My son's need for healing severe burns

Oh no, oh no, oh no!!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Thinking of you and Baylor. :hug:
thank you for the support
I'm so very sorry that your son is having to endure this.
your thoughts are appreciated
OP, omg...:hug: :hug: :hug: Op, I am crying for you and for Baylor. :sad1:

OP, something similiar to this happened to my now 26yo son in 1997(15yo). He was camping with buddies. They started a fire to keep the bugs away. Then they decided to toss a football around. My DS reached up in the air for the football and coming down he fell across the fire. His leg went up in flames. Thankfully he had on jean shorts and not the mesh ones the other boys were wearing. The boys had him rolling in all the leaves and the brush of the campsite. Thank God, they were very close to the main gate for the camp. They threw Chris in the car and raced to the main gate. He was then taken by ambulance to the hospital. To get that call that he was in a fire, I could not comprehend what the personel at the main gate were was like I froze. He was in the hospital for days. No surgery for him, though. He was laid up for weeks. After the hospital, we were sent home with Visiting Nurses to change all the dressings. Our Parish Priest came many times to pray. He was out of it on vicodine for the longest time. He had to learn to walk all over again. I did not sleep for weeks. Everyone in my town was so supportive when word got out about the accident.

He as well was fitted for the leg brace to wear. It was this black stocking. But it was custom fit by specialists dealing with burn victims.

Prayers for you and your family at this time. :hug: I can remember I could not sleep or eat at all, I was devastated YET I had the energy to be there for him 24/7. It was like I required no sleep or food. I sat with him alllll the time whether he was awake or asleep. :hug:

Keep us updated.

What is going on with the other boys involved? I remember Chris' friends were sickened by this, witnessing it all and seeing him in the hospital and in pain. They came by DAILY. They were as devastated as we were. It was so upsetting for everyone.

His friend who had the gas is very is his mom since it happened at her house....calling all the time...that boy is getting grief from kids at school that he did this on purpose...not true and not fair...

thanks for the stories everyone - it helps me feel not so alone...

I am exhausted...but I am glad I am here with him...would not want anyone else to be and I am such a control feak tha I could not handle people not giving me every detail....

Thanks again to those who asked for his address...he will love getting mail...

His surgery went well...donor site takes up most of his thigh...yes it is painful...but his graphs look awesome I guess...

I am trying not to be ill from looking at his donor site...I am getting a tougher gag reflex than I thought possible...
:hug: Your son and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Please PM me your address and I will send your son a post card from Maryland. :grouphug:
thank you for the support

your thoughts are appreciated

His friend who had the gas is very is his mom since it happened at her house....calling all the time...that boy is getting grief from kids at school that he did this on purpose...not true and not fair...

thanks for the stories everyone - it helps me feel not so alone...

I am exhausted...but I am glad I am here with him...would not want anyone else to be and I am such a control feak tha I could not handle people not giving me every detail....

Thanks again to those who asked for his address...he will love getting mail...

His surgery went well...donor site takes up most of his thigh...yes it is painful...but his graphs look awesome I guess...

I am trying not to be ill from looking at his donor site...I am getting a tougher gag reflex than I thought possible...

Ohh....Dizney, please absolutely come here and update us as often as you can. ::yes:: First of all, I just clicked on your t.r. in your siggy and Baylor is ADORABLE!!!! :goodvibes Please PM me with his address, I would LOVE to send him a card!!!! Yup, as his Mom, it is amazing the strength that you will find you have...::yes:: I could not believe that I basically had no sleep for the first week but could function. At times, I just would fall asleep in my chair when he was asleep and wake up actually refreshed. :eek: I think back at that time and think "how did I get through it all"....and you do and you will. I learned a big lesson from this in reaching out to people. Before Chris' accident when I heard someone was in an accident, I would never think to go to their house and instead felt that they would want their privacy.....well my friends, neighbors, strangers I did not know ALL CAME BY and guess what WE WERE THRILLED. There were so many meals that were dropped off; as well as those asking to clean my house, get groceries, sit with Chris while I slept. It was amazing.....people are amazing. :goodvibes

:hug: to You and :hug: to Baylor!!!

edited to add: you posted his pic in your OP, but my virus protection is crazy and it was red x'ed out!!! Hence seeing his pic in your siggy!!!!
Many prayers and good wishes headed your way. Please be comforted that more people care than you will ever know.

:hug: Your son and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Please PM me your address and I will send your son a post card from Maryland. :grouphug:
Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you...
Ohh....Dizney, please absolutely come here and update us as often as you can. ::yes:: First of all, I just clicked on your t.r. in your siggy and Baylor is ADORABLE!!!! :goodvibes Please PM me with his address, I would LOVE to send him a card!!!! Yup, as his Mom, it is amazing the strength that you will find you have...::yes:: I could not believe that I basically had no sleep for the first week but could function. At times, I just would fall asleep in my chair when he was asleep and wake up actually refreshed. :eek: I think back at that time and think "how did I get through it all"....and you do and you will. I learned a big lesson from this in reaching out to people. Before Chris' accident when I heard someone was in an accident, I would never think to go to their house and instead felt that they would want their privacy.....well my friends, neighbors, strangers I did not know ALL CAME BY and guess what WE WERE THRILLED. There were so many meals that were dropped off; as well as those asking to clean my house, get groceries, sit with Chris while I slept. It was amazing.....people are amazing. :goodvibes

:hug: to You and :hug: to Baylor!!!

edited to add: you posted his pic in your OP, but my virus protection is crazy and it was red x'ed out!!! Hence seeing his pic in your siggy!!!!
Thanks - he is a beautiful boy wiith a great spirit and that will help him heal...
Many prayers and good wishes headed your way. Please be comforted that more people care than you will ever know.


Thanks again to you and everyone - theu just changed his dressing on his graft site - I had to be out of the room for that...

met a family from Sioux Falls whose 29year old son/brother was life flighted here Halloween night...seems a drunk friend lit his costume on fire to see how flamamble they are and if the wrnings were needed on costumes...3rd degree ver both feet and legs nd right hand...2nd over the rest...45% of his body is 3rd awfull...
:hug: My thoughts are with Baylor and you and your family. I have been reading your pre-trip report and let me tell you, I had to bite my lip not to laugh out loud (not advisable to bring to my bosses attention that I’m doing nothing!) You have a wonderful gift in your writing.
I would love to send a postcard from Fabulous Las Vegas to Baylor. Please PM the address.
:hug: My thoughts are with Baylor and you and your family. I have been reading your pre-trip report and let me tell you, I had to bite my lip not to laugh out loud (not advisable to bring to my bosses attention that I’m doing nothing!) You have a wonderful gift in your writing.
I would love to send a postcard from Fabulous Las Vegas to Baylor. Please PM the address.

Glad you like the PTR...what did you think was a laugh out loud moment? Most like the Grush N Gusher fiasco...

I will pm you the address....

Thanks again to everyone..Baylor will just flip out upon getting any will be great..:)
I make a loud snort / cough when I read the Laura Ingalls part.... that was too funny - I also like the crusher gusher too. It's all good! We are off to Disneyland in two weeks, I'll send Baylor a postcard from there too. :goodvibes
Lots of good wishes and healing pixie dust coming your way.. It is so scary when are our children are so hurt, we hurt for them. Keep up your strength, your good attitude and strength will get you and Baylor through.. he is such a cutie.. Hugs..
I will be praying for your dear Baylor. I understand the pain of watching your child in pain. PM me your address and I will send a card to him. Again, I am so sorry for the accident and will be in prayer. Melissa
Best wishes for a good recovery. My cousin had something similar happen when we were kids, the only difference was that it was his face and not his leg and believe it or not, if you looked at him now you would never guess that anything had ever happened. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that your son has a similar recovery. :hug:

Please keep us updated on how he is doing. :hug:
Will do - please read below...
Lots of good wishes and healing pixie dust coming your way.. It is so scary when are our children are so hurt, we hurt for them. Keep up your strength, your good attitude and strength will get you and Baylor through.. he is such a cutie.. Hugs..
He is doing pretty good today..thank you for the well wishes...
I will be praying for your dear Baylor. I understand the pain of watching your child in pain. PM me your address and I will send a card to him. Again, I am so sorry for the accident and will be in prayer. Melissa
Thanks and I will pm you...
Dawn, how did Baylor's weekend go? :hug:

Any updates?
Best wishes for a good recovery. My cousin had something similar happen when we were kids, the only difference was that it was his face and not his leg and believe it or not, if you looked at him now you would never guess that anything had ever happened. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that your son has a similar recovery. :hug:

Thank You for your testimony on how the other side will come out in the long is good to hear that...

Baylor Update..
He had the nurses and Doc try and remove some of his staples today with morphine and some other amnesia/ go Idaho...Baylor was not liking that at tom. they wil be putting him under local sedation to get them out...we then will know prognosis and when he will be coming home...

Doc is very excited about our trip...says Baylor should be good to go...with resting etc...but a lot of the hard times under our belt...

Wil let you know more tom...need him to start liking proteindrinks so he can keep his strength and skin growth high...any suggestions??? I am trying smoothies out of the mixed berry one tonight....
I hope things go alright tomorrow, this must be a harrowing time for your family.
Regarding the smoothies, frozen berries are a favourite addition in our house but another thought would be to make hot chocolate with protein powder added.
What about protein powder added to custard or desserts or even ice-cream.
It's hard to get them to eat if they don't feel well.
Keep us posted, I am sending positive thoughts.

I'd like to send a card from Australia, would you mind sending me your address.
I hope things go alright tomorrow, this must be a harrowing time for your family.
Regarding the smoothies, frozen berries are a favourite addition in our house but another thought would be to make hot chocolate with protein powder added.
What about protein powder added to custard or desserts or even ice-cream.
It's hard to get them to eat if they don't feel well.
Keep us posted, I am sending positive thoughts.

I'd like to send a card from Australia, would you mind sending me your address.

Great ideas..I will be trying them...:thumbsup2
So this morning he wasin the OR for about 45 minutes...had his staples taken out of his donor site and his graft site...not sure how many staples total...he did well and now has a cast on his lower leg covering the graft site...stabilizing it and it should probably be taken off in 10 days or so...the doctor had a back to back chedule so he has not spoken to me since the procedure...

They are hoping to give him some walking steps tom. and then maybe he can come home as soon as then or the next day...:worship: I miss being at home with him so much and the kids miss him as well...

I am not sure what the short term will be like for Baylor...he is on a new medicine for try and help him get through the dressing changes and his nervousness...he is only starting to talk aboutthe accident..we are learning some details about how long actually the boys with him waited to call for help...and though the boys feel bad...there is no comprehension at most 12 year olds for long term of the boys called him on his cell phone yesterday and asked him where he was at. :sad2:

Baylor siad..'The hospital you idiot..." and the boy responded with..."Still?"

So he is getting to the point of angry very fast and yet as a boy and as a 12 year old...loyal to his friends yet understanding that maybe that loyalty goes at some level at out of sight...out of mind...

I spoke with the mom of the home where the accident happened at...she knows I need her home owners info..she has not contacted them at all yet...:scared1: and I am nervous...I just need to speak with her agent and get some financial things underway...from what I am understanding their medical liability portion should be released right away...but the liability itself will be not settled for a long time to come...

I hope that he will be getting better soon with everything...

Thank You again for all those saying they will send him a postcard...he will be so thrilled... :grouphug:
Baylor will be in prayers for a long time. I was wondering if you would pm me with an address to mail him a card. Thanks
Disneydawn I just found this thread! I'm so sorry that Baylor has to go through all of this! I wish him a quick and less painful recovery. best of luck getting the homeowner's insurance info from the other mom. I hope she cooperates with you.
He was in a great mood today when I got to the hospital...his Dad stayed with him last night and when he saw me he smiled :love: and told me he had gone to the bathroom on his crutches and was mobile...with pain but moving...he is seeing Gilette's Childrens Hospital physical therapy today at 2pm so that will determine if he can go home today or not. You can have no idea how much I look forward to that. Today was the first genuine smile I have seen on him since the accident. It melted me into a puddle...but the nurse was there so no PDA's allowed...:rolleyes1

Busy day today also finalizing many trip plans...cutting costs where we can and making sure of parade times and our ressies...will update that.... :banana:

A big funny yesterday...I found where you can order those customised maps on the website for the parks...was all excited to order them and have Bqylor help decide where we wanted to go...thought he would like some trip planning power...:cool1:

Not so much..:confused3

His exact words were...

"This is know where everything's not a suprise or like you won't be able to find it...this is as usefull as getting a map of your own house..." :cool2:

I was laughing my hind end off...and shocked...he is totally right...and I guess not an obsessive Disney Freak Planning God in the making at all...:sad2:

The other huge agenda I have is finding businesses/people willing to help with a fundraiser for him...the liability portion of the homeowner's insurance will not be decided for at least 18-24 months out and there will be so much in costs before then that will be incurred it is not even funny. It is very frusterating that Baylor misses 18 months of beinga kid, I miss 5 weeks minimum of work that due to my biz will be felt for at t least 3 months...we have to pay all the deductibles...gas..parking costs etc. up front and the insurance companies that we all pay on a monthly basis will not help out with those costs on a minimum basis even...yes..a $1000 medical is coming...but that will go straight to his deductible on his health insurance...our out of pocket is not touched at all...and so far I have calculated and journaled at least $2500 in OOP costs and loss of revenue for the family...and the bills have not even styarted coming yet...all the co-pays for his physical therapy, medicines and follow up visits will be at least $2,000 they have figured for just the short term...and then the new year starts and here we go again with another deductible...

That frusterates me the most...and now we are learning that yes the kids who put him in the tub after he was burned were helpfull in doing that much...butt hey also were the same kids refusing to call for help while my son sat in the tub...because they were scared how much trouble they would be in...

Best guess...he was burned around 1pm or so and I did not get a call until 2:05 p.m. So knowing he was hurt and scared for that long while 2 boys tried to cover there own butts by washing his gas soaked jeans and telling him that it wasn't that bad makes me very angry...and now we will have to wait for help for our family for 24 months because of this...makes me furious...

Okay..sorry to rant...but I felt the need...and I am trying to get better with the anger I truly will take some time I guess...


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