My son just ran away from home


DIS Veteran
Jan 25, 2007
I dont know if this is a place to post this or not,
But this is my home.

These boards are where i spend my time.

And now i need to vent.

My son has had a lot of mental issues through the years.
but to night he has decided my rules suck and he packed his things and left right in front of me.

He is 15.

I know, i guess think i know he will be back.

We all ran away from home at some point right.............
and we came back.

I am scared for him.
and i am sick to my stomach and think i am goign to puke.

Any and all words of wisdom appreciated.
I have meet thread as we have a cruise planned but i did not want to put this there......
That is fun times....
Not ready to bother them with this stuff.
I'm so sorry - hope he comes home soon and everything gets straightened out.

Thankyou so much.
I cant sleep now and everytime i hear a siren i hope he hasnt done soemthing foolish
:hug: What a terrible worry for you and I hope he stays safe.
I think the teenage years can be so difficult for some young people, it is tough to find you place in the world.
Have you tried contacting his friends???

Big koala cuddles to you all.

All I can say is hugs....Please let us know when your son returns...My brother ran away when he was 14...for 3 hours. :confused3 :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
I dont know if this is a place to post this or not,
But this is my home.

These boards are where i spend my time.

And now i need to vent.

My son has had a lot of mental issues through the years.
but to night he has decided my rules suck and he packed his things and left right in front of me.

He is 15.

I know, i guess think i know he will be back.

We all ran away from home at some point right.............
and we came back.

I am scared for him.
and i am sick to my stomach and think i am goign to puke.

Any and all words of wisdom appreciated.

First off I want you to know that prayers go out for you, and trust me when I say I know the hell that teenage kids can put you though, whenever my dd was 16 she decided to " Leave"...aka run away....she was gone for 2 days and we worried like heck but she scrambled back to the house and learnt with a quickness that housing is not so easy to find.

Godspeed and hang in there. :hug:
I hope you have reported him missing with the police. If something happens to him and you didn't report him missing you could be considered neglectful.

I would put my foot up his &*# when he got home.

Good Luck and I hope he is ok.
:grouphug: I am so sorry you are going through this worry right now. My son is almost a teenager, and the reality is there.

I hope he returns soon, and you can work things out.

This is board is the perfect place. Please update when you can.

I have said a prayer for your family :grouphug:
Prayers are being said. Have you called all his friends? I would even consider calling the police-they might be able to help. Actually, I hope he came back home .:hug:
I first want to say, hugs and prayers. Second, my DS tried this when he was 15. Since he was 15 I just went to the police station and filed a report. I told them where he hung out and the names and addresses of his friends. Since he was 15 they had to bring him home weather he wanted to come or not. He didn't put up a fight, he was shocked when the cops came to get him! I think it really set up how I felt about it without the emotional yelling or anything else, they returned him, told him he had to listen to me and that he should be grateful for such a nice home, etc. (I have had no issues since and he is 17 now). If he were 16 they really couldn't make him come home but until he is 16 you should get their help.
I have meet thread as we have a cruise planned but i did not want to put this there......
That is fun times....
Not ready to bother them with this stuff.

we're all for you!

sorry about what happened!
I did not calo the police, i was unsure what to do.
I di go to his friends home and he had contacted the boy but the boy was afraid to try and sneak him in so my son left.

I have no idea where he spent the night.

But i did call the school and he is there.

So at least he went to school.

I just keep wondering if he is hungry.

I had no money on him.

The schooll said they could quarintine him, but i hate to casue a roucus as i dont know how it would effect hom or his ROTC.

I know it sounds aas if i am being lame, but he has had ALOT of issues in the past and i know he could react very very badly to soemthing out fo the ordinary.

He hasnt had any issues in 2 years. But he started about 6 months ago refusing to take his medication and i am sure this has soemthign to do with it.

I am leaving here soon to se if his bike is at school, if it is i will be waiting at his bike when school is let out.
So pleased that he has made it to school and at least you know he is physically Ok. Does the school have a counsellor that may be able to help?

Big hugs, I hope you can get him back home where he belongs.



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