My first trip to WDW and DH's first time being arrested (Dec 2009)

I don't usually comment on Trip Reports but I enjoy reading them and I am enjoying reading yours! I like how you tell your story!!
This is such a great trip report. I'm enjoying reading it sooo much! You should quit your job and become a writer--you really have talent. I was laughing out loud when I read the part about the water play area. I could just picture something like that happening.

Rig is such a great guy, too bad there aren't more around like him. I can't wait to read more.
Lee, this is a great story and I love that it is unfolding like a novel, I agree you should write a book, I wuld love to hear the story of you and Rig, by the way I love the name Rig, I picture Rig to look like Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights, and you to look like buffy the Vampire slayer. I need to know what the characters in a story look like. I hope Rig lets you post pictures.

I was at Disney the same time as you and in the same building just on the other side of you though. And I was at MK the same day as you. I am going to look through all my pictures from that day and see if I can't find a cowboy in the background, I won't post it, I promise.

I can't wait for your next installment.[/
Lee this is great. I too would love to read a book about you and Rig....I am guessing he would not like one written about him.

Don't worry about the pictures. There are no pictures in novels:goodvibes
thanks for explaining the key thing. That makes sense.

You're too young to remember, but there used to be poster here who wrote great trip reports. Rumor had it she was a popular script writer. sadly, she got ill and hasn't been in a long time.

Your style is very different from hers, but I just keep thinking about her stories when I read your work.
I am captivated by your trip report!! I keep checking back for updates. I can't wait for more!! Very good writing. It makes me so excited for our upcoming trip in September. You really show in your trip report what Disney World is like and the emotions that come along with it. I love all details!!:yay:
I don't usually comment on Trip Reports but I enjoy reading them and I am enjoying reading yours! I like how you tell your story!!
Thank you for reading and for commenting. I like to know how people feel.

This is such a great trip report. I'm enjoying reading it sooo much! You should quit your job and become a writer--you really have talent. I was laughing out loud when I read the part about the water play area. I could just picture something like that happening.

Rig is such a great guy, too bad there aren't more around like him. I can't wait to read more.
I would love to become a writer, I would probably still keep my job though, I like my job, I get to talk to people all day and hear what's up in their lives, I come home and tell Rig all what I learned, he calls it gossip. "Baby I don't care about who lied to his wife and had a vasectomy." True story it was a big story in the diner for about a week. I tell Rig it's only gossip if he goes and repeats it, otherwise it's just me telling him about my day.

The water play area was so funny, it's one of my favorite memories of Rig at disney.

Lee, this is a great story and I love that it is unfolding like a novel, I agree you should write a book, I wuld love to hear the story of you and Rig, by the way I love the name Rig, I picture Rig to look like Tim Riggins from Friday Night Lights, and you to look like buffy the Vampire slayer. I need to know what the characters in a story look like. I hope Rig lets you post pictures.

I was at Disney the same time as you and in the same building just on the other side of you though. And I was at MK the same day as you. I am going to look through all my pictures from that day and see if I can't find a cowboy in the background, I won't post it, I promise.

I can't wait for your next installment.[/
thank you, I don't look anything like Buffy the vampire slayer, I don't know who I look like. Well actually back when I was in highschool a movie about a mermaid came out, I think it was called aquamarina, my friends said I looked like the mermaid, only my hair is darker and I'm not that skinny.
I didn't think I looked like her though
I love Friday Night Lights, Julie is my favorite character, I really liked her love story. Tim Riggins always looks dirty and unwashed to me, I think the only thing he has in common with Rig is the hair color.

But you imagine us how you need to, I always imagine characters in books I read to look like my favorite actor or actress.

Let me know if you find a cowboy in your pictures, his cowboy hat is gray.

Lee this is great. I too would love to read a book about you and Rig....I am guessing he would not like one written about him.

Don't worry about the pictures. There are no pictures in novels:goodvibes
Rig is a very private person, our phone number is unlisted, he didn't want internet service because he feels it gives out too much information, he won't even do surveys. But I suppose if I changed the names in a book about us it wouldn't bother him so much.

I am feeling alot of pressure to post a picture, I really want to, but I don't want to go against what Rig wants, he has his reasons and I respect them, but still I would love for everyone to see at least one picture of us.
But true again, novels do not have pictures, I prefer it that way, it gives my imagination more freedom.

thanks for explaining the key thing. That makes sense.

You're too young to remember, but there used to be poster here who wrote great trip reports. Rumor had it she was a popular script writer. sadly, she got ill and hasn't been in a long time.

Your style is very different from hers, but I just keep thinking about her stories when I read your work.

that is amazing. A popular script writer posting trip reports, do you know of anything she wrote? I wonder how many famous people are on the disboards? Why wouldn't famous people come here, I'm sure there are many stars who love disney.

Julia Roberts, if you are reading this, Steel Magnolias was my favorite.

But true again, novels do not have pictures, I prefer it that way, it gives my imagination more freedom.

so true, imagination is very important! :)

btw, where does one store a cowboy hat on a ride? Can't say I ever thought of that issue before... :confused3
so true, imagination is very important! :)

btw, where does one store a cowboy hat on a ride? Can't say I ever thought of that issue before... :confused3
I was wondering the same question! This was also my arguement for him about our own trip--where will he put it?! I convinced DH to wear a ball cap instead for this trip. It was hard for him & he's still not happy about it--he wears it everywhere!
I am captivated by your trip report!! I keep checking back for updates. I can't wait for more!! Very good writing. It makes me so excited for our upcoming trip in September. You really show in your trip report what Disney World is like and the emotions that come along with it. I love all details!!:yay:

I don't know if I will get another update out tonight, Big Brother is on tonight, it's elimination night, I think Rachael is going home, :cheer2: Rig said I should route for people and not against them, but she is a witch.

Have fun on your trip in September, I wish I were going again. The whole resort just overwhelms your emotions.

I am LOVING your trip report! You write really well. ;)
thank you, I suppose I could use a little schooling in punctuation and spelling though.

so true, imagination is very important! :)

btw, where does one store a cowboy hat on a ride? Can't say I ever thought of that issue before... :confused3
Rig just held onto his hat for most of the rides, some rides had little baskets to put them in and some of the rides he just set it on the floor.

I'm enjoying reading as well! I can't wait to hear more of what happens!
Thank you, it keeps me excited to keep writing more when people post and tell me this.

I was wondering the same question! This was also my arguement for him about our own trip--where will he put it?! I convinced DH to wear a ball cap instead for this trip. It was hard for him & he's still not happy about it--he wears it everywhere!
Rig never seemed to have a probelm with his hat. If he wasn't wearing it he was holding it. Funny thing though, you know how everybody can recognize Tim McGraw when he's wearing his hat, but take it off or put a ball cap on him and he blends in. Alot of the ride pictures don't look like Rig in them because he doesn't have his hat on in them.
Enjoy your show tonight and I think I speak for all of us when I say we can't wait till tomorrow for more! (It's probably good you aren't writing more tonight, my hubby:lovestruc is finally home ontime tonight and I want to get off DIS to hang out with him but I keep checking back whenever his phone rings to read more!) :laughing:
I just love your trip report and definitly agree with the others that it reads like a novel. Don't feel pressured to post pictures. Seems like you two are having a great time. Can't wait to read more.
Loving this report! And I can relate somewhat to the beginnings of your relationship. I knew my husband exactly 3 1/2 months the day we got married. My parents were not happy to say the least! But 17 years and 3 kids later (oh and a ton of Disney trips and a DVC membership to boot) I think I can safely say we knew what we were doing;) Hard for people to understand at the time though. Everyone thought I was crazy....
Sounds like you had a wonderful trip. Can't wait to hear the rest! Oh, and :welcome: to the boards!
If this was a book, it would be an all nighter until I read it all the way through! I am hooked! And I usually pass reports by if they don't have pictures! I can't wait for the next update!
I will answer everybody's post tomorrow and get out another chapter then too.

I am sorry to anybody who's post I might have missed, I think I have missed quite a few, I am not ignoring you.

I also need to clear up a few things. Rig reminded me that our first day at Magic Kingdom we were not able to cut through the castle it was closed off for a show, that must of been another day where we cut through the castle. But we did ride the carousel that first day, I'm just not sure which path we took to get there.

Rig read your post, and thanks you for what you wrote, everybody likes to hear nice things about them. It made his day.

I don't think I will be posting pictures anytime soon, but I did get a let me think about it out of him. That could go either way.

but anyway, I am seriously considering writing down the story of Rig and me, I never really gave it much thought till now, it's not that I got a big head from all your posts, it's just that you all gave me something to think about and have really made me feel good about it. thank you.

I will be back tomorrow.
As I read I keep picturing the movie "giant". Your life just seems like it is from another time!!! So sweet.


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