Moving a DLR Trip to Walt Disney World- Let’s Talk!

We went in October. We didn't do a ton of table service but the ones we did do we really really enjoyed. We also had really good experiences at quick service

Table service we did:
Teppan Edo: Epcot- LOVED this and the food was amazing.
Be our guest : This was a highlight of the trip for me.
Paddle fish in Disney springs- we liked the crab legs!
I've been thinking about attempting to make an ADR at Sci Fi. What happens if you have an ADR that conflicts with your boarding group on ROTR?

Same. Table service in MK is looking very unappealing.
That exact thing happened to us both times at HS. We went and asked the CMs at ROTR. They instructed us to go to our ADR first, then return for our boarding pass. They said that They are more relaxed on later arrivals than the restaurants are. We did what they said and had zero issues when we came back for our boarding group late. ☺️
Thanks for all the ADR advice! I think I'll keep halfheartedly checking for BOG or CRT (though honestly the menus are kind of meh...but DD9 is obsessed with Beauty and the Beast. And the others think eating IN the castle sounds cool). But if we don't get anything NBD. Might try a little harder for Beaches and Cream for our non-park day. I don't plan to go to Disney Springs at all.
Thanks for all the ADR advice! I think I'll keep halfheartedly checking for BOG or CRT (though honestly the menus are kind of meh...but DD9 is obsessed with Beauty and the Beast. And the others think eating IN the castle sounds cool). But if we don't get anything NBD. Might try a little harder for Beaches and Cream for our non-park day. I don't plan to go to Disney Springs at all.

Have you signed up for the free reservation finder from touring plans? It helped us score a TON of ADRs.
Have you signed up for the free reservation finder from touring plans? It helped us score a TON of ADRs.
I haven't yet...honestly I forgot about it so thanks for the reminder! At this point I'm feeling less than 50% chance we'll actually go so I've only been halfheartedly looking at things :(
Oh man. I hope you’re able to go. :(

It's our call on how we're feeling about cross country flights and exposure etc. as to whether we go but I just keep going back and forth with whether it's too soon for that kind of travel. I'm fully vaccinated, as is my mom who we would worry most about on return (and would still take precautions anyway), but DH and kids are not vaccinated yet, of course. Flights were so cheap too... (cheap enough that I got all 5 of us there and back on barely over 100k miles!) And if I cancel when would I reschedule to? We have promised the kids this trip will happen, it's just a matter of when. But summer is a hard no for us with the humidity... Gaahhh.....
It's our call on how we're feeling about cross country flights and exposure etc. as to whether we go but I just keep going back and forth with whether it's too soon for that kind of travel.

I know everyone has their own comfort level with travel right now but if you take extra precautions it might help ease the stress. We wore KN95s with face shields the entire time we were in the airport shuttle, the airport, and the plane. I got the face shields that are just attached to safety glasses so it actually wasn't bad at all. We didn't eat on the plane- we found a corner of the airport to eat in before we got on the plane. I also booked seats in the back row so no one was breathing behind us haha. And honestly, seeing how everyone on our flight seemed to use eating as an excuse to not wear a mask the whole flight, I'm sure that's what kept us from catching anything!
Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking- KN95s for the flight for sure and maybe in the parks too. I know there are reasons not to but we plan to rent a car there. I’ll have to look for those face shields. Haven’t looked for kids KN95s yet either, though only DD9 will need those as the adult ones fit the rest of us. Worst case I’ll just have her double mask.

Hopefully we will continue on the current downward trend (for everyone’s sake- not just my WDW trip ;) ) and we’ll go ahead with the trip.
Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking- KN95s for the flight for sure and maybe in the parks too. I know there are reasons not to but we plan to rent a car there. I’ll have to look for those face shields. Haven’t looked for kids KN95s yet either, though only DD9 will need those as the adult ones fit the rest of us. Worst case I’ll just have her double mask.

Hopefully we will continue on the current downward trend (for everyone’s sake- not just my WDW trip ;) ) and we’ll go ahead with the trip.

One thing you can do with the Kn95s is to tie a knot in the ear loops- I had a hard time finding ones for kids that were legit so my son (10) wore one and I just tied a knot in each ear loop. The face shield was a little big but he was a trooper. I told him if he kept all his gear on the whole way there I'd let him pick out whatever he wanted. Was pretty good motivation and boy, did he make me cash out on that promise when we got there. 😉

In the parks we just wore masks with filters in them but that was before all the variants too.

I'm planning on a July trip which is probably insane because it'll be so hot but I'm praying things will be in a better place then. My backup plan for heat meltdowns is the water park.
We also wore KN95s on the plane. We only ate a very quick snack (DH and oldest son get hangry) and put our mask on between bites too. We are hoping to go back in June. Not sure how we will handle the heat!

Totally understand how it’s a difficult decision. I’m hoping the closer to summer, the better things are.
We also wore KN95s on the plane. We only ate a very quick snack (DH and oldest son get hangry) and put our mask on between bites too. We are hoping to go back in June. Not sure how we will handle the heat!

Totally understand how it’s a difficult decision. I’m hoping the closer to summer, the better things are.

I am planning to wear a KN95 on the plane too. 5 hour flight so will most likely need a snack and definitely to drink a bit. I am flying Delta so still have empty middle seats. Looks like the aisle seat on my row has been taken now. I am going to look the day before and may move back a few rows as it looks like more open seats back there so hoping for the full row with no one by me.
What is everyone's quick take on Memory Maker? I'm mainly interested in attraction photos though we might do a couple photopass ones too. We have 1 day in each park. If I don't have Memory Maker can you still scan your MagicBand for the ride photos but you have to pay to actually view them or what?
What is everyone's quick take on Memory Maker? I'm mainly interested in attraction photos though we might do a couple photopass ones too. We have 1 day in each park. If I don't have Memory Maker can you still scan your MagicBand for the ride photos but you have to pay to actually view them or what?
We didn’t pay for it. I think if you pay in advance it’s a bit cheaper.

Yes. Some of the attractions you scan your magic band. Others automatically go into your MDE app. I just ended up buying one of our ride photos. Splash mountain. I wanted one attraction photo from our first trip! It was $16.95 for a digital download. 0CCB6CC5-C20F-4864-92E4-28762D196B77.jpeg
I ended up only buying two photos from our whole trip just because with the masks they weren't worth the price, IMO. We took plenty of cute pictures without it. And this is coming from someone who is obsessssssed with park pictures and would normally pay all the money for it. But for me, the masks just made me not as invested in paying the price.

We did find friendly guests to take our picture and we did the same in return for them. Lots of people in the same boat with wanting a group picture but not wanting to pay the price. We got a great picture in the Flight of Passage queue exit by the Pandora mountains because of that!
For those planning trips for October and beyond... check this out! It's all so pretty. I'd much rather go to Disneyland this summer (wouldn't we all? lol) and do WDW next summer to see the celebration in its glory.

WDW 50th Anniversary Sneak Peak

I am going in 2 weeks. And then going for my annual September trip about 2 weeks later than normal. We will be at WDW for the anniversary on 10/1. I only got my AP situation straightened out, so I need to book park reservations. MK is full for that day, so I need to pick another park and hope I can keep searching and snag an opening for 10/1 at MK. We always planned to be there for the anniversary, so we are very excited!
@TikiTikiFan, that photo is adorable (and shows off your JC MMA backpack beautifully!)

We're taking about a possible 2022 WDW trip. H is out of vacation time for 2021 already, so no chance this year, but going during their 50th doesn't upset me!
We went just before Thanksgiving. If for any reason the Disneyland doesn't not open over the summer, I am sure we will be back again this summer. Although, I am just really crossing my fingers for Disneyland to open. I really prefer Disneyland over Disney World and of course it helps that I only live an hour away. I grew up in Florida, and have some family business I have to attend to at some point. It would be nice to schedule that around Disney's 50th.


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