do this) expression and Roland succumbed. He’s not keen on meeting characters. This Mickey was the just the best! He gave the family in front of us wonderful individual attention – the granny looked so proud of the grandkids, it was lovely. I didn’t expect the same but we got it! He played with our Mickey and kissed my hand. I was entranced. I haven’t seen the photo yet but I know I'm going to have a big soppy grin on my face. I swear – that was really Mickey!
We thought the TTA would be nice to do next. I thought it was a cable car – how could I have done all that planning and still got it wrong? It was nice and quiet, almost but not quite boring. It was interesting seeing inside Space Mountain. I'd done it in Paris (Roland had neck problems) and couldn’t remember anything apart from a moon and that my head felt like a ping pong ball. If they’d let you do it at TTA speed I might do it again…
A couple of shops and then we had a look at Peter Pan again. Standby was 40 mins, FP was nearly 2 hours which was during the parade so that was out. And then it was time for Winnie. Guess what – I loved it! How could I fail to, it had everything I like in a ride and Tigger too! It’s pure magic – good riddance Toad! Oh yeah – Roland liked it too. He’d never even heard of Winnie the Pooh when we met but he’s a real convert now – he’s even read the books! I didn’t see the FP man but I bet he was pleased he got it – the queue was even longer than before.
I was hungry again. We went to the Pirate and the Parrot but it was closed so we went to the Columbia Harbour House instead. I had clam chowder, which was better than the only other one I've ever had – at Disneyland California. Roland had a sandwich we can’t remember the name of but he was very pleased with it. I liked it too because I got to pick all the olives out of his bread – yummy!
We were worried about the crowds for Spectromagic so we went and got a seat about 40 mins before. We sat on the ground in front of the Diamond Horseshoe. Unfortunately, that was the end of the route so we were there for a good hour before it appeared. An hour on baking hot tarmac, hmmm… so what did that do to my nearly disappeared heat rash? Correct – brought it back. Note to self: don’t do that again.
Spectromagic was worth the wait but my heart still belongs to the Electrical Light Parade (We saw it in Paris). Roland preferred the Spectromagic floats and we both preferred the ELP music. There was a family with a sweet baby next to us whose dad decided the baby needed to see better, so dad stood up with him. I didn’t understand the language they were speaking but there’s something too familiar about a wife telling her husband to sit down to not understand it whatever the language. He completely ignored her - and the fact that he was blocking the view of all the people sitting on the ground behind him, including us. Before I knew it I'd tapped him on the leg and asked him (nicely!) to sit down please. I was so surprised when he did, no problem. His wife looked so relieved, bless her.
Now this should be the part where we move down towards the castle for a perfect view of Fantasy in the Sky. Only it didn’t quite happen like that. We headed off towards the hub in good time but I decided I needed the loo – which turned out to be miles away. By the time I got back to Roland, all the good spots had been taken. We started off with what seemed like a reasonable spot but that was because we couldn’t see the trees in the dark. You could once the fireworks started though so we moved further down where there were fewer trees. It wasn’t ideal but it wasn’t too bad. And we did see Tinkerbell – I'd love that job!
Main St wasn’t as crowded as expected so we ploughed steadily down it with everyone else. This was my favourite bus ride of the whole holiday. Firstly, there was the miracle of a bus waiting for us when we got there and us getting on it. And then there was the on-board entertainment. Two gentlemen were having a very loud conversation some way away from us – too far for me to join in without Roland dying of embarrassment because his wife’s shouting at strangers. It went something like this –
“We got a brilliant deal with DVC, Port Orleans for $99 – it’s normally $199.” (We paid $94 – full price was $154). “There’s two parts to Port Orleans you know – Seaside and French Quarter.” (No comment!) “They’ve completely closed the French Quarter you know but they won’t admit it.” (It was reopening a month later – as the bus and boat drivers were always telling us.) Other man – “Really! We were supposed to be staying at The Pops in July but they haven’t even started building it yet.” (Yes they have…) They obviously don’t read the Disboards!
And finally, I managed to sneak a little more ironing in before bed – well, it made me happy!

Next, Day 9 – How would Disney have done it?
Sounds like a great day in the Magic Kingdom. :D

Anytime you would like more ironing I have it :D

Another great trip report (I really should write mine up!!). What is it with the buzz ride - Ant always seamed to get so many more points than I did :confused: - sure mine was faulty.
We loved the pooh ride too - something so sweet about it.

Oh I'm glad you've mentioned your Mickey - I was wondering how he was enjoying his holiday:p

Buzz is DH's fave ride in MK - last time we went it was closed for rehab that week... couldn't believe it. Let's hope they don't decide to take it out this October, or else he'll never forgive me!
Have you seen the posts on how to score top points? I'm not telling Roland about them!
Ohpair please write your reports up - the more the better! :wave:
I think everyone should be allowed to have one strop on holiday - there aren't any more you haven't told us about, are there? ;)
Another good report. ....... and to think that I tought that I was the only one who wanted to be Tinkerbell when she flies out of that castle!!!! I really fancy doing that. Mind you I saw her get stuck one day and that didn't look fun. Carolyn


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