My Journey....Revisited (comments welcome)

I've had a rough week. I missed both of my 5 milers (Tuesday and Thursday) due to work and had only logged 8 miles this week. My training schedule called for a 13 miler. I had talked with Coach about entering a local 10k and 5k (they run back to back) rather than my 13 miler since my wife was going to run in the 5k. We came up with a gameplan, but had to scratch that plan mid-week since my wife had to work and couldn't race and I needed to get to work as quickly as possible and the race option would put me in at work an hour later than just running my scheduled 13 miler.

Boy, I'm glad I did it! My pace goal for today's run was 4 miles @ 9:30, 4 miles @ 9:15, 4 miles @ 9:00 and finish as fast as I could the last 1.1 miles. I felt really rough starting off and couldn't seem to get my calves stretched out. I was doing well on pace, but just felt like I was tired and wouldn't make it the full 13. I nearly called it after 4 miles, but knew I had to push through since I had already missed 10 miles this week due to work!

I started getting stretched out finally after 5 miles and started running miles under 9 minutes without even pushing hard. I would make a point to only look down at my watch every 5 or 6 minutes so I didn't obsess over pace and distance. I would just let my body dictate my pace. When I hit 10 miles, I knew a PR was within reach, but I'd have to run the last 3.1 miles fast. I felt good so I decided to push it. I ran each of the last 5 miles well under 9 minutes (most were close to 8:30-8:45). I finished in 1:57.31, but I didn't know if that was good enough for my PR. I knew I had PR'd a few weeks ago and ran it in 1:57 something, but I couldn't remember the seconds. I keep a log on my phone and quickly looked it up to see I had beaten my previous PR by 20 seconds!

Today was a testament to just pushing through on tough runs. Even if I hadn't PR'd, it would have been such a big push after a tough running week. The fact that I did was icing on the cake! I'm at work now and feel no lingering effects of my run this morning. My legs feel good and I'm pumped! I'm ready for Tuesday's 5 miler now! :woohoo:
You are doing awesome! My week was a mess for runs due to work. Back in the saddle today.
You are doing awesome! My week was a mess for runs due to work. Back in the saddle today.

I totally feel ya on that! I've been working from 6 or 7am until at least 8 or 9 at night 6 days a week for the past few weeks. It's been making things, interesting to say the least!

I did get my 5 miler in this morning. DW ran the 1st 1.6 miles of it with me as she was doing a 3.2 mile run herself this morning. I really enjoy running with her. With work lately, it's been tough finding time together, especially just to talk. We got a little of that this morning.

Running with her does force me to slow down a little. Mile 1-10:28, Mile 2-10:09, Mile 3-9:45, Mile 4-9:25, and then Mile 5-8:42

I checked my pace for my half marathon run this past Saturday. I knew it was fast for me since I PR'd. I didn't realize I averaged an 8:58 pace! :woohoo::woohoo:
My 5 miler got cut short this morning due to stomach issues. I did get in 3.25 miles though. I was disappointed to not get in the full run, but I was afraid I wouldn't make it back home if I didn't turn back when I did. The run felt good though. I ran with DW so pacing was slower than my usual runs, but that was probably a good thing with my 19 miler coming up this weekend. With Saturday's half PR, I have a tendency to run a little too hard early on and then fizzle out. Running with DW yesterday and this morning kept that in check.
I hate that! Sorry you didn't get your full run in. Hopefully this weekend you will rock it out though with the 19 miler!
Saturday's run was anything but uneventfull. It also was a disappointment to me. I was scheduled for a 19 miler, which would have been my longest continuous run w/o walking to date and my second longest run ever. Less than 2 miles into my run, I tripped over some uneven concrete on the path and tripped. The fall tore up my knee pretty bad in 2 places, but I knew if I stood around doctoring it, I wouldn't want to start back running so I just kept going. Eventually the blood stopped and it was just really sore.

I struggled to find a good rythmn after that though which is sad because my run had really just started. To make the run worse, a passed a lady who had lost a dog near my 11 mile marker. I found the dog about a 1/2 mile down the trail from her and picked the dog up because I was afraid it would run off again or not be able to keep up as the little pomeranian pup was gassed from running so far trying to find his momma.

Running with a dog, even a small pomeranian in your arms isn't that easy, especially when you're trying to keep the iPod cord from getting tangled up. I finally caught back up to the woman and delivered her dog to her.

By now, I feel like my run is shot. I'm far more tired than I should be after just 12 miles and my knee is throbbing. I push it a little further until I hit the 15 mile mark and decided I couldn't go any further. I walked the 1/2 mile back to my car feeling defeated.

I know a 15 mile run is nothing to be ashamed of, especially under the circumstances, but I was still disappointed. I've got a meeting in L.A. Wednesday, so my running schedule is going to be crazy and difficult this week, but I have to get each run in so I don't have a repeat of my failing run this weekend. Thank the good Lord I only have to do 12 this weekend.
Sorry the run didn't go as expected but good on you for helping the woman with her dog. Hopefully your knee is on the mend as well. And 15 is great!
Had a nice 5 miler this morning. Fairly quick. Ran it in under 45 minutes with the 5th mile being 8:20 so I felt good about that. The other weekday runs this week will be interesting.

I catch a flight very early tomorrow morning to L.A. I have a meeting there and then catch the red-eye back tomorrow night and get home Thursday morning. Since I have about 7-8 hours between my meeting and when I need to be back at the airport, I got a hotel room so I could get my 8 miler in (it'll have to be on a treadmill, but it's better than missing altogether) and then shower and nap before my flight. I have trouble sleeping on planes most of the time so I thought this might be a good idea, especially since I don't want to sit at LAX for 10 hours waiting for my flight.

I'll go into the office some Thursday but have to work my 5 miler in sometime.
You are doing great with the training. Any training fatigue setting in? Are you looking forward to tapering?

I've got to do 24k this weekend (15 miles). Here today I am actually looking forward to it! It will be my last long road run - my next long run I am doing in the trails I think. We have a gorgeous ravine trail that is treed, hilly, picturesque, running beside a river and up an escarpment that is 10 miles up. I plan to run it both ways and call it done. That is on the 23rd.
You are doing great with the training. Any training fatigue setting in? Are you looking forward to tapering?

I've got to do 24k this weekend (15 miles). Here today I am actually looking forward to it! It will be my last long road run - my next long run I am doing in the trails I think. We have a gorgeous ravine trail that is treed, hilly, picturesque, running beside a river and up an escarpment that is 10 miles up. I plan to run it both ways and call it done. That is on the 23rd.

Since I've been working so much lately, the fatigue is setting in. I'm anxiously looking forward to my taper! Like possibly more than Christmas! No, seriously! :dance3:

I did take a month off from my youth pastor gig as I haven't been leaving work before 7 or 8 each night and that wouldn't work well for making it to Wednesday night service by 7 (church is 40 minutes away). That has helped a little with the added stress and time crunch as I usually spent a few hours each week prepping for my services.
I was super busy with work last week so I was feeling quite harried, but not now as things have slowed down. Missing my weekends though - as I am out running for a few hours on Saturday, and at least an hour on Sunday. Even that hour impacts the day it seems...
I was super busy with work last week so I was feeling quite harried, but not now as things have slowed down. Missing my weekends though - as I am out running for a few hours on Saturday, and at least an hour on Sunday. Even that hour impacts the day it seems...

There has been a few days that I skipped my run either because I needed to go on into the office or maybe I just felt I needed that extra hour of sleep more than the run, but each day, I've felt off. My day wasn't the same as when I run.
Fairly tough 5 miler this morning. I ran the first 3.2 with DW. I've been battling some mild congestion so the run was alot of power snotting and spitting. Always attractive when you're with your wife!

Pushed through it and finished at a very slow pace, but I got the run in. My trip yesterday was derailed so I missed my 8 miler. I got up at 3:45 to catch my flight to L.A. As we're sitting on the plane about to push off from the gate, they tell us we'll have to get off the plane because there is something wrong. Apparently my local airport (which only offers jet service to and from Atlanta) doesn't have a mechanic on-site and it would be an hour or possibly 2 before one got there which caused me to miss my connection and essentially miss my meeting.

The good part of all this was I was able to go to church last night and see my students. It was alot of fun and I had really missed them since it had been over a month since I was in there. I'm looking forward to this weekend's shorter 12 mile run and next week's 5 milers during the week. My biggest challenge to date comes next Saturday when I attempt a 20 mile run w/o walking. The good thing is my taper starts after that run!!!!!!:banana::woohoo:
Saturday's 12 miler wasn't as easy as it should have been. Because I was "only" running 12 miles, I started off entirely too fast and started getting tired after 5 miles or so. I kept pushing through though and did finish with a decent time, but off my half marathon pace slightly which is what I should have finished it in.

I have been sick a little lately. I'm finally getting over all that mess and things have slowed down a little at work where I'm not working quite as many hours. I'm going to make sure I get good rest this week, carb load, and attack my last real challenge before my marathon, my 20 miler this weekend!
I had a good, solid 5 mile run this morning. My pace was relatively fast (around 9mm) and I felt really good. Normally I don't listen to music on that short of a run, but I wanted to test out the new bluetooth headphones DW got me and I used them this morning. I really enjoyed them. It was nice not having to contend with a cord and all.

This is my last big week of running. I do 5 miles each day this week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) and then cap the week off with a 20 miler. Next week my mileage starts to taper down a little before the marathon. I'm getting pumped about my 20 miler this weekend and definitely looking forward to the taper.

Obviously I'm psyched about the marathon. It's the most wonderful time of the year!
Had another great 5 mile run this morning. Made myself start off slower since I've been going out too fast lately and fading. That's the old me. I can't start that again. Felt good this morning though. Much cooler today.
So I got an early Christmas present Saturday morning! I completed my 20 mile run! It was definitely a slow pace (even slower than marathon pace), and I had to walk twice, but I did finish it. Best part was I wasn't extremely sore or in pain afterwards. I actually helped my brother finish moving right after my run and then went to my mother-in-laws to celebrate Christmas with her that afternoon.

Yesterday was my first day running since that long run and I actually was a little sore running yesterday and started off very slow and had a tough time of it, but I pushed through and completed my 5 mile run in a respectable pace and time.

This morning's 4 mile run was derailed by a terrible storm and subsequent power failure (no treadmill as a backup plan), but I plan to hit my 5 miler tomorrow before this weekend's taper 12 miler.

Next 2 weeks will be really easy before the marathon and I'm thankful for it!
I haven't had many updates lately due to the holidays. Saturday's run was a good, fast 12 mile run. I was on pace to Half-Marathon PR, but I decided against running that extra 1.1 miles and risk injury. It was tough to fight that urge though as competitive as I am. I ran the 12 miles in 1:47.

It was raining pretty good this morning so I was forced to do my 3 miler on the treadmill. I don't know how I ever did treadmill runs daily before. I hate it so much now and it was pure torture enduring my 3 mile run this morning.
I failed to mention in my last post that I just missed my yearly goal of 1000 miles in 2012, but I did get over 930 miles for the year. I'm not ashamed at all at the accomplishment. I haven't set a mileage goal for 2013 as I wasn't sure how I'd be coming out of the full marathon in a few weeks. I'd like to get to that 1000 mile mark; however I will not be running another full marathon in 2013, although I have a half planned for early March. Only running halves this year would cut my mileage back a little during the "training" months; however that's not necessarily a bad thing. I nearly killed myself training for this full marathon during my busiest time of year for work. What was I thinking? :joker:


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