Need to make some big changes


DIS Veteran
Mar 11, 2007
I need to make some significant changes to my diet and have been struggling to do so. Hopefully this blog will make me more accountable. The positives: I already eat a healthy vegan diet based on whole real foods, exercise daily and have no weight to lose. The negatives: multiple food sensitivities which necessitate an elimination diet and the urge to give in to cravings. I can go weeks without giving in then relapse and give in 1-2 times a week. The foods I crave are staples so it isn't an option to keep these things out of the house since I don't live alone. Every time I give in, I feel physically awful and have to start the diet all over again. My goal is go go 3 months without eating a forbidden food, after which I can reintroduce one food at a time and monitor for reactions. Today so far: quinoa and fruit for breakfast, coffee and an energy drink. The plan is to stick with approved foods all day. My danger time is after dinner. I can happily follow the diet all day. Also, I need to stop the caffeine due to adrenal fatigue and I have absolutely no desire to do this. Coffee is my only luxury and I have been stubborn about giving up though I know better. I don't mind if anyone wants to add a comment to this blog. Best of luck to the rest of you on this forum in reaching your personal diet and fitness goals.
Well, I made it through the day without eating any of the foods I am sensitive to!
Just dropping in to lend some support. I've eliminated dieted in the past and it was HARD, HARD, HARD. Are the people you live with at least willing to put things you can't eat in a different cabinet or a higher shelf or something to make it easier? My husband kept a box of whole goldfish crackers on our counter for six weeks during my gluten challenge and there were times when I was ready to turn him into a goldfish!
Thanks for the encouragement Maggie. I do appreciate it! It doesn't help that I'm having hormonal issues and sometimes my appetite is just huge as a result. I woke up in the middle of the night and cheated with a peanut butter sandwich so I'm starting over today. My family is pretty good about not leaving things that are tempting around, but the problem is that so very many things are off the menu for me that it isn't realistic to leave everything that is off limits out of the house. I'm never tempted to cheat with such things as desserts or snack foods but I really miss my bananas, peanut butter, vegetables, nuts, and bread. My list is off limits food pretty overwhelming and includes corn, soy, all grains, gluten, whey, most veggies, peanuts, some fruits, brewers and bakers yeast, egg, dairy, many spices, nuts, some fish and shellfish, sugar, and oats just to name some. Gluten free breads have other ingredients that I can't eat, so they are sadly off limits. I have to do this though, or my health will worsen. It is definitely a "first world" problem though, and I need to keep it in perspective.
Well, no problems today. I'm going to go to bed after posting this. I never cheat on my elimination diet during the day but later at night is my time of temptation, unless I go to sleep early.
Woke up in the middle of the night but no cheating with the peanut butter! After another cup of coffee, it's "me time." I do consider my daily AM workout as "me time" and enjoy it a lot!​
Day number two and I didn't eat any foods I am sensitive to. 88 days to go then I can start to re-introduce one less reactive food at a time and see if they are tolerated. 180 days and I can start to re-introduce the highly sensitive foods.
Day number three: I have consulted a dietitian and formed a plan to fight the food cravings. These cravings are for healthy foods, but nonetheless ones that my body is sensitive to. That is what makes it so weird for me. I have no problem passing on the brownies, but my mouth waters looking at a banana. As you can imagine, this gets me little sympathy LOL! Cravings are very intermittent and caused by hormonal changes. Basically, I need to monitor blood sugars and treat the blood sugar crashes as a person with diabetes would treat them. I won't get into my entire medical history but I am working with my doctor to address the underlying issues that are causing the blood sugar crashes that fuel the food cravings. I am really encouraged to have a good plan and not just rely on will power when my body is screaming for a food that will quickly spike my blood sugar back to normal even though it makes me sick. Also, I woke up overnight but did not eat anything! I am determined to do this.
Day number three: I have consulted a dietitian and formed a plan to fight the food cravings. These cravings are for healthy foods, but nonetheless ones that my body is sensitive to. That is what makes it so weird for me. I have no problem passing on the brownies, but my mouth waters looking at a banana. As you can imagine, this gets me little sympathy LOL! Cravings are very intermittent and caused by hormonal changes. Basically, I need to monitor blood sugars and treat the blood sugar crashes as a person with diabetes would treat them. I won't get into my entire medical history but I am working with my doctor to address the underlying issues that are causing the blood sugar crashes that fuel the food cravings. I am really encouraged to have a good plan and not just rely on will power when my body is screaming for a food that will quickly spike my blood sugar back to normal even though it makes me sick. Also, I woke up overnight but did not eat anything! I am determined to do this.

Oh man, now you made me want brownies...just kidding...sort of. :) I'm glad you have a good plan to combat the food cravings. You're doing great, keep up the great work!
I forgot to take my bedtime sleep aid, woke up in the middle of the night and ate peanut butter toast instead of checking my blood sugar! I had SUCH a craving! Tried to eat apples instead but still wanted the PB. Too bad my husband wasn't home or I could have told him to talk me out of it. Have to start over but I am determined to do this! Everything else with diet and exercise was on track though. After I finish my morning coffee, time to work out. Working out always starts my day off right! I can do this even if the peanut butter has to go under lock and key!
Workout accomplished and feeling a LOT better about myself. I truly believe that every day is a new day and the mistakes of yesterday are behind me. Eating is on track and I will get my daily walk in later. Nothing that is off limits! This is DAY ONE all over again! Off to run errands now!
I forgot to take my bedtime sleep aid, woke up in the middle of the night and ate peanut butter toast instead of checking my blood sugar! I had SUCH a craving! Tried to eat apples instead but still wanted the PB. Too bad my husband wasn't home or I could have told him to talk me out of it. Have to start over but I am determined to do this! Everything else with diet and exercise was on track though. After I finish my morning coffee, time to work out. Working out always starts my day off right! I can do this even if the peanut butter has to go under lock and key!

You have a rough road but clearly have the motivation to stick with it! I was just looking back at the list of things that you CAN'T eat and trying to think if I could dream up anything that would be vaguely peanut butter like from what was left. I assume sunflower butter is out (I'm allergic to peanuts, most tree nuts, and most legumes and was so happy when I found sunflower butter). I wonder if you could blend/food process a fruit you can eat (maybe lightly cooked apples or dates of you can handle them) with some quinoa and create something a little sweet and high in protein. This would probably create inedible glop but I'm into weird kitchen experiments. I have both quinoa and apples - may have to see what sort of horrific dish I've just suggested tomorrow.
How weird that you should suggest the quinoa and fruit blend. That is actually what I ate for breakfast with a little chia seed thrown in and it was quite good. Unfortunately the peanut butter substitutes I've checked out have sunflowers or peas, so I can't have them. I won't actually have an allergic reaction, but the foods I'm sensitive to contribute to inflammation and make me feel unwell or cause migraines, depending on what the particular food is. I know some things will be off limits forever and I'm fine with that because I've given them up years ago anyways. I think the problem is that when I went vegan I gave up one thing at a time. Now it is a large scale reduction of foods and that takes more discipline. I felt the results of the PB this afternoon but seem to be recovering. I am definitely not giving up! I really appreciate your encouragement and I will keep cheering you on towards your own health and fitness goals.
Woke up at 12:45 AM but did not eat anything :) The after effects of the PB have worn off and I feel good! Planning for a great day!
Woke up at 12:45 AM but did not eat anything :) The after effects of the PB have worn off and I feel good! Planning for a great day!

Love your positive attitude Kriii. Hope you're having a great weekend. :)
Keeping up the workouts, keeping up the daily walks, drinking half my weight in water ounces daily but darn it, ate some banana bread in the wee hours! I can't quit though! Must focus on the positives. My weight is good, but will probably try to trim down a few pounds before vacation. Just made pancakes for the family and now will enjoy my coffee before working out.
Doing well today. Got the workout in, got the walk in, got my daily steps in, still need to drink more water though. Eating healthy and not beating myself up over the banana bread. Never had a problem with insomnia and middle of the night eating until my body got all out of whack, and really hoping that once I'm better this will end!
I really dislike waking up at night and feeling hungry! I know logically that this is a hormonal issue and not my fault, but I was never like this before! When I went to sleep, I stayed asleep! I did not eat anything "off limits" overnight, but I still dislike this insomnia and midnight hunger! I am keeping my weight low, am exercising and have a good attitude but will be very glad when I pass through this phase of life.
I bought a different brand of organic raisins yesterday and was happily eating them when I glanced at the label and saw that sunflower oil had been added to them. I'm sensitive to sunflower oil and my tummy is complaining this morning. A lesson to always read labels no matter how safe the food appears to be. Other than that, all is going well. I've started drinking smoothies for breakfast. Had a yummy cucumber, strawberry, raspberry smoothie with some maca thrown in today. Had a great workout. Rain is in the forecast so probably will have to take my walk indoors though :( . Still have 38 oz. of water to drink though.


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