My Journey to 50 miles (2nd attempt)... (comments welcome)


@DopeyBadger Billy, I know you discussed this somewhere in your journal, but I'll be darned if I can find it now. Could you take a min or two and explain what I am seeing here in my Strava? I honestly don't know what the numbers mean and whether Strava thinks I'm heading in the right direction? Thanks in advance... I really appreciate all you do/have done! :worship:
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@DopeyBadger Billy, I know you discussed this somewhere in your journal, but I'll be darned if I can find it now. Could you take a min or two and explain what I am seeing here in my Strava? I honestly don't know what the numbers mean and whether Strava thinks I'm heading in the right direction? Thanks in advance... I really appreciate all you do/have done! :worship:

Here's the long version:

Training Load

-A longer thread from earlier in 2018: The Beginner's Guide to Stravistix or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the TRIMP (started by @kleph)
-An explantation of the terminology and whether "Fitness" = Pace: "Fitness" and "Fatigue"
-More isn't always better
-Finally figured out how to apply the mathematical formula of Stress Score, "Fitness" and "Fatigue"

Now the parts that will be more interesting.

Training Load Calculations on Different Training Plans for Different Fitness Profiles
-Covers the following scenarios.
--4 hour runner vs 6 hour runner using traditional Galloway Advanced Marathon
--4 hour runner choosing between traditional Galloway Advanced Marathon and a hybrid with 4 days per week but minimized long run
--6 hour runner choosing between traditional Galloway Advanced Marathon and a hybrid with 4 days per week but minimized long run
--4 hour runner vs 5 hour runner using Hansons Advanced
--4 hour runner vs 5 hour runner using Hansons Advanced; Determining appropriate Base training
--4 hour runner vs 5 hour runner using Hansons Advanced; A Secondary method to make Hansons Advanced appropriate for 5 hr runner

Training Load Calculations on Different Training Plans for Different Fitness Profiles: Part 2
--Covers the following scenarios.
--4 hour runner choosing between Hansons Advanced and Higdon Advanced 2
--4 hour runner missing the last long run in Hansons Advanced: What truly happens to training load when you miss the last big training day???
--4 hour runner missing the entire peak week in Hansons Advanced: What truly happens to training load when you miss the entire peak week???
--4 hour runner who chooses to increase the long run in Hansons Advanced because 16 is just too short

4 hour marathon runner choosing between Hansons Advanced and Hansons Beginner

Training Load Calculations (What happens when the next cycle starts?): Part 3
--Runner decides to follow up 18 week Hansons Advanced with another 18 week Hansons Advanced starting right after the Marathon ends
--Runner decides to follow up 18 week Hansons Advanced with another 18 week Hansons Advanced starting 2 weeks after the Marathon ends and takes some time off
--Runner decides to follow up 18 week Hansons Advanced with 12 week Hansons Advanced starting 2 weeks after the Marathon ends and takes some time off
--Runner decides to follow up 18 week Hansons Advanced with 10 week Hansons Advanced starting 2 weeks after the Marathon ends and takes some time off
--Runner decides to follow up 18 week Hansons Advanced with 12 week Hansons Advanced starting right after the Marathon ends

2019 Training: A Macro View

These are all the relevant posts from my journal.

For you specifically (this assumes the Strava based paid content acts in the same way as Elevate (free Google Chrome plug-in), which I believe they should since they're both based on Andrew Coggan's work).

It is important to note from the outset, that since you are not using a power meter (like Stryd), then the values calculated for this graph come from HR data. If your HR zones are setup incorrectly in the settings, then the data this graph generates is erroneous. Secondly, you're using Training Impulse which has a different scale than HRSS or power zones. TRIMP generates a much higher value on the graph than does HRSS. So keep that in mind if comparing your graph to others.

This graph is a measure of training load. How much you've done in the last 7 days and how much you've done in the last 42 days and how the two are related? Simply put, if you do WAY more in the last 7 days than you've been doing in the last 42 days you're likely to lead to overtraining.

For example - In Days 42 through 7, I've run 0 miles. In the last 7 days, I've run 100000 miles. Running that many miles in the last 7 days is inappropriate given what I've done the last 42 days. This graph would show that.


Fitness = Training load for the last 42 days
Fatigue = Training load for the last 7 days
Form = Difference between Fitness and Fatigue
Training Impulse = The amount of training from a single day or single workout.

So the ideal "form" is debatable. This system was originally written for cycling. And then it has since been shoehorned into running. So whether the "form" zones are appropriate for running is debatable. But per the cycling zones, "optimal" training zone is anything between -10 to -30. You have a lower (more negative) than -30, and you're likely doing too much as it relates to the past. You're doing more (more closer to positive or positive) than -10, and you're likely in a recovery week or taper. The more time you spend in "optimal" in theory the better.

What does this graph not say?
-It does NOT tell you how fit you are. A "Fitness" of 67 is only how much training you've been doing lately. It doesn't mean you can run a 25 min 5k or a 17 min 5k.
-It does NOT tell you whether the training you are actually doing to make up the individual TSS (total stress score or daily score) is appropriate. I could do lots and lots of R (or mile) pacing, but on marathon day, that's not going to be terribly helpful. So specificity of training is lost in this graph. It ONLY tells you how much training you've been doing.

So now, more specifically to the graph:

-Your Fitness is 67.
-Your Fatigue is 86.
-Your Form is -19.
-Your run today was a Training Impulse of 46.

Per this data, the training you've done today has maintained you in an "optimal" training zone as it relates to the last 42 days and last 7 days. Presumably you are in a period of building, but not a rest/recovery week or taper week. The run today was 46 and as it relates to both Fitness and Fatigue it was far lower. Which means the intent of the day's run was likely an easy/recovery type day, but maintained a level of cumulative fatigue.

I have since cracked the mathematical formula for this graph. And I know my historical HR at different paces/efforts. So I've been able to write myself a HRSS based training plan while intermixing cycling power, running, and weight lifting to generate a steady increase in Fitness/Fatigue.

Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at 12.19.57 PM.png

So that my current graph looks like this:

Screen Shot 2019-04-30 at 12.20.24 PM.png

As you can see since Nov/Dec, my purple bar (Fitness) has been steadily increasing. My orange bar (Form) has stayed between -10 and -30 during hard weeks and dipped to 0 to -10 during recovery weeks. And my yellow bar is the Fatigue score.

So I'm optimal at -13.2 today. But if I didn't run tonight, then my form tomorrow would be -3.0 (91.3-88.3) and thus fall out.

This graph is not the end all be all. But rather another tool in the toolbox. In combination with other tools, it helps design a training plan and a faster version of yourself.
Here's the long version:

Training Load

-A longer thread from earlier in 2018: The Beginner's Guide to Stravistix or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the TRIMP (started by @kleph)
-An explantation of the terminology and whether "Fitness" = Pace: "Fitness" and "Fatigue"
-More isn't always better
-Finally figured out how to apply the mathematical formula of Stress Score, "Fitness" and "Fatigue"

Now the parts that will be more interesting.

Training Load Calculations on Different Training Plans for Different Fitness Profiles
-Covers the following scenarios.
--4 hour runner vs 6 hour runner using traditional Galloway Advanced Marathon
--4 hour runner choosing between traditional Galloway Advanced Marathon and a hybrid with 4 days per week but minimized long run
--6 hour runner choosing between traditional Galloway Advanced Marathon and a hybrid with 4 days per week but minimized long run
--4 hour runner vs 5 hour runner using Hansons Advanced
--4 hour runner vs 5 hour runner using Hansons Advanced; Determining appropriate Base training
--4 hour runner vs 5 hour runner using Hansons Advanced; A Secondary method to make Hansons Advanced appropriate for 5 hr runner

Training Load Calculations on Different Training Plans for Different Fitness Profiles: Part 2
--Covers the following scenarios.
--4 hour runner choosing between Hansons Advanced and Higdon Advanced 2
--4 hour runner missing the last long run in Hansons Advanced: What truly happens to training load when you miss the last big training day???
--4 hour runner missing the entire peak week in Hansons Advanced: What truly happens to training load when you miss the entire peak week???
--4 hour runner who chooses to increase the long run in Hansons Advanced because 16 is just too short

4 hour marathon runner choosing between Hansons Advanced and Hansons Beginner

Training Load Calculations (What happens when the next cycle starts?): Part 3
--Runner decides to follow up 18 week Hansons Advanced with another 18 week Hansons Advanced starting right after the Marathon ends
--Runner decides to follow up 18 week Hansons Advanced with another 18 week Hansons Advanced starting 2 weeks after the Marathon ends and takes some time off
--Runner decides to follow up 18 week Hansons Advanced with 12 week Hansons Advanced starting 2 weeks after the Marathon ends and takes some time off
--Runner decides to follow up 18 week Hansons Advanced with 10 week Hansons Advanced starting 2 weeks after the Marathon ends and takes some time off
--Runner decides to follow up 18 week Hansons Advanced with 12 week Hansons Advanced starting right after the Marathon ends

2019 Training: A Macro View

These are all the relevant posts from my journal.

For you specifically (this assumes the Strava based paid content acts in the same way as Elevate (free Google Chrome plug-in), which I believe they should since they're both based on Andrew Coggan's work).

It is important to note from the outset, that since you are not using a power meter (like Stryd), then the values calculated for this graph come from HR data. If your HR zones are setup incorrectly in the settings, then the data this graph generates is erroneous. Secondly, you're using Training Impulse which has a different scale than HRSS or power zones. TRIMP generates a much higher value on the graph than does HRSS. So keep that in mind if comparing your graph to others.

This graph is a measure of training load. How much you've done in the last 7 days and how much you've done in the last 42 days and how the two are related? Simply put, if you do WAY more in the last 7 days than you've been doing in the last 42 days you're likely to lead to overtraining.

For example - In Days 42 through 7, I've run 0 miles. In the last 7 days, I've run 100000 miles. Running that many miles in the last 7 days is inappropriate given what I've done the last 42 days. This graph would show that.


Fitness = Training load for the last 42 days
Fatigue = Training load for the last 7 days
Form = Difference between Fitness and Fatigue
Training Impulse = The amount of training from a single day or single workout.

So the ideal "form" is debatable. This system was originally written for cycling. And then it has since been shoehorned into running. So whether the "form" zones are appropriate for running is debatable. But per the cycling zones, "optimal" training zone is anything between -10 to -30. You have a lower (more negative) than -30, and you're likely doing too much as it relates to the past. You're doing more (more closer to positive or positive) than -10, and you're likely in a recovery week or taper. The more time you spend in "optimal" in theory the better.

What does this graph not say?
-It does NOT tell you how fit you are. A "Fitness" of 67 is only how much training you've been doing lately. It doesn't mean you can run a 25 min 5k or a 17 min 5k.
-It does NOT tell you whether the training you are actually doing to make up the individual TSS (total stress score or daily score) is appropriate. I could do lots and lots of R (or mile) pacing, but on marathon day, that's not going to be terribly helpful. So specificity of training is lost in this graph. It ONLY tells you how much training you've been doing.

So now, more specifically to the graph:

-Your Fitness is 67.
-Your Fatigue is 86.
-Your Form is -19.
-Your run today was a Training Impulse of 46.

Per this data, the training you've done today has maintained you in an "optimal" training zone as it relates to the last 42 days and last 7 days. Presumably you are in a period of building, but not a rest/recovery week or taper week. The run today was 46 and as it relates to both Fitness and Fatigue it was far lower. Which means the intent of the day's run was likely an easy/recovery type day, but maintained a level of cumulative fatigue.

Once again you have gone above and beyond in making this simpler for me to understand!!
Thanks for the links! That's the info I had read before but didn't really understand.
Thursdays run was a bit more successful at keeping my paces! 5_2_19.PNG

Mile intervals should have been at 9:52. Though I was a little fast on mile 2 and 3, they were much, much closer than they have been in the past. My WU/CD paces were also much closer to my goal. Hope this is the beginning of a good trend on my pacing.
Saturday morning run! What a great morning for a run, sun just coming up over the Cascades, mid 40's and not a cloud in the sky!

Should have been 3 miles @ EB + Strides @ 11:59 pace. Pretty happy with the splits on this. Considering how bad I've been at pacing, I'm happy the way this turned out.



Sunday's run was an afternoon run. Had to work and couldn't drag myself out of bed early enough to get the miles in. Ended up being a VERY busy day at work and by the time I got home I already had 16,000+ steps and 44 floors according to my fitbit. Whew.... that was a busy day!!

This run was supposed to be a BLIND run.... 3 miles @ Long Run @ 11:40. This is my first blind run. I know my route for 3 miles, so I started my watch and only looked at it when I was getting close to being done and as you can see, I'm a complete wreck at blind runs so far...


The plus side is that the pacing is fairly consistent.... just consistently wrong. I felt good during the whole run and really thought I was doing better. I'll just have to keep working at it!!

I have 5 runs this week. Not sure when the last time I ran 5 days in a week, but I'm looking forward to seeing how I feel after the added mileage!!!
Well... my 3am brain was in bad shape this morning. I ended up running my 3 miles at my WU/CD pace because that's what I told myself I was supposed to be doing. Should have been at my EA pace instead. Crap... It was a very casual run! On the plus side, my pacing was better!! I was really happy when I got home thinking I was supposed to be at 13:42 and then after I re-checked my training plan and seeing I was supposed to be at 12:51 I realized I totally screwed up. Maybe, just maybe I should try and get a little sleep tonight....

Double update today! So, I was too lazy to get up at 3 on Wednesday and boy did that bite me... Summer decided to show up in the PNW and we went from low 60's to mid 70's. I am not prepared to run in the heat yet. I know that mid 70's may not sound bad to some. But it kicked my butt yesterday! I was pretty well whooped after this run.5_8_19.PNG

I'm totally stoked about my pacing even though this run was physically challenging for me! Here is what the workout was 0.5 mi @ WU + 2 x 1.5 mile @ T w/ 4 min RI @ WU + 0.5 mi @ CD, with WU @ 13:42 and T pace @ 9:52. I was a little fast on my WU/CD pacing and shorted myself 23 seconds on my resting interval. But the T pacing was spot on!!


After Wednesday's temperature issues I drug myself out of bed! Much nicer running when its 50 than 75!! Probably not recommended to do my runs within 11 hours of each other. But the temp is supposed to be closer to 80 today and I didn't want to die.

This was supposed to be 3 miles at EA of 12:51... a little fast but I think it was consistent and pretty close to the recommended pace.

Overall a good couple of days running!!! I feel pretty good other than a little fatigue in the legs.

Tomorrow is a day off and will hopefully get a nice casual walk with DW.
Whew! Finally getting around to my weekend update. Ran both Saturday and Sunday. Both days felt great! But both days pacing had a lot to be desired.

Ran into a little snag Saturday morning.... (gets up on soapbox)... LEASH YOUR DOG IF IT ISN'T TRAINED!! So, Sully and I take off early in the morning to try to avoid situations like this... Little old lady, little dog off leash.. The second said little dog sees us she starts barking and running toward us. I stop, tell Sullivan to sit which he does(though I have to remind him twice) and the little dog gets within 10ft or so and is going nuts. It takes the nice lady a couple of minutes to catch up and finally leash the little beast. But as a PSA, don't let your little snack charge my big Shepard... if Sully were aggressive and not well behaved this could have ended much worse for the little doggie.(Steps down from soapbox)

Back to the run.

3 miles @ EB + Strides, EB=11:59

Pacing wasn't great, especially the 3rd mile. But, I felt great and really enjoyed the morning! (other than the little dog) This day ended up being beautiful outside! Glad I got my run in early cause it got a touch over 80! After the run, went to Grandson's ballgame, down to a friends gym, for a walk around Lake Padden, put up shelves for the SIL and finally an evening drive with the top open and windows down!! Pretty much a great day for me!!


Two Sunday's ago I ran my first 7 miles. At the end of that run, I felt like I ran 7 miles. Sunday, I felt pretty good after 7 miles! I'm confident I can do 8 in a couple weeks. I feel like the DB training plan is working really well for me!!


6 miles @ Long Run + 1 miles @ M Tempo, LR=11:40, M=10:42

As you can see my pacing was all over the board. Clearly, even after last weeks successful pace runs, I'm still a work in progress.
This was also a fuel run. I took three clif bloks with me. At 45 min I ate them and continued to take in water. It was a cool morning while I was running and didn't really account for how chewy the bloks would be. Interesting experience. Felt like it took half a mile to eat them all. But, I got them in and continued drinking my water. Never really felt a drop in energy, so that is good!!

5k race coming up this Saturday morning. Really hoping to break 30 min...
Tuesday update. It is now aggressive dogs 2 and Derek 0... Yesterday afternoon got charged by a very upset golden retriever. What the HECK!! If he hadn't almost been creamed by a passing car I suspect I'd have bite marks by now. The owner finally came out and called him over after hearing the commotion. UGH... this is the first time I've ever seen a dog in this persons un-fenced yard! 10 min before I left for my run there were DOZENS of kids walking up that sidewalk getting out of school. What's with people and their angry dogs!? I run with an "aggressive breed" dog and he has never even barked at anyone, or anything on our runs!!! OK... Rant over.


This was supposed to be a blind run 3 miles @ EA of 12:51/mile. The run itself felt good and other than the fast first mile, the paces were fairly close to prescribed pace considering I wasn't looking at my watch. I'm getting up early tomorrow to run... no angry dogs at 3am....

@DopeyBadger Billy, my training plan calls for WU and Strides before my race on Saturday. 5k Race (+2 mile WU w/ strides) EAST-0:25:41 HARD- 0:29:12 Looking at the easy and hard times. Am I shooting for 29:12 for the 5k? Something around a 9:24 pace??? That's how I am reading this. Is that right? My goal is to try and break 30 min, so I think that is a pretty good pace.
A 29:12 is where we assessed your 5k fitness. But that's based on ideal conditions (flat and T+D less than 100). So whether you hit the 9:24 pace depends somewhat on the conditions on race day. My advice is don't pay attention to pace for a 5k. Run, then run harder, and then run as hard as you can. It's hard to sit and pace a 5k correctly. From personal experience, it's almost always better to just run very hard and hold on as much as you can. Learn from that experience and make tiny tweaks to the next time you run a 5k.

The WU should occur between 60 min to start and end before 15 min to start. If the T+D is greater than 130, then consider cutting the WU in half with a minimum of 5 min.
Thanks Billy! I was going to ask about running the 5k! I've never run this 5k before but from what some friends are saying it is a very flat loop around a local lake (Lake Tye). I've googled mapped it and it looks like I will be making two laps around the lake. Weather is supposed to be 55ish and partly cloudy. Just about perfect for me to run!!

Thursday run:
1 mile WU + 3 x 1 mile @ HM Tempo w/ 0.25 mi RI @ WU + 0.5 mile CD, WU @ 13:42 and HM @ 10:16

As you can see I was a little fast on my 1 mile intervals. Not horrible, but a little fast. My RI and WU/CD were pretty good. It was a great day to run, no angry dogs today and got a high five from another runner!! That's a first for me!!

One note was that my legs felt tired when I finally laid down to hit the hay. I feel pretty good today, but they still feel a little fatigued. Definitely going to try and take it easy today. But, we are shopping for a new dining room table and chairs..... So depending on how many stores I have to visit, it could be a lot of walking...

Looking forward to cracking 30 min tomorrow morning!! :teeth:
Whew... what a weekend! Long update... sorry not sorry.
5am wake-up Saturday morning... breakfast, coffee, packing for night away. Head out at 7 for 5k race.

Race was scheduled to start at 9:30 am. As suggested by DB I got my warm up miles in and finished them up a touch early but not too bad. What I didn't anticipate was the opening ceremony for this race. This took about 30 min so the race didn't actually start until about 10:10 am. By this time I kinda feel like my WU was gone. I was doing some light jogging to try and stay warm... Lesson learned though. Be careful with listed start times when planning. Also, by the time the race started the temp had risen a fair bit and instead of overcast and 50, we were running in sunny and 64! Got pretty hot the second lap.

The race itself was great!! 2 loops around Lake Tye, nice and flat the whole way and on a paved running/walking path.
I'm super happy with the results of the race. It wasn't chipped timed so I'm basing all my results off of Strave and Fitbit. I ran sub 30 min which was my "A" goal and according to Strava I had 6 PR's!!
5_18_19 fitbit.PNG 5_18_19.PNG PRs.PNG

After the race Saturday, we headed to Tacoma for the Thomas Rhett concert. But first we stopped at the LeMay Auto Museum. If you love cars and are ever in the area, it's a must see. First, its an amazing facility and they have tons and tons of great cars to look at!! After the museum, a quick trip over to check in to our hotel, get cleaned up and head to the concert.

It was my wife's 50th birthday weekend and I had splurged and got her front row VIP tickets. She had no idea where our seats were until the usher pointed us to them!! Needless to say she was a happy girl. She was so close that she got to shake hands with Thomas Rhett and Dustin Lynch!! Now, I'm not much of a new country music fan, but they both put on a great show! Lot's of energy and fun!!

IMG_20190518_163419.jpg IMG_20190518_171803.jpg IMG_20190518_202529.jpg IMG_20190519_180944.jpg

Sunday morning we kind of slept in ish... Got up and made our way toward home. My daughters were working on a surprise party at the house so it was my job to keep her away until noon when I passed her of to my youngest DD to take her to a baby shower before the birthday party. After, dropping her off I ran home and fired up the grill to make burgers and dogs. They got home at 5 ish and it was a great surprise!! Finally at about 8:30pm clean up was done and I was exhausted!! It was a great weekend of fun, family and friends! I'm a very blessed man to have so many people that are close to my life.

The only bad part of the weekend was that I just did not have time for my Sunday run. It was 2.5 miles at EA and I kick myself just a little for not getting on the treadmill at the hotel. It was my first skip on the training plan, and I'm going to do my best to not skip anymore. I have a guilty conscience about this....
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Tuesday run ended up being an afternoon run due to a rough night of sleep.

Should have been 3 miles @ EA of 12:51/m

I was just a tad slow but given that it was an EA run I think it was pretty good and really consistent with pacing. Felt good to get out since I hadn't run since Saturday!
11 hours later I got up and did my Wednesday run!
0.5 mile WU + 2 x 2 mile @ HM Tempo w/ 0.25 mi RI @ WU + 0.5 mile CD, WU/CD of 13:42 and HM Tempo of 10:16.
I'm pretty happy with pacing here. First 2 mile interval was great, second was a little fast and my slow paces were a little fast after the first half mile.
Felt good to get out and get going this morning!

It's supposed to get warm up here over the next week or so, so I'll be doing my best to get up and get it done before the sun comes up! Sunday, is going to be during the hottest part of the day. I have to work so I won't be home until 1530 or so and by the time i change and get going its going to be 1600. I think I have a shady path that I'm going to go to since this is going to be a new longest run for me!!
Thursdays run was a warm one in the PNW! Sunny and 75, sure glad it was an EA run.

Was supposed to be 3 miles @ EA of 12:51.


Second and third mile were spot on! Guess I was a little excited that first mile. After the run we DW and myself walked down to my grandsons BB game. Maybe a bit more than a mile and then back after the game. What a great way to end the day watching your grandson play the game I grew up loving!!
Whew, this is going to be a three run update. What a busy weekend!

Saturday's run was supposed to be 4 miles @ EB + Strides, EB = 11:59


Slept in a little longer than I should have Saturday. Would have preferred to get up an hour earlier. But it all worked out okay. I beat the rain and that was nice. It pretty much rained the rest of Saturday. DW and I decided to go up and get myself my next pair of running shoes (Brooks Glycerin 17 if you care) and do a little shopping in Fairhaven. Would have liked to go for a long walk along the Bellingham Bay, but it really was just too crappy. All my splits were a little fast, but I feel I'm getting closer and the splits are at least consistently wrong. Pacing is still a work in progress.


Sunday's run 7 miles @ Long Run + 1 miles @ M Tempo, LR = 11:40 and M Tempo = 10:16


This was a weird run for me. First off, it was the longest run as an adult and secondly, I did it in the evening. I didn't really mean to run it this late. But my niece who was in town stopped by for a visit. Visiting went a little longer than I'd planned. Then we had dinner and it was South Korean Yum Box night. South Korea has some pretty good snacks!! After all that, my belly was pretty full and I'd already put in a long day at work so, I really wanted to just relax and go to bed. But, them miles ain't gonna run themselves. So, I laced up the Brooks, filled up my water bottle, grabbed my clif bloks and took off. First and second mile were WAY too fast. But, after that I slipped into a pretty good pace and finished up much closer to my training plan. Didn't get back to the house until 9:30 which is pretty late when you gotta get up at 3 to go to work. After, cooling down with my chocolate milk on the deck, I think I finally got to bed a little after 10. Totally worth it though! I ran 8 freaking miles!! Super excited that I made the distance and kept a decent pace.


Tuesday's run was a get up early and get r dun run! 4.5 miles @ EA, EA = 12:51


First three miles here seem pretty good. I'm gonna blame that fourth miles speed on the fact it started to pour down rain!
Other than that, the pacing seems pretty good and I really needed that slow pace after Sunday's 8 miles.

I've gotten up at 3 am for the last 3 mornings. Twice because of work and once to run. Tomorrow morning I get to "sleep in" until 4! I'm sooooo looking forward to an extra hour of sleep!!
This mornings run could be described as weird. Sully decided I needed to be awakened 18 min before my alarm so he could go outside. Note: Put his water dish away at 6pm. This is the second morning in a row that he has woken me prior to my alarm.>:( Anyway, things just felt off after that. Didn't feel comfortable running from the start and it wasn't any better the farther I went. Ended up cutting my CD to .1 miles because I needed to get home. Paces were all over the place, legs felt good but breathing never really got into a rhythm. Fog was crazy thick this morning, almost made my head lamp useless in spots. So anyway, I got it done and for that I'm happy!! :-)Looking forward to a better run Saturday.5_30_19.PNG
Decided to take a mental health day from work on Friday, one because I was burned out and two because it was going to be sunny and 75!! DW and myself decided to go for a hike up to a trail call Fragrance lake. Great short hike! Somewhere around 6 miles with the walk around the lake and the little spur that goes to a lookout point. May not have been my best decision though. Quads were feeling quite tired by the time I finished my run on Sunday. Still, a great way to spend part of the day. Rewarded myself with banana split ice cream afterwards!!


Saturday should have been 5 miles @ EB + Strides EB = 11:59



Sunday was supposed to be 7 miles @ Long Run LR = 11:40


I think the only good thing about these runs is that I got them done. Pacing sucked. Even on Saturday when I was using my Fitbit, I was running too fast. Sunday was at least a blind run. I only checked my Fitbit for distance. I had a few runs recently where my pacing seemed pretty okay. But this weekend kinda kicked me in the shins and reminded me I'm not great at it yet.


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