MONDAY RIDDLE: a Birthday Party for Loubon!

Okay, real quickly, here is the "tutoring" story (since someone who has stalked their way into my tags obviously shared it with HG). BTW frickin (NOF) hiliarious tag I might add.

I am the type of person who thinks the act of being "tutored" (for anyone who doesn't get it read HG's link) to be somewhat private. Call me old fashioned I just don't think it is something you discuss with near total strangers. I'm not even sure it is something that you discuss with lifelong friends. But I digress.

In my life I have developed into somewhat of a "tutoring" magnet. People feel compelled to share their stories with me. Not close friends people. People on the outer fringe of my life. With extremely great detail. I'm not talking two or three people. I'm talking dozens of people. I think I'm on the "tutoring" pamphlet somewhere as a post op step "be sure to call Lou and tell him". It is not even the particular procedure that I have issue with it is the TMI aspect of it. I don't really want to know of anything you're having snipped, tucked, pulled or raised/lowered.

Some examples: sitting in a study group back in college a guy I know for all of 10 minutes starts off "back when I was "tutored"...... :eek:, by the copy machine at work "well you know I can't have any more kids because I've been tutored....", :faint: from employees who work for me, "Them: Can I have Friday off? Me: Sure you have the days coming to you. Them: I need it because I'm going to get "tutored".... :rolleyes:. Or how about the time I am on the phone with one of my fellow executives who was working from home who had to put me on hold "to change the ice in his lap"? And the list goes on and on. And just as nonchalantly as that. I could see if the discussion was about that and several people raised their hands. No, I'm talking you can be talking about ice cream, sports or even Disney and BAM!...there it is. Dozens (maybe even hundreds by now). And it has even come up several times here on the boards (LY/MI to all of you who shared that). :p

So in closing let me just say, no I haven't and I really don't need to know about anyone else who has. Not even on my birthday. Or especially on my birthday. Or the day after as it may be. Or ever. Or never. ;)
L107ANGEL said:
Where are we going Queenie :confused3 and I don't cheat :rolleyes1

Anywhere you want, I got the flat tires fixed and some cheap gas from someone parked kinda near me :teeth:
Hey Lou, you should be a preacher. I mean, since everyone is going to tell you everything, anyway. Ask Mark how many scars he's seen (and now HAS in his brain!). From naked-except-for-the-hospital-gown men. Lovely stuff. Lovely.
I'm sorry I am late for the party. I was on my way with a perfect gift for Lou, but this freak accident occured and..

Oh yeah, he doesn't want to hear any more of those stories.

Excuse me...where is the ice?
Wheres that tag fairy?!!! Lou "The tutor magnet" :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Grammy I am ready to go anywhere there is no tv or radio please :rolleyes:
alabamaalan said:
I'm sorry I am late for the party. I was on my way with a perfect gift for Lou, but this freak accident occured and..

Oh yeah, he doesn't want to hear any more of those stories.

Excuse me...where is the ice?[/
That goes great with your siggie :rotfl: :rotfl:
Loubon said:
Okay, real quickly, here is the "tutoring" story (since someone who has stalked their way into my tags obviously shared it with HG). BTW frickin (NOF) hiliarious tag I might add.

I am the type of person who thinks the act of being "tutored" (for anyone who doesn't get it read HG's link) to be somewhat private. Call me old fashioned I just don't think it is something you discuss with near total strangers. I'm not even sure it is something that you discuss with lifelong friends. But I digress.

In my life I have developed into somewhat of a "tutoring" magnet. People feel compelled to share their stories with me. Not close friends people. People on the outer fringe of my life. With extremely great detail. I'm not talking two or three people. I'm talking dozens of people. I think I'm on the "tutoring" pamphlet somewhere as a post op step "be sure to call Lou and tell him". It is not even the particular procedure that I have issue with it is the TMI aspect of it. I don't really want to know of anything you're having snipped, tucked, pulled or raised/lowered.

Some examples: sitting in a study group back in college a guy I know for all of 10 minutes starts off "back when I was "tutored"...... :eek:, by the copy machine at work "well you know I can't have any more kids because I've been tutored....", :faint: from employees who work for me, "Them: Can I have Friday off? Me: Sure you have the days coming to you. Them: I need it because I'm going to get "tutored".... :rolleyes:. Or how about the time I am on the phone with one of my fellow executives who was working from home who had to put me on hold "to change the ice in his lap"? And the list goes on and on. And just as nonchalantly as that. I could see if the discussion was about that and several people raised their hands. No, I'm talking you can be talking about ice cream, sports or even Disney and BAM!...there it is. Dozens (maybe even hundreds by now). And it has even come up several times here on the boards (LY/MI to all of you who shared that). :p

So in closing let me just say, no I haven't and I really don't need to know about anyone else who has. Not even on my birthday. Or especially on my birthday. Or the day after as it may be. Or ever. Or never. ;)
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: BUT! You are reading my birthday gift, right? There's some great stuff in there! TUTOR MAGNET!!!!!!! Bawhahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!! :rotfl2:
L107ANGEL said:
That goes great with your siggie :rotfl: :rotfl:

Classic! :teeth:

And yes I know I was tempting the tag fates with that comment but I'm playing the percentages here. There's only so much room in that little box (and by my signature as we have recently learned!) :p
Loubon said:
Classic! :teeth:

And yes I know I was tempting the tag fates with that comment but I'm playing the percentages here. There's only so much room in that little box (and by my signature as we have recently learned!) :p

I doubt the tag fairy would want you stuck with a happry birthday tag past today :confused3 Just saying :rolleyes1
Holy Heck....and you guy's called me freaks!!!!!!!! bwhahahaaaa :rotfl: :teeth: :rotfl:

Gram.....I was done with breakfast. I wanted lunch. ;) and can we please have waiters that look more like this: Im sure Lou won't mind! ;)


RV....I don't even wanna know what that cake is!!! It better not be a CAT! :mad: ;) :teeth: :rotfl2: (and geez, it didnt take you long to fit in with the rest of these freaks....) ;) :thumbsup2 LAMO at crocs and einstein party crashers!

Horsey....High Five, sister! If he gets a tutor tag...You're my hero! :teeth: :rotfl2:

L107ANGEL said:
That goes great with your siggie :rotfl:

ROFLMAO! :rotfl2:

You people kill me!!!!!! :teeth:

oh darn...I guess I should TU people too? LOL!
except I have to go find it again... :moped:
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: tutor magnet! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

But Lou I totally agree with you!

I have an actual medical condition that results in somewhat low blood pressure all the time and no blood pressure other times, i.e. I faint very easily.... :faint: and often when people describe medical events with way TMI so I have taken to saying
"Please! Stop! I really don't want to know" even though it is rude to interrupt, which amazingly enough, most people interpret as "Go on! With more gory detail and perhaps a scar reveal or too!"
I almost gave up on trying to catch up here. I am glad I didn't or I would have missed Lou's tutoring story.

So the moral is, "For safe laundry, get tutored."

And now we are getting close to double hooty or something like that.


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