My border crossing horror story

hockey mom

<font color=coral>Loves to do the Napkin Dance at
Oct 2, 2000
We pulled up and no word of a lie the guy never even turned to look at us, asked us what we were bring in and DH said nothing and still without even turning our way said "go on". I swear we were there a total of 5 seconds. I never even got my sunglasses off or I.D. out. We sat there stunned for a minute then drove away.
Just got back-had a great trip. Great weather. Great Thanksgiving dinner at LTT. Great pin trading. I will post more when my DH stops yelling at me to help him unpack. LOL
you to tell us that you got put away or something!


Obviously, they were looking for something or someone in particular! Luckily not you guys!LOL

Great to hear your trip was great! Hurry up and unpack so we can read your report!

Welcome Back!

Welcome back hockey mom! I thought you were going to tell us that the border guard took apart your car or something like that. I always get a lot of questions when I cross, I guess I must look suspicious :laughing:
:crazy: Welcome back Sherry! Glad to hear that you had such a great trip! Now we need a Peterborough meet!
Welcome back hockeymom! I got back Thursday night and had a similar experience at the Buffalo/Fort Erie border too. Couldn't believe it either. But when dh entered the US to pick me up at the airport an hour earlier, THEY really grilled him.
Thanks for the Welcome home's everyone.
TimnDans mom-there seems to be no rhyme or reason to crossing these days. The guy didn't even know that we had kids in the back.

Baboo-lets plan a meet.

I knew I didn't see a red van when we crossed. We had no problems either, good thing too, because SIL lost her passport on the plane :rolleyes: ( we noticed it was gone when we stopped at the duty free shop) and she was worried about ID for her and her son.

Kathy- soon!
My girlfriend and I go to Orlando every other month and everytime we cross into the states we get grilled for an hour by customs and immigration. Maybe it's because we are both relatively young(mid-20's), but they hammer us with silly questions for so long before letting us go through. It has become a running joke with us. Although coming back into Canada we get 3 questions and a smile and we are done. Go figure.
Ha! the title of your thread had me going...


Glad it all worked out okay!

When we went over this time we were asked how many people were in the van, (the van in front of us had to open the door), where we were going, he looked at our passports and then asked us if we had any fruits, vegetables or beef. When I told him emphatically "no" he said; thanks for saying that. Have a great trip.
I guess he didn't want to go through our cooler.
Coming back, though we had to show our passports again. First time for that. It made me feel better though because hopefully if they're checking my passports then they are also checking the next guys. He couldn't believe how much money we had to declare though. He asked my DH what did you buy and my DH answered, "We were at Disney, that explains everything."
He naturally forgot to mention the outlet malls which is where I drop a lot of cash when I'm there.
I took a 3-week solo driving trip to the American southwest a few years back. When I offered nothing to declare on my return, the Canadian customs official said: "You were away for three weeks and didn't buy anything?"

I swiped my hand across the dashboard and showed her my orange palm. "Not much out there but desert and rocks," I said.

She smiled and waved me through.

Another time my friend and I were returning from Cedar Point. I told the Can. customs agent we had nothing to declare. My friend leaned over and said, "except this cotton candy" - that she was eating. I said: "You had to tell him about the cotton candy, didn't you?" The custom agent laughed and waved us through.

They do have senses of humour!
My most favourite stupid question I was ever asked was by a Detroit Customs officer. I was driving, dh beside me. I tell her we're off to Disney World. She says to me "and how do you two know each other?" I decided that saying "I just picked him up on the top of the Ambassador Bridge" might not be considered humourous. I just gave her a really stupid face :crazy: and said "Ummm, we're married?"

when we went across in Feb, we had the 4 of us, plus a niece of mine. I gave them our licences, and birth cert for the 3 kids. They were more concerned about seeing my birth certificate that doesn't match the name on my drivers lic than asking us why we had a kid that didn't have the same last name as the rest of us :confused:

Mary Liz
Actually, that's a good reminder. If you are crossing the border with just a birth certificate and photo ID (no passport) and your name has changed due to marriage you need a copy of your marriage certificate as well.


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