Move Hitchcock


Apr 14, 2002
They should move Hitchcock attaction into the Murder she wrote/Xena Hur. building next door.. It's been empty for a while and would be a perfect place for it also in the Studio building next to it were they had props to films..
I don't think they'll spend the extra money to save a unpopular attraction. I will miss it a bit, but feel the Shrek replacement will be much better for the park.
Does anyone know the clsing date? I am guilty of not seeing it for at least two years now, and would love another look before closing.
Part of the problem is no one remembers who Hitchcock was! I bet if you asked a random sample of people under 30 who Alfred Hitchcock was, less than 25% would be able to tell you.

These things go in cycles, though. Who knows, maybe in 2010 old Hitchcock films will become the "latest" college craze!


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