More bad news


<font color=navy>Don't ask me to do dishes<br><fon
Jul 20, 2000
I just got back to work today and found out my attorney died in an accident. He was a really cool laid back guy and was only 60 years old. He lived around the corner from us and his son went to school with my DS.

Oh, I'm still going in April but I'll probably be a nervous wreck!
Originally posted by jx3smom
Oh, I'm still going in April but I'll probably be a nervous wreck!

Well, maybe I'm out of the "loop" here, but in light of the fact about the terrible accident that killed such a nice laid-back guy whose son went to school with your DS,

I sure am glad you're still going in April??????:confused: :confused: :confused:
On another post I wrote that my cat died when I was in WDW last week and that my DH's grandmother passed away an hour after we returned home. We have another trip scheduled in April and I really hope I don't come home to anymore upsetting news.
Just a guess here, but I think she might be referring to the fact that they are driving down to FL and fearing an accident??

Sorry to hear that jx3smom :(
Sorry to hear of yet another loss. They say things happen in 3's, so that's it for you.
Sorry mom, to read another loss within your circle. Very tough taking that all in such a short time period. {{Hugs}}
I don't know what to say so I'll just send....

I'm sorry. I read your other thread and you've sure had more than your sure of bad news lately. :(
That's very sad to hear jx3smom. Isn't it a relief to know that it has nothing to do with your travels?

You're going to have a wonderful trip in April. I wish I was going that soon!



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