New AC - Yes or No?


DVC Member - BCV
Oct 26, 2000
DH wants to get a new AC system for our house. It will cost $6000 (have to do some new duct work also apparently). Our current AC is not broken, but it may only have a few months left or it may have a few years left. Either case, dh wants to replace it. We are not planning on moving anytime soon, so he feels that we should get a new system now just in case ours goes out in July and we have to wait several days with nothing.

I understand that, but the practical part of me says if it's not broken, don't replace it yet.

Thoughts/opinions? thanks!
How old is it? In our old house we waited until the AC broke to replace it. The electric bills improved so much we wished we'd done it sooner. They are so much more efficient now.
You're probably asking the wrong person with me, cause I would pay $1 million to make sure or to fix A/C in my home! I absolutely could not live without A/C, even if we didn't live in Florida! Ask my DH -- I'm a bear to live with without it. We have our A/C going 24/7/365.

I wouldn't take any chances and you may even see your electric bill improve, as Janette said.
Not sure how old your house is, but if you have new AC installed it will undoubtedly be more energy efficient than what you have now. You may also qualify from a rebate from your electric company as well, if you install something energy star rated (I know that here in CA you can get over $400.)

If it is not something you are willing to live without, and you think it is getting to be at the end of its life, you should probably replace it now. If you do it a few years from now, it will just be more expensive!

good luck with whatever you decide!
A few years ago we had out furnace and central air put in. Admittedly since my h does this and works for the company, it didn't cost us a whole lot. But it paid for itself in about a year. And we were much more comfortable.
Also, in the middle of summer, it's going to be very rough trying to find someone with the time to fix it. They are extremely busy.
They are really busy now for that matter.

Do your research and get a reputable company. :)

But I'd get it done now. :)
Although the $ could go for a NICE Disney vacation, I would go ahead and replace it. Save money with it being more energy efficient AND save money because if you are able to wait a year or two, the price will just go up :)
thanks. you are all right. I will just get the AC, lol. I can see ours going out mid July and having to wait for days in the heat. (Our current AC is 10 - 11 years old, but it does not give enough cool air for our house. Whoever put it in was a moron, lol.)


Do you by chance live in a development??? Our A/C never really cooled that well upstairs. Two years ago we added a huge master bath upstairs and it would never have been adequate for the addition. We had a second line added upstairs and now can control the temperature upstairs. It's a Puron by Carrier and we had the extra lines run upstairs in the attic as well.

Absolutely love it... you won't be sorry!!

Can you give me a rough idea what you are getting done, the square footage of the house and size of the unit. Even with some duct work that price sounds awfully high, and dh has done work in alot of pa. At the very least, I would recommend at least 3 prices, preferably from companies you have references from. Then, go with the one you feel the most comfortable with (not necesarilly the lowest). In an average sized home, I think this is even high for a full system, including the duct work.


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