My second WDW album.....any more ideas?


DIS Veteran
Aug 23, 1999
Tomorrow night I'm doing a power layout workshop with my CMC (btw...did a home class tonight and I have $55 credit! Whooopeee! I was surprised!) and I'm going to work on my 1999 WDW album.

This time I'm planning to use pocket pages for maps, my express checkout papers (should be fun to look at years from now!), etc.... I'm thinking of getting a color copy of the front of the photo album I bought when I was there with the 1999 logo and starting the album with a calendar page since our trip took 2 weeks. I'll probably still do a loose chronological order as long as I can remember what we did when.....unless of course anyone has any more interesting ideas? Perhaps I should do each park individually?

I'm going to be using a CM 12x12 album....I think black...but any other suggestions are welcome. My regular family albums are evergreen. My dd's is plum and my ds wants black for perhaps I should color code and use something like Mahogany for Disney albums...or perhaps Navy? I'm not really into the blue...but it would match with my Millenium album. Can you tell I'm a bit indecisive?

Any ideas how to end the album? We spent our last day and a half at Sea World, then drove home. Any ideas would be appreciated.

When I think of Disney colors I think red, yellow and black. I was able to snag a bright red album from CM that my rep had left from a previous line.
I personally do not put my Disney pages in chronological order. We park hop too much and I think it makes it more difficult. I started our December trip with a title page and then pictures of the various parades and Christmas activities we did. Then I did pages with the characters. Then each park individually. Misc. hotel shots and Downtown Disney, then our visits to the Nascar cafe and Hard Rock. My last two pages (not finished yet) will be a top 10 list on one page and my favorite picture of us during the trip (drinking margaritas of course). I've used a similar method on each of the 4 trip albums I've done so far and it usually flows well.

If you don't already have it, check out Creating Keepsakes Big Idea Book of Disney Memories. There are some fabulous ideas (many that I've copied).
The last page in my Disney album is on a black CM 12x12 page, and it's a pic of my daughter (age 4 at the time) riding on her grandpa's shoulders walking to the parking lot at nite after one of the fireworks programs. She's asleep with her face on top of his head. I just had to take that picture, it was our "Last Nite in the World" I mounted that picture uncropped with black photo corners and used the FM dot letters template to cut the phrase out of silver paper "When You Wish Upon A Star, Your Dreams Come True" It is my very favorite page ever. Almost every page in that album (a Sterling 12x12 CM Premiere---which is crammed full over the 2 refill limit :) has a phrase from either a Disney movie, character or song. I do the same thing with album colors for theme. Hubby=navy blue Daughter=Red Vacation-Sterling
Good Luck!
Well, the Disney album got put off for now....i didn' have enough time to print all my pics (they're digital...only because my 35mm camera broke our first night there...crashed to the floor in the bathroom of Chef Mickey's:( ...luckily dh brought the digital camera too) so I grabbed my 6yo's baby pics and got his first 18 mo layed out.

I love the "Wish upon a star" page idea.....I have the perfect pic too- its a close up of my ds (also 4 at the time) as he slept on me on the bus ride back to the hotel our last night in WDW. I like the top 10 list idea too!

I think I'll stick to the one park at a time idea ....I'll start with the calendar page that lays out what we did when (if I can remember!) then do hotel, characters, parks....

The album I do for my next trip (Jan. 2002) I want to make a continuous it can be read through like a trip report. Perhaps I'll prepare all the pages ahead of time with a "hidden mickey's" border of some sort to carry through the whole album.....

And I'm going to stick with color coding my albums...I'd make black my Disney ones, but my ds wants that color for his album. ("It's cool" he says....thats a 6yo for ya!) I think I'll go with the navy, as its the color of the Millenium album I already did. I kinda wish I had started my family albums in Mahogany rather than Evergreen...oh, well.
That sounds great...Our album started off with a pocket page in the front with our tickets, itinerary, etc...I tried to do somewhat of a chronological order, or at least put it in "theme park order" I had a great pic of the "watch"from the Contemporay Hotel and used it to start off the page for the Magic Kingdom with a title that said "Time to Remember the Magic" I tried to do the hidden Mickey thing as well, or at least put a Mickey on every page somewhere. I had 30 rolls of film from that trip, and it was hard not to include every single picture. I also kind of jump around to what album I'm working on, so if I'm stuck on my daughter's album, I'll switch to working in another album for awhile.
Good Luck!
I keep my vacation photos in our family scrapbook. I do try to sort Disney pics by park instead of chronological order. I find I can tell the stories just as well if they are mixed around a little. The calendar would be a great idea, though if you want to remember it like a trip report.
I am a CM Consultant and am also always looking for new Disney Ideas. One of these days I figure out how to use my scanner and be able to scan some of my pages but until then, I guess I wont be much help.

I went on a 17 day trip to WDW last year, and am in the process of working on a power layout for the 36 rolls of film that I took. I've got almost all finished and ready to go.

While at Disney, at the end of all of those exhausting days, I forced myself to journal about each day and everything I did. Then I transferred the journal onto ruled pages. I wrote with a different color CM pen for each day, and added colored borders with the date at the top of each day. Some people may even want to take the ruled pages with them to journal on but not me. At the end of my days I am so exhausted that I write so sloppy.

I also take a sharpie permanent marker along and write the date onto each roll of film used. That way when I put them in the envelopes to develop I include that date somewhere onto the envelop. With the combination of the above you can be sure to put them in order. I also collect a ton of stuff to add as memoribilia in my albums. The character patches are really cute and thin enough to add.

Check out She has a great disney pack of ideas that I have used and are adorable.

DVC Member 2000


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