MickeyAnne's PJ! NJ Wedding + DLR/DCL Honeymoon (GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW!!!!!)

Well, its good to know that the tea length is a popular idea. It is absolutely my first choice. I have one BM who has an odd body shape and as long as she is comfortable wearing it, then I will be very happy. I will sort of leave it in her hands - I would never make her wear something that she didn't feel beautiful in...I think we are going to be ordering them soon so I will be sure to let you all know what we choose!

So here is the scoop on my engagement party. It was a very nice time, a brunch, and everyone loved the food. You may be able to tell from my pictures that I was very out of sorts that day. We got a call at about 5:30 in the morning that day to let us know that my aunt who has been sick with cancer for years had taken a turn for the worse. Half of my family went to be with her but we had no other choice then to go ahead with the party for everyone else. It turned out nice, bitter sweet, but nice. But because of this, there are no pics of the bridal party because they were not all there :sad2: There will be other occasions though...

Okay, so, moving on...these are the favors that I made for the kids. They are filled with M&M's and yellow tissue paper. I figured that they would not be very interested in the shoe etc...

(yes one says "Master Yoda" - that is what one of my ring bearers refers to himself as, its hilarious!)

These are the center pieces. We just painted flower pots and added some ribbon and a wooden bug ornament to cover te seams. We then put potted plants in each one. I liked that they brought color in. People at each table were able to take them home.




This is the cake and cake table which I decorated with daisies (the main flower to be used at the wedding) and some of our engagement pics.

Here is how the tables looked with the center pieces and favors on them. We put some of the extra sports chocolates around the center piece as well.

This is Mike and I cutting the cake (notice the mountain of gifts behind us! It was much more then we expected and its all so appreciated. I will add pics of us opening them in a few days)

And finally, here we are. I wish I didn't look so drained...oh well!

So thats that.
Nest up - present madness!!!
Wow, I just went back and read my old posts! I change my mind more then I change my underware!!! :rotfl:
The bridesmaid dresses alone have changed 3 times!!! But the latest post is definitely the final three options.
The flower girls will no longer carry baskets to match the pillows. I feel like thats too much of the same thing. So I think that they will just be carrying a flower or something. I am undecided.
My unity candle is also different. I work at a Catholic School and my boss is a nun. She gave me a unity candle today actually and I will be using that. i feel obligated, you know? I will take pics and post it.
I am quite sure that the cake knife etc. will change!
I should start posting things as "ideas" as opposed to decisions. I am so indecisive that I should know better :rotfl2:
Such pretty decorations!!! I love your pics...
I love the pots! So cute and such a neat idea to use ribbon and the wooden bugs. It looks like you had a great party. It cracks me up that your ring bearer calls himself Master Yoda :lmao:. How old is he? I can't wait to read more. Thanks for sharing!!

By the way, I love your new signature picture... it seems like all of your engagement pictures turned out perfect. :goodvibes
Well - I went to the Bridal shop this past weekend with a few of my bridesmaids to try on the dresses I picked out and, wouldn't you know it, I changed my mind YET AGAIN! Actually, they changed my mind. The tea length one didn't look good on 3 of them. It wasn't flattering and looked like anyone coming t omy wedding could wear it. The one with the bowe was nice but kinda blah.
So I thought and thought and was getting kinda annoyed when nothing was working so I decided to try on the original idea that I had

But that was an alfred angelo and I wasn't too fond of their yellow so I went over to the impressions rack and this is what we came up with -
Definitely this skirt

With this top for the bridesmaids - We are removing that bowe you see and adding a long white sash to hang down the back

The girls all loved and felt very comfortable in this. It was very flattering on all of them and I am happy with it.


Honestly, I have just decided that there are a million BM dresses out there and I have to choose. My original plans included a sash and I liked the idea of their dresses mimicing mine with the pick-ups so I suppose its best to go with my first instincts!

Oh and the purple dresses were made by Alexia for who ever asked...:)
Hello all -
Haven't updated in a while so I thought I would take a few minutes to do that now.
I mentioned in another thread that DF's father is not doing well. He was diagnosed with cancer about a year ago and in recent weeks it has progressed and he isn't doing very well at all right now. He is undergoing chemo but there is only a small chance that it will be effective. So at this point we are hoping for a miracle. But us Disney fans know that they happen every day....
On to happier things, I will be going this weekend to Offically order my dress. DMIL will be coming with me to see it when I go. I am so excited to just put it on again! I will try to take a pic of me in it but who knows how that will work out. If I can I will post them here.
My engagement pics are scheduled for this Tuesday but this country-wide cold front may throw a kink in that plan since we are planning on wearing short sleeves and flip flops to along with the fact that our wedding is in the summer. I hope that we can go ahead with them because I am really excited for them.
This weekend I had my bridal party and aunts over to make the favors for my engagement party. The party isn't until May 20th but they were all here for the easter holiday so it was easiest to do it this weekend. Here are some pics (well lots because I am picure-aholic!)
This is my fam working on the boxes


These are the glass slippers tha I made in to ornaments with string and a little daisey flower. We put three sports covered chocolates in them because DF is a sports freak so it was my way of bringing our worlds together.



And this is how we wrapped them. White boxes with yellow and white polka-dot ribbon (my colors). The tag says "Thank you for celebrating the perfect fit. Tonianne and Mike. Our engagement party, May 20, 2007."


And we finished them off with a little silver heart charm that says love.

Well, thats all for tonight. I think I have more for tomorrow! Until then...

Hi there, just wanted to say the dress looks lovely and your pictures are stunning. The glass slippers are a really good idea - you are very creative! Happy planning :cool1:
Thank you very much!! I had fun doing them!

Here are some more pics. As promised - present madness.
So many people wanted to know where we were registered that we were shocked. We got almost everything on our registry:eek: We never expected as much as we got and we were so appreciative of everyone for thinking of us. So after the engagement party, we went back to Mike's house to open everything - it was like a shower (which I have to come up with things to register for because like I said, almost everything is gone!)
Here is Mike opening the Sam Adams glasses that he got from his brother. He loved them!

Here I am with a few things - the second one is the wine glasses that I am in love with - they are so fun!


This is a pic of Mike with his uncles who got him a signed Tom Sever picture. He is a huge mets fan and was so shocked at this gift. He loves it!
WOW...you poor thing...i can honestly say you are holding up pretty well considering all thats happeing with family & illness....i hope things look up & get better..but i think you are an amazing person incorporating them in the wedding & then making that donation to make a wish...i admire you

i like all the BM dresses...i think it was very cool of you to let them BMs have some input on that...comfort is a big issue

your proposal is cute...i think i would have freaked out too....its just how us girls are....makes for great stories

love the site...that garden is amazing...your gonna get some great pics out there

keep us posted on DFIL & your aunt

congrats & just cause you arent having a dftw doesnt mena we dont want to hear ALL about yor wedding...we live for it!!!
Its been way too long since I posted last. I have definitely been slacking which I beat myself up about constantly. I have gotten a few things done but not a crazy amount. I have picked out a florist who I am very happy with. She has known my family for years and has always done amazing stuff for us. She is so excited to do my wedding for me. These are the ideas that we have spoken about;

I like smething like these for my bouquet. I know I want roses and stephanotis. I do not want the lily's though.


For the BM's I will do this with roses and daisies



OR this with all daisies

The boutinears will be three stephanotis for sure but I may add a rose to it like in this picure

I have also decided on flower girl dresses. They will be this dress or something VERY similar to it dependng on how the yellows match the bm dresses since they are made by a different designer.

Speaking of Flower Girls - I thought I would intrduce you to my little ones that will be in my wedding.

This is Gabrielle (brunette - 4 will be 5) and Lindsay (blonde -2 will be almost 3). They are my cousins (a BM) daughters. Lindsay is my Goddaughter.


This two will be my ring bearers. Vincent (4 going to be almost 5) is the brunette and prefers to be called Master Yoda :rotfl: . He was my sisters godson so I have adopted him as my "godnephew" and he is another one of my cousins (a BM) sons. The blonder one is Nicholas (3 going to be almost 4). He is one of my male cousins sons and Mike is his favorite person and they love each other so we had to put him in.


Thats all for now. I hope to be able to get on the boards more often. I have been lurking but not active enough! I need to get a move on!
sorry for taking so long to find your planning journal but I love it!! first off, my condolences for your losses and I think your way of bringing them into the wedding is wonderful.

your gown is stunning!! and what a perfect theme "Happily Ever After" :goodvibes

looking forward to much much more

Michelle :cloud9:
Thanks Michelle - glad you are enjoying!!!

So I have pretty BIG news that just got confirmed about 5 minutes ago. Its not exactly Wedding plans but its life plans...

As you all know, DF's father passed away in April, what I didn't tell you was that about a month later, his grandfather (his moms dad) passed away as well. (He happened to pass away 2 days after my aunt that I spoke of earlier lost her battle with cancer. So, things have been really hard for us this year. So glad that we got engaged in 06 and are getting married in 08 because I want to wipe 07 from my memory ASAP. But, we are stonger still for going through all of this holding eachothers hand.) When DF's grandfather passed, he left his house to DF's mom. She now owns her own house and his which happen to be down the street from eachother. Financially speaking, it is a better decision to sell her house and move in to her father's old house. But she has been kind enough to hold off on moving and selling for Mike and I.

Mike and I have always wanted to avoid renting and go straight to buying a home but we didn't think that we would be able to save enough for a downpayment - until now. Thanks to DMIL we will be able to live in her house for as long as we need to save money only paying for utilities and our own living expenses as her mortgage is payed off. So we will have a house to ourselves, without having to shell out a ton of money for rent (Northern NJ is crazy expensive). We hope to be there less then a year but that year will be so so so so so important for us. We will be able to save alot of money and buy a house just like we wanted to.

So, among some really hard times, has come a light at the end of the tunnel. I won't move in to the house until we are officially married because I have somehow managed to be as old-fashioned as my mother but I am so looking forward to doing that.
Sorry to hear about all of your sadness. A death is hard to deal with, let alone 2 so close together. And the others so close to those. You are very strong people for dealing with this so graciously. I'm glad you have had some good news with the house. Wish you a smoother time to your "happily ever after".
Your flowers look like they are going to be beautiful! That's the downside of getting married at WDW...you don't really have the chance to search out nice florists and such. You can really only go by websites unless you go down for a planning session and stay for an extended amount of time!

And I thought I would just mention that the location you chose is GORGEOUS! I wish that WDW had ballrooms that pretty...


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