Need prayers and pixie dust!!!


Nov 4, 2006
DFIL was diagnosed with Stage IV Glioblastoma last November. He had surgery to remove the tumor and went through the radiation/chemo protocol. He had his monthly MRI's and they were inconclusive if a tumor was back or if it was radiation burn from his treatments. Well, yesterday they got the results back from the his MRI done on Monday and they basically said that they have done all they can. The Dr. said "Go do what you can and enjoy the rest of your life." The Dr. believes that the glioblastoma is showing up in the brain tissue. My DMIL asked if they could do surgery to remove the tumor. The Dr. said it isn't a tumor but cancer that has grown into the brain tissue - so there is no surgery to be done. DFIL has reached his radiation/chemo limit. They are sending the films to Mayo Clinic in Rochester where DFIL had his surgery to get a second opinion. Looks very bleak.

My DH told me about this on the phone with my children in the car. My oldest son asked what was the bad news. I told him that Grandpa's cancer is back. He said, oh, well at least you didn't say the WDW/Cruise is being cancelled. By the way, he is only 10. I said well, if Grandpa and Grandma (we are waiting to see if my mother has cancer as well) are to sick for us to leave for 11 days, we will have to postpone our trip. I haven't even mentioned this to them before because I belieive in postitive thinking and prayer.

We have been planning this trip since Feb 2006 and we may not be able to go this Sept. I told my husband that we all need a vacation where the only thing we have to worry about is which ride to ride, which princess to see first or what fruity drink we want on the beach. He agreed. I know that the end is imminent and I hate that this world will be losing a wonderful man. We just don't know how long this process will be or how painful. Please pray that God is merciful and doesn't make him suffer any more than necessary.
I just read your post with a heavy heart. I hear you on the chaos your family is in right now. Cancer is such a bad one and you have no control really.. I will keep your family in my prayers and hope that you FIL does not suffer.... Prayers for your Mom too..
We got word on Monday that DFIL is being asked to go to MD Anderson in Houston (best place in the country for brain cancer treatment) and have a consult on what they can do for him. This is big stuff because you have to be invited to be in the clinical trials and stuff. We then got word yesterday that his MRI taken on Wednesday showed NO new growth in the last 30 days - HUGE progress!!! Then they got a call from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester that they would like to do surgery again. We were originally told last month by his neurologist in Ames, IA that they wouldn't do surgery and that they had done as much as they could for him. Another HUGE step. Well, DFIL is holding off on surgery until he finishes his consult with MD Anderson. All in all, a great news week regarding DFIL's health. We are praying that not only his cancer will not grow but start to recede. DH and I were concerned after seeing him over Father's Day weekend but it looks like that is just part of the cancer and hopefully with the clinical trian and or surgery he can get much, much better. Please keep up the prayers and pixiedust:
For many people, cancer is treated as a chronic disease and managed (not cured).

Hope your FIL continues to hold his own. It sounds like he is under excellent medical care. I think they will leave nothing to chance.


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