Mom/Daughter Birthday Celebration: Lots of Firsts and Laughs! (Update 3-18-13)

I've been so behind lately. Lovethe update. I just made a breakfast ADR for 'Ohana on our departure day, so I'm extra excited to see your posts!
Love your report, great review!! Thanks for sharing senior pictures of your daughter, she is so pretty. Can't wait to see more.
all caught up....again. im really lacking in my dis-ing these days.

Do you have a facebook? we can PM if you'd feel better about that, i'd just love to keep in touch and im on FB all darn day LOL

the YES class sounded neat! and im with both of you that i dont need to ride mission space anymore, once was enough thanks.
The Polynesian looks beautiful! I havnt explored it for many years. How did you enjoy breakfast?

The breakfast was pretty good! We enjoyed it there, even just walking around, exploring the resort!

I've been so behind lately. Lovethe update. I just made a breakfast ADR for 'Ohana on our departure day, so I'm extra excited to see your posts!

I have been getting behind, too! Glad you booked 'Ohana, I know Claire will love it!

Love your report, great review!! Thanks for sharing senior pictures of your daughter, she is so pretty. Can't wait to see more.

Thanks!!! Glad you're here!

all caught up....again. im really lacking in my dis-ing these days.

Do you have a facebook? we can PM if you'd feel better about that, i'd just love to keep in touch and im on FB all darn day LOL

the YES class sounded neat! and im with both of you that i dont need to ride mission space anymore, once was enough thanks.

I've got to get caught up, too! Glad you're still here!Sent you a PM! :thumbsup2

Sorry for lack of updates lately! Everything's been hectic again, but I am working on getting more pics uploaded, and can ya'll believe that I still have not uploaded our photopass?? :scared1:
That's how busy everything has been lately. Especially with my school stuff, with one presentation/project after another. And DD's senior year stuff with meetings, orders for graduation stuff, more pictures! etc...

So I hope you all stick around while I get caught up!!
Absolutely, no rush :) it sounds like you have a ton on your plate right now. Thanks for checking in :)
After walking around a bit outside, we noticed where you could rent boats, sea-racers, etc. So we strolled over there and checked it out.

We decided to rent a sea-racer,


and DD wanted to drive!! :drive:


A few safety instructions:


And we're on our way!!! Here's a few random pics:













It was really fun! It was a cloudy day with some winds, so the water wasn't so calm, and we got a little wet. We had to both sign papers that had all the rules, waivers, etc. One of the rules was no cameras or video cameras; which I broke both of those rules, as you can see the pictures! ;)
I figured if you're willing to take the risk of damaging or losing your camera, then it shouldn't be a problem. Even though I understand they probably don't want a ton of lost items floating around in their lake!!

After we turned in our boat and life jackets, we had a quick ice cream break before leaving! :lovestruc


Coming up: Checking in to SSR.
And our planned rest day, turned into another park day!!!
On a side note, thought I'd add a few "happenings" going on:

Most of you probably know that I've been babysitting, along with all the other million things going on. I decided that after this weekend, I won't be able to do it regularly anymore. With my schooling, DD's senior year stuff, clinicals coming up, DD is doing a volunteering project twice a week at a nursing home, working my weekend job, and everything else, it's just too much! She's the sweetest thing, but I just can't let it interfere with everything I have to do anymore.

On a positive note....DD has been looking into information on the Disney College Program. Nothing definate, but she's been having it on her mind a lot lately!!! I think it would be exciting! So we got to looking around on their website, etc., and found a "presentation" schedule, where they go around to different colleges/universities, and give more information, etc. I found that they will be coming to a University in our week!!!!! So we are planning to go to it, at least just to learn more about the program. I'm just excited to find out about this at such short notice! So I will definately have to let ya'll know if we went, and what we find out!!!

The sea-racer looked like great fun! I love the pictures of the GF. :)

I'm sorry about the baby sitting, sounds like you made a wise decision though.
So glad you broke the "no camera" rules for the benefit of your TR... :rotfl:

The Disney College Program would be amazing!!! A friend of mine son did it and became a friend of Peter Pan... :woohoo: know we are busy when we can even facebook chat anymore. I have been swamped too.

The sea racers look really fun. I might have to look at that in the future. i used to own a wave runner many moons ago and that was so much fun to ride.

I am so excited to see that DD is interested in the College program!
The sea-racer looked like great fun! I love the pictures of the GF. :)

I'm sorry about the baby sitting, sounds like you made a wise decision though.

The sea racer was really fun! It was pretty neat to see everything from a different point of view!

I know I'll miss the baby, but gotta focus on mine & DD's school stuff!! I'll still probably get her sometimes and do stuff with her, though. We took her to Chuck E Cheese's this past weekend, and she was so sweet! Maybe I'll post a few pics of that soon!

So glad you broke the "no camera" rules for the benefit of your TR... :rotfl:

The Disney College Program would be amazing!!! A friend of mine son did it and became a friend of Peter Pan... :woohoo:

You know how we "crazy dis-ers" are with our cameras!!!

I can't wait to learn more about the program! I would do it myself, if I could afford to leave everything for a few months! :rotfl: know we are busy when we can even facebook chat anymore. I have been swamped too.

The sea racers look really fun. I might have to look at that in the future. i used to own a wave runner many moons ago and that was so much fun to ride.

I am so excited to see that DD is interested in the College program!

It was really fun! You and Claire should do it!!!

I will be very interested in learning more about the College Program!
A few "happenings" again!

Thought I'd share a few pics of a recent trip to Chuck E Cheese's with the baby!










We went to the Disney College Program presentation tonight!!

It was very exciting and interesting! A DCP coordinator did a lot of speaking and showing videos. About 6 DCP participants were there to tell their stories of being in the program. It was pretty neat to be able to actually talk to Disney people vs. just looking at the info online. I had a chat with a girl that did the DCP at WDW and DL! I asked her would I be too old to do it, since I am in college! She said no, but I'd just have to be roomies with a lot of younger college kids! :lmao: We got a laugh out of that! I enjoyed the presentation and I think it just made my DD even more interested in it!!

We didn't get any kind of brochures or booklets or anything. We went in, and signed in on computers, and they said they will email us more info.

We are planning another day trip to Atlanta, and to go to the Disney Stores there, since those are the closest to us!! We haven't been in a few months, so we're excited to go back! Can't wait to get away for the day, especially since it will be baby-free! I am starting to miss the little munchkin,though. I'll probably try to get her soon and take her on a little out-ing!

Coming up: Back to the TR, checking into SSR!!!

Oh, she looks so cute. The one of her holding the tickets is too funny...."so I can get a prize with these tickets?"

How exciting about the DCP presentation. I would want to go too. I'm a big KID.
What fun :) she is too cute.

I regret not applying for the Disney college program. That would have been a really fun experience. Does DD think she'll apply for it?
Oh, she looks so cute. The one of her holding the tickets is too funny...."so I can get a prize with these tickets?"

How exciting about the DCP presentation. I would want to go too. I'm a big KID.

What fun :) she is too cute.

I regret not applying for the Disney college program. That would have been a really fun experience. Does DD think she'll apply for it?

She did really good at Chuck E Cheese's that day! It was really cute. I actually kept her yesterday and she was really sweet, but I'm glad I don't have her all the time now!

I think going to the DCP presentation made DD even more interested. She was even talking about it today, and said she would like to start her pre-requisites at a college in the Fall, then do the program in the Spring (if she got accepted). She seems to be getting overwhelmed by the college stuff! She keeps changing her mind, even today saying she was thinking of going into Travel & Tourism, but she also is interested in health care! I told her not to worry too much about it, but at least narrow it down to a couple of majors that interest her, because she sees what I did, went back to school for a different major........20 years later, after graduating!! :rotfl2:
After a fun filled day at the Polynesian, we decided to head over to SSR to check in. We were staying there for 2 nights (on rented DVC points).

We first noticed how big the resort was, as we had a hard time finding our room. This would be a repeated pattern for those 2 nights! :lmao:

Here's a few pictures as we arrived, and our room!















View outside the door:




Inside for a few more:




I made up the sofa into the bed:


After a little bit of resting time, we were ready to head on back out!!!

Coming up: Our 1/2 day at HS!!!!!
Loving the trip report. Oh how I do remember going back to college as an adults!! I am thinking and praying for you. It is tough and I did it 3 times...once to get my RN(worked full time 2 sememsters) , once to get my BSN( I worked full time) and my masters degress working3/4 to full time.

Keep your chin up and keep plugging and remember DIS can be an outlet and respite from the school craziness.
Loving the trip report. Oh how I do remember going back to college as an adults!! I am thinking and praying for you. It is tough and I did it 3 times...once to get my RN(worked full time 2 sememsters) , once to get my BSN( I worked full time) and my masters degress working3/4 to full time.

Keep your chin up and keep plugging and remember DIS can be an outlet and respite from the school craziness.

Thanks!! It is pretty hard! But I have actually been looking into continuing on, after I finish this.
(But I just don't know if I can do it, I'm getting too old for this! :lmao: )
We headed out to HS even though we didn't have much time, as half of the day already passed. It was even getting cloudy, as you can tell in this pic:


A few random pics:





We went to see 3D Muppets show. Love this!


We went to see the Indiana Jones show for the first time. It was just OK. Not really into that much & haven't even seen the movie!


Came across the green Army man!


Went to the Animation Building, but it was pretty crowded, so we just a pic with Mickey:



We were ready to eat, so we went to Pizza Planet!



This was the first time we came across the umbrella, so DD had a few "striking the pose" moments! :rotfl:


Another first: This is the first time I've noticed this prop from the movie Splash. I thought it was pretty neat, but made me feel old!!!



Next, we made our way to "One Man's Dream".










DD wanted to ride ToT, so I walked through the line with her. I'm still too chicken to do it!! :faint:

It was just a 30 minute wait.


After she did that, it was getting late, so we sat & rested and got an ice cream from Scoops!



We ended our day with the late showing of Fantasmic! Love it!!


That was a quick park day!!

Coming up: Our last full day! :sad:


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