My husband just diagnosed with Lymphoma....

I'm SO sorry to hear that. Stay positive and know that many people here at the DISboards will be praying for your family. I know I will! :hug:

It just seems like treatments for cancer are getting better and better -- and more people are living through these diagnoses and going on to lead long, full lives.

(Thank you to all the great folks in the research field and healthcare industry who are making that possible...)
You should tell him that you will definitely go to WDW when he is better and then the two of you can plan a little here and there. I will keep both of you in my thoughts as you deal with this. :hug:
Your story hits close to home... eerily close to home. My father (57 at the time) was told he had some form of cancer on December 12, 2007. He was told it was either thyroid, lymphoma, or leukemia. It ended up being Stage III B Cell Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. My mother and father were at the appointment together and while the doctor was out of the room, my dad's first words (well, second... the actual first word out of my dad's mouth is non-Disney friendly) were "If everything goes okay, can we go to Disney next year?" In May 2008 he was in remission and in December 2008 we all went to Disney.

I am so sorry for your diagnosis, but you will need to stay positive. Finding a doctor that works for you is key. My father's doctor was great - he was good at what he did and never kept anything from us. Talk to friends and family to see if anyone has any recommendations. You will be shocked at how many people have experience with cancer and you will get a lot of help. Also, doctors say never Google anything, but that is something that helped us get through it. I am the Master Googler in my family, so that was my job. We found it really helped to know everything we were up against.

My father was very lucky with work, they let him take anything off with no problem though my father rarely missed a day. He did always fall asleep right after coming home though. He even found out through HR that one of his coworkers was a Stage IV survivor and the woman was willing to come forward and give her experience. Lymphoma is highly treatable - you just need to stay positive.

If you ever have any questions, feel free to ask me. I'll try my best to help. Best wishes. :hug:
I think my first trip would be to Houston to the MD Anderson Hospital! I hope and pray you both of you and hope everything turns out for the best. Hope you end up at Disney World soon!
Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.
:hug: I am so sorry to hear this about your dh. I heard the "C" word myself last year after we got back from Disney, I didnt know what a pet scan was for then, now I know!! They thought I might have had lymphoma too, but they figured out I had a rare and agressive thyroid cancer. I say, cancer is tough and we have to fight tough too! Surround yourself with people who are positive. Our church family really helped us out this year with meals etc. Tomm. I am going to Disney with my dh. We are celebrating remission and 7months cancer free so far. A Disney trip is a great thing to look forward too. You can go on the coping and compassion board too. I hang out with the breast cancer survivors on the community board and one of them has lymphoma and is going through chemo right now. The thread also has family members whose loved ones are going through treatment etc Feel free to stop by and post. . Remember, you will have to be your husbands advocate too, Its a club we are in, but no one wanted to join, I feel humor and faith helps me get through things alot. Blessings to you all. Bring a notebook, take notes, appointments etc. Sometimes that stuff gets overwhelming.
God bless you and your family! My dad has non-hodgkins lymphoma. He has a slower moving version, but he has done 2 rounds of chemo and a couple of immunotherapy rounds over the years. He has had it for almost 23 years. Hang in there and be ready to battle.
I've moved this thread to the Coping and Compassion board. My best thoughts and wishes for your husband and your entire family.
I will be praying for your husband and your family :grouphug: Stay strong!!!!
My prayers are with you. I don't know where you are in the whole process, but my sister's friend, just went through a similar situation. He is 33, and his lymph node in his neck was swollen. He had tests, came in on a Friday to speak to the DR. The DR. said he was 99% sure it was lymphoma (sp?). They would run more test Mon. He went back the next week. It turned out to be cat scratch fever. He does not have cancer. I was just wondering if they have ran all the test. Maybe it could be something else. I am praying for a miracle for you. God Bless!
Dear Blessed with triplets, my heart goes out to you and I know this is a difficult time for you and your family. I was diagnosed with Lymphoma Stage 3 - 4 years ago when my daughter was 9. It broke my heart thinking of all the possibilities. I had the PET scan and surgery and was preparing for treatment when my second opinion came back with no cancer. I have a rare disease that mimicks lymphoma but resolves. Please don't forget you have options, 2nd opinions, good hospitals (I recommend checking into MD Anderson in Texas) and of course medical trials. My dad was diagnosed this week with small cell lung cancer - it has already spread. And my cousin's daughter was diagnosed with cancer this week (she is expected to recover fully).

It is a difficult time - you will be thinking about and worrying about many different things. Remember that cancer treatment has improved greatly and you will have a team of medical professionals to guide you. Please remember your friends - they really want to help. If you can, have them take the kids for a fun day, do your laundry, run errands, pick up meds, or clean the house. They want to help and if you are able to get help, it will make it easier for you to meet the needs of your husband and kids.

Good luck, God bless and I am looking forward to seeing your post when your husband has the "all clear"
Thanks so much for all the's so helpful!

MD Anderson in Texas? Is that a special hospital? Wow! I can't believe you were so misdiagnosed and about to begin treatment! Was the pathology report wrong?
Thanks so much for all the's so helpful!

MD Anderson in Texas? Is that a special hospital? Wow! I can't believe you were so misdiagnosed and about to begin treatment! Was the pathology report wrong?

Yes pathology was wrong and PET had uptake all over the place. You honestly cannot believe everything the docs say - you have to question things if they do not make sense and double check when you don't feel comfortable with the answers. My surgeon felt that I was being misdiagnosed and sent my labs to the Army/Navy? lab. In the end I have neurosarcoidosis. It is the same treatment as cancer - chemo - which I declined and I am fine now - but when I declined I was absolutely sure it was not cancer.

Here is the site for MD - They specialize in lymphoma treatment and are considered the best in the US.

I have a friend that was later diagnosed with Lymphoma and she treated there - airlines give you really cheap rates to go there for opinions and treatment - there are also places to stay for reduced price or for free - they will walk you through it if you call. And most insurance plans pay for a 2nd opinion w/o a deductible and they most approve MD Anderson - they have some of the most advanced treatment methods and really care about the whole person not just the cancer.

Your husband is young, he has a lot of reasons to do well and people beat lymphoma all the time - and what an appreciation your family will have for life and each other when you come out on the other side.
First off :hug:

My SIL was diagnosed with non Hodgkins lymphoma the beginning of April. I can't remember the exact name but it was a very aggressive type of cancer. She had a very large mass in her abdomen. She went through chemo and at her last PET scan the tumor was gone! She still has to have some type of treatment every 3 months but she is doing well and the outlook is reassuring.
She has a had a really positive attitude the whole time. She went into it saying she was going to be it and she hasn't let it get her down.
Your DH can beat this too! :thumbsup2

Prayers to you and your family. God Bless you all. :goodvibes
The timing of this post couldn't be more PERFECT! Here is the email I JUST emailed out to all our family and friends:

Two months ago today Paul had surgery to remove a lump on his neck, and the past two months have been some of the hardest, most emotional times we have ever gone through ~ to make it brief! This has been a huge journey, and God has taught us both sooo much as we've grown closer to Him and each other than ever before. Today we had an appt. at U of M for our third and what we knew would be our final opinion. We both had such an unexplainable peace going into the appointment and waiting to hear the pathology results. The conclusion - the pathology team (all four) all agreed it is NOT CANCER! Praise God!!It was some of the sweetest words we've heard in the past two months. I remember the doctor saying, "You can close this chapter of your life, and stay far away from hemotologists!" That was interesting as it was what I had been hoping and praying to God for....for this all to come to an end and be able to close this chapter. But in many ways I know this is just the beginning...for who knows who this will and already has touched. We both know without a doubt that God had us go through this for MANY reasons. Paul has also been asked to share his testimony Wednesday night at our church, so we are excited to think of all who will be touched by his testimony! Thank you again for all your prayers and support. Our God is sooo good and we are sooo thankful!! This is a time for MIRACLES!!

The timing of this post couldn't be more PERFECT! Here is the email I JUST emailed out to all our family and friends:

Two months ago today Paul had surgery to remove a lump on his neck, and the past two months have been some of the hardest, most emotional times we have ever gone through ~ to make it brief! This has been a huge journey, and God has taught us both sooo much as we've grown closer to Him and each other than ever before. Today we had an appt. at U of M for our third and what we knew would be our final opinion. We both had such an unexplainable peace going into the appointment and waiting to hear the pathology results. The conclusion - the pathology team (all four) all agreed it is NOT CANCER! Praise God!!It was some of the sweetest words we've heard in the past two months. I remember the doctor saying, "You can close this chapter of your life, and stay far away from hemotologists!" That was interesting as it was what I had been hoping and praying to God for....for this all to come to an end and be able to close this chapter. But in many ways I know this is just the beginning...for who knows who this will and already has touched. We both know without a doubt that God had us go through this for MANY reasons. Paul has also been asked to share his testimony Wednesday night at our church, so we are excited to think of all who will be touched by his testimony! Thank you again for all your prayers and support. Our God is sooo good and we are sooo thankful!! This is a time for MIRACLES!!

PRAISE GOD! I just got chills and teary eyed reading your post. I am so happy for you all! :goodvibes
I lost my husband to cancer 18 months ago and I can only imagine the pure joy of hearing the words "You do not have cancer". I am so, so happy for all of you. This post just made my day. Thank you sharing your wonderful news.


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