Need some help with Nephew's Birthday Party


Aug 21, 2006
I need a little bit of planning help from all the wonderful people here on the DIS. I know you are all creative, so need suggestions.

My nephew is turning 2 and I agreed to host a party for him.

Here is where I need help. Our guest list is up to around 200 people. I have a caterer reserved and planning on a full open bar.

Little Johnny is so excited. However, I think I should limit the children with all the alcohol. Is it ok to put on the invite that we would prefer only well-behaved children? My FIL's 3rd cousin 6 times removed best friend's daughter is having real problems with their 2 year old in preschool. I am pretty sure the teacher is just picking on the child, but I still worry that the kid will upset things. What if he can't share his balloon? Schools these days just don't teach manners.

And forget any of the teens. No way, no how. There was enough problems trying to pick out the prom clothes. Can you imagine what drama it is going to be to figure out what to wear for this high falutin shindig?

Also, Johnny is very picky about what he plays with. Can I put on the invites that gift cards are the preferred gift? (Somebody needs to help pay for this birthday party.)

And how do I arrange the seating? Uncle Earl is fighting with Aunt Pearl 'cause Pearl wants to support Hillary. Earl wants to support Newt. The argument has gotten so bad that Earl has refused to buy Pearl those brand new crocs that she wanted for the party. If Pearl has to come to the party in her mud-caked garden Manolo's, there will be hell to pay!

And if all the other headaches aren't enough, the neighbor's dog just had 36 puppies and one of them has 7 legs. Backyard breeder :sad2: But with that puppy, who said creationism isn't alive and well? But all that yapping is going to ruin my party. But the worst thing is that they are trying to get Ripley's believe it or not out there THE SAME DAY AS MY PARTY. The guests will all want to see what is going on next door and not focus all their attention on the cutest 2 year old in the world. I've tried to ask nicely that they reschedule their Ripley appointment, but they just won't. I think they are just mad because they aren't invited.

And to top it off, their tree dropped 2 leaves onto my lawn yesterday. And they painted their house this weird shade of hot pink.

This is a boy's party. The color of their house clashes with my party scheme. Should I contact our HOA and see if there is anything I can do before the party? I think the HOA approved the color, but they did not ask me. Aren't HOA's supposed to also get the approval of the neighbors before they ok something?

Anyway, any suggestions on how to make this party a success would be very welcome!


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