My plan with an infant, seem reasonable?



This is my first child and we are thinking of going for a quickie trip, next month, she will be 3.5 months old. Am concerned with feeling tired from carrying her. How far can you take the stroller in the lines before leaving it? Do most people just carry the child or use a carrier like the Baby Bjorn? How much time should I expect to be wearing this thing and her??? Also, do you see any holes in my general plan for the day?

"Take the shuttle to the park from the hotel. Bring a stroller with a canopy and blanket to block the sun. Make sure diaper bag has formula, 2 spare outfits, digital camera, waterbottle for us, baby bjorn, wipes, extra diapers, and Mylicon drops. Make sure the stroller has something tied to it so it stands out or use bike lock on the wheels. Take the stroller around the park and then when start going through the lines leave it outside and use the baby bjorn and take everything with us. Park opens at 9am so get there at 8:30am, already have tickets. At 9am go straight to Fantasyland straight to Dumbo or Winnie the Pooh and get some pictures without the huge crowds and us looking clean, etc. From there start getting Fastpasses for Indiana Jones and work our way around Frontierland/Adventureland. Back to hotel for a nap in the afternoon. At 6ish, return with jackets/sweatshirts, another blankie and stay until 11pm. Baby will sleep with us carrying her in the Bjorn and will have to do that the whole time. Still bring the stroller though. When the park closes, may take a taxi back to hotel or wait for shuttle depending on the wait."

Any advice?

I take it youre going to Disneyland because you mention Dumbo and Indy at the same park.I also see you're from I put 2 ansd 2 together and got...6!:teeth: LOL!

Anyway since you say you're going down for a quick trip I think you might get to visit DL more than once a year... okay having deducted all this here is my opinion...ready!?!?

Take it sloooooow!!! Figure out what you'd like most do with baby,let's say the pictures in Fantasyland.Do those while y'all are fresh in the morning.If you're baby is anything like my Erich was at that age she will take a morning nap,afternoon nap and evening nap!! LOL! Which is cool,it gives Mommy and Daddy time to check things out...Erich slept thru several rides ,Small World for one,when he went ,at around 7 mths, for his 1st trip to WDW.

I'd make sure you had some sort of hat for baby to wear besides the sun screen and blanket for protection.I really don't think you'll get tired holding her.You have a stroller and hubby to help with that!

Most of all RELAX and have're going to Disneyland!!! :)
My only advice would be stay as close to your babies regular schedule as you can. If that means you put the baby to sleep at 8:00 pm, then you should be back in your hotel putting the baby to sleep at 8:00pm. Don't plan on stayng up until 11:00pm with a 3 1/2 month old. The baby will probably get all wound up and not a good recipe for a good nights sleep. I can see that you like to tour a lot, and do plan on going back for naps, but I'd also recommend going back for bedtime also. I've traveled to WDW with an infant many times, and nothing makes things go more crazy than taking an infant off their schedule. I had ONE night where we decided to keep the baby out 1 hour past bedtime, figuring he'd fall asleep. Well, he didn't and then proceeded to SCREAM for 3 hours, since he was overtired. WDW or DL are VERY different than being carried around in a Baby Bjorn at home. There are different lights, sounds, smells, etc all of which will stimulate your infant. I'm not trying to disuade from going, but disuade from your all night touring schedule.
Very perceptive!

Thanks for the advice so far. We are going to So Cal and go at least once sometimes 2-3 times a year so it is a quick one day only trip. I had bought a 4 day Hopper that expired in 2 years, (1 day left and expires in Oct) not sure if they sell them down there anymore. Tickets at DL are different than WDW. Anyway, we plan on going to WDW for Thanskciging and this is our first "tester" trip to DL.

I will definitely take it slow, it's just so hard when there is so much to do, but I know I will regret it if she gets fussy. So, did you hold her most of the time, just wodnering how long the waits are for the rides where you can't take the strollers.

I know that people often recommend (and I see you have it planned as well) to take naps back at the hotel (which, I will probably end up doing this time, since I not only have a 2 yr and 4 yr old, but I am pregnant as well)...but I have to say this...when we went last year (9 month old and almost 3 yr old), we never went back to take naps...the boys passed out in the stroller every day...just something to think about.

We also just took our valueables with us (cameras, camcorder) and left everything else in the stroller. (Cameras weren't too bad, but that camcorder was a little annoying after a while).

I'm sure you are familiar with fastpass and don't forget to take advantage of babyswapping too.

You, of course, know your baby the best, and can tell what she will need.

At WDW, there wasn't too much holding going on (Dumbo & Alladin were a little long, but not unbearable), so with a 3 1/2 mo. old, it really shouldn't be too big of a deal.

Have fun and good luck!
Jenn -

First of all - great name & spelling! Second - I agree - take it slow. I did WDW with a 2 1/2 DS and a 3 mo DD. We had a stroller and a carrier. She spent most of her time in the carrier sleeping. When I got tired or hot I swapped with DH. I think it worked out pretty well for us. Lines usually weren't a problem and with the kid swapping you can both ride anything you want.

One word of caution - don't use sunscreen on such a young baby! They should be over 9 mos before you use it. Just keep her in light clothing and a hat and she should be fine. If it's unusally hot or humid when you are there get a mister fan (the one that sprays water through a fan) and stop in the Hospitality House for a break if you need it and aren't ready to go back to your room. At 3.5 mos. they don't have a 'schedule' yet so I think your plans sound good.

You've been there before & you'll be back again so just take it slow and enjoy your new family!

Congratulations! Jenn
We took our DD to DL last month. She was 5 weeks old at the time. We arrived at the park around 5pm and stayed until 10pm as not to worry about the sun (we have APs so a short day wasn't a big deal). I'm not sure how big your DD is, but I carried ours around in her Snugli (in same style as Bjorn) the whole time (like cart-mom's DD, ours slept almost the whole time). I never had to take her out of the carrier for any of the rides (we did mostly Fantasyland rides as we were going for my visiting 8yo sister). You can push the stroller to the ride entrances and then transfer her to the carrier when you get in line.

I think that your plan sounds great. Last year my sister and I went to WDW with her 5 month old DD for a couple of days and we did exactly what you are suggesting. It worked perfectly well.

Good luck and have fun!
Your plan sounds great. Just remember - you carried her the first 9 mo, Daddy carries her the second (LOL!!!! This reasoning worked with my DH for the first baby:D )
We've taken two 6 month olds ( two separate trips!:) I must say, babies this young will sleep in the stroller easily through anything. We, like the post above, never went back to the hotel. When the baby was sleepy, he and she fell asleep. These were two very different babies too- one easy going and one definitely not! As far as the sling goes, we ended up traveling to Wal-Mart very early the second morning of our first trip to buy one. We had never used one before. We used the stroller most of the time but this was wonderful for rides with lines. Your arms can get very tired quickly! My husband insisted on this purchase since he was the one doing the carrying!
Have a great time and good luck! Enjoy your baby and the trip!


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