~Misfits Unite!~

I'd love to go to Longleat Safari Park. It looks tons of fun there. Too bad it's about 2 hours away from me...


That's probably the best photo I took in Madrid.
yay misfits! hi new misfits, i didn't feel like quoting haha
Hahah I think they will forgive you. I was so totally bored on the 4th that I felt like replying to everyone. I live a boring life.

yo princess chell. ima assume your name's chell...which is awesome cuz its close to "chill". i grew up in baltimore so ive snowboarded ever since i was smaller than a meter stick. :lmao:

and ya...all time low is frikin awesome. already heard nothing personal but the party scene EP still pwns. :thumbsup2

My name's miCHELLe. But I'm not a huge fan of my name, or most nicknames that people try to come up with (especially Shelly), but chell is one I like :) hence the name on here. I wish I had started snowboarding earlier. I've been boarding for about 3 years, this winter will be my second full winter (I used to play basketball which didn't allow me to snowboard as much as I wanted to). You ride goofy or regular?

Eh...yah party scene EP owns, but as far as full length albums go, Nothing Personal wins.

marypops! Love the photo! :thumbsup2
Hahah I think they will forgive you. I was so totally bored on the 4th that I felt like replying to everyone. I live a boring life.

My name's miCHELLe. But I'm not a huge fan of my name, or most nicknames that people try to come up with (especially Shelly), but chell is one I like :) hence the name on here. I wish I had started snowboarding earlier. I've been boarding for about 3 years, this winter will be my second full winter (I used to play basketball which didn't allow me to snowboard as much as I wanted to). You ride goofy or regular?

Eh...yah party scene EP owns, but as far as full length albums go, Nothing Personal wins.

marypops! Love the photo! :thumbsup2

d000000d...your name's gnarly. im regular. and 3 years...im sher you got it down now. lol. what tricks are you landing?
chell- my 4th was really boring too!

george- that's an awesome photo of madrid! did you end up getting the hot chocolate??
d000000d...your name's gnarly. im regular. and 3 years...im sher you got it down now. lol. what tricks are you landing?
Thanks. You've got a sick name as well. Don't know anyone with that name around here. Regular as well. If by tricks you mean making it down the slope without falling then I'm landing that. :rotfl: Kidding, but not really. I'm not very good still. I've hit a few boxes, landed off of a few little mini jumps, nothing spec yet. I'm hoping this winter to get jumping more. You?

chell- my 4th was really boring too!

george- that's an awesome photo of madrid! did you end up getting the hot chocolate??
Elin...I feel like a lot of people I know/have talked to had a boring 4th. I guess it was just one of those years...did you do anything to celebrate?

Quick question. Is it possible to be a misfit in the misfit world?
Totally. You can be a misfit anywhere. But join us and you'll no longer be a misfit in the misfit world.
=) Hi I'm Chell.
May as well post on here :p

I'm George. I'm 17 years old. I live in Kent, England.
Taking my A Levels, currently Geography, Psychology, Physics and Biology. Planning on dropping Physics, and taking up Photography for next year. Not sure if i'm going to carry on with Biology. I'm still deciding.
Hobbies... Photography, Computer games, reading, watching TV... Not really much. I should start doing more things.
Favourite park at WDW is Epcot. It's just awesome there.
Just spent 4 days in Madrid for a school trip. Had a great time. Wish we could have gone longer. The teacher told me if we were there longer, we could have went out of Madrid to the mountains. Wish we did...
Currently reading Tales of Mystery and Imagination by Edgar Allen Poe. Only read 2 of the short stories so far. The first was good, but would have been better without the lengthy explanation at the end. The second wasn't too good. One i'm reading now is interesting.

Can't think of anything else to say atm...
Yay George joined our awesome band of misfits! Welcome, and beautiful picture your are very talented!

yo. i guess ima post here as well.

name's chase or chazer. im from southern california, right next to the ocean. :cool2:
uuuhhh...i like haning out in DL (its 10 mins away from me), skate, snowboard, skimboard and ima learn to surf this summer.

oohh...i also like annoying people and cruisin down in ma six fo'. jk!!! not about the annoying part tho. :thumbsup2 so feel free to pm me, talk or whatever. we gonna have a party up in hurr.
Hi Chase! I love snowboarding as well, and I love surfing! I hope you get the hang on it, it is really tough at first. It is the best rush in the whole world!
Quick question. Is it possible to be a misfit in the misfit world?

Of course :] Join us!

I am editing my signature to make a proper memorial for M.J. but it's still Robin :] I put it under my username!
I'd love to go to Longleat Safari Park. It looks tons of fun there. Too bad it's about 2 hours away from me...


That's probably the best photo I took in Madrid.

awesome, george :D

since people are posting pictures..
right, these are like the only pics on my photobucket and since I can't be bothered uploading more:

kinda blury 'cause it was a crap camera but i still like it :-)


okay, i techincally didn't take this one 'cause i'm in it :p
but i positioned the camera and put it on like auto-take thing haha

i've got the most awesome picture ever on my phone but i cba uploading it now but i will later haha xD
yeahh i guess I probably should get on here too :rotfl:
My name is Kat I'm 15 and I live in Enfield, Connecticut.
I love pickles, suddenly salad [don't even ASK why], popsicles, and chex mix. oh, and hershey bars. :)
I love to sing [especially opera, my specialty :lmao: ], and I love to write and just to chat with other people.
I am usually always happy/cheerful, I have a very bubbly personality, and I love to make people laugh.

And so I put down that well-known phrase, "Hey! 'Sup?" :hippie:
yeahh i guess I probably should get on here too :rotfl:
My name is Kat I'm 15 and I live in Enfield, Connecticut.
I love pickles, suddenly salad [don't even ASK why], popsicles, and chex mix. oh, and hershey bars. :)
I love to sing [especially opera, my specialty :lmao: ], and I love to write and just to chat with other people.
I am usually always happy/cheerful, I have a very bubbly personality, and I love to make people laugh.

And so I put down that well-known phrase, "Hey! 'Sup?" :hippie:
i LOVE hersheys :-)
sadly, you can like never get them here :(
but the other day i went into this little shop and they had them ;D
oh yeah, I'm Ellie btw ;D
I'm good. Oh, and just pointing out, I love that quote from Chandler! :thumbsup2
Good :-)
Haha me too xD
And you know how the tags are meant to be things that you've actually said?
Well I didn't actually say that lol, I just asked the Tag Fairy for a Friend's quote tag and got one :P
yeahh i guess I probably should get on here too :rotfl:
My name is Kat I'm 15 and I live in Enfield, Connecticut.
I love pickles, suddenly salad [don't even ASK why], popsicles, and chex mix. oh, and hershey bars. :)
I love to sing [especially opera, my specialty :lmao: ], and I love to write and just to chat with other people.
I am usually always happy/cheerful, I have a very bubbly personality, and I love to make people laugh.

And so I put down that well-known phrase, "Hey! 'Sup?" :hippie:

Hey! Sup? :)

Nice to meet you Kat :] I do believe we have another Kat on this wonderful thread. Opera is awesome that is really cool that you can sing it :]

Hey! Sup? :)

Nice to meet you Kat :] I do believe we have another Kat on this wonderful thread. Opera is awesome that is really cool that you can sing it :]

And yeah, it's pretty cool to be able to sing opera, although it freaks people out at firstt :lmao: hahaha
And there's another Kat?? Huh I'll go back and see! :)
And yeah, it's pretty cool to be able to sing opera, although it freaks people out at firstt :lmao: hahaha
And there's another Kat?? Huh I'll go back and see! :)

I think it is beautiful! I have always wanted to go to an Opera Hall or something :)
yeahh i guess I probably should get on here too :rotfl:
My name is Kat I'm 15 and I live in Enfield, Connecticut.
I love pickles, suddenly salad [don't even ASK why], popsicles, and chex mix. oh, and hershey bars. :)
I love to sing [especially opera, my specialty :lmao: ], and I love to write and just to chat with other people.
I am usually always happy/cheerful, I have a very bubbly personality, and I love to make people laugh.

And so I put down that well-known phrase, "Hey! 'Sup?" :hippie:

Hi Kat :wave2:

Thanks :)

Yes, I did get hot chocolate. Not sure if it's "the" hot chocolate, but it came with churros. It was very good.

well i'm glad it was good even though it might not of been "the" hot chocolate. haha

Elin...I feel like a lot of people I know/have talked to had a boring 4th. I guess it was just one of those years...did you do anything to celebrate?

If you mean sitting at home doing nothing, while trying to feel better. Then yes I did :]


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