Need roommates for Spring 2015 - DL (Survey)


Earning My Ears
Nov 12, 2014
Hey guys! My name’s Curtis, and I’ve been accepted for Disney College Program Spring Advantage 2015 at Disneyland Resort. My arrival/departure dates are 1/11-8/08, and I would love to be able to find someone to room with who has common interests! If you have the same dates and are interested in being roommates, then comment :)

Name: Curtis Vadnais

Gender: Male

Orientation: Bisexual

Religion: N/A

Relationship Status: Single

Birthday/Age: June 1st, 1994

Current Location: Sacramento, CA

From: Livermore, CA

School: Cosumnes River College

Major: Photography

Are you allergic/allergies to anything? Just pollen, basically.

Do you have any siblings? Not by blood, but two stepbrothers.

Random Facts: I learn things by observation, I’m a very visual learner.


Are you applying for WDW or DL? Disneyland!

Flying or Driving: Driving,

What program are you applying for? Spring Advantage 2015.

Role you got accepted to? Resort Transportation and Parking.

Do you want to live in Wellness or Non-Wellness? Non-Wellness.

How many people do you want to live with? Oh gosh, I have no idea. 5-6?

Alumni? Nope.


Do you party? How often? I definitely am not the party-type, but I’m not opposed to it. I am however a very social person, so I’m always down to hang out, watch movies, listen to music, go out, etc.

Do you smoke? No.

Do you drink? No.

Can you cook? I love to cook!

Are you a night person or morning person? I honestly don’t know how to answer this. It varies. I guess more of a night person nowadays.

Do you snore? No, I do not.

What does your bedroom normally look like? It’s generally organized, unless I’m in a hurry to go somewhere. But I don’t like it when things are cluttered for a long time.

Do you like it when your room is hot or cold? I prefer it when it’s just right, but I usually have a fan running if it gets hot. My room is usually pretty warm, so I have the fan on almost all the time.

Would you rather go out or stay in? A bit of both!

What do you like to do on your days off/the weekend? Sometimes sleep, watch Netflix, or go to concerts. I like to photograph a lot of shows!

Do you work out a lot? Not regularly, it’s something I’m trying to get back into though.

Everyone uses one… how annoying is your alarm clock? I keep it on mid volume, enough to wake me up but not as to annoy anyone else.

How would you handle a “bug situation”? Depends on the bug. Haha!

Should the toilet paper be over or under? I honestly don’t care.

Do you hang your clothes or fold them? Both.

How often do you shower? Mornings or nights? Usually mornings. But if I’m gross by the end of the day, of course I don’t wanna sleep that way.


Three words that describe you: Funny, genuine, and creative!

One good quality? I’m very open to others ideas.

One bad quality? I can be bad with time management.

Are you outgoing or quiet? I can be shy, but once we’ve gotten to know one another, I’ll be much more outgoing. :)

Do you like hanging out with people or keeping to yourself? I think you need a balance of both.

What would you want in a roommate? Someone who enjoys the same interests and is open to new experiences. Also nice is good. Obviously!

What are your biggest pet peeves/dislikes? Big egos and fake personalities are a huge pet peeve for me. If I’m being real with you, I expect the same from you. :)

Are you messy or organized? Fairly organized, but no one is perfect.

How do you feel about sharing? I’m totally down with sharing, but permission is always good. :)

Do you like having people over a lot? Sometimes, but sometimes I prefer to just be alone.

Favorite Music: My music tastes vary. From classical to Rock to Pop, I’m pretty open to anything and everything. Discovering new music is one of my favorite things. Favorite artists, just to give you an idea: Britney Spears, Paramore, Hilary Duff, Justin Timberlake, Bastille, Switchfoot, Metallica, etc. I don’t really limit myself as far as music.

Favorite TV Shows: I don’t watch a lot of TV. Most of my favorite shows aren’t even airing anymore. But here’s a list of them: Gotham, Pretty Little Liars, Chuck, Charmed, Lizzie McGuire, and That’s So Raven. I’m sure I’m missing a ton, but those are my top.

Favorite Movies: Hercules, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Frozen, Toy Story, The Lizzie McGuire Movie, Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Phantom of the Opera, Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle, Juno, Grease, The Heat, Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century, Zenon: The Zequel, The Luck of the Irish, Halloweentown, Halloweentown II: Kalabar’s Revenge, Halloweentown High, Return to Halloweentown. I’m really big on Disney Channel Original Movies.

Favorite Food: Spaghetti. But I love pretty much anything Italian.

Favorite Candy: Nestlé Crunch.

Favorite Drink: Orange Fanta.

Favorite Color: Black.


Favorite Character: I have to pick one?! I’m kinda big on villains, so Ursula.

Favorite Princess: Ariel.

Favorite Disney Channel Show: Lizzie McGuire. Hands down.

Favorite Park: Disneyland.

Favorite Ride: Space Mountain.


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