Mini TR for another Boston Road Trip - updated Nov 22

Moving on to finish this TR ...because guess what? I'm going to Boston again soon!! And I know you are all dying for me to move on and start something new's groundhog day and you can read about Boston for weeks on end...:)

Anyway, next up....Tuesday Sept 7 - woke up in our maskless Syracuse hotel...they had a free breakfast included. Due to the mask free nature of the staff...we weren't comfortable dining in the breakfast area (and because really we hadn't done any indoor dining yet anyway) we grabbed what we could and took it back up to the room. There was the standard breakfast included hotel fare - make your own waffles, some meat products, some fruit and pastries and cold cereal, with coffee and juices. Overall not a bad looking spread. I think I grabbed a bagel and cream cheese and some fruit and yogurt for myself, and some coffee and a croissant for my mom. We enjoyed our breakfast in the room with a lovely view of the freeway and then packed up and checked out and hit the road by around 8am.

We drove around 2 1/2 hours to the outskirts of Buffalo where we had sourced a place that was going to provide our pre-border crossing PCR covid tests to get back into Canada. (called WNY Rapid Testing in case anyone is interested) they have several locations in the Buffalo area and can do a few different types of tests. Of course...for Canada the PCR test is required and must be taken within 72 hours of the border crossing. I had searched hi and low for a place in Boston that would be able to do this but just couldn't get the logistics to work out. I do know that CVS and Walgreens do drive thru tests, but not in downtown Boston, and they didn't do walk ins in any locations in Boston that we could find. So to get a possibly free or cheaper test at a pharmacy would have required a road trip a couple days before we expected to cross the border, and also no guarantee of how fast we'd get results and if it would work out with our border crossing timetable. I looked at it so many different ways and just could not find a reasonably alternative, so, WNY Rapid Testing it was...for $200 USD per person - BUT we got guaranteed results in 2 hours or less.

So...we had pre-registered online for our tests and arrived at their drive thru testing site. The other great thing though about this overpriced service, is that you can pre-register for a test so they have all your info, but you don't have to specify the time for your test. Because we weren't 100% sure what time we'd be able to get to Buffalo, this was ideal for us. We drove up, they found our info, quick swab up the nose, and we were done. The results would be emailed to us in 2 hours or less. That said, the guy who tested us said that some border agents prefer a paper copy of the test, so if we were able, it would be good to come back and get that once our results were in. This was not a problem since we planned to stay in the area, do some shopping and get some food, before picking up our results and heading for the border.

So now that we had some time to kill, TARGET!!! The Target in Downtown Boston was lame and I needed some good suburban Target retail therapy. And...since we had an empty trunk was time to fill it!! We found the nearest Target and grabbed a cart. I had missed strolling those red and white aisles!! I picked up some halloween candy and some pop to start...and some other random snacks...then perused the pharmacy section for some vitamins and melatonin gummies lol...yeah I always have a random selection of weird items...that's what I love about Target. Just as I was heading over to the clothing section to look for some pj' know, since that's pretty much all I wear these mom texts me from the womens section to tell me that our results are in!! After only 45 mins...we were given the all clear and negative covid tests! A relief!! she wanted to get going and I had anticipated a full two hours of Target browsing!! UGH!

Oh well..I'd probably done enough damage we strolled over to the checkout area and paid the bill. We did also make a quick stop at Kohl's because I find they always have great deals. I picked up some jeans and shorts. We also went to Petsmart because I needed a new carry bag for my dog for (hopefully) travelling to Florida in December, and those are WAY cheaper in the US than Canada.

Shopping done, we headed back to the testing site to pick up our (paper) results before heading to the border...
Not YET my friend...but I would before the border crossing!!
Ah! I'll be patient. ;)
I vaguely remember trying to memorize the steps for directions to somewhere, but then having to stop and pull over to look at a map again (maybe more than once) before getting where I was going. And totally hear you - people say "oh did you take I-95?" And I'm all "ummm maybe? I went West I think for 72 miles?"
::yes:: Exactly!
Wow, thanks! I just learned this too!! So next time I see him I can say "hey cuz once removed" lol...doesn't have a great ring to it will have to do lol
:laughing: You're welcome!
I'm going to Boston again soon!!
Yay! That's great!
it's groundhog day and you can read about Boston for weeks on end...:)
we grabbed what we could and took it back up to the room.
And... more trash TV???
so, WNY Rapid Testing it was...for $200 USD per person - BUT we got guaranteed results in 2 hours or less.
Huh! Not cheap, but... not a bad option, too!
So now that we had some time to kill, TARGET!!! The Target in Downtown Boston was lame and I needed some good suburban Target retail therapy. And...since we had an empty trunk was time to fill it!!
:laughing: I called it!
I always have a random selection of weird items...that's what I love about Target
I was heading over to the clothing section to look for some pj' know, since that's pretty much all I wear these days..
my mom texts me from the womens section to tell me that our results are in!! After only 45 mins..
Wow! Fast!
Let's finish up this baby...

Tuesday Sept 7th continued...So after we finished up our power shopping...we headed back to WNY Rapid testing to pick up paper copies of our negative covid test results. We were starving by this point so we found a deli with some outdoor tables that seemed like a good spot for lunch nearby. My mom got pastrami on rye and I got turkey, with a pickle and chips on the side of course. We sat outside to eat which was lovely until the wasps started coming out and swarming around us...ugh. My mom is allergic so that was not fun...I managed to catch one in my iced tea that helped a bit...but they were still annoying!

Anyway...while we ate our lunch, we had to attend to the matter of the ArriveCan app. For those who don't have to download this app and input all the details about your covid test and vaccinations before you cross the border. I already had the app but still had to input all my info. I had asked my mom to download it while we were still in hotel wifi...but she we were trying to do that on this patio while being attacked by wasps...ugh. The wifi was not great and neither was the cell reception so this was a rather frustrating process. But finally we got everything uploaded and were on our way to the border. I was rather amused because days long ago (pre-covid) my apprehension about crossing the border back into Canada was usually only due to over shopping the limits due to not being in the USA long enough to spend as much as I did lol...We used to go over for weekends all the time but if you were there less than 48 hours you weren't supposed to bring back more than $100 worth of stuff...I that was the rule back then...but I digress...

This time...I wasn't worried about the stuff I was bringing back (some PJ's, 3 cases of pop, a pair of jeans and a pair of shorts, $20 worth of Halloween candy and a new pet carrier) But I was more stressed about all the covid paperwork and the possibility of being randomly selected for yet another covid test and maybe being sent home with a third...if for any reason you get chosen for this privilege. Anyway...once again, we set Google maps to "Queenston-Lewiston Bridge" and blindly followed them...until...all of a sudden google says "you have reached your destination" and we found ourselves in the middle of a residential neighbourhood somewhere in North you see a bridge? Not sure what happened there...but a reset of Google and a few turns later...we managed to find the bridge and customs area.

There were a couple cars in front of us so gave us just enough time to gather all our paperwork and get our app ready and our masks on before it was our turn with the interrogator. He asked the usual non-covid times questions first, where do you live, where are you going, where were you for how our passports. Then onto covid and the arrivecan app. He made us open the back windows so he could see our haul from Tarjay and make sure we weren't smuggling anything else in, and then finally....we were on our way!!! Yeee extra covid testing and we were back in the land of "free" health care with no covid!!

We were feeling much relieved. Now just about an hour to go and we'd be home...except....TRAFFIC. Ugh. What were we thinking trying to get into the city at 4pm on the Tuesday after labour day?? Ugh. So yeah...that slowed us down quite a bit. We finally made it home just in time for both my daughter and my dad (who stayed home together) to say "what's for dinner?" Gee, welcome home mom lol!!
But of course!! Love it or list it Vancouver happened to be on! I love that show because I know what kind of crazy house prices are out there!
:lmao: I knew it!
My mom got pastrami on rye
mmmm... love that.
with a pickle and chips on the side of course
Love pickles!!
We sat outside to eat which was lovely until the wasps started coming out and swarming around us...ugh.
Always such a joy. :sad2:
I managed to catch one in my iced tea bottle...
Yummy! crunchy iced tea!
I was more stressed about all the covid paperwork and the possibility of being randomly selected for yet another covid test and maybe being sent home with a third..
Yeah... I can see that.
Anyway...once again, we set Google maps to "Queenston-Lewiston Bridge" and blindly followed them...until...all of a sudden google says "you have reached your destination" and we found ourselves in the middle of a residential neighbourhood somewhere in North Tonawanda
:laughing: Um... what???
Yeee extra covid testing
and we were back in the land of "free" health care
What were we thinking trying to get into the city at 4pm on the Tuesday after labour day??
We finally made it home just in time for both my daughter and my dad (who stayed home together) to say "what's for dinner?" Gee, welcome home mom lol!!
All caught up, Kathy! :) Since was able to catch up.... everywhere, you've been not once but twice. So great your son's dorm is in such a cool old building and that the border crossings, while stressful, weren't really drama filled.
All caught up, Kathy! :) Since was able to catch up.... everywhere, you've been not once but twice. So great your son's dorm is in such a cool old building and that the border crossings, while stressful, weren't really drama filled.

Hey thanks!! Yes his dorm is super cool! And I'm heading back in another week or so for a visit. Though I may not see the inside if his dorm room again until it's time for him to come home in May's probably better that way for both of us :)) I'm sure it's quite a state lol

I loved reading allof your trips. So happy you were able take your son to college in Boston.

Thanks!! Can't wait to go back and visit!
So guess what? If anyone is dying to read another super exciting TR...I will be going back to Boston in a few days!! Heading out on Monday Oct 18 and returning on Monday Oct 25!!

Anyone want to hear about it when I get back lol (or maybe before and during if there's any downtime..)

Not to give too much away because I know you are dying of suspense...I will be spending a few days in Boston with my long lost cousin whom we reconnected with on last visit to Boston in Sept, then a few days for family weekend at my son's university. All to be (hopefully) accomplished with as much masking and social distancing as possible since I'm still pretty covid scared. I will probably have no choice but to indulge in some indoor dining since I doubt the weather will cooperate all the time enough for patios...but I'm going to try to keep that to a minimum...

We do have one sort of exciting thing planned, the school managed to score some Celtics tickets...and the coolest part for me (not that I'm a super huge basketball fan) but they are playing the Toronto Raptors! I will totally want to wear my Raptors shirt and hat but...not sure if that would be wise in Boston! My son has a ton of Raptors gear too...but he isn't sure about wearing it either!

Other than that, I plan to do the Duck tour this time because my mom did it and raved about it, and that is semi-outdoors so I'll bring my coat for that...and we will also re-visit the aquarium because PENGUINS! Oh and there may be some more Target shopping :)
I will be going back to Boston in a few days!! Heading out on Monday Oct 18 and returning on Monday Oct 25!!
You're there now!
I will be spending a few days in Boston with my long lost cousin whom we reconnected with on last visit to Boston in Sept
That's great. :)
We do have one sort of exciting thing planned, the school managed to score some Celtics tickets...and the coolest part for me (not that I'm a super huge basketball fan) but they are playing the Toronto Raptors!
I've never seen a live NBA game. Betting you'll have a good time. Live is sooo different than on TV.
Not to give too much away because I know you are dying of suspense...I will be spending a few days in Boston with my long lost cousin whom we reconnected with on last visit to Boston in Sept, then a few days for family weekend at my son's university.
How fun is that?!
Hi all!! It's been a minute since I've been here on the DIS...I sometimes find it hard to remember to get on here when...sadly there are no Disney trips coming up anytime soon....but anyway...for anyone interested...and not following on FB...I will give a brief TR of my latest trip to Boston...which happened Oct 18-25.

Monday Oct 18 - my flight was leaving Toronto Pearson airport at 8:30 am. Under even normal circumstances, we are advised to be at the airport 3 hours before any flight to the US. My original plan was to get to the airport at talking to some people who had recently travelled...and to an uber driver...I was advised to go even changed the plan to leave my house by 5:00am, assuming that at this hour it would take less than a half hour to get to the airport. I scheduled a limo driver that we have used many times before because as much as possible I'm still pretty covid afraid and I trust this guy is being safe. We had scheduled the pick up time for 5am, but he texted me at 4:45am and said he was ready when I was. I locked up the house and loaded up asap. We arrived at the airport at 5:05am, a good start. However....I had expected to see a pretty empty airport at that no. There were lots of people about. I quickly checked my bag and headed over to....the security lineup. Apparently security did not open until 6am...but...there was already a long line forming. Not good. So...I did what any rule following Disney fan in line. Good thing it was the right line. Passed the time by chatting with a few people in line. It seems they had attempted to divide this line up by certain US destinations...there was a line for San Francisco, another one for Fort Lauderdale and a third for....everywhere else?? So I was in the "everywhere else" line. At just after 6 am the line started moving...but verrrry slowly....then some airline employees started calling out for people on certain flights to go ahead or risk missing their flights...which was good to see so at least hopefully no one who arrived at the airport a solid 3 hours early would miss their flights! Mine was sadly not called though. Waited....waited some more...finally got through security at 7 almost two hours after arriving at the airport.

But the fun wasn't over Pearson in Toronto we have so many flights to the US that we get to go through US customs while still at the Toronto airport. Not so great when it's jam packed though. So I moved right on from security to....the customs lineup. I used to have Nexus, our trusted traveler program expired at the beginning of covid and has been impossible to renew ever since. Must get on that once we start travelling more again. So. Waited in yet another slow moving line. Got through customs in about 50 minutes and walked through to my gate....where they were just about to start boarding. I was really parched and with such a short flight to Boston I really didn't want to have to eat or drink on the plane. I ran and purchased the closest overpriced bottle of water I could find, and tried to find a socially distanced spot to guzzle it before they started boarding the flight. It was a relatively small plane so once boarding started it went quickly. I drank my water quickly and then it was time to board!! Finally got a chance to catch my breath when I got to my seat...wearing my double masks...and away we went. The actual flight itself was only 57 minutes....but I spent 4 1/2 hours getting to the airport and getting to the gate!! Had our borders been open this trip, definitely would have made sense to drive instead...sadly..was not possible!

Seemed like we had just taken off when we were landing at Boston Logan. I got my bag and for about 30 seconds I contemplated trying to take public transit into the city. suitcase was big and heavy (full of stuff my son asked for from his room at home and other random Canadian gifts for the Boston fam) so I decided to go with Uber instead. I had to walk about a mile to the Uber/rideshare apps area, but once there it was very quick to get into an Uber and get to Cambridge where I would be staying for the first few days of my trip.
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sadly there are no Disney trips coming up anytime soon...
Hopefully that will change for you soon. :)
I was advised to go even earlier...
:sad2: Oy.
It seems they had attempted to divide this line up by certain US destinations...there was a line for San Francisco, another one for Fort Lauderdale and a third for....everywhere else?? So I was in the "everywhere else" line.
Hey great! Pick California!
So I moved right on from security to....the customs lineup.
Ugh... very familiar with that area... :sad2:
Got through customs in about 50 minutes
Yeah... that's about average, I'd say.
I ran and purchased the closest overpriced bottle of water I could find
oooh... is this a game? Guess the water bottle price? I'll go with... $82.
The actual flight itself was only 57 minutes....but I spent 4 1/2 hours getting to the airport and getting to the gate!! Had our borders been open this trip, definitely would have made sense to drive instead...sadly..was not possible!
Borders should (emphasis on should) be open soon, so... next time. :)
oooh... is this a game? Guess the water bottle price? I'll go with... $82.

Sadly this guess isn't as far off as it should be lol

Borders should (emphasis on should) be open soon, so... next time. :)

Yes!! Nov 8!! But sadly...if I do go to Boston before spring now...I don't think I will want to do that road trip in winter! Ugh. But bet!
Sadly this guess isn't as far off as it should be lol
If I'm closest... what do I win??? :hyper:
Yes!! Nov 8!! But sadly...if I do go to Boston before spring now...I don't think I will want to do that road trip in winter! Ugh. But bet!
Yeah... you can go... but do you really want to go in winter???
Following along! I live in the Boston area. Sounds like you got here just in time for the power to go out! I hope the storm didnt impact you too much!
Following along! I live in the Boston area. Sounds like you got here just in time for the power to go out! I hope the storm didnt impact you too much!

Hey thanks for joining in!!! I did arrive just in time for the storm on Oct 18. Luckily where I was staying in Cambridge wasn't hit too badly!! But I did watch some of the local news and it was pretty scary!!
Monday Oct 18 continued...

After getting an Uber at the airport, it was only around a 25 min ride to Cambridge where I would be staying for the first few nights. I stayed at the 1868 Hotel which was near Porter Square. I picked this location because my cousin's son and his wife live right near there as they are both math teachers at Harvard!! Yes, they are geniuses lol and also extremely lucky to have both gotten jobs there at the same time...sadly they had only just started when covid hit so their first year there was mostly online...but now they are back to in person teaching and loving it!

Anyway....I got checked in to my hotel by about noon. The room was very charming but a bit small and not a lot of storage room for suitcase and unpacking...but the price was right and the location was more important to me!! The bed was super comfortable - except for the fact that I could have used a step stool to get in and out of it as it was so high up!! I put a few things away and unpacked some essentials and then I texted my cousin to see what she was up to and if she wanted to meet up! She said she did and we made plans to meet at the hotel in a little bit. I put my feet up and in typical vacay style watched a bit of food network and HGTV while I waited for my cousin! She came by around 1pm and we caught up for a bit in the room, and then we headed next door to Cafe Nero to grab some coffee and sustenance! I had fallen in love with this coffee chain last time I was in Boston and was happy to go back! I got a toasted ham and cheese croissant sandwich and an iced tea and I think my cousin got the same. I also picked up one of their reuseable coffee cups because they looked pretty good and I liked the smaller size of them - usually I find these cups gigantic and I'm more of a smaller cup size coffee drinker!! After our snacks we explored the area a bit and chatted. Went to the local Target - but it was very small and not great so we decided we would definitely have to solicit another Target run with someone with a car later!! When we got tired of wandering we headed over to my cousin's son and wife's place which was about a 15 minute walk from the hotel. We got turned around at one point, and Tyler (cousin's son) had to come with his bike and direct us back to his place because we had totally taken a wrong turn.

We finally got there and they were preparing a great dinner for us. We chatted some more and then had a great Indian meal of curry soup and these amazing toasted pumpkin seeds. After dinner, we called it a night, and Tyler's wife gave me a ride back to the hotel for the night. We had a busy day planned for the next one!


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