Need Crafty Ideas for a Surprise Disney Trip for my 6yo (m)


Earning My Ears
Nov 4, 2008
I'm new to the board here. I was looking through the things you all have created - and they are great!

We are going to surprise my dd (6) with a trip to Disney the week before Christmas. Since we'll be leaving around the time we'd be leaving for school, I'm going to have her get ready and then surprise her somehow.

I'm stumped for ideas. I can sew (not great, but enough to get by) and I can embroider something. I can scrap something, too.

I'd love to get some great ideas from you all.

(My two other kids are 2 (girl) and 1 (boy), so they won't really be all that excited about it - until we get there :) )


Carri - what kind of surprise thing do you have in mind? That'll help with ideas. Are you looking for something she can use at the parks? Are you looking for something that just says - "We're going!!!"?

If you are looking for park ideas, you could make an autograph book, a t-shirt or a dress with Disney Fabric (JoAnn's has some nice prints), a tote bag/ satchel pack, or something like that.

I'm making my girls stroller blankets using a silky Fairies prints with Tink, Prilla, Lily,, and Beck on it (the book Fairies). That way they will have unique blankets for their stroller, as we will be down at WDW in early January.
I'm looking for a 'guess what, we are going to Disney today' surprise.
I'd love to hear some ideas!

I'm probably going to make a few things for the girls and my guy for the parks.

Where did you get the fairy material?

JoAnn's has a lot of different Disney licensed fabrics right now, in cotton, flannel, fleece, and even a silky/satin.

I picked up a few prints to make kid's blankets for Christmas gifts this year.

Sounds like a custom autograph book might be just your ticket. Child wakes up and you hand them their book..... They sleepily say "What's this, Mom?" You say "Isn't it obvious - it's for autographs...."
We surprised my boys who were 7 and 9 last November and we used a scavenger hunt to announce the surprise. I don't know if that would be something you are interested in.

For ours, each clue led to a puzzle piece and at the end they were supposed to put the puzzle together. The puzzle announced that we were going to WDW. Actually in hindsight the puzzle was not so much fun and I would just announce the trip at the end of the scavenger hunt. :yay:

Here is an example of a clue we used:
Find something that makes your teeth squeaky clean. It will give you a smile like a King.

If you are interested, I found some good clues in the rhyming treasure hunts on this web site.

Good luck with whatever you do. It's really fun to surprise your kids. I was as excited to watch them find out as they were about the trip!! :cheer2:
For one so young, I would keep it very simple. Maybe a photo of Mickey with the autograph See you tonight! Or something like that.

Oh, just had another thought.... Maybe a really formal looking envelope addressed to your child (what kid doesn't like to get mail) with a very fancy invitation to Come visit Mickey. I am thinking the invite might be shaped like Cinderella's castle and inside might say something like You are invited to visit us on whatever date for x many days. Lots of sparkle and bling. That would really get my kids going!

I love the scavenger hunt. I'm almost done with her ariel nightgown (that was a labor of love!)

I now have to work on her autograph book and then a little outfit for her minnie :)

I appreciate all your posts!



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