My Presentation/Interview Experience


College Program CM 2006
Oct 1, 2005
Hi! Last week I did my presentation at Long Beach U, and a couple days ago I did my interview (over the phone) ... I thought maybe I would retell my experience and maybe help those out with any questions...

So last Thursday I went with two friends to Long Beach University, about 2 hours away from home and like, ten minutes from Disneyland. First we all wanted to get into the Disney mood by shopping in Down Town Disney for a while. We bought some character pins to wear to the presentation. :earboy2:
I lost the piece of paper that had the room number down.... so it took us like an hour to actually find where the presentation was at! We asked everyone we saw, and they were like "Disney orientation? I have no idea what the heck you're even talking about! Go away you crazy person!" .... and they looked at us like we were losing our minds! :rotfl2:
FINALLY we found this super nice guy that actually made an effort to find out what we were talking about, and even showed us to the room! He saved the day :love:

Unfortunately though, we were quite late. But the lady didn't seem to mind at all. Let me just say that I was shocked that there was only ten other people in the entire room! I was expecting at least a hundred or so!!!! But I was actually quite pleased.
The video was really cool, but I think it was almost trying to make it too fun, like a 24 hour vacation! That is kind of misleading, but oh well.
After it was over, only 3 other people actually handed in their application (besides my friend and I... the other decided she didn't want to leave home). So we had a lot of time talking with the presentation lady... she was sooo nice.. and she loved our disney pins!
The next day I was told to call a number to schedule an interview, so I did for 3 days later.
I was soooooo nervous for those days, I could barely even think in school! I kept running in my mind "how should I answer this question? What if she asks this and I don't know what to say? What if I don't talk enough?" ...etc... etc...

When the call finally came, my mind was totally racing. But again, she was soo nice and loved to use the word "fantastic" a lot. I think I did pretty well, but I won't know for a couple weeks. The call lasted about 15-20 minutes but definitely didn't seem that long. I'm soooo scared I won't be accepted because I want it so bad!
My friend said that her call lasted about 40 minutes!!!! (but that's only because she literally NEVER stops talking.... ever! She probably told the interviewer her life story! :rotfl: )
Is anyone else waiting for their results???

If anyone has any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask!! :wave2:
Hmm... let's see. She asked me a little about my last job, then what four jobs I wanted most, then if I was enrolled in college. Also, what was my favorite Disney memory, why I wanted to work at WDW, Where have I seen excellent service before (either by me or something I've witnessed), If I was hiring someone, what would I look for in the interviewees, and what would I think about having room mates from different parts of the world.

But I know that my friend got asked different questions... so if you need some more help with questions or answers.. lemme know!
Thanks. :sunny:

I'm just trying to be as prepared as I possibly can be. I know I will be a nervous wreck (even over the phone). Thanks again.
Thank you so much first of all for being so willing to share! Was there a Disney representitive at your presentation? If so did he/she take the time to talk to everyone? What did you wear? Did you have a resume/cover letter allong with your application? Did they talk at all about classes or other outside the job expectations? Thank you so much in advance for answering my questions! My CP presentation is on Wednesday the 12th and I really don't know what to expect or what is expected.


~Snow White's Proteje princess:
Yep, there was a Disney representitive, and she did take the time to talk to...let's see, all four of us, lol. We all talked while she was also setting up our phone interviews. I didn't give her a resume or cover letter, I don't think it helps your chances that much, but it definitely wouldn't hurt.
In the presentation it talks about the classes as well, all about each of them. You get a couple hours of homework a week but the classes are only once a week I think. You don't have to take them though.
Oh, and I wore nice black pants, dress shoes and a plain shirt. But almost everyone was in jeans. I would dress nicely even if their isn't going to be an interview.
If you have anymore questions feel free to ask!
My daughter was in a CP in the year 2002....she has now graduated from college with a degree in elementary ed this past May, moved to Orlando in June, and is currently working at WDW in entertainment, and is having the time of her life! As far as the interviews happy, confident, and smile (she had her interview in person at SUNY Fredonia)....when she got down to FL for the CP program, she was approached and asked if she would like to audition...she said "of course" and the rest is history!

Good Luck to you all!

She went down and worked every summer since 2002, and also in January for Winter break!
I love it, it gives me a place to go, see her, and while she's working have a great time in the Mouse's house!!!!!


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