Need advice for breakfast at Cinderella's Castle


Earning My Ears
Jul 22, 2001
What's the best way to get reservations for breakfast at Cinderella's Castle? I know these reservations are hard to get. Any suggestions on time of morning or day of the week to try? Any other tips about the breakfast would be helpful.

By the way, our family of 8 (6 kids) is keeping our trip to WDW in December, and yes, we're flying!!
Thanks and hope to see you on Main Sreet USA!!!!
We also are a family of 8. Me, mom & sister all tried calling at 6:59am exactly 60 days out and they were sold out by 7:05 for 3 days straight. Then, one of the CM's told me that if we could make our party smaller getting seating may be easier. Right then I decided we'd leave the "guys" at the hotel. I tried again the next day for 4 instead of 8 and got the rese for our last day there. It seems that the larger your party the less chance there is of getting a seating. In this case my DH, DS, BIL and Dad certainly didn't mind missing this particular breakfast so my DD can have the experience of her childhood!

Just an idea. Hope you get it!
My advice is start calling 60 days out for the first day of your trip, and keep calling every day after that until you get it. Do start calling (and hitting re-dial) a few minutes before (we tried a few days ago and they were sold out by 7:02!). Having several other people calling too helps. Good idea to break up the party size.

Good luck!

Disnee Dad says............................................... Call exactly 60 days before and a couple minutes before the lines open. Try this each day until you get a reservation. If that doesn't work, try plan Disnee Dad. You will have to blow an early entry to do this. Get to EE before it opens, don't be walking up at 8:30 saying hey we got early entry!! When it opens go directly to the castle. The rest of the party heads to Dumbo to see no lines and no wait. The sacrificial lamb who is giving up his/her Dumbo ride heads to Cindy reservations. Some people think going to WDW is a vacation, and will either cancel or not show up for early Cindy reservations.
We got, by hard work a 10:15 seating on our last trip, but walked to the park intent on doing EE in Fantasyland. Walking by the entrance to Cindy a CM asked if we wanted breakfast with Cindy. I said we had 10:15 reservation, and she said we could go right in if we wanted to!! We did, and still had time to hit 4-5 rides in fantasyland before the park opened!! Here is the worst thing that can happen, plan two EE days at MK, and if the first one doesn't get you A Cindy reservation, enjoy all of fantasyland in less than hour!! If the second EE can't get you a reservation you must be cursed, but the young children will love doing all of fantasyland again, in less than an hour!!!
Call back around 7:30 est. to see if anyone had let go of a ressie. I know that people call for Cindy ressie are using two to three people to get the same ressie....When they get two ressie they usually will release one. I got up late on the 60th day and called at 7:30 est. I was able to get ressie. I went out on the chat site, other people said they were sold out by 7:04est. This was the first time I had ever tried to get ressie at Cindy's so it could have been beginner's luck. I couldn't believe it. Keep trying and Good Luck!
My honest to goodness advice is - if at all possible turn your reservations over to Dreams Unlimited. Once in their services you can let them know when and where you want to make PSs and they will do it for you. Since they have much experience with this, they seem to have pretty good luck in getting some of the toughies for folks. Thought there is still no guarantee - with my reservations in June they weren'tt able to get them the first day I wanted but they got them the next day (which ended up working out better anyway) and I didn't have to get up at the crack of dawn and do the foot(phone) work myself.
When I used the Today show to dictate 7am, it worked!

BTW, Cinderella was in Toontown Hall of Fame at least two days last week...
thanks for your replies. I got the PS using "dreamin" 's strategy on the restaurant forum. I did as you suggested and called at exactly 0700 60 days out. It's great to know other people are so willing to help other disney fans.


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