My most embarrassing moment at Disney, share yours!!

It was moms 60th bday dinner at hoop de do, front table, 8 of us, expensive night. Dh didn't eat lunch bc he wanted to save his appetite for dinner. Right as the music starts and we are all clapping dd1 starts to projectile vomit all over dh's lap and the floor the red fruitopia she was drinking early on. Dh tries to call my name in a panic of help me, I'm too busy clapping and having a good time I don't see the performer girl come up to our table and slide in DD's floor vomit. This all happened in a matter of 35seconds. Performer girl goes down, hops right back up and goes on stage. Smh we cleaned up, ran out of there and never even saw the food.
Every year as a child from the age of 9 we went to WDW. My grandmother would always come, she was a saint. She never rode and rides, she just loved to watch us have fun.

She would always bring a bag with her to the park. It usually contained raincoats, vaseline (don't ask getting old sucks) and snacks. We would take turns carrying it throughout the day. One day we left it on the bus when heading back to Port Orleans.

I was about thirteen at the time and everyone sent me to the front desk to explain that our bag was missing. The next question was "what was in it". I turned an inexplainable shade of red.

Our bag was returned later that night with all of it's contents. It long became an ongoing joke with our family.

When you pass by Splash Mountain say hi to my grandmother. Her ashes are spread in the bushes that face the hill. That was her favorite spot to sit and watch her grandkids having fun.

What a nice story! This is not embarrassing but I think of my grandpa at the Downtown Disney Lego store. Back when they had the lego family and there was a Lego Grandpa sitting on the bench on the side of the Lego Store. Have a picture of my grandpa sitting with the Lego grandpa! He loved acting like a kid, so it was perfect for him! Going back in 11 days!! :cool1:
njpsteacher said:
It was moms 60th bday dinner at hoop de do, front table, 8 of us, expensive night. Dh didn't eat lunch bc he wanted to save his appetite for dinner. Right as the music starts and we are all clapping dd1 starts to projectile vomit all over dh's lap and the floor the red fruitopia she was drinking early on. Dh tries to call my name in a panic of help me, I'm too busy clapping and having a good time I don't see the performer girl come up to our table and slide in DD's floor vomit. This all happened in a matter of 35seconds. Performer girl goes down, hops right back up and goes on stage. Smh we cleaned up, ran out of there and never even saw the food.

I hope your DD was alright afterwards. But I really feel bad for the performer. I feel nauseated just thinking about that slip and fall. YUCK!!
One one of our trips, my kids were 8, 4 and newborn. My parents and 4 year old niece were also with us. We went to take the kids to the bathroom over somewhere in fantasyland.
Us girls finished first and we went to sit on a bench to wait for the boys. My oldest son who was 8 came running out of the bathroom yelling "Not related! Not related!". Then my dad and 4 year old came out dad was laughing so hard he could barely talk and my ds age 4 was crying.
This is the story we got..... DS had to do #2, so my dad had put him on the potty and stepped out of the stall. Apparently DS leaned over and when he did the toilet thought he was finished and flushed. DS had never encountered a self flushing toilet before and it scared him. He fell to the floor and then log rolled out of the stall to escape the terrible toilet monster.....needless to say, he had his undies and shorts down around his ankles and the toilet seat protector stuck to his behind and was shrieking at the top of his lungs. Somehow, my dad managed to get him reassembled all while laughing uncontrollably. There were a few more men that came out of the restroom behind my dad and sons and they too, were laughing.
For the entire rest of the trip, every time my DS needed to go, he would say "Can't we go home to potty?". Poor thing, I thought he was going to need therapy!
One one of our trips, my kids were 8, 4 and newborn. My parents and 4 year old niece were also with us. We went to take the kids to the bathroom over somewhere in fantasyland.
Us girls finished first and we went to sit on a bench to wait for the boys. My oldest son who was 8 came running out of the bathroom yelling "Not related! Not related!". Then my dad and 4 year old came out dad was laughing so hard he could barely talk and my ds age 4 was crying.
This is the story we got..... DS had to do #2, so my dad had put him on the potty and stepped out of the stall. Apparently DS leaned over and when he did the toilet thought he was finished and flushed. DS had never encountered a self flushing toilet before and it scared him. He fell to the floor and then log rolled out of the stall to escape the terrible toilet monster.....needless to say, he had his undies and shorts down around his ankles and the toilet seat protector stuck to his behind and was shrieking at the top of his lungs. Somehow, my dad managed to get him reassembled all while laughing uncontrollably. There were a few more men that came out of the restroom behind my dad and sons and they too, were laughing.
For the entire rest of the trip, every time my DS needed to go, he would say "Can't we go home to potty?". Poor thing, I thought he was going to need therapy!

OMG I am laughing so hard I have tears running down my face!!!:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
uhmmm, probably leaving my blackberry in a restroom, going back and it was gone... however, knowing the inappropriate pictures on it that I forgot to delete.. :rotfl2:
This is borderline rated R, not sure I should be sharing it! Please let me know if I should take it down, but it is both embarrassing and amusing, so I will go ahead and relate it in its entirety.

My most embarrassing moment happened about 5 years ago. We had just driven to WDW and were checking into our hotel for our first DVC stay, with our then about 4 year old son. DS really needed the bathroom, and really wanted me to take him, so we went to the restroom right off the hotel lobby (at SSR.) We ran to a stall (in the ladies' room, he was only 3 or 4), he pulled down his pants, lifted up the seat, and started um, relieving the urgency of his bladder. He was in such a hurry that he released the seat, which came crashing down on a part of him that we had been careful to teach him the correct name of.

DS started screaming and crying, "Ouch, it hurts, it hurts! Mommy, kiss it and make it better! Mommy, kiss my p*n*s! Kiss my p*n*s!"

He begins repeating this over and over, getting increasing frantic, because he still firmly believed that a kiss from Mommy makes everything better. I kissed his forehead, and told him it was all better. He said, "No, it still hurts, kiss my p*n*s."

I could hear someone laughing in another stall. I was starting to wonder when CPS was going to show up. I decided that the best solution was to sort of air blow a kiss in the general direction of his nether regions.

That seemed to satisfy him. He calmed down, got dressed, washed his hands, and walked with me back into the lobby. Where he announced in a loud voice,

"Thank you for blowing my p*n*s, Mommy!"

I spent the rest of the day convinced we were going to be thrown in jail, or at least banned from WDW forever.

Hahahaha! This is the funniest story I've read on here!!!!

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This is borderline rated R, not sure I should be sharing it! Please let me know if I should take it down, but it is both embarrassing and amusing, so I will go ahead and relate it in its entirety.

My most embarrassing moment happened about 5 years ago. We had just driven to WDW and were checking into our hotel for our first DVC stay, with our then about 4 year old son. DS really needed the bathroom, and really wanted me to take him, so we went to the restroom right off the hotel lobby (at SSR.) We ran to a stall (in the ladies' room, he was only 3 or 4), he pulled down his pants, lifted up the seat, and started um, relieving the urgency of his bladder. He was in such a hurry that he released the seat, which came crashing down on a part of him that we had been careful to teach him the correct name of.

DS started screaming and crying, "Ouch, it hurts, it hurts! Mommy, kiss it and make it better! Mommy, kiss my p*n*s! Kiss my p*n*s!"

He begins repeating this over and over, getting increasing frantic, because he still firmly believed that a kiss from Mommy makes everything better. I kissed his forehead, and told him it was all better. He said, "No, it still hurts, kiss my p*n*s."

I could hear someone laughing in another stall. I was starting to wonder when CPS was going to show up. I decided that the best solution was to sort of air blow a kiss in the general direction of his nether regions.

That seemed to satisfy him. He calmed down, got dressed, washed his hands, and walked with me back into the lobby. Where he announced in a loud voice,

"Thank you for blowing my p*n*s, Mommy!"

I spent the rest of the day convinced we were going to be thrown in jail, or at least banned from WDW forever.

:ROFLMAO: OMG! I bet you learned not to be so um, anatomically correct, with future children! Lol Oh the innocence of childhood.
In February 2011, our whole family (mom, dad, sister and husband, sister, my husband and stepson) took our very first DVC vacation. We stay in a 3 bedroom Grand Villa at the Animal Kingdom - Kidani. One morning, we were heading towards the buses to head to a park and we saw one, moving forward. We were still a bit far away, so my sister sprinted up the sidwalk and started banging on the back of the bus, in hopes the bus would wait for us and we wouldn't have to wait for the next one to come along. Turns out, the bus was just pulling in and only moving forward to get into position and her acting like a fool was totally unnecessary!
I don't remember the exact year but it was pre Port Orleans resorts. I always have had a interest in the behind the scenes WDW and decided to take a right turn where the general public was NOT supposed to go. It was the area behind POR as it is today. Well my wife and I are looking around and I actually stopped and told her (honest) that this would be a good area for hotel expansion. No sooner did I say that and 2 MouseHouse police come pulling up , one from front and one behind . They were pretty cool about it but my DW has always been a little leery since. I still tend to go "off-roading" whenever I can.
Unfortunately thanks to our most recent trip to WDW, I have a new most embarrassing moment. We were there this past week, and I had promised the DH I would ride RnRc and ToT with him, despite having issues with motion sickness. A week before our trip, I started taking ginger pills. On Wednesday, our DHS day, I had added Bonine, a motion sickness patch behind my ear, and Sea Bands. I did make it to the exit area trash cans before getting sick. The next day, we were at AK. The day was going great!! We had got to ride Dinosaur before our Yak & Yeti ADR. Then we went to get on EE, which I didn't have an issue with the last time I rode it. I made it to just after the backward section before I knew I was in trouble. I was literally leaning as far to the outside of the car that I could to "be sick". I was so embarrassed.
StreetFamily2008 said:
In February 2011, our whole family (mom, dad, sister and husband, sister, my husband and stepson) took our very first DVC vacation. We stay in a 3 bedroom Grand Villa at the Animal Kingdom - Kidani. One morning, we were heading towards the buses to head to a park and we saw one, moving forward. We were still a bit far away, so my sister sprinted up the sidwalk and started banging on the back of the bus, in hopes the bus would wait for us and we wouldn't have to wait for the next one to come along. Turns out, the bus was just pulling in and only moving forward to get into position and her acting like a fool was totally unnecessary!

This is hilarious. I actually saw someone do the same thing a couple years ago. It made me laugh all day long.
letthewookiewin said:
Unfortunately thanks to our most recent trip to WDW, I have a new most embarrassing moment. We were there this past week, and I had promised the DH I would ride RnRc and ToT with him, despite having issues with motion sickness. A week before our trip, I started taking ginger pills. On Wednesday, our DHS day, I had added Bonine, a motion sickness patch behind my ear, and Sea Bands. I did make it to the exit area trash cans before getting sick. The next day, we were at AK. The day was going great!! We had got to ride Dinosaur before our Yak & Yeti ADR. Then we went to get on EE, which I didn't have an issue with the last time I rode it. I made it to just after the backward section before I knew I was in trouble. I was literally leaning as far to the outside of the car that I could to "be sick". I was so embarrassed.

Indeed - always better to go on thrill rides BEFORE eating. Even fighter pilots (who obviously must be pretty good about motion sickness) use that trick.
So, when I was 17 or 18 (about 14 years ago) my best friend and I were at Epcot Center. We were exiting Maelstrom through the gift shop. It was really crowded and everyone was shoulder to shoulder since we had just gotten off the ride. Well, as we were walking through, I saw about a 5 foot tall stuffed troll (near the wooden troll statue). I stuck my finger in its mouth and I told my buddy, "Wouldn't it be funny if this thing bit me?" At that exact moment, the damn thing bit me and grabbed me (apparently they have a costumed character troll). I screamed like a 13 year old girl at a Bieber concert and basically climbed over the backs of everyone to get out of the gift shop. People were laughing so hard. As I toured Epcot the rest of the day, I literally had three or four people come up to me and ask me if I was the guy the troll freaked out.

Now, I've been to Epcot about 15 times and I've never seen that Troll before or since, but he better hope I never see him again! ;)
One one of our trips, my kids were 8, 4 and newborn. My parents and 4 year old niece were also with us. We went to take the kids to the bathroom over somewhere in fantasyland.
Us girls finished first and we went to sit on a bench to wait for the boys. My oldest son who was 8 came running out of the bathroom yelling "Not related! Not related!". Then my dad and 4 year old came out dad was laughing so hard he could barely talk and my ds age 4 was crying.
This is the story we got..... DS had to do #2, so my dad had put him on the potty and stepped out of the stall. Apparently DS leaned over and when he did the toilet thought he was finished and flushed. DS had never encountered a self flushing toilet before and it scared him. He fell to the floor and then log rolled out of the stall to escape the terrible toilet monster.....needless to say, he had his undies and shorts down around his ankles and the toilet seat protector stuck to his behind and was shrieking at the top of his lungs. Somehow, my dad managed to get him reassembled all while laughing uncontrollably. There were a few more men that came out of the restroom behind my dad and sons and they too, were laughing.
For the entire rest of the trip, every time my DS needed to go, he would say "Can't we go home to potty?". Poor thing, I thought he was going to need therapy!

Poor kid. :)

This was almost us but it happened on the way to WDW.

For the kids first WDW, they did not know our destination, they just knew we were going on a long trip. Well, we were only driving for about a hour when our youngest, who was four had to go to the bathroom. No problem, there is a rest stop in the next couple of miles.

We get to the rest stop and everyone goes to the bathroom. I finished first of course and I see the rest of the family walking out of the ladies room but the wife does not have on a happy face. :confused3:rotfl: Our youngest is REALLY upset and crying. :sad1: They sit down on a bench as people walk by wondering why that little child is crying that badly...

Turns out the youngest REALLY has to go to the bathroom but refuses to sit on the toilet because it was an automatic flusher! She was afraid that the toilet would flush and pull her down the drain! :scared1: Poor thing. :) It took a good 15-20 minutes to get her to go back to the bathroom.

Being scared of an auto flushing toilet just never occurred to us. I am very glad this happened on the road and not at WDW! :lmao:

So, when I was 17 or 18 (about 14 years ago) my best friend and I were at Epcot Center. We were exiting Maelstrom through the gift shop. It was really crowded and everyone was shoulder to shoulder since we had just gotten off the ride. Well, as we were walking through, I saw about a 5 foot tall stuffed troll (near the wooden troll statue). I stuck my finger in its mouth and I told my buddy, "Wouldn't it be funny if this thing bit me?" At that exact moment, the damn thing bit me and grabbed me! I screamed like a 13 year old girl at a Bieber concert and basically climbed over the backs of everyone to get out of the gift shop. People were laughing so hard. As I toured Epcot the rest of the day, I literally had three or four people come up to me and ask me if I was the guy the troll freaked out.

Now, I've been to Epcot about 15 times and I've never seen that Troll before or since, but he better hope I never see him again! ;)

Lol I had a similar thing happen with Donald Duck.
This is a story on my middle son, and the adorable Alice in Wonderland. We have gone to WDW for years and years, the 3 boys grew up with it, and enjoy it now that they are adults. Several years ago, (Back in the days of Pleasure Island) we took a graduation trip. One of our favorite places is 1900 Park Faire breakfast. Alice came by and sat next to DS21, and managed to quietly flirt in character. However, it became quickly obvious that the two of them were truly smitten with each other. (real Disney magic :wizard: ) We all made "funny" comments, Alice staying firmly in character, but both of them blushing wildly. The funny end to this was my husband finally suggesting that the two of them could meet at Pleasure Island, and Alice of course saying she was "not old enough, and didn't know of those things." My husband looks at her wrist, and says "Then why do you still have the handstamp?" (which she didn't) Her immediate response was to look at her wrist and hide it, then realized her mistake! The both of them were beet red, and Alice beat a hasty retreat!

This is so cute! Did they ever get to meet up??


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