My DD just diagnosed with cervical cancer..


I will most certainly pray for Alexis. She sounds like a very strong woman. I'll include you in my prayers, as much for you to go through in such a short time. :guilty:

SDFgirl said:
Prayers said. Your family is in my thoughts.

I know it's scary when they are diagnosed so young. A close family friend of ours was 25 when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer. It scared all of us to death. He remained positive, though, and today he is proudly cancer-free and in law school!

Yes, we've been through that as well - my brother was diagnosed in 1990. He, too was wonderfully positive re: the cancer and is still cancer-free today. His wife (my SIL) has recently battled thyroid cancer, but that seems to be in remission for about 18 mos now (see, I had forgotten her success story last night:)).

Thanks for the kind words, thoughts and prayers!
need_a_Disney_fix said:
Our family is currently traveling through my DM's breast cancer and I understand your emotions and fears. My prayers are with you...along with lots of Pixie Dust.

BC is an evil, evil disease - prayers to you, your DM and family as well. :grouphug:
There is power in numbers, thus there is power in these prayers! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!
I have been praying for Alexis and your family as I've been reading this. Please continue to update us. :grouphug:
pjb_hockey_mom said:
There is power in numbers, thus there is power in these prayers! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!

You & your DD are in my thoughts & prayers as well! My friend's DD4 was diagnosed w/leukemia (high risk) in May, she has since gotten a bone marrow transplant & released back home much earlier than expected. She has far exceeded all expectations in her road to recovery so far & I do believe in the power of prayer & positive thinking. Hugs to you both.
Just read your post and prayers and positive thoughts sent your way.

Was diagnosed 10/05, surgery 11/05. Bad pap and bio this fall, but this time we are working on the precancerous cells so I feel more confident then I did in the beginning, plus I have become so much more faith filled and strong in the last year.

I am 37 with two little girls (3 and 5 when this started now 4an 6). Will continue to pray for Alexis and her kids and husband and you mom!

If you have any questions feel free to pm anytime. It is a long, windy, bumpy road but one that with faith you can keep moving forward on. :thumbsup2
You and your family will be in my prayers. A colleague of mine was diagnosed with something similar. Although it was tough, she got through it!
My thoughts are with both you and your DD.
Try to keep positive even though it will be tough at times.
Just checking in to let you know I am still here for you. Praying for all of you. Let us know if you need more support!:grouphug:
I'm hoping all is well with your daughter. I can speak regarding this topic from personal experience. I was also diagnosed with cervical cancer last August at the age of 33. I had to have a radical hysterectomy on 9/3 to take care of it.

Please keep us posted and let us know what's going on!

Oh, but the power of prayer!!

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts, words and prayers. DD has been doing well, with all appearances being the cancer is gone (at least for now!). In fact, she has been given a clean bill of health, so much so the USN has seen fit to send her to Iraq for at least a year. Her original orders had her leaving 2 AM on 12/26 for Afghanistan to serve with the USMC. However, those orders were canceled days before leaving and replaced with these orders to Iraq to serve with the Army instead (she is in communications - satellites, radios, and computers). She is set to leave March 21. It's not cancer, but it is still scary in its own way.
Wonderful news! :cool1:

Now I'll pray for her to return safely from Iraq.

Please thank her for her service.


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