My little brother leaves...


All it takes is faith and trust and a little bit o
Sep 22, 2004
for bootcamp on monday... I know this isnt as big as being deployed but after boot camp it may happen... I am very much against this war but 100 percent behind all the soldiers I have a few friends over in Iraq right now... but seeing them being deployed is going to be diffrent then seeing my little brother... my mom wont even acknowledge hes going into the into the army... she keeps saying hes going to boyscout camp for 19 weeks... I know hes all excited about this and im happy for him but im also very worried about him... Ive told him im happy for him and all but I still feel like I should do soemthing else.... today we went to the movies together something we havent done in years and it was fun I enjoyed spending some time with my brother I'm just confused I guess....

Thanks for listening
Good luck to your brother Jill. I know how you are feeling, my brother went into boot camp last June and graduated in September. He left for Iraq in January.

While he is in boot camp write him as much as you can. It helps the guys to know they are being supported at home. :) If you need to talk or ask any questions PM me.

Take it easy and know that your brother is doing a very brave thing!!
Good Luck to your brother..
My brothers best friend, who is like my brother is leaving for iraq april 1...i agree with writing letters..i alreayd have ideas on care packages to send steve while hes in iraq..
My DS is home on leave from Iraq. The thing that he enjoyed getting most at bootcamp was a letter from home everyday that had the front page of the internet version of our local paper. He wasn't allowed to have newspapers, but I would copy the page from the internet and send it everyday and he said it was the best thing we could have done! Don't send anything extra from home because they can really get in trouble for that! Just give him lots of support and make plans to go to his graduation, its a wonderful experience!!


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