Miss Prettyful Tag Fairy Lady?

These things drive fear into the hearts of many like a Go Kart into a small building. Do NOT question my analogies.
Oh , but i question almost everything. You would feel left out if i did not question that. You would be oh so sad, wondering "Why didn't Pink question me?"

Okay what is with slinkies? Every day in Life Skills a boy has to play with a slinkie! What is so great about a slinkie?! :confused3 :rotfl:

Slinkies are like this smilie :rotfl: , they are fun to watch. I feel pitty for people who live in one story houses, for the joy of a slinkie they have not known, for they have no stairs.
Oh , but i question almost everything. You would feel left out if i did not question that. You would be oh so sad, wondering "Why didn't Pink question me?"

Slinkies are like this smilie :rotfl: , they are fun to watch. I feel pitty for people who live in one story houses, for the joy of a slinkie they have not known, for they have no stairs.
Lol so do I.
Anyway tag fairy, how about an add on that says " Future community leader here!" "Hi can you help me?" "Well, got to get a cheeseburger!"
Someone asked earlier about smileys in your tag. I haven't seen any others besides my mothers, she got this little fella in her tag from the all great and powerful tag fairy...popcorn:: I still don't know how or why you get a tag, maybe I need to start thinking up some witty replies, ok off to grab my thesaurus.
May I have my date back to green? if they can be picky can I? I like green and blue not so much but I don't care about the tag being green I like the tag just not the color of the date (so much blue - shakes -
Most of my replies are a special breed of witty, known to most as "Satanic." 'Tis besides the point.
Oh , but i question almost everything. You would feel left out if i did not question that. You would be oh so sad, wondering "Why didn't Pink question me?"
So im guessing you se eno repsonse to this yet then?
Most of my replies are a special breed of witty, known to most as "Satanic." 'Tis besides the point.
So im guessing you are a bit of a morbid person.
Many things are besides the point, only to, at some point, become the point.
So im guessing you se eno repsonse to this yet then?

So im guessing you are a bit of a morbid person.
Many things are besides the point, only to, at some point, become the point.

But I indeed see a response to the matter of questioning things:

Questioning only leads to more questioning, like "Why should I care?"

And no, I'm not morbid. I just love the works of EAP, who happened to be a morbid writer, and mopst of my responses are heavily influenced by those stories. And somewhat of H.P. Lovecraft, because Cuthulu threatens all with the threat of drunken blood. K?
By k i am assuming you mean ok, which I suppose is okay.

I think we are all drunk from getting so many tags.
By k i am assuming you mean ok, which I suppose is okay.

I think we are all drunk from getting so many tags.

Yes, "K" is short for "O.K." I did not mean that in a angry way.

I'm drunk on life, and high on it too. Maybe I'm using existence too.

That last part sounds wrong times 10.
I feel left out everyone has a tag! Oh why oh why :( All my friends have tags but not me.....:(!
Hey Tag Fairy...have your ever played Dance Dance Revolution? I got one good just because I was playing an air instrument!!!!!
Congrats on the Tag Pink...

Now if only I could get mine to turn blue. Oh well beggars can't be choosers! The time will come for me to have a Tag! May the force be with you!

LOL Everyone with over 1,000 posts has a Tag! Why not me.....
But I indeed see a response to the matter of questioning things:

Questioning only leads to more questioning, like "Why should I care?"

And no, I'm not morbid. I just love the works of EAP, who happened to be a morbid writer, and mopst of my responses are heavily influenced by those stories. And somewhat of H.P. Lovecraft, because Cuthulu threatens all with the threat of drunken blood. K?

Are you even speaking english?? :confused3 Just wondering..
Congrats on the Tag Pink...

Now if only I could get mine to turn blue. Oh well beggars can't be choosers! The time will come for me to have a Tag! May the force be with you!

LOL Everyone with over 1,000 posts has a Tag! Why not me.....

Hurry post 75 more times!


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