Need your prayers and good thoughts for Kevin

Kevin- hope all goes well today- you have TONS of thoughts, prayers, magic and pixie dusting flying about! hopefully we will be hearing an update with the good news soon. hang in there guys!:grouphug:
I know I'm a bit late, but wanted to send along my prayers and well wishes also.
Pete, I hope you will post an update as soon as you can. We all are anxious to hear that everything went well.::yes::
Oh my lord, I hope everything goes well... I will keep Kevin, as well as John in my prayers over the next few weeks.
I just found this thread and wanted to say have a speedy recovery Kevin! By the time I am writing this I am sure your surgery is over and you are on your way to recovering nicely. Lots of well wishes!!:grouphug:
I hope the recovery goes well - hang in there. Just think, it is warm there, not like the -35F we have here in Fairbanks, AK. :thumbsup2
Kevin, so sorry I missed this! I wish you best results and a great surgeon.

Avid listener, who hides on the DCL board. I have learned my lesson, hang on the PC board, this way I will know when the people who make me smile on the subway are in tough times.

That is the truth and I know it.

The DR's office just called to remind me that I have surgery in the morning.

Did they think I might forget?

Do other people forget??????


People forget they're having surgery. I've called patients at home asking them if everything is ok because of the no show. I can hear the hand slap the forehead...

Most of the time, people forget that they shouldn't be having breakfast that morning. Here's a pre-op conversation (portions are 100% true - I just put them into one fictional conversation):

Dr.: Did you have anything to eat today?

Patient: Nope.

Dr.: Anything to drink?

Patient: Nothing to drink... except a latte.

Dr.: Did you know you weren't supposed to do that?

Patient: I thought that was ok. It's just a latte.

Dr.: Didn't we talk about no eating or drinking from midnight the night before until after surgery?

Patient: I didn't think a latte and a muffin would be a problem.

Dr.: You had a muffin, too?

Patient: A little one.

Dr.: So, you ate a muffin and drank a latte.

Patient: and I had hash browns.

Dr.: You realize you are a diabetic.

Patient: I used splenda in my latte.

Dr.: OK, you ate nothing today... except for hash browns, a muffin and a latte. And your sugar is prbably 300. We may have to postpone the surgery for another day.

Patient: Postpone? Why?


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