Moms to be Part 4

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Congrats on the baby girl, Lauren!

I have never dealth with my water breaking .... That would freak me out I think. For me it would probably happen in the middle of walmart while I was battling with DS, trying to get him in the cart because he was misbehaving.
Congrats on the baby girl, Lauren!

I have never dealth with my water breaking .... That would freak me out I think. For me it would probably happen in the middle of walmart while I was battling with DS, trying to get him in the cart because he was misbehaving.

Well, I'd think if your water breaks in a big gush, you'd notice even if you were submerged... My mother had that happen three times... One big splat on the floor. However, mine (w/ DD) was a trickle break, and I think I would've noticed even after I got out of the pool. It never stopped flowing (17 hours) at all until DD was born.
Congrats on the baby girl, Lauren!

I have never dealth with my water breaking .... That would freak me out I think. For me it would probably happen in the middle of walmart while I was battling with DS, trying to get him in the cart because he was misbehaving.

Yikes, just figures that is how it would happen! :rolleyes:

As for the water breaking, I know I'm the one the asked the question (pg brain :headache:), but I just remembered that when my water broke with DS (in the middle of the night), I also lost the mucus plug right after, so that was a pretty big clue.
Had my 37 week checkup today. I thought that it would be an internal exam but it ended up just being a tummy check and I got to hear the heartbeat. The doctor said that everything sounds good. He sent me for an ultrasound just to check the size of the baby and fluid levels. He told me that I have a good pelvis for birthing and the way that the baby is right now that my labor shouldn't be bad. Fingers crossed!

The ultrasound looked good too. The tech measured fluid levels and they looked to be ok, I just have to keep drinking lots of water to make sure they stay up. I got to see the baby's face and she gave me a profile picture. So cute! I told her that I was concerned that the baby was going to come out a boy and she said that she would check, but then she didn't. I don't know why that makes me so nervous! At 20 weeks the tech said "oh yeah, it's a girl" so definite! I don't know why I keep thinking that it won't be and then I will have all this pink stuff and dresses and not be able to dress my baby! :laughing: They scheduled me for an ultrasound next Friday before my 38 week appt so maybe I will ask then...
My water broke at home with my 2nd and I really wasn't sure. I was in bed and I woke up suddenly at 2:30am and couldn't really figure out why cause I didn't really have to pee. I wasn't wet at all and when I stood up to go to the bathroom I wasn't leaking. After I peed I still felt like I was leaking something, but it was hardly continuous and very small quantities at a time. I wasn't contracting at all and was only 36 weeks so I really wasn't expecting to go into labor. It wasn't until around 8am when the contractions came on hard and fast that I really started leaking to the point of needing a pad (and then soaking through it with totally clear fluid), but nearly 6 hours had passed by then.
Probably TMI, I am sure.

But regarding the question, if your water does break, after having this last baby, I would advise immediately calling your OB. If mine had broken with Scarlett, her cord would have come rushing out and, well, I'd rather not say where that is going, but when I was informed of this during my labor I broke down and cried thinking of what would have happened to my son if it were him since my water broke at home and I didn't start contracting till about 4 hours later and didn't go to the hospital till 6 full hours after it broke. So even if you just think it broke, as silly as you might feel, I would definitely be checked. I am sure I would have had no clue that my daughter's umbilical cord was presenting, and therefore being compressed by her head and cutting off oxygen.

Those of you who are carrying small and get comments, it runs both ways so really, women can't win no matter what. With all of mine I was huge and *constantly* got comments such as "Are you having twins?" "Wow, are you sure you have 3 months to go!?!" Also, I had a lot of swelling with my 1st and last kids and had people say "Wow, your face is so swollen, it looks terrible!" And these people were friends!!!

DMickey - Before this baby came I was totally with you, saying I could not wait till she was out, that I was miserable, life would be easier with the baby cause at least I'd have my body to myself, not be swollen and numb, not have to wake up and pee, etc. I NEVER felt that way with my other 2 kids, but this pregnancy I was miserable. Well she's here now and I can't say life is really any easier.... Not to make it sound terrible, as I found going from 1 to 2 kids was a breeze, but this time around I am so not used to having a newborn after having 2 older kids (1st 2 are less than 2.5 years apart) and the night waking, constant nursing, diaper changing, etc. makes things less than easy. At least when I was pregnant and uncomfortable all her needs were met without me doing anything.

Patsy - I know you were talking about your c-section on the other thread, but I forgot to mention this there. Those pains you mentioned with the uterus contracting, I found they got worse with each kid, so prepare for that and stay ahead of it with the medication. Also, specific to the CS, you said you got hooked up to a morphine drip in your recovery room. I am guessing you had an epidural for the actual surgery though, right? If so, ask them to leave the epi in for 12 hours after this one. Epis use fentanyl which is stronger than morphine, so the pain management is better. Our hospital does epi pumps, and I suggest asking for that if they have it as well. Totally helped those contraction pains I had 6 hours after the CS, which were enough to wake me up. My husband and his friends wanted my epi in longer but my nurse pulled it out when they all left the room to get me up and walking after 14 hours.

Also, I know spinals can be an option for a CS, but if you go for that ask for a spinal/epi combo. Much better/longer-lasting pain relief. My husband's boss insisted on that for his wife when she had her 3rd in December via planned CS cause of the pain management.
Patsy - I know you were talking about your c-section on the other thread, but I forgot to mention this there. Those pains you mentioned with the uterus contracting, I found they got worse with each kid, so prepare for that and stay ahead of it with the medication. Also, specific to the CS, you said you got hooked up to a morphine drip in your recovery room. I am guessing you had an epidural for the actual surgery though, right? If so, ask them to leave the epi in for 12 hours after this one. Epis use fentanyl which is stronger than morphine, so the pain management is better. Our hospital does epi pumps, and I suggest asking for that if they have it as well. Totally helped those contraction pains I had 6 hours after the CS, which were enough to wake me up. My husband and his friends wanted my epi in longer but my nurse pulled it out when they all left the room to get me up and walking after 14 hours.

Also, I know spinals can be an option for a CS, but if you go for that ask for a spinal/epi combo. Much better/longer-lasting pain relief. My husband's boss insisted on that for his wife when she had her 3rd in December via planned CS cause of the pain management.

I didn't have any pain in the hospital after delivery (except for, you know, when I tried to pull my butt out of bed!) so I'm fine with whatever they did with Lucas.
I had an epidural with Lucas, yes... they put it in at about noon. It wore off 3 different times (they said there is a term for people who burn through it faster than the average person... I'm sure your hubby would know. I forget!) and it wore off the 3rd time while they were prepping the OR. I told Tom to go get someone (I was petrified, I can admit it) so the anesthesiologist came in and said "This is the good stuff!"... I have no idea what he gave me but it was heaven on earth. :lovestruc I have an itemized bill from the hospital so I'm sure if I can find that bill I can figure out what they gave me.
They took the epidural out in the OR, though. They propped me up on my side on the table and took it out. The guy said I'd be glad I couldn't feel them rip off the tape. :rotfl: I got a morphine thing in my room (the kind with the push button) but I only used it twice. The first time the nurse hit it to show me how it worked and the second time I hit it when they moved me from my L&D room to my post-partum room (and I switched beds). I wasn't sure that I'd need it but I hit it just in case it was a bumpy ride down the hallway.

It might be because I was so utterly exhausted that I don't remember any other pain. I fought sleep until they brought me Lucas... then I passed out. I don't remember waking up or anything until the next morning when a lady walked in with pancakes and bacon and almost didn't let me have it! :scared1:

The nurses always asked what my pain level was and it was always a 1 or 2 through my whole stay. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, though.

I'm not sure if I'll get a spinal or an epi with a planned c-section. I've heard that epi's are better than spinals (less painful) but I'm really impartial as long as it gets the job done. I remember zero pain from getting the epidural, too. Some have told me that hurts and I didn't even feel him do anything.
It might be because I was so utterly exhausted that I don't remember any other pain. I fought sleep until they brought me Lucas... then I passed out. I don't remember waking up or anything until the next morning when a lady walked in with pancakes and bacon and almost didn't let me have it! :scared1:

They let you have pancakes and bacon the next morning?!!! I'm so jealous, I was on a "full liquid" diet for 4 days after my c-section... it took me that long to pass the gas so they would let me eat. :(
They let you have pancakes and bacon the next morning?!!! I'm so jealous, I was on a "full liquid" diet for 4 days after my c-section... it took me that long to pass the gas so they would let me eat. :(

Oh my god, 4 days?! :scared1:

I got out of the OR with Lucas at just before midnight. I had a scheduled induction so hadn't eaten in about 30 hours and BEGGED for anything. They gave me 2 jello-cups while I waited on Lucas to be brought to me... that was the best jello-o! :lovestruc

They wouldn't have let me keep the pancakes and bacon if I hadn't of had the jello. She told me she only let me have it because I had kept the jello down. Made me grateful that I'd begged for it, that was for sure! The smell of that breakfast tray was one of the best things I've ever smelled before!!
Oh my god, 4 days?! :scared1:

I got out of the OR with Lucas at just before midnight. I had a scheduled induction so hadn't eaten in about 30 hours and BEGGED for anything. They gave me 2 jello-cups while I waited on Lucas to be brought to me... that was the best jello-o! :lovestruc

They wouldn't have let me keep the pancakes and bacon if I hadn't of had the jello. She told me she only let me have it because I had kept the jello down. Made me grateful that I'd begged for it, that was for sure! The smell of that breakfast tray was one of the best things I've ever smelled before!!

Yeah four days of cream of wheat, chicken broth, milk :crazy2:, apple juice and ice cream. I can't believe I still like cream of wheat...

When I finally did pass the gas (and let me tell you it wasn't pretty):rotfl: I screamed from the bathroom "I'm having steak tonight!"

I think my dad about had a coronary he was laughing so hard.

Did I get steak? Noooo.... I got a days old prepackaged ham and cheese sandwich on somewhat goopy bread. It was the best food ever!
Until I read here I had no idea that I would be on a restricted diet after a C section if I have to have one! It would have been nice if the doctors mentioned that. Why were you on a diet like this? I don't see myself handling that too well...
Until I read here I had no idea that I would be on a restricted diet after a C section if I have to have one! It would have been nice if the doctors mentioned that. Why were you on a diet like this? I don't see myself handling that too well...

Because it's abdominal surgery. They don't want you to eat until you fart because they want to make sure they didn't nick your intestines or something. Eat a bunch of fiber beforehand... or anything that is known to make you gassy. :) I think part of my problem was the crappy diet they were feeding me... how the heck are you supposed to have a healthy digestive system on a diet w/ no fiber?
Maybe I should also warn you about the catheter... That sucked. :( But trust me, the baby will make up for it all. :)
I had a catheter because I had an epidural... the put it in about 3 hours after I got the epidural and it was obvious baby wasn't going to make an appearance anytime soon. My c-section was Wednesday.. they took the catheter out Friday morning, I think. I honestly forgot about it until she came in and said "Let's get rid of that and try to walk!" :rotfl: I'm sure I'll get one this time around, too...

You're not going to want to get out of bed any sooner than they try to get you out of bed. That was the most pain- getting out of bed. It trumped almost everything else! (except maybe back labor)... I learned pretty quickly that holding a pillow to my abdomen helped a TON! The pressure against the incision relieved the pain and once I was up and on two feet the pain wasn't anywhere near as bad. It's the stretching and pulling to get back on your feet that hurts like.. well, you know. ;)

I wasn't on a restricted diet except I couldn't have soda for 36 hours.
I delivered at a Catholic, private hospital and they do a "Stork" dinner. They sent us a menu to select what we wanted (salmon, chicken, filet mignon) and we got to pick two sides, a dessert, a salad dressing, etc. and they wheeled it into my room my last night for my DH and I to enjoy. It was a fancy table with crystal glasses and flowers and candles. It was really neat!

No restricted diet for me.
Congrats on the baby girl, Lauren!

I have never dealth with my water breaking .... That would freak me out I think. For me it would probably happen in the middle of walmart while I was battling with DS, trying to get him in the cart because he was misbehaving.

This will be my fourth child, third L&D experience (twins the second time) and I've never had my water break or gone into labor on my own. In that regard I'm just as scared and nervous as a first time mom, not really knowing what to expect. :scared1:
Had my 37 week checkup today. I thought that it would be an internal exam but it ended up just being a tummy check and I got to hear the heartbeat. The doctor said that everything sounds good. He sent me for an ultrasound just to check the size of the baby and fluid levels. He told me that I have a good pelvis for birthing and the way that the baby is right now that my labor shouldn't be bad. Fingers crossed!

The ultrasound looked good too. The tech measured fluid levels and they looked to be ok, I just have to keep drinking lots of water to make sure they stay up. I got to see the baby's face and she gave me a profile picture. So cute! I told her that I was concerned that the baby was going to come out a boy and she said that she would check, but then she didn't. I don't know why that makes me so nervous! At 20 weeks the tech said "oh yeah, it's a girl" so definite! I don't know why I keep thinking that it won't be and then I will have all this pink stuff and dresses and not be able to dress my baby! :laughing: They scheduled me for an ultrasound next Friday before my 38 week appt so maybe I will ask then...

Yay for a good checkup and what a nice thing to hear your doctor say about L&D!

With my first, I found out it was a girl and at every ultrasound I had afterwards I asked them to check that it was still a girl. Same with the twins, although that wasn't as bad because they were boy/girl so I had clothes either way.
But regarding the question, if your water does break, after having this last baby, I would advise immediately calling your OB. If mine had broken with Scarlett, her cord would have come rushing out and, well, I'd rather not say where that is going, but when I was informed of this during my labor I broke down and cried thinking of what would have happened to my son if it were him since my water broke at home and I didn't start contracting till about 4 hours later and didn't go to the hospital till 6 full hours after it broke. So even if you just think it broke, as silly as you might feel, I would definitely be checked. I am sure I would have had no clue that my daughter's umbilical cord was presenting, and therefore being compressed by her head and cutting off oxygen.

That kind of thing scares me so much! I'm sure you are just grateful that you were at the hospital and they caught it before it was a problem. Those are the kinds of things I can't help but think about when I read about these women who go it alone at home- no midwife, no anything, just some "back to nature" type experience. It's just way too easy for even a "routine" birth to quickly become non routine that the thought of not having a trained professional present frightens the heck out of me.
Yeah four days of cream of wheat, chicken broth, milk :crazy2:, apple juice and ice cream. I can't believe I still like cream of wheat...

When I finally did pass the gas (and let me tell you it wasn't pretty):rotfl: I screamed from the bathroom "I'm having steak tonight!"

I think my dad about had a coronary he was laughing so hard.

Did I get steak? Noooo.... I got a days old prepackaged ham and cheese sandwich on somewhat goopy bread. It was the best food ever!

Nasty about what you were allowed to eat but your reaction made me laugh out loud. :lmao:

Until I read here I had no idea that I would be on a restricted diet after a C section if I have to have one! It would have been nice if the doctors mentioned that. Why were you on a diet like this? I don't see myself handling that too well...

It's pretty standard after having surgery- anesthesia kind of shuts down your system and it can take a little bit to get things going again. I know it sucks but you're probably better off with easy to digest things until things are moving again. I had surgery for my endometriosis and no one explained this phenomena to me ahead of time and (sorry for the TMI) but the first time I had to go to the bathroom afterwards hurt so much, it was like giving birth. I really wish I would have known and been warned, I would have taken something to make things easier on myself. I thought I was going to pass out from the pain. If I ever have to have anesthesia or surgery again I know now to take something to help BEFORE there is a problem
CATHETER?!?! :scared1:
They did not mention that either.

I had a regular delivery (don't think I can say the v word here) and I wound up with a catheter too. I had to pee really badly from all the fluids they'd been pumping in through my IV but was too close to delivery to get out of bed so they brought a bedpan but I was too swollen down there to be able to go. The nurse did the catheter and it wasn't pleasant but at that point it felt so good to have the relief and I was so exhausted that I didn't even care. You'll be surprised what you don't even care is happening that you think about it now and feel bothered about.
I had a regular delivery (don't think I can say the v word here) and I wound up with a catheter too. I had to pee really badly from all the fluids they'd been pumping in through my IV but was too close to delivery to get out of bed so they brought a bedpan but I was too swollen down there to be able to go. The nurse did the catheter and it wasn't pleasant but at that point it felt so good to have the relief and I was so exhausted that I didn't even care. You'll be surprised what you don't even care is happening that you think about it now and feel bothered about.

The thing about the catheter that I didn't like was when the took it out. Honestly, I didn't even realize it was there until they took it out (which wasn't really painful)... but 3 hours later I REALLY had to pee and I COULDN'T. I sat on the toilet and nothing happened for like 1/2 hour. So the sweet nurses started trying all the tricks. Turned on the faucets, ran my hand in warm water, brought me some peppermint oil to smell (who knew?). They were just about to put the catheter back in because I was so miserable when one of the nurses brought me a sitz bath full of warm water. I sat on that and the relief was instant. I think a huge "AAAAAHHHHH" could be heard throughout the hospital (no, I wasn't the quietest patient. :rotfl:)
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